Excuse Me! Just a Wild Last Boss Passing Through!

Chapter 10: Overture

Hello! It's another chapter! If you're expecting a fight in this chapter, well, you'll only be half satisfied? Since this chapter isn't from Kobeni's POV! There will be several ne characters in this chapter, and their names will be in Thai, so I suggest you buckle up. It will all be nicknames, though. I was planning on double release, but eh...

For simplicity's sakes...

"This is dialogue."

'This is thoughts.'

[This is communication]

Ramasura is one of the yaksha that appears in Thai folk tales. He appeared in Ramayana on two occasions. The first was when he wanted to retrieve the Crystal of the Ocean from Mekhala and returned it to Shiva. The other time was when he fought Rama after returning from his wedding with Sita to Ayodhya.

Ramayana is a story with main characters and side characters. It's given that in Ramasura's case, he would be the latter. He was like the obligatory bandits that the protagonists would encounter on their trip; just there to pick a fight and make the protagonists look cool. After losing, he also had to give Rama a bow.

It's unreasonable. Ramasura is by no means weak. He once slammed Arjuna against Mount Meru in a fight, only to just lose to Rama like a two bit thug?

Such is the life of a side character...

The story of Ramasura and Mekhala is one rather well-known folk tale; the flashes of light from Mekhala teasing Ramasura causes the lightning, the sound of Ramasura throwing his axe in response and misses causes the thunder. That's the gist of it.

However, that is just human interpretation. No one knows the truth.

It's the same as the reason why Ramasura appears.

If one had to describe how Ramasura looked, it would be something like he wasn't that different from normal humans. His rippling muscles looked no different from finely chiseled stone. His green skin nearly couldn't hide each cord and bundle. His height was three meters at the least. Other than the tucked loincloth that looked more intangible than anything, he looked nothing like the classic masked play.

The pattern on the mask translated into prismatic flame on his brows and leaking out around his mouth. His eyes were wide with no visible iris on each of them, only a bright light. His black hair done in dreadlocks were pushed back and out of his face, showing his protruding fangs that resembled tusks more than anything.

Last but not least, the diamond axe wreathed in lightning.



"Aye, Boss!"

He responded and stepped forward.

Had the situation been any less life-threatening, that exchange would be no different from the usual back and forth between the two of them. However, he who knew very well the risk involved merely smiled and redirected the axe away with a palm strike. Using this opportunity, he whipped his leg toward the yaksha's knee.

The sensation no different than kicking a stone pillar forced a low growl out of him. He might not be able to damage Ramasura much, but that wasn't his job anyway. If it's the opportunity he was asked, he would do his damnedest to deliver.

Scene stepped aside the moment he picked up the noise...

In the next instant, a raging and flaming bull made out of enchanted steel rushed past the spot he was standing before into the disoriented yaksha. It did little to stop Ramasura's advance, as the yaksha threw the bull aside with a deafening roar.

[It looks like he's searching for something.]

[It's not Mekhala, right?]

He couldn't really laugh at that possibility. Scene gritted his teeth and grinned dryly at the conversation of two of his teammates. That did nothing to distract him from his injuries, however. He slicked his hair back and walked out of the building into the rain. They had successfully forced Ramasura out of the terminal. Now what?

In this country, is there really someone who could best Ramasura?

He pulled his necktie off and smirked.

"If you never try, you'll never know, I suppose."

Grey eyes narrowed.

"I wonder why you are here..."

Scene adjusted his breathing and started undoing his shirt's buttons. It would be best if he has unrestricted range of movement in this kind of fight. A single mistake could cost him his life if he's not careful enough. He still had his shirt on but left the front open, and after checking if the earpiece was working, he stepped forward.

"Last time I faced someone of your level, I almost died..."

He already felt rejuvenated by his teammate's support magic.

"But that was three years ago!"


[Whew! Relentless! If anybody could fight like that, it'd be Scene!]

[If I recall, he used to be with the Exorcism Bureau...]

