Exploring the Gateway

Arc Epilogue Part 2: …Like you want it to

This chapter contains this story's first real sex scene. If you are uninterested in those I would recommend skipping everything in this chapter after the first three short scenes, or skipping the whole chapter if losing on a bit of the relationship development between John and Alice is fine with you. 

Over the next few days, Alice and John spent most of their time together, going on dates and hanging out. Despite that, John found every second with her was magical in its own right. In fact, as he thought back to the last week while still laying in his bed, many moments jumped out to him. 

They were both sitting in a small cafe at the edge of the commercial district, with a cup of coffee each and a plate of pancakes to share. In front of them was a beautiful view of the river running through Springfield, the area surrounding them was filled with trees and other tables. John stopped suddenly in the middle of their lively conversation to take in the view, almost unsure how he got there. 

“John? Did you hear me?” Alice said, looking at him with concern.

“Sorry, I just spaced out there for a minute,” he replied briskly.

“Thinking about whatever you can’t tell me, I’m guessing. You could just say it instead, you know!” she chuckled.

“Apparently talking about anime reminds me of it,” John’s eyes snapped back towards Alice’s and he saw her blush slightly.

“Good to know! Maybe I’ll be able to figure out what that is now,” she leaned over the table, and once John matched her they kissed briefly. 

“Please don’t try,” he broke the kiss to say, grabbing her hand with his gently. 

The theater was as barren as a Monday afternoon might imply, so they found themselves almost alone watching a superhero movie they were both looking forward to.  More than that, the dark and shared experience made it feel like only the two of them existed in the world. Banter and small shows of intimacy flowed regularly, as they ended up paying attention to each other perhaps more than the movie they had come to see. When the end credits rolled, Alice pulled John into a deep kiss which lasted for a long while, only ending as it transformed into both of them making out passionately. However, when John felt Alice’s hands, which were on his neck, wonder down he broke off the kiss.

“Not that I don’t enjoy this Alice, but maybe we should stop here?” he teased her, somehow knowing she probably didn’t mean it that way.

“Fuck off John,” she blushed but laughed, and got up straight away, “back to my house?” she asked with a soft tone.


Going up the short flight of stairs two by two, they found the door to the house filled with light and the sound of a single voice inside.

“Is your mom home?” John asked, guessing as to the source. 

“I think so… Not sure it’s wise for her to see you, I think she’s still mad at you after everything,” Alice half bit her lip in worry. 

“That’s ok, I get it. Another day,” he kissed her on the mouth before starting to walk off. But she grabbed him by the hand before he could.

“Tomorrow! It’s your last day free, right?” she almost commanded.

“Yeah, it is, I’ll see you in the morning,” John nodded his head in agreement, she was right, after all.

“Good,” she let him go and stepped through the door, closing it immediately behind her. The young man could hear the daughter and her mother talk through the open windows, but he didn’t pay much attention to what they said, as he headed to his own home.

He woke up the next day refreshed, and after taking a long hot shower and dressing somewhat more seriously than usual headed out. It didn’t take long before he got a call from Alice.

“You coming? My mom just left,” she said, her tone not making it clear if she was being impatient or just excited.

“Yeah, I’m on my way. Shouldn’t take too long,” he laughed.

“Ok,” she hung up after a second of silence. 

It didn’t take long before he reached her house, and found her waiting at a half-open door. Once he entered, she immediately grabbed his hand and took him up the stairs. 

“It’s about time we do this. And there’s no way you’re saying no after what you said yesterday!” she announced, pulling John into her room. At first, he was confused.

“Do what?” blindsided by her strange demeanor, but as soon as he said it, he understood and he felt utterly stupid for even asking. Alice shot him an impish grin, as if sure that what he said was on purpose. 

Her room was much the same as the last time he’d seen it, far too nerdy to be considered normal for a girl’s room. Same as his own room, it was utterly filled with her interests. Some medical books sat on her bookshelf, and various video games and consoles were neatly ordered on one side of the room. Near and on the bed were various plushies. Some anime characters, only a few of which John recognized, and a couple of animals. One more thing popped out to him as well, something he recognized was hanging on the darkly colored wall. The drawing he had made was there. 

Seeing him just stand there, Alice drew back John’s attention with a kiss. Which soon escalated, their lips parted and their tongues intertwined a second later. For a while, that was all John felt. Her warm lips touching his, and their tongues interlocking in an almost passionate dance. It didn’t take long before that escalated further. Their embrace grew closer by the second, but Alice made the first real move. 

