Exploring the Gateway

Dawn of the first day

While John and Ember headed for Ingrid’s office, deeper in the Victorian part of the base, the rest headed towards the edges, and to the Explorer offices, where each of their teachers stayed. After a few minutes, Charlotte split off from the group as well. 

“S-see you guys l-later,” she said to the others nervously and took a different turn, heading down a path familiar only to her. 

It didn’t take her long to reach the dusty old room her teacher's office was in. The hallway around it was entirely abandoned, and filled with cobwebs and dust. Even the wooden door leading into the room was almost rotting, and when she entered the hallway she was met with the same smell as usual. A reek of something that was not quite alive.

Charlotte knocked on the door, completely relaxed, as she had done so many times before. The figure that opened the door stood in stark contrast to the environment around her. Yet it was incredibly natural to see her there. The blue-haired woman in her late twenties had an aura about her that radiated everywhere, an aura which mirrored the smell around her. 

“Oh! How are you doing Charlotte, it's nice to see you again!” her teacher said, Charlotte could tell she was a little distracted, and the healer took the chance to look her over once again. She was an attractive woman, wearing a short skirt and stockings under a crop top which was part of a uniform and that barely covered her midriff and chest. Almost all of it was overshadowed and covered by her large black cape that flowed all the way down to her knees and emanated from her silver shoulder pads. It was remarkable how strange the outfit was, but at the same time, it was nowhere near as strange as the rest of their current surroundings to anyone but the two of them.

“I’m doing ok…” Charlotte responded, nervously trying to keep her eyes on the woman in front of her.  

“Good, that’s encouraging to hear,” her focus had now turned exclusively to Charlotte, and she placed her hand on the younger woman’s shoulder, “so, did you come here for a lesson?” she asked, her tone kind.

“I did,” Charlotte responded, her tone more confident than before.

’I’m glad they introduced me to Lena. She understands how it is to have these powers…’ Charlotte thought to herself, only kind things and a warm feeling that brought a smile to her face came from the woman in front of her. 

After Ember and Yan also went their separate ways, and Matthew had made sure they were both out of view, he headed back. His destination was different than the rest, and he would make sure they wouldn't notice. 

He walked with swift but steady steps, and his face took on a serious expression. Explaining his actions would be an infuriating waste of time, and he hoped that his stern gaze would be enough to dissuade anyone from asking. Around him corridors slowly turned to an industrial grey and it wasn't long until he reached his destination. The door of the warehouse. 

”You could have just told them, this was the perfect time,” Lieutenant Brown stood next to the door, waiting for him, and laughed heartily.

”No, I refuse to involve my personal life and reveal my shame to the rest of my team,” Matthew responded curtly, barely hiding his seething anger. 

”At least you call them that now! That's a good start,” Strong walked into the warehouse, signalling the ice mage to follow him. Once they were inside, Strong turned right almost immediately. 

”They have shown they are worthy of that, at least. All of them,” Matthew responded, his voice calmer and clearer now. 

Strong laughed in turn, “of course you’d say that!” he headed to an area behind the main counter, and turned a corner, Matthew followed him, “maybe my old lord is finally gaining some humility,” the lieutenant smiled back. The ice mage shook his head in response.

“You’re lucky I have to study under you, or I wouldn’t let you get away with that kind of nonsense coming out of your mouth,” he stated, but his tone was not angry, nor authoritative. 

’I couldn't do that to him, he's the only thing left of my family's legacy except me…’ he thought to himself, the situation bringing up bittersweet memories. 

“We're both aware I know you too well to believe that,” he said, looking back at Matthew with a knowing expression. 

A door soon came into view in front of them. It was situated in their corner of the warehouse. Almost hidden, its black metal door blended in with the shadows of the area around them. Light shone through as it opened, and the door creaked. Behind it was a much more welcoming structure, a small training room designed to look like a gym, with all the modern features one could ask for.

“Let’s get to training,” Strong stated as soon as he stepped in.

“So, what now, boss?” Bass asked John, clearly less enthused than usual, after all of their lessons had ended and they all got back to the classroom. They had collectively decided to use it as their planning room for the next few days. 

All of the others besides Ember were sitting around them in different positions. Yan was sitting close to John and Bass, intent on hearing what they both had to say. Charlotte was sitting on the far end of the room, though clearly paying attention. Matthew, as opposed to the rest, was looking elsewhere and sat a row behind Yan. Ember was nowhere to be found.

“We need to come up with that list of equipment now,” John answered, his tone remaining casual as he looked over the others, “first of all, we need the basics. Food, water, and some kind of mundane or Abyssal breathing equipment. Hopefully something that we can easily carry and won’t get easily damaged by anything we encounter. Our pocket spaces should help with that…” he paused to think, not sure how much exactly they could all bring.

’I should just ask them how those work,’ the Gamer decided, instead of fussing about it. 

“How much is each of you able to store in those, anyway? It would be helpful to know how much we can bring to XR2. My pocket space should be capable of holding around 24 individual items, of any size. But some of those items do stack, I’m not though I’m not entirely sure which do and don’t…” he explained after asking, it was important for them to know too, and he trusted them all far more than needed for that information now. 