[If you two have the time to chat, do your jobs properly. Singha, support us but focus your buffs on Scene. Prim, I'll leave crowd control to you. Ramasura has the advantage out in the open, but we can't give him a tour inside either. I doubt we'd get to keep our jobs after this, but I'll be damned if any of you die today...]

Scene grinned and dodged the axe. He glanced at the diamond axe for a short second before having to take another step. A flock of conjured sparrows rushed in and exploded on the yaksha, courtesy of Prim who forced a lull in the battle.

He glanced at Krit - their boss - and rushed back into the fight.

Scene scaled off Ramasura's body once again, using their size difference to his advantage and hit the yaksha with a flying knee into the chest. The raging bull that was thrown away earlier also came back with vengeance. Its steel body rammed into Ramasura's legs from behind, forcing the yaksha down once again.

However, no matter how many times he fell, there was not a single scratch on the body. It was as if they were facing a chiseled cliffside rather than a living being.

"It's like facing a mountain, isn't it?"


The lightning that struck Ramasura forced any word he had down his throat. The distinct smell of ozone wasn't the thing that caused him to frown, but the size of the 'mountain' that increased even further. He could literally feel the heat radiating off the yaksha from where he was standing. It was getting harder to breathe.

Scene ripped the fried earpiece off and sighed.

"Shouldn't we be fighting him indoors?"

He tilted his head a little at Krit, never letting his eyes leave the yaksha.

"I feel like we're not getting paid enough for this shit..."

Scene laughed.

"If we survive, I want to open a restaurant."

"Scene, bro, did you seriously have to plant that flag?"

He caught a round pill thrown his way from Singha and popped it into his mouth. Its taste was a little too much for him not to wince. Scene looked past the young man to the youngest member of their team, another look at Krit conveyed his thoughts.

"Prim, head over to the other team. Our priority is still the safety of the passengers. Right now, you're the best healer on site. Go help with the evacuation instead. Go where you're needed the most. We can't protect you against this kind of threat."

Prim opened her mouth to protest, however a single look from Krit stopped her short. She was the youngest member of the team, so it was best she followed the words of her senior; even when said words sounded like a bitter farewell.

Seeing her hesitation, Scene offered her a smile and shoo her away. He stared at her retreating form until she disappeared into the building and exhaled slowly. He could only pray she didn't see how pale he was underneath this downpour.

'Yeah, we're not going anywhere, indeed...'

"Hey, Boss. Ain't that a lil' harsh? She just wants to help."

Krit only shrugged, leaving him to answer Singha's question.

"If he's not that harsh, I doubt Prim would run."

"Eh, it's still illogical that we send our main healer away like that. But well, if Prim was my little sister, I'd want her far away from this battle too. Ngh, our situation is a little bad though. You shouldn't be standing with those stunts, Scene. I don't think we can afford to wait for reinforcement that might not even come in time..."

He hid a strained smile at Singha's assessment and looked at Krit.

His Boss rolled his shoulders and unsheathed the blade hanging by his waist. Its swirling pattern reminded him of damascus steel, but with the color of a rainbow.

"So, do you have any insurance?"

"I don't think it covers this kind of thing, though..."

"Haha! I'll be cheering on you two! Preferably from a safe distance!"

Krit chortled.

"Are those really the words of someone raring to go?"

Singha only grinned and twirled an expandable baton in his hand. Seamlessly, the baton changed into a wooden walking cane with a lion carved into its handle. It was undeniable that Singha had mastered more spells than the two of them combined.

"Eh, it's not everyday I get to test myself against a yaksha, you know?"

Scene joined Krit in a short laughter at Singha's tone. He sighed and glanced up at the thundercloud above. Flashes of lightning in the cloud were the only warning they would ever get. It was a fight with no chance of winning, but they still stood tall.

It didn't matter how they wished to run, their legs still wouldn't budge.

It wasn't because they couldn't run, they just wouldn't...