Gently, she pulled John onto the bed, triggering some instinct inside both of them, He knew what to do, even if he had never done it before. Sliding back from their embrace with her on top of him, he started removing the only thing now separating them, their clothes. Then he noticed Alice was already doing the same, as she tugged lightly at his pants, he took the hint and moved to her clothes instead. Almost intently, her hand brushed against his crotch as she removed his pants, whether that was an accident, John wasn’t sure. Either way, it was a pleasant feeling that drew a slight gasp from him and surprised him anew with every one of her movements. Leaning forward again, he grabbed her shirt, a white blouse she had worn that day, from behind and tried to pull it up. His hands moved downwards to her ass slightly, teasing them with a squeeze as if to counter what she had done to him. This time it was her turn to be surprised, though her reaction was a soft moan instead. Despite being distracted, she held her hands up to let him take off her shirt, before returning to his pants which were down to his knees. Soon enough they were off and thrown across the room, and a similar fate befell her shirt. 

Already half-naked, both of them moved on to their articles of clothing. John’s shirt was soon removed by Alice, revealing his lanky body had begun taking on a more toned form. Faced with only her bra between him and her perky breasts, John sprung to action trying to unclasp it. His mind wandered as he tried for a while without success, drifting to taking in her form. The pale skin underneath her clothes was as flawless as he could have imagined, and her breasts were just the right size as well, slightly bigger than a handful. Eager to feel them, he squeezed them lightly, discovering they were just the right combination of soft and firm, and eliciting another small moan from Alice. Once he returned to the clasp of her bra he finally succeeded to open it, and they almost fell off her chest as he sat there. First thing he noticed were her nipples, in a way they weren’t what he expected, being small, pink and now clearly hardening. Due to being exposed to the cold air or due to the situation itself, John wasn’t sure, his brain too distracted to think about it. 

She looked down at him, feeling her hands on her body and then moved on the bed. Her body turned around with her head facing his crotch, and hers in John’s. It was obvious at that point what she wanted to do, and he would gladly go with her idea. While he attempted to remove the blue jeans that covered her own legs, he felt his own underwear slide down his legs. The simple pair of boxers dropped to reveal his dick, already erect. A second passed before John noticed, as only when he felt her tongue on his skin did he realize what was happening. Doing nothing but encouraging his pace, he continued more quickly, her pants flew off a second later and he was left to contend only with her panties. Beads covered the insides of her thighs and her panties were clearly soaked. Not waiting even a moment longer, Alice went down on him. Taking his dick into her mouth and sucking it lightly before letting it go again repeatedly, as if beckoning him to hurry up. A request he would happily grant. Her panties dropped onto the bed soon after, revealing her pussy. It glistened far more than John thought possible, so much it made the light pink color far more vivid. Regardless, he knew what she wanted, and his face was soon against her crotch. 

It wasn't long before he was already lapping at her folds as she did much the same to his dick. The sensations were still foreign, but all of them were very pleasant. Juices now flowed out of her consistently, they were almost sweet, though mostly tasteless. Nonetheless, John enjoyed it, mostly because of the moans every time he moved, licked her clit or delved deeper. He felt her pleasure reverberate quite pleasantly across his dick as she took more of it into her mouth. 

Alice, on the other hand, was almost solely focused on her own ministrations. John’s dick was now firmly in her mouth as she slowly moved across it, licking and sucking on it. She was obviously untrained, but nonetheless, she was doing it as passionately as she could. John was affected just as much as she was, as he felt everything on his mind washing away, he sunk deeper into pleasure. His pace soon increased as well, and he went back into it as passionately as he could. Flicking and licking her clit before delving back into her folds on primal instinct. It didn’t take long for the both of them to be moaning rapidly, and it was quite obvious neither of them would last much longer. 

In a last-ditch attempt to pleasure Alice, John sucked on her clit lightly. That’s when he felt her body start to spasm. Alice’s whole body shook for a few seconds before settling down. And the vibrations he felt on his dick were too much to bear causing him to orgasm as well. Neither of them flinched,  John felt her glue her head to his crotch and he was far too shocked to move. He felt his cum flow into her mouth and her slowly swallowing everything he could give. A while later, she pulled off from his dick with a clear popping sound and moved to lay beside him on the bed. 

“That was great. I really needed that. We both really needed that, I think. Also, I heard cum was much worse than that. Doesn’t taste nearly as salty or bitter as I thought it might,” Alice smiled at John, too giddy to laugh but still happy. She had something on her cheek, but John’s mind was still trying to process the whole situation.

“I… I don’t know what to say... Since when did you become the confident one around here?” he asked, jokingly. Almost trying to distract his mind with any other topic.

“Just couldn’t take sitting around doing nothing anymore. You know I’ve always been better at taking things into my own hands,” her response carried a much more serious tone.

“Well... what now?” he asked, still unsure of how to handle what had happened.

“How about we get some sleep. I think we’re both exhausted,” Alice stated first, and John agreed, she soon followed it up with a request, “and John, do you mind if we cuddle?”

“Of course not, I’d like that too.”

They cuddled for a while before drifting off in each other’s arms. 

That's the end of the first arc of my story! (Named "The Gateway") I hope you all enjoyed it, please read the author's notes that follow this chapter. I will also now take a short break, chapters will return in two weeks!

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