Excuse Me! Just a Wild Last Boss Passing Through!

Chapter 2: Family

Hello again! I never knew it was this long until I tried to translate it. This chapter is at 3.5k word count. It was a little late because it rained pretty hard over here and my internet just went poof. The content of this chapter is approaching Seinen and Ecchi, I hope you don't mind. Please enjoy!


Since today's Monday, she was going to have time to herself until five when Yurika-nee came to stay with her until visiting hour's over. She greeted her with a smile every time she came to visit, but that was it. She knew the other girl was uncomfortable with silence, so it felt awkward when Yurika-nee didn't have homework or anything to do. The woman sitting on her bed on the other hand—

'Well, like mother, like daughter, I suppose...'


"Oh? So you do know me? Was it Shion?"

Not even a minute into the conversation and the first bomb's already dropped. Kobeni knitted her brows and took a good long look at the person sitting on her bed. The other party was a mature woman who didn't seem to be no older than thirties. Her bright blue eyes were sharper than her daughter, but the color was the exact same. She couldn't get a read on this person with the way she looked back at her, especially the way those glossy lips curved into a slight smile.

It's their first meeting, but already...

Hiiragi Tsubaki.

This person sent her into high alert. It was no different from standing in front of an apex predator. The instinctual fear awakened by those sharp blue eyes was just too much, and she froze up and bit her lips instead of answering the questions.

"Like mother, like daughter, I see... In a decade, I might mistake you as your mother. You really do look like her. If not for Hiro-kun's red eyes, then I'd say it's me who put the bun in the oven. Hmm, if you have blue eyes, things might not be this bad. Oh, yes! That look! That's the same look Shion made whenever she—"

'Hmm? Didn't I hear something outrageous just now?'

Her flat stare didn't dissuade the other person from her musings like she thought. If anything, it backfired spectacularly as Hiiragi-san seemed to be even more cheerful than before. Honestly, this person was nothing like what she had imagined.

Hiiragi-san didn't have that much of an active role in the game, she was more of a side character than anything. Unexpectedly, Hiiragi-san was quite popular with the fanbase due to her presence and sharp look. Looking at the person in front of her though, she felt a bit disconnected. If she hadn't known before, she wouldn't think that this person was the Head of the Exorcism Bureau's Kanto Branch. 

'I like her laugh though...'


She decided against answering this time as well.

"Hmm, Aragaki Kobeni. How well do you know your father?"

Kobeni perked up at that question. She looked up at Hiiragi-san before chewing on her lips. Taken out of context, the question might not mean much, but physically slapping her would be less painful in this situation. That question though—

Just how well did she know him?

During class observation, she was the only one without any parent cheering her at the back of the classroom. Sports day as well, he was only there for a few minutes and already had to leave. Her fifth birthday, it was the first time the three of them had celebrated anything together as a family. She never doubted him, never knew to doubt him, because the love he had for them was clear in his eyes. But now that she looked back, they were never really his first priority, were they?

His number one was that girl...


"Well enough for a mistress's child, I suppose."

She heard a sharp intake of breath and chanced a look at Hiiragi-san. She saw a look of annoyance crossed her face briefly before it settled into a soft frown. That expression only made her curl in on herself, as if expected to be hit.

She really shouldn't have said that—

"So you knew, huh..."

She squinted at that dark look in confusion.

"The nurses, I heard them talking."

"Of course."

From what she gathered, it seemed like Hiiragi-san loved her mother like a sister. She could remember her mother talking about someone that sounded suspiciously like Hiiragi-san once or twice as well. Now that they finally met, she was sure of it. If that's not the case, she wouldn't be sitting in this obviously expensive room.

That's why, the tone she used just now, that's totally not cool...

"That's fine! Yeah! If that's the case, there's no need for me to break the news. Damn it, just when did everything get so complicated? First thing first, kiddo, you're not a mistress's child. If anyone told you that, spit in their faces for me, will ya?"


Did this person just—

"Don't take their words to heart, alright? They're strangers, you don't have to give a single fu- I mean, you don't have to care about them. They don't matter. So don't mind them and just pay attention to those who care about you instead."

Those words weren't enough to dispel her fear, but they gave her enough comfort to return that smile with a shaky one of her own. Kobeni slowly relaxed her hands and let the handful of the blanket in her clutch go. She quietly kneaded it like a particularly stressed cat.

