Even Though I Have Become A God, I Still Want To Run My Restaurant!

Side Story Vera (1) : Leveling Up!

Trying a bit different format, gotta put all system notifications in bold.


{POV: Amamiya Vera}


As I asked what Jin-kun mean by training myself, Jin-kun suddenly hold my shoulder with his hand and said with seriousness: "Vera, listen. You know I don't have time so I will send you something to help you and will talk in your head, just listen to her right?"



As I was confused about that, suddenly in my sight... A weird panel appeared which made me surprised.



The system has been established.



After it appeared on my vision, I tried to ask Jin-kun what is this about but then Rin-chan appeared and yelled out toward his brother... because we are talking too long.


"Anyway, Just follow her instruction OK? I am sorry!"

"But Jin-kun!!"

"I am sorry!"

I tried to call him out, but it seems he didn't really have time to talk anymore as he practically leave the building while running.



What is this about? That panel? Something talk in my head? What is the instruction?

As I wonder about what Jin-kun talking about, suddenly I hear a voice resounding inside my head.

["I am the assistance system, I came from Jin-sama to assist you."]


Assistance, what?

There is really something that talks in my head as Jin-kun said earlier!

["Yes, Jin-sama was talking about me."] The voice answered.

Ohh... It is answered me 

Why did Jin-kun send you again? What I should call you?

["I am here to help you to control your new body and power by training, Miss Vera. Also, you can call me as system."]

I see.. then system, why do you call me Miss Vera?

["Yeah, because I believe Jin-sama will be ended with you like both of your fates so strong... So you are technically mistress."] The system explained.


Do you also believe so? Yay!

["Anyway Miss Vera, Think 'Menu' to open your system menu, and from there I will explain how to control your strength and how to protect yourself "] 

I see... then I will try it.




[Menu: ]

1. Status

2. Inventory

3. Map

4. Dungeon List


Ohh!! Another panel showing up!

I remember seeing something like this when my cousin played her game in my hospital room. Is this something like that, Miss System?

["Yes, Miss Vera."]

Then, Status!



[Name: Amamiya Vera]

[Race: Human (Body Creation of True God).]

[Lv: 1] 

[HP: 2000] 

[MP: 50] 

[STR: 20 x 10 = 200]

[AGI: 20]

[INT: 5] (Soul based stat)

[DEX: 10] (Soul based stat)

[LUK: 50] (Very Lucky.).

[Skill: Immunity EX (Passive), Super Strength (Passive).]


Immunity EX: Ability that would make the user completely immune to any kind of illness or debuff such as curse and burn. Literally unstoppable!

Super Strength: Ability that boosts user strength 10 times than normally does. This ability really depends on the race and level of the user.




Looking at my status and skill description... Jin-kun really overdoing it! He made me too strong! Strength 10 times than normally does? That's why I have difficulty controlling my own body!

["I have tried prevented it when he created your body, but Jin-sama said it was for your protection."] The system commented.


Jin-kun really does care about me despite we never really meet for years huh...?

["I would say, that's what makes Jin-sama qualified as a true god in the first place."]

Then, you will help me to fully control this new body, system?

["Yes, that's why I am here. Besides, I also believe as the first true creation of Jin-sama, you will be the first member of his pantheon."] 

P-Pantheon what?

["Jin-sama is a new god, right? He is supposed to lead another world, but he is alone right now. He needs helps soon or later... because he didn't aware that his world is full of problems. Being a good god like him, he would soon face an overwhelming amount of hurdle."] The system explained.


You want me to help Jin-kun? Do you think I would be able to help him?

["Do you not want to, Miss Vera?"] The system asked me.


Obviously, I want to. He has done so much for me after all. So much, that I can't help fall for him.

["Then, the best way to help Jin-sama is to be stronger and you will be able to help and protect him. For Jin-sama!"] 

For Jin-kun!

["Great! Now we are going to start your training. Think 'Dungeon List' from your menu."]

Dungeon List!


