Evolution: Start AS A Raft

9. Fish Skin Boat Bottom

Avril's words made Raine slightly uneasy.

The bamboo raft was unstable and couldn't support the weight, but it wouldn't sink, but the boat would!

But soon, Raine calmed down.

The wooden boats will become larger, more versatile, and more high-tech with evolution. Although Raine was not an expert sailor, he had a basic understanding.

And the System also offered a solution - a rubber bottom and a fish skin bottom!

Forget the rubber bottom. Raine now only has a lifebuoy. For one thing, The material is still a lot short. For another, it is still very useful. When White and Avril fall overboard, he can rescue them. So he definitely cannot disintegrate it.

So there is another option, the fish skin bottom.

Fish skin bottom (membrane): 1/500 (fish skin) reduces seawater resistance and corrosion (can be recycled for use after upgrading the ship)

Raine checked the information and suddenly exclaimed, "Damn, it actually costs 500 fish skins now! Before it was 100!"

"Oh, I have become bigger now, so naturally, the need for fish skins has also increased."

Seeing this astronomical figure, Raine fell into deep thought.

500 fish, even with Avril, there was no telling how long it would take for them to catch. Although he had plenty of time, Avril's warning gave him some urgency sense.

That option, forget!

"Have to make the fishing nets first...." Raine looked at the clothes on his body, he was gonna use them for sails, but the System couldn't make them for him.

"Well, What important was to solve the pressing problems first!"

After figuring out this series of problems, Raine no longer hesitates, "System, make a fishing net first! Don't make the grid too big. Just as big as a fish before."

Those clothes on the boat instantly seemed to be pulled out of a thread pulling, quickly disintegrated, and then the cotton and linen threads quickly compiled themselves, twisted into a more sturdy cotton and linen rope, and finally were quickly compiled into a fishing net.

"What the..." Avril was scared and backed up, holding to White tightly, who licked Avril's face in delight.

No matter what breed of dog, there always seems to be a penchant for taking advantage of opportunities!

"Captain, is that you?"

"It's me." Raine couldn't explain too clearly and admitted, "Avril, see if this net will work."

The net landed in front of Avril, who put on a brave face and lifted it to look.

The net was about five meters long, and the holes were roughly three centimeters and diamond-shaped.

"Captain, your craft is so good. It's so sturdy! The net works, but it's too small. The nets we used to use for fishing were several kilometers. You won't catch much fish with a small net unless you run into a school of them."

"I want a few kilometers net too, but the material is not enough." Raine said, "Okay, I'll make two more and put them together."

Since the nets were usable, Raine made all the rest clothes into nets, leaving only the last few materials to make seven pieces of cotton and linen rope.

The whole time Avril stared with wide eyes and a look of disbelief.

"Stop standing around and see if we can catch fish now."

Avril froze and checked the nets. The quality of the nets was naturally no need to say. There were three nets, and the total field was 15 meters.

"Captain, yes, we can, but we still need buoys..." Avril looked around and immediately dropped her eyes on the plastic bottles, "We don't have much material right now, but we can use a rope to attach these plastic bottles to the nets to keep them from sinking into the sea, and we can tie one end of the net to the boat, so we won't lose it."

Yo, Raine looked at Avril in amazement. This girl actually had thought of this. Not bad.

The System is dead, but Avril is alive! Avril is an old fisherman, she says it can work with no problem, and the plastic bottles and rope can be reused. There is no waste!

With a workable plan, Raine couldn't help but get excited.

"Okay, let's do as you said. Now, our goal is to catch 500 fish!"

Raine immediately followed Avril's vision and had the System complete a simple fishing net.

The next step was to choose a place to drop the net, which was Raine's forte. Raine was always watching the fish when he was bored.

"There's a school of fish ahead, Avril. Row the boat, and I'll control the direction."

"Aye, Captain!"

The boat moved to the surface above the school of fish, and Raine asked Avril to cast the nets down. The net sank a distance and was stabilized at a certain depth due to the buoyancy of the plastic bottles.

After securing the end of the net to the hull with a rope, they had to do now was wait.

"Wow, there is a lot of fish. Captain, you are amazing. White, come and see." Avril leaned over the side of the boat and watched the fish swimming under the clear water. Their nets were nearby, just waiting for the fish to come into the net.

After playing for a while, Avril turned her head to the bow, "Captain, we'll wait an hour or two before we can collect the net. Well, can I get some sleep? I'm a bit tired."

"Hm, I guess you haven't slept for a few days. Rest first."


Two days later.

In the azure sky with white clouds, a woman stood up on a narrow wooden boat, and with a wave of her arm, she skillfully threw the fishing net in her hand with great force, stirring up a splash of water that sparkled in the hot sun.

After casting the net, the woman takes off her coat, smiles at the white Labrador beside her, and jumps into the water together.

Not long after, Avril and White caught two fish up.

"Gee, White, you're good at that too!" Avril helped White throw the fish into the belly of the boat and held White's head against her chest, stroking it carelessly.

"Again, let's see who's faster this time!"

None of this escaped Raine's eyes, "White this guy..."

"Hey, just in front of me, she took her clothes off again. Fuck, I even lived worse than a Labrador! Why don't you take me for a ride ......"

Raine has no chance to join them to catch fish, but with the harvest from the nets and the help of Avril and White, they caught over 300 fish in that time!

Have to say, in the Azure Era, without humans polluting the environment, the fish population has become more and more abundant.

At this rate, 500 fish are just around the corner.

With a new crew member added, Raine has also increased his food reserves. He has made a dozen pieces of dried fish and stocked up 30 or 40 fishbone spikes as a backup.

The seawater purification unit was performing better than Raine had expected. Avril would check the unit from time to time and replenish it with seawater to keep the purification unit working all the time. For the time being, the little unit would have no problem providing drinking water for two.

"Eh, fishing boats, women and dogs, quite a comfortable life." Raine floated leisurely on the surface, "Nope, should have kicked White out..."

After two more days, the goal of 500 fish had been reached, and Raine couldn't wait to have the System make him a fish skin boat bottom.

Once Raine's entire lower body was wrapped in a layer of treated fish skin, his whole body was soothed.

"Yes! Avril, White, feel me down there! It's super slippery!"

"Captain, you... are so bad!" Avril blushed and looked shyly towards the bow.

Raine almost spurted out a mouthful of seawater. He really meant nothing else!

Whatever the bottom of the ship finally was settled. They could head to their next target.

"Avril, White, don't play. We can't have fun. Since the hull is secure, we head for the deserted island!"

"Aye, Captain!" After the last few days of rest and adjustment, Avril was much refreshed and less depressed.

White sat upright and let out a couple of "woof woof!"

"Yes, now, let's go!" Raine commanded in a full voice.

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