Out of all the security personnel here at the airport, their little team of four was undeniably the strongest and most versatile. In other words, they were the first and last line of defense against Ramasura's rampage. Besides, their objective wasn't to win, but to survive long enough until everyone had evacuated the premises.

It had been three years since he was discharged from the Exorcism Bureau, but he still remembered the oath he took and still lived by it. He had run away from danger once and came out of it with the blood of his comrades on his hands.

He won't allow it to happen again.

"Scene, focus."

He blinked and watched as Krit walked past him to Ramasura. If he had to put the feeling he got into words, it would be menacingly. Krit's step was slow but sure as he advanced toward the yaksha. Scene knew it would be a fight to remember.

"Somehow, I'm getting an 'I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer' vibe from him. It looks like one of those memes you showed me a while back..."

Singha who was a few steps behind him sputtered.

"Pft! Oh, man! My sides, haha!"

Since he didn't spend much time on that side of the internet, he could only raise his brow at Singha's laughter. Scene clapped his hands together and chanted a short mantra, causing his tattoos to glow a brilliant gold light. He honestly doubted it would matter much against the yaksha, but every little thing counted at this point.

"Singha, I'll leave support to you. Be careful, Saichol only has you now."

The laughter slowly died down in the downpour.

"Ugh, did you have to say it like that? That's the second flag today!"

Flag? What flag?

Before Scene could ask anything, the lightning struck once again...

"Singha, I'll leave it to you."


It was when the dust settled that they saw why the yaksha was called a minor god of thunder. His enormous body nearly doubled in size, now at six meters tall. There was a pattern that decorated his body here and there in gold; an indication that if he didn't take them seriously before, he did now. And that's not good, not at all.

Because what alarmed them the most, was the lack of madness…

"Humans, this matter does not concern you!"

Krit guffawed at that.

"It does the moment you bust down a building like that! If you're thinking we'll let you just waltz in, think again! Honestly, I know going through customs is a pain and a half, but did you have to take it out on these poor people? That's not good, eh?"

Scene coughed to hide a laugh that escaped. The thoughts of a minor deity going through the long line of customs was a bit too much even for him. He chanced a look at Ramasura to see his glowing eyes narrowed a tad bit in annoyance.

"Tsk! I have no time for you! Out of my way—!"

Another lightning strike came down like a divine punishment. Scene brought up both arms to shield himself from the shockwave. He could only grit his teeth and ignore the heat as Ramasura shot forward with speed that betrayed his size.

"Not so fast, big guy! Why the hurry? Is it Mekhala again?"

Krit hurriedly brought up his sword to ward off the axe. The force of impact cracked the ground beneath in a parody of spider webs. Ramasura brought up his axe to swing again, but Singha chose this moment to interfere. A fistful of ash thrown into the air turned into a rush of hellfire that scorched the yaksha. Seeing an opening, Scene shot forward with an intention of delivering another kick to the knee.

Only for his leg to be caught and slammed into the ground like a ragdoll. He did have protection from slashes and stabs, but that didn't mean he could shrug off a bludgeoning attack that might have tenderized his inside a bit too much.

He swallowed back the blood and got up quickly.

[This is bad! Everyone! This is—]

Scene perked up at Prim's urgent call in his head.

He rolled away to dodge a heavy stomp from Ramasura and focus on the telepathy from their healer. Unlike veterans with experience like Krit or him, Prim excelled in tactics and knowledge. Singha could probably do it too, but he was too hot headed to think carefully in some situations. So when Prim contacted them like this...

"Prim! Calm down! What's going on? What's bad?"

Krit lowered himself into a crouch, the sword in his hand raised.

[Mekhala! It's Mekhala!]

"Huh? Wait, what? Prim? Are you saying Makhla—?"

Krit choked back his words and rolled away. The axe that swung down with so much anger created a huge smoking rift on the concrete. The madness was back and the next attack came with no restraints. Krit caught the attack just in time, but the strength behind the axe was too much and he was blown away.

