Evolution: Start AS A Raft

28. Terrible naval battle

Shobe stood at the bow of the warship with his hands behind his back and his tall body standing straight.

Two Navy stood behind him. These two are completely different from Harry, they have straight bodies and sharp eyes, with a height of more than 1.8m. They give a sense of composure at first glance

If not for the Shobe standing in front of them, these two should also be able to take charge of an army.

"Ensign Beika, did Hades say which sea monster is that one in the end?" Shobe bit the cigar at the corner of his mouth and asked.

"Lieutenant, according to Lieutenant Hades' description, we can already confirm that it is the Deep Sea Octopus Emperor," Beika replied dryly.

Shobe couldn't help but grimace down after hearing this result, "That guy came out again? No wonder Hades begged me for help."

"By the way, how much is the bounty on the monster now?"

"Lieutenant, the latest bounty amount came out last month, the bounty for the Deep Sea Octopod Emperor is 1800 pearls."

"1800? Higher than Medusa!" Shobe snorted coldly, "That means if we can kill that guy, we can get 1800 military merit points."

"But Lieutenant, that guy is notoriously difficult to deal with and has a cunning nature, and it has escaped from the Navy 4 times in our Navy records."

At this point, another ensign on the side of Beika, "There were 9 chases, 5 of which ended in failure and 4 escaped. 9 chases resulted in a total of 744 missing and 89 wounded. 5 G-class main ships were scrapped, 1 was severely damaged, 2 needed major repairs, and the remaining 49 small were all towed into the sea by it!"

It's easy to see that this dude is a data freak, he reported a series of precise numbers in one breath.

"The monster is extremely good at destroying ships, as long as it is entangled by its tentacles, the ship will either be strangled or towed to sink. The crew as long as they fall into the sea, there is no record of survival yet unless mutant."

The previous data said missing, but this person said "no survivors". No one questioned, because they knew the Navy too well.

They were missing because they were eaten by the monster and no bodies were found.

Shobe took a deep sip of a cigar, turned his head, and spat around that data emperor, "Rachel, can you shut up?"

Rachel choked straight cough, take the hand in front of the wave, "Lieutenant, I'm afraid you'll be reckless."

"Hahahaha, I wouldn't." Shobe laughed out loud a few times, then put away his smile again and looked grave, "I have two hundred and forty-three people on this ship, how could I be careless?!"

"Beika, pass the order to speed up!"

"Yes, Lieutenant!"


Arsan was pushing the ship behind, but desperately, the fleet ahead began to speed up again.

Raine fading away ......

That wasn't the worse, after pushing for a few hours, Arsan was exhausted and was pulled on board by other people, which made Raine's speed completely 4 knots.

"Damn, some people are walking and falling apart!" Raine hurt said.

It seems that Raine is far from qualified to join this battle.

"Arsan, don't rush. I believe the battle will continue for some time, maybe we can catch up." Avril comforted, "Besides, Lieutenant Shobe they are gonna support, which means there is still a navy over there, the danger factor should be much less."

Arsan sighed as she looked down at her hands, "I'm so useless!"

Suddenly the captain's voice rang out.

"Arsan, don't blame yourself, you did your best, the whole time you were near the limit, it's a miracle you could keep it 4 hours."

"Captain ......" Arsan looked at the bow of the ship.

"Don't worry, I think that Shobe is not a simple man. He is a backstabber, so he shouldn't be that stupid."

This time, Raine's words did not resonate with the crew. He seemed to be the only one who felt Shobe is a back-stabber.

However, his point did get across that Shobe was still a man with a brain.

Besides, there didn't seem to be any other way out now. They could only move slowly in the direction of the Mississippi market.

300 nautical miles, according to theoretical calculations, even if Arsan will push the boat four or five hours a day, the other day and night shifts cranking thrusters, it will take four or five days to reach.

But in the early morning of the third day, the sea was flooded with a mist of water, while wave after wave of gentle waves rocked the bottom of the ship gently.

Raine's feeling was the deepest, but strangely enough, the wind and the direction of the waves were opposite.

Raine was immediately alerted.

Under normal circumstances, the direction of the waves must be consistent with the direction of the wind, so the current anomaly can only mean one thing.

Something was happening in the sea ahead and set off waves!

While Raine was wondering, a series of booming sounds came. It woke up everyone on the boat.

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Arsan opened her eyes, the whole person spring-like sitting up, "Sister Armin, Avril, there is the sound of gunfire ahead!"

The three hurried out of the cabin.

Terry and White were already standing in the bow position and looking ahead.

There were sounds from time to time in the distance. Besides the sound of cannons, there seemed to be the shouting of people, only the sea was too foggy for them to see.

"Captain?" Avril asked bewildered, "What's going on, are we there yet?"

"It can't be, it's only been two days, didn't the Navy say it was 300 nautical miles from here?" Armin said in confusion.

Raine had not said anything, he was now keeping an eye on the system radar at all times.

Even if the navy said it was 300 nautical miles away, the sound coming to his ears now could not be fake. There was a mirage at sea, but it could not be sound.

No matter what was happening ahead, he had to stay alert now.

The radar was still not responding, and the 1000-meter warning distance had not yet been reached.

"It's possible we're already there." While this was happening, Raine said, "At that time, the navy said that there were already other warships that were at war with the sea monster and asked for support, so that means that navy couldn't beat that sea monster, and I guess they might have retreated to Morgan's Trading Post to wait for Shobe and their support."

"That means we walk opposite each other. The speed is naturally fast."

When Raine said that, the crowd immediately realized that this possibility was very high.

"It's too foggy now, so let's approach carefully." Raine said, "Everyone, return to your positions."

Terry and the others, although worried about Arsan, were not standing around worried, they quickly led the way, "Aye, Captain!"

Avril was standing at the bow of the ship, she must stand in this position. The sound is getting closer and closer.

999 meters directly ahead, a G-class sea monster found
994 meters directly ahead, a naval battle is taking place. Participation: 2 G-class three-masted warships, 8 two-masted warships, 11 three-tier Somali warships, 31 double-deck transport ships, one G-class sea monster deep sea octopus emperor
981m position in the direction directly ahead, found a large number of timber resources

A series of warning sounds came from his brain, but now Raine wanted to kick the system away.

What the hell is a large amount of wood found? Do you want me to take advantage of the war between the two sides is now in full swing to pick up wood? Although also a little want, he doesn't want to become wood now!

"Stop moving forward, we're here." Raine lowered his voice and said, "1000 meters ahead is the battlefield."

This is the first time Raine encountered such a large-scale naval battle!

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