Everlast Online

21: Trouble in the Capital City Slums

After Piper had fallen asleep Liz logged back into the game; finding herself back in the capital city where she had logged out.

The first thing she did was check to see if Nina was currently active, unfortunately she was not; Liz wondered what she should do from here.

I doubt any other players have gotten this far... Liz thought as she looked around, Meaning there's a lot of items that no one else has access to...

As time passed, others were able to produce the stat improving potions; meaning her profits were dropping. This occurred as others began having access to crafting classes, allowing them to more easily improve their crafts.

So, what Liz needed now was something new; something others did not have. And what better place to get that than an area untouched by the hands of players.

Liz quickly made her way to the apothecary, buying the 2 E-ranked potions she did not already have which increased the resistances to physical or magical damage.

These will be quite good... Liz smiled as she looked over the other potions available.

There were a few A-rank recipes, but Liz couldn't even make a C-rank so she chose to stick to D-ranks for the time being. Of the D-rank potions 3 stood out to her more than others: The [Fire Empowerment Potion], the [Life Source Potion] and the [Night Vision Potion].

The last potion did what it said it would and was a basic necessity when traversing dark locations for any race without innate night vision - like the undead- as such Liz was sure to make quite a bit of money with this one.

The next was the [Fire Empowerment Potion], unlike most potions, it had 2 effects. 1, It empowered any fire based spell or skill and 2, it increased resistance to hot areas and resistance to the burn status effect.

There were similar potions available that improved attributed skill effects, but this one also offered resistances that Liz was sure would come in handy.

The final one was a little more abnormal. The 'life source' is the source of life energy in a living being, it is also what a lesser undead sees when they look at a living thing; as such, the stronger the life source, the more undead will flock to it. 

This makes this potion extremely useful in clearing undead related areas. Even the higher undead are drawn to the life source, meaning it could work against bosses too.

You throw the potion and undead chase whatever it covers. Simple.

Liz was a little conflicted though, what if someone used it against her? That would be bad.

But in the end Liz decided it was better to sell it, and there was always the chance it wouldn't work anyway. Most of her undead, besides Gloria, were completely controlled by her will, so in all likelihood they wouldn't even react.

Surely my will can override their instincts, She thought as she left the apothecary.

Liz quickly looked to see if Nina was online, she wasn't, so next stop: Skill Store!

It was unbelievably clear to Liz that the evolutions of her forces would be affected by the skills she had; the first order of business was to see if passive skills worked through [Voodooist]. Her starting racial skill was an unbelievably powerful asset to her, but she had no proof it allowed the use of passive skills.

The [Puppet Hand] skill suggested it did, but they weren't actually using skills through [Voodooist] as they were considered a part of Liz, and therefore entitled to use her skills.

Thinking it better not to waste money, Liz slipped into an ally and out of sight. She summoned one of her soldiers as well as her apothecary items and had it try to make something simple; against all odds... It worked, Liz could use passive skills through [Voodooist]. However, she did notice that the skeleton was less efficient than her hands.

Likely an efficacy reduction. Liz thought, understanding it would be unfair if passive skills didn't have some detriment when used through [Voodooist] like passive skills.

Liz found herself inside the skills store quite easily; and this one was much larger than Barview’s; though due to the late hour it was quite empty. 

Liz found that there were many more grimoires here than Barview, though none seemed appealing to her; well besides the [Magma Mage] grimoire, but that is simply because it sounded quite cool, not because it would be helpful like the [Bone Mage] book from before.

Seeing no use for the grimoires, Liz looked over the scrolls until she found the 2 she was looking for: [Swordsmanship (F)], [Shieldsmanship (F)]; 2 of the passive skills offered to the warrior class, and perfect skills for her new skeleton soldiers; as starter F-rank skills they were cheap so there were no worries about breaking bank for them.

She picked them up and looked over the other skills seeing if she could find anything else worth taking. She did:

[Dark Fist (D-): Greatly empower 1 attack using a fist, imbue attack with dark magic in exchange for mana. Power scales with STR, INT and skill level. 15 Second cooldown] [1000 Gold]

Looks like another dark magic focused improvement like what happened with heavy slash or sharp claw. Liz thought, even though the cost was high it would massively improve the strength of the golems and even the soldiers should it come to it.

Liz took this scroll as well and looked for any other skills that could help, she didn't think she'd find anything but noticed there was one interesting spell. Not for her, but for Nina:

[Decoy (C): Expend mana to create an exact replica of yourself. Decoy has no physical form, cannot produce sound and cannot use skills. Drains mana during use, mana efficiency scales with skill level and INT] [5500 Gold]

"It's costly, but it seems like it would help..." Liz muttered as she debated whether or not it would be worth it or not. In the end she decided Nina was worth it and chose to buy the skill.

In the end she spent [6650] on the 4 skills. 

"Damn, I really gotta start selling some potions." Liz said, seeing that her gold had gotten so low - should other players have heard her, they would likely have wanted to beat her within an inch of her life, how could someone who with more than 100 thousand 'legit' gold be complaining about having no money?!