[It's a kidnapping! There are two parties involved here. It's a group of Europeans and a pair of Japanese men. The Europeans are alchemists, and they had Mekhala! She escaped them and— No, wait. Mekhala! Sh-She's heading your way!]

Scene didn't have the time to respond as he took Krit's place. He nimbly dodged the axe despite his own injuries. The pain was nothing new. The fact that he could still stand after taking so much beating was a testimony to his guts. He had no desire to test if that diamond axe could cut him or not, the impact would be enough to pulverize him on the spot. Well, what's not already a mush anyway...

Now with Mekhala added into the mix, he didn't know if it would make things easier or mix things up even more. Scene gritted his teeth and exhaled a shallow breath.

"Singha! Take Boss away from here! Find Mekhala, and get the whole story from her if possible. I don't think a goddess like her could escape without any pursuers. I'll take care of things here. His injuries don't seem too bad, but I think our senior citizen would like to die of old age instead of getting chopped up like a pig, huh?"

Scene ducked and chuckled at the ruckus caused by their boss. He glanced at his junior who reluctantly accepted his sacrifice and dashed to the side, avoiding another swing by just a hairbreadth. His movement was becoming sharper, the same couldn't be said about Ramasura's which became even more ferocious.

"And the plot thickens."

Ramasura. Mekhala. Alchemists. Onmyouji.

He might really quit and open a restaurant after this.


Scene caught a glimpse of Singha and Krit's retreating figures and confirmed that he was now alone against the yaksha. In an instant, his expression grew slack and his movement became faster. He chained each attack smoothly and rained blows down upon Ramasura with unnatural movement and extraordinary precision.

It was too artificial and mechanical; like a doll in the hands of a master puppeteer instead of a normal human. In a sense, that comparison hit uncomfortably close to home. He was now moving by controlling his battered body with magic alone.

"If you drop the axe, I might even help you find Mekhala—"

Scene widened his eyes and kicked the ground. He was far enough away from the lightning to only feel half of the impact. Had he not reacted in time, that lightning strike might as well have fried him up nice and crisp. That was too close...

"So peace was never an option, huh?"

It was a good thing he was small and difficult to hit, if not—


Everything came to a stop.

Scene used that pause to step away from Ramasura and turned to look at the origin of that voice. It was a young girl running through the rain at them with a scared look on her pale face. She's got black hair and purple eyes; so it wasn't even a question that he wasn't the father she desperately wanted, and that only left one person.


He didn't even have time to swear as Ramasura moved. His maddening roar was drowned out by a thunder as the yaksha stepped over him toward the girl. From her slowed steps and ashen face, he was sure this wasn't the reception she expected.

In that moment, time seemed to slow down into a crawl for him. He could see the exact moment the fear and disbelief in her eyes turned into despair. Amidst the sound of thunder and rainstorm, he could hear it loud and clear...

The sound of her heart breaking into pieces.



It was like any other time. Ramasura's diamond axe came down with a flash of light and thundering roar. He could barely open his eyes and watched this tragedy unfold as his body failed him. His heartbeat was unbearably loud in this silence.

Scene dare not even breathe. He could only stand still and let the dust settle with bated breath. Fortunately, there was no burnt corpse to add to his nightmare. The young girl was safe and sound, if a bit scared with how shaken she was.

It was then that he noticed something else. Standing before the girl was another girl with flowing pink hair done in a ponytail. Her fox tail flicked from side to side as she held the axe in place with two of her fingers, like it was just a plastic toy.

"Excuse me! Just a wild Last Boss passing through~!"

The newcomer's pearlescent white eyes shone like finely cut gems.


Title drop! How's that! Anyway, there are four- five? Well, four named characters in this chapter are all Thais. If you're not familiar with the concept of nicknames, think of it like a codename. There is this belief that evil spirits are constantly on the lookout for newborn children to snatch away and control. And nicknames help confuse them and keep the children safe. Well, since this story will be centered in Japan, I do have Japanese names prepared for them. I'll go into the meanings later. You could ask if you're curious tho.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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