"So Hiiragi-san cares about me?"

"Of course, I do. So don't call yourself that, alright?"

The Head of the Exorcism Bureau's Kanto Branch pouted.


"But I am still a bastard—"

She was poked in the forehead before she could finish.

"Don't. You're illegitimate, yes. But only because I couldn't legally marry Shion and Hiro-kun at the same time. If my older brother was still alive, the five of us would've been one big happy family. Huh? What's with that face? Wait, Shion didn't tell you anything, did she? Hah, that cheeky little— Leaving it all to me again, huh?"

She could only blink. If what she just heard was true...

"Wait! Hiiragi-san and Mama?"

The other party at least had the decency to look away.

"Hiiragi-san, you're very bad at poker, aren't you?"


That little reaction made her giggle.

"So you don't hate me."

Hiiragi-san's lips slowly curved into a gentle smile.

"There's no way I can hate you, kiddo. When Shion was pregnant with you, I was very happy. However, I was also afraid. It's not an unfound fear either, because about a week later, my brother lost his life in an accident. It meant I had to step up as the next in line. 'We can't survive without an heir?' Heh, what a joke."

She took a deep breath before continuing.

"At the time, I was already three months along with Yurika. We have to marry. Don't take this the wrong way, but you were a surprise, Kobeni. Shion hadn't planned on having you, but she was so happy when the test came back positive. Hiro-kun was ecstatic with the prospect of having another kid to spoil. Then there's me—"

So Hiiragi-san wasn't supposed to be the head in the first place, and only had to take on the duty because there was no other choice. But since she was pregnant with Yurika-nee, she had to marry even when they were all in a relationship. In the end, this love story ended in a tragedy, out of three, only one remained.

That's why she couldn't help but reach out with a shaky hand...

"I don't care what the elders will say. Even if you have not a drop of Hiiragi in your veins, you are my daughter now. You are a treasure Shion and Hiro-kun left in my care, Kobeni. You know, I was there when you were conceived. Since I didn't want to risk Yurika, I couldn't join in. Honestly, they were going at it so hard. I think they might have forgotten about me at some point, I was quite jealous, you know!"

And just like that, her hand couldn't retreat faster.

"Now that I think about it, there's this special secret spell that gives us girls a male equipment. It's a shame we didn't have the chance to use it. After Shion gave birth to you, her condition worsened almost overnight. She's pretty stubborn though, denying any help from anyone like that. I was the new Head of Hiiragi Household! Having the power but couldn't use it? Just what's the point of this shackle then..."

Kobeni kept a smile on her face for the first few sentences before sighing quietly to herself. It seemed like Hiiragi-san didn't have much filter regarding the topic that's to her liking. She wondered how Yurika-nee grew up into a fine lady like that.

"Shion's pretty feisty in bed, I didn't know humans can be that flexible..."

The six year old could only massage her temple in exasperation.

"Too much info, Hiiragi-san."

The unrepentant woman only grinned.

"Oh well, I guess that's a bit much for you, huh?"

Kobeni sniffed.

"My innocence died a swift and painful death."

Her little cheek was rewarded with a throaty laugh.

"But it's just as I said. Shion, Hiro-kun, and I were all close. No, it's more like we were all in a secret relationship, I suppose. Until I had to take up the mantle for that idiot brother of mine, at the very least. I still think to this day that he faked his own death as a revenge for those puddings— Ahem! So, this is not our first meeting."

Red eyes widened, the girl straightened up in her seat and waited.

There was nothing on that in the game...

"You were just a toddler, I don't think you'll remember. It wasn't long before Shion was hospitalized. I agreed to take care of you until she was released. We spent around a week together, at that point I was practically your second mom already. Whose milk was it that kept you fed and happy for one whole week, I wonder?"

Her throat felt parched, maybe a few gulp of that milk would be—

'No! Lewd thoughts, begone! Bonk! Bonk!'

Kobeni brought both of her hands up to hide her face, her mind screaming at the way things were revealed to her. Was it because of this that her other self grew up and became a demon lord? Oh no, she was already halfway there, wasn't she!?

'Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!'

—Now wait a minute, since when can they talk normally like this?

"Let's address the reason why I'm here today, then."


They're just getting started!?

"I'm here regarding your future, Kobeni-chan."

