Evolution: Start AS A Raft

1. I Became a Raft

The views opened up gradually and the azure sky and the endless sea appeared in sight!

"Where am I?"

Raine could only feel his head hurting. There seemed to be a huge disconnect between the information he had gathered so far and his memories.

"No, I'm dead, aren't I?" The last image Raine could recall was falling drunk into a lake and drowning, after which there was a series of painful struggles, suffocation, and blurred consciousness...

He should still be in the water with the sensations coming from his body. Except, how did he get to the sea? Did the bottom of the lake has a passage to the sea?

Also, why could he float on the surface of the water? He couldn't swim. Was it the high density of salt water that made him buoyant?

Why hadn't he died?

A headache.

With a long sigh, Raine tried to move his head. But bizarrely, he couldn't feel his arms and legs.

After Realizing this, Raine's mind stopped for half a second! This was definitely not a good sign! Could it be paraplegia?

He tried to look up to check his body.

Next, his perspective shifted to a top-down view ... which was bizarre. It felt like a shooter's first-person view switching to a third-person view!

Undoubtedly, this is not supposed to be a human's ability!

The scarier part is yet to come! After seeing his "body", Raine was completely stunned.

"What! Where's my head? Where are my limbs? Where is my body? Where is my brother? Why the fuck, there's only a row of rafts!"

It was beyond scary, It's so terrible.

Raine took whole three days to come to terms with reality.

He was not riding on this raft in a soul state, He could clearly feel the water flow beneath him and the state of each bamboo, even see the fish passing underwater.

He was this raft!

"I get it. I've been fucking reborn as a raft!"

[The host's self-awareness has been completed.]

The voice that suddenly appeared in Raine's head startled him, even though he couldn't jump.

"What the hell?"

[Activate Super Battleship Evolution System]

"System?" With these words, Raine's already cold heart suddenly lit up with a glimmer of hope.

[Checking the time-space axis... Please wait]
[Time: 300 years of the Azure Era. Planet: Earth]

"This is Earth? And what's the Azure Era?" Raine said in amazement, "Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute! Don't bully me. Is this really Earth? Is there the Azure Era on Earth?"

[Yes, this is Earth. According to the A.D. calendar, it would be 2379 A.D., but today's Earth is not the same Earth in your mind. Twenty years before the Azure Era, in 2059 A.D., World War III completely destroyed the Earth's ozone system, and in the twenty years since then, global temperatures have risen, melting North and South Pole glaciers have caused global sea levels to rise, and 95 percent of the world's land mass has been submerged. The massive rise in global temperature and the stream of charged particles carried by the solar wind has contributed to the rapid evolution and mutation of life on Earth. Today over fifty percent of Earth's life has mutated.]

"Uh..." That is too much information, and Raine is a little confused.

"You said the oceans were flooded ninety-five percent. So there is still five percent? Where are those places? Are there still people there?"

[The habitable islands are almost permanently occupied by powerful fleets. As for the people you speak of, many still survive; only some have changed, and most live aboard ships. After all, undersea creatures are still extremely threatening to humans, large habitable islands are few, so the ships are most people's homes.]

In short, it was a time of evolution and competition for the sea and the sky, hence the name "The Azure Era"!

"Uh..." Raine couldn't help pondering.

[The host has no questions. The basic information identification will continue.]

Before Raine could understand, the system's voice rang out again, and Raine could only put aside his thoughts for the moment and listen carefully.

[Host: Raine]

[Vessel: Three Pole Bamboo Raft]

[Crew size: 0]

[Speed: Not equipped with a propulsion system, not measurable]

[Combat Power: 0]

[Loading Capacity: 0/50kg]

[Evolutionary Progress: 0/10 (Wood)]

"It can evolve!" Raine listened intently to this large string of information and was instantly enlightened.

Although all his stats were currently "0", he still screamed out in excitement, although he couldn't scream ... he was just shouting in his heart.

"Oh yeah~ I've got a system too!"

Now that Raine finally was no longer downcast, the whole person ... the whole boat was different.

The fact that Raine was reborn as a raft, and there is no point in dwelling on it.

Now he was in the Azure Era. Ships had become the primary means of hegemony in this era of global navigation.

As long as he has this super warship system, anything is possible!

With a long sigh, Raine gazed profoundly into the distance, where the sea and sky were azure.

"What is wider than the sea is the sky, and what is wider than the sky is a man's breadth of mind! System, you have indeed chosen me with a unique eye! In my last life, I died meaninglessly, but in this life, with my own hands, I will go forward and gallop between the blue sky and the sea!"

[Host, firstly, you don't have hands. Secondly, you are now just a row of three-pole bamboo rafts; sailing too fast may lead to disintegration.]

"I ... know! I'm just expressing my ambition! I mean, I will get stronger and stronger with my own efforts!"

[So what does the host mean by this statement? Can I interpret it as you automatically giving up the newbie gift pack?]

"Stop!" Raine bellowed in his head, "What's a newbie gift pack?"

[It's a prize package awarded to the host for completing self-awareness within the time limit, but you just said you had to do it on your own ...]

"Nonsense! What a load of crap! Don't I understand the principle of teamwork? Don't I understand the truth that strength is in numbers? Only by uniting all the forces that can be united can we achieve great things! Bring out the newbie pack!"

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