(A/N: 'Legit' gold refers to gold earned only through the game, meaning someone who hasn't transferred any credits from Earth into their ELO account. Just some nomenclature that came as a result of ELO's currency conversion)

(A/N: I'm pretty sure that leaves her with 137,150 gold in total; if the maths is wrong let me know)

A trip well spent. Liz thought as she used 3 of the scrolls and saved the last, noticing that Nina was now back online.

Liz sent a message to meet up at the fountain in the city as it was about equidistant from both parties. 

"Hey Smokey!" Nina called, seeing Liz walking over, "So, what's the plan?"

"I got something for you first" Liz said, pulling the skill scroll out of her inventory. Nina read through the skill description and looked up at Liz.

"Is this for real? You're just giving this to me? Why?" Nina was absolutely ecstatic, this was quite a powerful skill to have, for starters she didn't have a C-rank skill at all and this one really fit in with her character build. It wouldn't help with combat sure, but for getaways it would be perfect; and as a thief, getaways were always important.

"Yes it is for you." Liz assured her, "We're a team, and if you're gonna be on my team you're gonna need to be strong."

Nina smiled and used the scroll, testing it out as a near identical copy of herself appeared next to her. Its face mirrored hers, but she could give it orders on how to move; nothing too complicated and, unlike Liz, this could be done simply by thinking.

"Thanks!" Nina deactivated the skill and pulled Liz in for a hug, Liz stalled for a moment before reciprocating, "You're quite soft, actually what race are you?"

"I'm an undead call abandoned doll." 

"That explains the softness." Nina said, taking the chance to properly look over Smokey for the first time, then she entered 'work mode', "So, what're we doing?"

"well, we have three locations we need to search." Liz began explaining what she had been shown by the Marquess, annoyed that ELO's quest interface was a little lacking, "So, of these three locations I believe we should search the slums first. It'll draw less attention if we are caught that way."

Nina agreed and we decided to head that way. It was still the early morning hours so very few people were in the streets, less so in the back alleys of the slums; but somehow Liz could tell the undercity was bustling, perhaps having lived there herself she could tell the difference between fake and real silence in a seedy area.

The slums in the capital were divided into 2 territories, owned by 2 different gangs. At the moment there was an ongoing expansion by the gang that was confirmed to be funded by the archduke.

Liz and Nina had taken the time to get large cloaks to use as vanity items, Liz knowing what often happens to women in areas like this.

They were deep into Grimian Gang territory, the gang funded by the archduke, and Liz could already tell something was off. The way people looked at them, even the beggars were abnormal as Liz noticed that their fingers were not as filthy as a beggar’s should have been.

She was itching to protect herself, sending a message to Nina.

[Smokey: use your decoy and stealth away]

Thankfully, Nina was smart enough not to talk out loud.

[Nina: what]

[Smokey: something is weird go invisible]

[Smokey: if something happens I fight you look around for important areas]

Nina nods and the pair gets out of sight for a moment by going around a corner. Nina activates her decoy and uses stealth at the same time; luckily stealth didn't use a lot of her mana so she could use both simultaneously - though she would need to take some mana potions every now and then, but Liz could provide them.

It took only moments for Liz's uneasy feelings to manifest.

"Well, hello ladies." A gruff voice came as a man stepped in front of her.

Liz looked around and saw that she was entirely surrounded, normally Liz would begin fighting, but perhaps this was an opportunity.

[Smokey: don't act yet]

[Nina: okay]

"Hello." Liz spoke, trying to place apprehension in her voice, making herself look more vulnerable; it was hard, knowing these people were lower level than her.

There was a chuckle behind her, it seemed her acting had worked.

"What're ya doin wanderin round a place like this?" The leading thug said, taking a step closer. Liz calculated the best way to act her: She made herself look smaller than she already was and took a trembling step back.

"We-We're lost... Sir." The last part was added on hurriedly, as if she was scared. Nina chuckled silently as she saw the imposing Smokey, who essentially held the force of an army, act like a tiny, scared fawn.

"Hehehe... 'Sir'. I like that." The thug mutters before turning to answer Liz, "Well good thing you've met us, we can help you."

"We-We're f-fine Sir; we can fin-" As Liz's scared person tried to reject, the lead thug instantly closed the gap and slammed his hand onto Liz's shoulder. Liz actually stumbles slightly under the force of the grab.

Damn low STR. Liz thought. The thug brought his face really close to Liz and spoke as menacingly as possible.

"We are kindly offering you help, taking time out of our day to help you from the goodness of our hearts." The thug had a cruel smile on his face, "Surely you wouldn't disrespect our kindness like this."

Liz looked down, very clearly trembling in fear.

"Yes sir..." Liz even managed to make herself sound as if she was crying, causing the thugs to laugh.

"Well, follow us ladies." The lead thug pushes Liz forward causing her to stumble. The men laugh, not being able to see Liz's smirk below her mask.

Surprisingly, the thoughts running through both Liz's and the thug's mind were similar:

I'm so lucky!

Liz found herself being taken to one of the Grimian Gang's hideouts, the exact place she needed to be, without having to spend hours looking around. The thug's thoughts were much more deplorable.