The tone Hiiragi-san used grew serious with each syllable. Kobeni let her hands fall down and grabbed a fistful of the cover as if to find purchase. She prepared herself for this conversation a while ago, but being prepared didn't mean she was ready.

Not in the slightest.

"First, this is about Shion's funeral."

A fastball right off the bat, huh.

She loved her mother, she really loved her. The sorrow of a six year old little girl and the longing from the memories that were not hers, they mixed seamlessly together into a cocktail of emotions she dared not touch. Kobeni observed the way those sharp blue eyes dimmed and chewed on the inside of her cheek. The pain she felt must have been ten times worse, the two of them were her lovers, after all...

The conversation continued. The funerals of her parents were held separately. One side was a legitimate husband of the head of an old family. The other was a sickly woman who seduced a married man. She didn't need Hiiragi-san to verbally tell her how it happened. She knew enough from the dark look on her face.

The next thing was legal issues, and after that was what she needed to know to live in Hiiragi Household, her new home. Honestly speaking, she would rather not know about any of that, and from the look on Hiiragi-san's face, the other party felt the same. Those old fossils should be rotting in the dirt, Hiiragi-san commented.

What came with fame and power was the duty to uphold them.

In the Moonlit World, Hiiragi was one of the Far East's most prominent magical families. That's why every action made by Hiiragi-san would be under the closest scrutiny. It was just like what Hiiragi-san had said, this power was a shackle.

In conclusion, according to Hiiragi-san— 

"Been there, done that? Hah! Those bastards think they're always correct. If they think they're better than the newer generations, then evolution must've failed. Darwin must be rolling in his grave right about now. They belong in the museum!"

She could only lamely applaud with a wry smile. Had she not interrupted, it might have gone on for longer than that. Frankly, she was not looking forward to reliving her childhood under those old bastards' collective thumb. For Hiiragi-san's continued presence in her life, she will refrain from summoning eldritch horror in their backyards. How the hell would she get a unicorn's phallus anyway?

"If there's nothing wrong with you, I think your doctor will let you leave before the weekend's over. If you think of yourself as a bastard child until now, then it must've been uncomfortable staying with Yurika, right? It must be stifling, I'm sorry."

Hiiragi-san caressed her cheek with the back of her fingers. It was probably this soft and tender side that made both of her parents fall in love with her. The way those blue eyes gained a touch of softness was just too much. This bond she never knew they shared spurred her into action. By the time she found herself in Hiiragi-san's embrace, it was already too late to pull back or run away.

Kobeni was in a coma for nearly a month. She missed both of her parents' funerals. The trauma she got from the entire situation still haunted her like a rabid dog. If she stopped or slowed down, it would be there to sink its fang into her, tearing her to shreds. That's why she had no time for weakness, but she's alone, unwanted—

"That face again. You're thinking of unnecessary things, aren't you?"

The feeling of nostalgia welled up within her as Hiiragi-san gave her head a few experimental pats. When she didn't immediately bite it off, Hiiragi-san's face just crumpled into a goofy smile. It didn't take long before the feelings she'd been bottling up exploded. The small hospital suite was filled with sobs and wails.

"It's alright. Everything will be fine, I'm here now. Promise."

If anything, those words did the opposite of its intended purpose. That's because she remembered this exact dialogue from Yurika-nee's backstory. It came up again when the game introduced Kobeni as the main antagonist and last boss.

Kobeni gritted her teeth at the feeling of loss that suddenly doubled and tripled. The memories that appeared in her mind layered itself upon one another and made her want to scream. The memories all depicted a single event with few differences. However, the featured characters remained the same in all of them. It was the scene that depicted her other self's slow descent toward madness and destruction.

It was [Tsubaki-mama]'s goodbye...

'It's alright. Everything will be fine. I'm here now. The two of you are sisters. You only have one another, so... Take care of each other, alright? Fight and make up! Love each other lots and lots! I don't know what will happen, but know that I love you two very much. You're my happiness. My little flowers. Benibara. Shirayuri.'

Her small hands latched onto Hiiragi-san in a tight hug. Remembering those words just made it harder for her tears to stop. There was no need for background music or further context. The way her voice shook and became wobbly at the end was enough to make grown men cry, let alone a six year old little girl like her.

"If nobody wants you, I'll take you in."

Kobeni looked up.

The confident smile on Hiiragi-san's face overlapped with a teary one.