Dungeon List:


[Forest Dungeon Lv.1-20]


There is only 1 choice that appeared, is that where I would train myself?

["Yes. Now pick that forest dungeon, that will be the place where you will start training yourself."] The system commanded.


Forest Dungeon!



Entering Forest Dungeon...


My vision suddenly changed, and then I find myself in the middle of the forest...? 

System, is this the dungeon?

["Yes, Miss Vera. Be careful and watch your surrounding for any monster to appear here. Fight them, gain the skill to control your body and become even stronger."] The system answered.

Monster? Do I need to kill them?

I don't know if I were able to kill... I mean, I don't think I am ready for seeing blood.

["All of the monsters here aren't even real, Miss Vera. When they died, they will explode in white light."] The system replied.

Ah... It is like in the anime Blade Art Online thing, right? 

You didn't trap me here and I can still log out, right? 

["I don't know what are you talking about Miss Vera."]


Ah, Nevermind. Forget what I said, system. There is no way Jin-kun would send me to the death game anyway.

Yosh! I will start now moving now.

["Good luck and be careful."]


{3rd POV}


Not long after Vera walked around the forest, she encounter the first monster in this place.


A wild rabbit suddenly jump out toward her from the thick bush which made her surprised and slumped down due to the rabbit headbutt.


-1 HP

[Wild Rabbit Lv.1 - HP: 100]


"Ugh, You naughty rabbit!"

Vera quickly stands up and then delivers her powerful fist to the rabbit out of revenge. The rabbit did see the attack coming and tried to evade it, but with Vera's superior speed and strength... The rabbit can't get away at all.

And yeah, she forgets to control her strength.





[-2000 HP.]

The ground after Vera's punch becomes cracked and the rabbit itself quickly exploded in white light.


[You got 10 Experience!]

[Rabbit Fur Dropped]

[Rabbit Ear (Equip) Dropped ]

[You have learned active skill: Destructive Punch F]


Looking at what she has been done, Vera muttered: "Oops... I think I put too much power on my punch. Also, I already got a skill."

The system commented: ["No joke, Miss Vera. You should control your punch more. And congratulation, you seem really lucky to gain skill on your first battle."]

Vera agrees with what the system said to her. She wants to learn her own power, not to destroy the environment.

Vera then checked the new skill description.


Destructive Punch F: A destructive punch that deals 100% more physical damage than a usual punch. 

Mana Cost: 10


The system commented: ["It is a good skill, double your usual damage and the mana cost is really low too. You can use it 5 times from full MP."]

"I see! Yosh, I will keep going!"

Vera said with full determination and keep moving forward finding all the monsters she could as her training 'partner'.


An hour later...

"How is this happening..."


Vera slumped down in the ground alone in depression, around her were countless craters created by her own punches. It was hard for her to hold back her strength as for the past 6 years she is never really moving her body around this much due to her sickness.

The surrounding lush green forest quickly becomes a wasteland from her 'training'.



You got a title: Environment Rookie Destroyer!

Deal extra 30% more damage if the target was building or structure.



["Congratulation of getting your first title, Vera-san."] The system suddenly commented.

Vera suddenly yelled out: "I am not happy about this title at all and I am still unable to fully control my own body!"

["You are only an hour doing this Miss Vera, but I am sure you will figure it out by the end of the day. Besides getting a title is really hard you know? Not even Jin-sama does have a title, though a title would be useless for him anyway."] The system replied.

Hearing what the system said, Vera feel motivated again.

"Really? Even though I literally just destroyed this place?"

["Yes. Anyway, this is not even real. Just thinking of this as a simulation. Do it for Jin-sama!"]

Vera nodded and said: "Okay! I will find more training partners! For Jin-kun's sake!"


Vera stands up and moves again to another location for the sake of more training.


2 hours after that, Vera truly got better at handling her newfound power. She also gets plenty of new skills, which help her a lot beating the monster around.