The boss is gonna love this kid! He thought, grinning as he imagined the promotion he'd get from the boss for giving him such a good 'friend'.

He had seen under her hood and thought that she exactly matched the boss's preferences; a young, no older than 10, girl who is extremely cowardly. The thug knew his boss was a creep, but who was he to judge, especially when his boss paid him so well.

That other one is weird though. The thug thought, casting glances over to Nina, Ah. Doesn't matter, I'll just have her thrown with the other whores.

And so, without fully understanding the danger he had just come across; he brought it right into the heart of their operation.

"Our boss is going to want to see you." The thug smiled, dragging Liz along towards a room in the back. Nina was led by the other men to another part of the building.

[Smokey: start looking around when we're gone]

[Nina: got it]

Liz was led into a room with 2 other people, a large fat man sat at a desk; and another much taller and muscular man. 

"Hey Boss." The thug spoke, but before he could continue.

"What the hell do you want!? Interrupting me and shit!" The boss yelled, not even looking up from the papers he was staring at. 

The thug stuttered a little, before pushing Liz forward.

"I gots you a gift." He had a large grin on his face as he saw the boss look up at Liz, lust filling his gaze. Liz took a moment to inspect the boss and then the guard, the guard seemingly doing the same, judging from the look on his face.

[Darius (16) (NPC)]

[Rigo (84) (NPC)]

Fuck! A level 84! Liz panicked internally, but despite her efforts to hide it; it didn't matter.

Rigo jumped forward and slashed his axe down, Liz was just barely able to dodge it.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" The fat boss yelled out in a fit of rage, he was infuriated that Rigo had tried to kill his new toy; not even taking a moment to question how the girl had evaded his guard.

"Sir, you need to leave." Rigo said calmly, taking Liz much more seriously, "She is an assassin sent to kill you."

"You're talking out your ass here Rigo." The thug complained, to him Rigo just wanted to prevent him from getting a promotion.

"Is that so. Then tell me how were you able to successfully capture a level fifty two?" Rigo said, the thug's face dropped; looking over to the girl, he was right. 

How could he, as a level 31, so easily overwhelm and beat a level 52; the only explanation is that she chose to come with him.

(A/N: Level disparity is not as important as the above implies, the issue the thug is realising is that Liz didn't even try to fight back when she likely would have won)

He pulled his sword from his waste and pointed it at the girl.

"Fucking bitch. You dare lie to me!?" He yelled, Liz only chuckled.

"I didn't lie. I really was lost." She said, "It just so happens you were willing to lead me exactly where I wanted to go."

In his rage the thug charged forward, only to be met with a spike of bone ramming through his gut. This didn't kill him immediately, allowing him to see Rigo going in for the attack, but his grin was cut short as another woman in black armour stopped his advances, being pushed back due to the exchange.

"You shan't be getting to my master today." She spoke from behind her mask, Rigo jumped back and the last thing he saw was the woman's blade running along his neck and Rigo's surprised face.

Liz was slightly shocked that Gloria had killed the random thug, not having ordered her to; but seeing her level rise she understood why.

As the thug's life ended, Gloria rose from level 19 to 24 in one shot.

It seemed as if Rigo didn't fully understand why Gloria bothered to kill the thug and so he was surprised by the action, had he not been she would have been open for attack; making it a risky move.

She called the girl master... Rigo thought. She's likely a summoner, so if I kill her, I kill them both.

He had a solid method of attack and went to weave around the knight, but she moved to meet him and blocked his strike. What shocked him the most was that he did not push her back all that far, much less than last time.

Did she... Level up? Rigo thought, shocked; before he so clearly had the advantage, but now it was much less obvious.

"KILL HER RIGO!" The boss yelled out, Rigo knew his job and acted to finish this quickly, activating one of his skills: [Shield Shatter]

The skill was pretty simple, one incredibly powerful slash that ignored 40% of all defence; he was certain this would end her.

The light of a skill gathered around his axe and moved towards Gloria, she had no option to dodge as her master was right behind her; but her instincts told her that the coming attack was not one she could handle. There was only one move left to play.

Gloria herself activated a skill, striking down on the axe with her sword coated in a deep black light; sparks flew for a moment, before Gloria was sent flying backwards through the wall; but still alive.

Dammit! Liz thought, Gloria was her best bet here, the confined area did not bode well for her large army, but the cocky grin of Rigo as he approached told her she needed to act.

Liz summoned her skeletons, multiple jumping on top of Rigo and trying to slow him down. His high level meant this was meaningless, but in his momentary confusion as skeletons began appearing, Liz ran, hoping to find Gloria.

Rigo was clearly a strength fighter, she just had to hope his speed couldn't completely overwhelm hers.

Behind her she heard her skeletons being shattered to pieces, before a deep intake of breath.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! EVERYONE FIGHT!" Rigo's voice carried throughout the entire base and alerted every single thug within.

Not playing nice I see... Liz thought. Fine. I'll play along.

And so, swathes of undead spread throughout the base, killing anyone they could find.

Liz ran for Gloria, Rigo ran for Liz.

And so, the fight that would soon shake the entire capital slums began.

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