"If-If you do that, nothing *hic* good will come out of *hic* it."

It's already a miracle that she can even breathe.

"Oh? Underestimating yourself like that's no good, you know? You're Shion and Hiro-kun's daughter. I told you before, right? That you're their treasure. You're not an unwanted child. I already fell in love with you, and Yurika might as well."

She felt Hiiragi-san pressed a soft kiss on her temple. The love she felt from that simple gesture sparked an irrational fear in her heart once again. She won't deny that it felt good to be wanted, but these memories warned her of what might happen. She wanted to smile and accept this offer, but if she did—

She's afraid that those tragedies will become reality.

"I-Is it really fine like this?"

Hiiragi-san simply chuckled at her worry.

"Home is where the heart is, and we want you."

"But I can't give you anything."

She really can't. It was too sudden. She didn't even know if her mother had a will or not. The two of them were a small family that was on the verge of poverty. Most of the money they had was spent on hospital's fee that kept getting more and more expensive with each visit. Her father also couldn't help much. Hiiragi-san too.

The powers they had were nothing but shackles...

"Hmm, there is something."


The mysterious smile on Hiiragi-san's face didn't bode well for her. Maybe the price of a family was more than she can afford, especially when the other party had yet to tell her anything. But letting go of her remaining family?

No, that won't do.

"I-If you want, I'll do anything! So that we can be family, I'll—"

She was pulled into another hug before she could finish.

"Oh, this is unfair."

Kobeni could only blink in confusion.


"Tsubaki. Call me Tsubaki."

The embrace loosened just a little, letting her breathe.

"And what you can give me is, of course, a daughter to spoil!"

Kobeni pushed away from Tsubaki-san and looked down. Her small hands came together around her front. Red eyes full of uncertainty glanced up at the other party before looking back down again. Her behavior that suddenly turned meek did pique Tsubaki-san's interest, but before the woman could say anything, Kobeni already spoke up.

"It might be a little too soon, but I'll try my best! If the firstborn is a girl—"

"Nn? Wait a minute! Wait, wait, wait, I didn't mean it like that!? I-I want YOU to be my daughter! Not having you give me a daughter nine months later! Oh dear, you two really are the same. The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?"

She giggled quietly and gave out a consolation prize in the form of a smile.

"There's no need to build up the atmosphere, is there?"

The other party facepalmed and sent a troubled look her way.

"So it's my fault?"


"Like mother, like daughter..."

She couldn't help but show her adoration in the form of a content smile. It might have a bit of fear in them, but the gratitude she put inside was just as much. A lot of things were different than what she imagined. Tsubaki-san's not scary at all.

"Well, I am Shion-mama's daughter, after all."

Using 'Aragaki' would probably be a big no-no after this. Nothing will change the fact that she was born out of wedlock. It may not be an affair, but other people might not look at it that way. Papa and Shion-mama loved her a lot, it was pretty much an unconditional love, actually. And she felt the same with Tsubaki-san.

It had only been a short while, but she felt like home already…

She took a deep breath and looked at Tsubaki-mama.

Hiiragi Kobeni.

From today onward, that's her name.

The night Tsubaki-mama said those words to her and Yurika-nee, it was the night that Kyoto's sky was lit up by red flames. It was the last time she got to see the woman who had become her second mother. The memories of that night that kept surfacing, it told her of an impossible task. No matter how much her other self had tried to change, the outcome remained the same. Like it was set in stone.

She didn't want to hear those goodbyes from Tsubaki-mama anymore.

That's why she won't let anything happen to this person.

Because she already chose—

Kobeni got up from her position on the bed. Her red eyes shone like rubies as she settled into a seiza on the mattress. It was the sound of her taking a deep breath that made the woman frown. It was in the next second that panic and realization finally set in. However, before Tsubaki-mama could offer any protest...

—Kobeni's head had already touched the mattress in deference.

"I'm Hiiragi Kobeni. It's nice to meet you."

She no longer felt a hint of hesitation as she beamed.



Kobeni's a naughty girl. I was rather sleepy when I translate this chapter, so it's not as polished as I'd want. So if there's any mistake, can you let me know down in the comment? If you feel the inconsistency in Kobeni's character, I'd like to point out that she has a six year old's brain. Hormones matter. She also hasn't sorted through the memories from Big Kobeni yet as well, so take it easy, yeah?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.