[You have learned passive skill: Fist Fighting Technique F]

[You have learned passive skill: Danger Detection F]

[You have learned passive skill: Strength Control F]

[You have learned active skill: Dash F]

[Destructive Punch skill rank has been increased from E to D.]

[You have leveled up to level 9. 4 free stat distribution acquired!]

[Total Free Stat: 32]

Vera quickly check her stat, and she could really see how strong she has become.


[Name: Amamiya Vera]

[Title: Environment Rookie Destroyer]

[Race: Human (Body Creation of True God).]

[Lv: 9] 

[HP: 2800] 

[MP: 130] 

[STR: 28 x 10 = 280]

[AGI: 28]

[INT: 13] (Soul based stat)

[DEX: 10] (Soul based stat)

[LUK: 50] (Very Lucky.).

[Total Free Stat: 32]

[Skill: Immunity EX (Passive), Super Strength (Passive), Fist Fighting Technique F, Danger Detection F, Strength Control F, Destructive Punch D.]


After looking at her new stat, Vera muttered: "Wow, I am crazy strong!"

["Well... your cheat and your body do contribute the reason why your stat really increases so fast."]

"My body?"

As Vera want to check the description of her new body, at that moment another notification alert appeared in front of her... which made her surprised.



[A boss has been spawned in the close of your location! Good luck!]


["Miss Vera, be careful!"] The system warns her.




At that moment, a very bright light suddenly appeared in front of her which revealed, A 100-inch tall big wolf with very bright fur and around him also spawned 4 smaller wolves acted as his minion.

[Big Green Wolf Lv.20 - HP: 30000]

[Green Wolf Lv.10 - HP: 3000]

[Green Wolf Lv.10 - HP: 3000]

[Green Wolf Lv.10 - HP : 3000]

[Green Wolf Lv.10 - HP : 3000]


Her danger detection passive skill told Vera that it is mildly dangerous for her.

If the boss was spawned alone, she would have no problem dealing with it. His HP is not very high which made she is sure she could beat it with 10 punches... but that was not the case.

Vera would have no problem dealing with smaller wolves too, but she knows if she is not careful... All of those wolves would swarm her, and she would be live in the world of pain. The system told her that she wouldn't ever die here, but it doesn't mean she would like to get hurt.

The plan she got now... is to retreat, which made the big wolf chase her along with his minions.


[You have been inflicted by Intimidation and Fear because Big Green Wolf roar.]


The wolf roar attempted to stop her movement but since she also has Immunity EX, the roar did nothing except hurt her ear.

[You are immune to any kind of determinantal status.]

"Scary Scary Scary!!"

...Despite didn't get affected by fear, Vera keeps running from a horde of wolves as she is scared of getting hurt.

Thankfully due to her agility slightly higher than the wolf, she was able to hold a distance from them. 

In the run, Vera asked the system on her head if she has suggestions for her to get out of her current predicament, and the system told her to use the environment around as her advantage to deal with the wolves.

She quickly looks around and there are only tall trees around her.

"Tall tree? I don't know how to climb!"

["Not climb Miss Vera, Just punch the trees around you to make obstacles for them."]

"I don't know if I was able to do that! Can I really do that?"

["If you are in doubt, use your free stats distribution, Miss Vera!"]

Vera's eyes widened and then she cheerfully said: "Oh yes! Dump all remaining point toward strength."

["I don't think that wise move--"]



[The strength stat has been increased to 60. Total Strength 600.]



After confirming the stat has been distributed, she quickly runs to the side and punches the nearby trees as she intends to make obstacles as the system suggested.

"Please work!! Destructive Punch!"



The tree literally exploded upon the impact instead of just falling from Vera's single punch, and the nearby trees also scattered due to the shockwave it produces.

[A/N: Vera basically owned 60 times the strength of normal humans, assuming average human strength could lift 80 kg, she could lift 5-ton stuff. And adds double average human agility plus skill and title... (since stat 10 was average for a normal human.)]