“Stack?” Yan asked first, confused, then she continued, “I think we all have the standard pocket spaces. They’re usually around fifty litres, though which spell exactly it’s from can change that…” she trailed off, clearly trying to think of more. Bass and Charlotte confirmed what she said with a few words. 

’Huh… Guess it’s around twice a normal backpack then?’ John thought he remembered that much, and he had to admit, ’even though that’s smaller than mine, I think, that’s still really useful.’

“Yeah, some small items in my inventory can take the same space if they’re the same type. Like sandwiches or something,” Yan still looked confused, but John didn’t really know how to explain that any better, “anyways, that’s great! Should be more than enough to let us carry pretty much everything we need. Especially if we also take backpacks or something similar with us,,” he responded and thought out loud a bit. Hopefully that would solve most of their problems with storage on its own. 

”I'm quite sure we could all have thought of that list, given its simplicity,” the ice mage said, clearly annoyed, ”anything else you want to add… John?” he continued.

”I do have some other ideas, but before that, I'd like to hear what you four think. Anything you want to take there specifically?” he looked at Matthew directly, but it was only a questioning look. 

”If we need to map out the areas we explore I need mapping and scouting supplies. Paper and ink at the very least but preferably more magical solutions, like one of those fancy ManaPads. Especially since those are more readily available to share with the Council than your map. No offence John,” Yan paused and shot a serious look at him. She was clearly measuring her words as well.

He paused her to ask what those were, and from what she explained they were basically like the tablets he was familiar with, but powered by Mana and uses communication based on Mana as well. 

She then continued her own list, “also a mundane or magical compass and some other way to orient us there if we can find it. Perhaps an Arcane beacon for where we set up our FOB at.”

Bass was the one to explain this time, “it’s basically a machine that shoots out a beam of Mana into the sky to show us where our base is,” John thought that did sound extremely useful. 

“Ok, I should probably write this all down…” John was about to pull out paper and a pen from his inventory when Bass got his attention. 

“Already doing that, boss,” she laughed as she showed the piece of paper with a clearly organized list on it. 

“Thank you, Bass! I don't know how I could manage without you,” he laughed back. It took him only a moment until he had realized what he had said, but luckily she broke the tension immediately. 

“It's what I'm here for,” John was sure she gave him a wink, “I don’t really have any suggestions to add anyways-”

“Our group will require shelter, and enough materials to create and maintain a campfire,” Matthew started, interrupting Bass, who shot him a look, “in that vein we might consider taking some other form of self-defence than our own skill sets. For all your proficiencies,” he stared at the rest, but John didn’t feel it was scathing, “guns are still occasionally more effective,” he finished and his gaze drifted back to John. 

“Add it to the list please Bass, we should at least consider if we can find something of that nature,” John retorted.

“I-I…” Charlotte started, obviously nervous, “I’ll n-need some m-medical supplies, so I can help you guys if you’re h-hurt...” her voice became more certain as she went.

Before John could say anything, he noticed Bass had already started writing that down. 

“Anything else?” John asked, looking at the others one by one. The silence spoke to their answer, but luckily it didn’t last much longer, as Ember entered the classroom. 

“Your time just ran out on my stealth class, so it seemed appropriate I join you,” she said flatly.

‘I suppose that’s true, but now we need to decide our next move…’ John tried thinking about it for a while and the quiet returned to the room, but the answer came to him from outside his head. 

“One of us should probably go to CQC, the others should head to the warehouse to start on whatever work Lieutenant Brown wants us to do,” Bass suggested.

“And how would you like us to decide who gets that privilege? We all need further training in that area in particular,” Matthew shot at Bass. 

“If you want, you can do it, Matthew,” John fired back.

“Oh? I’ll take you up on that offer then,” he got up a second later and walked out of the classroom, not even bothering to say goodbye.

“Guess that’s out of the way now. Let’s head to the warehouse?” Yan asked, sounding genuinely relieved, and waited for a signal from John or Bass.

“Yeah, time for us to start earning our equipment,” he said, noticing her gaze. 

All of them but Matthew and Ember, who had disappeared again, got to the warehouse a short time later, where they were met by Lieutenant Brown once again. The man was already familiar with the others, but not with John, so he was the first to speak once they had reached the warehouse’s counter. 

“Nice to meet you Lieutenant Strong, I’m the new explorer, my name is John Miller,” John tried introducing himself when he saw the rugged older man. It had been the first time he had the opportunity to do that, and the mundanity of the statement felt just right.

“It’s nice to meet you! But I have to say that I’ve already heard of you from my colleagues. There’s barely anyone who hasn’t by now,” he smiled kindly back at John and stretched his hand out, clearly expecting a handshake. It was a gesture the Gamer wasn’t used to since he had entered the Abyss, but he grabbed Strong’s hand nonetheless. His grip was firm, but not forceful, and the shake didn’t last more than a few seconds, “they say you can know a man’s character from the way he shakes your hand,” the lieutenant laughed.

“So what does my handshake tell you about me?” John asked, both intrigued and joking.

“That I’m going to put you to work soon!”

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