Witnessed what happen in front of them, all of the wolves stopped their moves and take a step back from Vera immediately. You can see their leg shaken and their face is a bit disoriented.

[You have learned active skill: Shockwave Punch F]

Vera also can't believe how much stronger she is right now as the tree literally exploded upon her impact. She is also quickly checked her newly gained skill.



Shockwave Punch F: A improved destructive punch that deals 1000% more physical damage to the area than a normal single punch. It also has a chance to inflicted fear and stuns for some time.

Mana Cost: 100


[Due to the Shockwave effect, All of the wolves are affected by Fear and can't move for a period of time]

The system suddenly yelled at her: ["This is your chance, Miss Vera! Strike them!"]


Hearing the system said, Vera quickly moves toward the stunned wolves and uses her new learned skill.


"Shockwave punch!"

As she punched her way toward the wolf, she felt all of her current mana was depleted. The moment it hit the big green wolf, it instantly exploded in white light, along with the minion as she also got a critical hit too.



[Critical Hit!]

[-56000 HP]

The ground literally exploded, creating a small crater which shows how strong Vera punches is.

Vera quickly landed on the ground and then a series of notifications showed up in her vision.


[You got 100 Experience! x4]

[You got 2000 Experience after defeating the boss!]

[Wolf Fur Dropped]

[Green Wolf Staff (Equip) Dropped ]

[Green Wolf Shoes (Equip) Dropped ]

[Green Wolf Armor (Equip) Dropped ]

[Green Wolf Knuckle (Equip) Dropped ]

[You have leveled up to level 11, 8 free stat distribution acquired!]

[Congratulation, you complete forest-level dungeon!]


Looking at all the notifications she got, Vera muttered: "Well.. that was easy. I also seem to get an entire set of the boss item as a drop."

["Of course it is. That new move absolutely killing them after all... added critical hit. Your lucky stat sure are no joke, Miss Vera."] The system commented.

Vera scratched her head embarrassed hearing the system comment then said: "Then since the dungeon is complete, the training is over?"



["Since you obviously get much stronger now, Miss Vera... You need to learn again how to control your new body. Either way, increase your passive Strength Control skill to higher rank also take priorities."] The system explained.

Hearing the system explanation, Vera's eyes quickly widened, and yelled out: "Ahhh!! You are right!"


In the end, Vera literally spends entire days fully mastering control of her body.


[Intermission: How does this stat work?]


(MC): "As the title of this intermission said, I wonder how the stats worked as perimeter how strong a person can be. Can you answer me please, system?"

(System): ["Just how most games worked. Strength means strength, Agility means speed. and Intelligence means how smart a person could be. Though, I will remind you that stat never truly represented 100% how strong a person could be or deciding factor."]

(MC): "Hmm... You mean like someone with lv.1 but with instant death skills much more dangerous than lv.100 person right? "

(System): ["Yes. The stat is not everything, Jin-sama. Skill and title more important than stats to be honest."]

(MC): "Then, tell me... what is the most dangerous skill ever owned by someone?"

(System): ["That's an easy answer. It is plot armor skill owned by every protagonist of the world."]

(MC): "...What? The plot again?"

(System): ["You are aware that we can't escape plot, Jin-sama. Plot armor basically made the user use the power of plot to be protected by a plot which made them able to achieve anything even though it's not supposed to be impossible in the first place. For example, there is anime called Fairy Wing where the protagonist was able to defeat that final boss armageddon dragon with the power of friendship."]

(MC): "Ah! I watch that anime. I see... then, I will grant myself the plot armor skill to become the owner of the best restaurant in the world by the power of professionalism!"

(System): ["Stop Jin-sama! It was just last chapter you don't want to cheat your way out for your goal!"]


It has been a while since I am writing on 3rd POV and a little bitty action. Pardon me if it feels weird. This is also my first time to literally write litRPG. litRPG seriously takes a lot of words count huh?

Anyway, turn your brain off as always. And sorry for the long waiting... I'm just busy and don't have the motivation to write lol. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.