Exploring the Gateway

Reconnected with mundanity

"It’s hard to explain,” he shook his head, “not really sure what I should say, but I wanted to tell you I might be unavailable for a couple of days. We’re going on an expedition of sorts," John spoke, regretting the feeling that he could say more, yet didn’t. But the more he thought about the trip to XR2, the more that feeling faded and he almost felt excited for it.

"Should? John, you should tell me everything,” he could feel the shaking of her head on the other side of the phone. And he wanted to agree with her, but every instinct in his body told her she’s safer now, “but by now I get that you can’t say everything," Alice said. It was a far softer response than he expected, and it relaxed him instantly. 

"Can, you’re right. But more importantly I’ll be gone for at least a few days once we go on this trip. Should be on…” he realized he had forgotten what day it was, and had to look at his phone to remind himself, “Thursday, I think, that means I won’t be back until next week, most likely,” he paused for a second and there was silence on the other end, “I was only told today, so," John fidgeted with his other hand, trying to come up with something to say. 

Before John could, however, Alice responded instead, "fine,” she sighed, “then you’re visiting today and tomorrow, and that is not optional," Alice demanded, yet she said it almost happily. 

"Clearly I have no choice then,” he laughed, happy for the chance to see her before he left, “I would have to be a terrible boyfriend to refuse spending time with you," Alice chuckled in return.

“Who said you weren’t!” she laughed harder, “but alright, I’ll see you at my place then, and tell me where you’re going,” she was more serious, “if you can, at least.” 

“Let’s just say it’s somewhere new, where no one has really been before… It’s not like I’m disappearing again, I should be able to call you, but I’ll probably be pretty busy with,” for a second John was going to say he would be busy surviving without a second thought, but that would only make her worry, “some research work there. But I promise you I’ll be completely fine and back in a flash ,” he said, trying to sound confident and comforting. 

“If I believed you this would be a lot easier, but I don’t think I know anyone who I can trust less to keep themselves safe,” Alice commented, she was clearly worried. 

“I wish you did, but I can’t blame you, my track record on that is bad. But I have people around me to keep me safe as well. But maybe I can tell you about that,” there wasn’t much more he could tell her, but it was something. He could at least talk about his team, maybe she would trust them to keep him safe, “maybe over dinner sometime? And how have you been, anyways?” John asked, hoping to change the topic. 

“Tomorrow then, and that’s a date,” Alice stated, her tone clearly excited again, “and I’ve been fine, school is as mundane as ever.” 

“Sure, tomorrow sounds good,” John smiled to himself.

John couldn't get his mind off seeing Alice as soon as possible, so instead of the long trek through the bowels of the headquarters he focused on Ingress. Almost instinctively he felt Mana flow into his hands and form a shape in front of him. It took about a minute to fully form. But unlike the simple walls and cubes he knew how to make himself, it was an arch of light with a layer of thin purple Mana floating in the middle of his room. He knew he'd find himself on Earth if he stepped through it, and when he did, the now familiar warehouse appeared before him. 

'That's convenient,' he laughed to himself. Already walking out to the nearest bus station and texting Alice he'll be there soon. 

The bus ride took only ten minutes to get to the residential area of Springfield and he got off at the start of his neighborhood, wanting to walk the rest of the way. He missed his hometown, suburban areas stretched out in front of him with almost no one around. Orange light from the setting sun lit the trees, fences and houses with an almost ominous glow. Yet it only made everything feel even more peaceful, when compared to the hectic danger he had experienced. 

’Feels like I already forgot what normality looks like. can't say I'd ever thought I would miss it,’ John chuckled out loud and turned right. It was away from Alice's house but there was somewhere he needed to visit. He had felt trapped there many times, maybe for most of his life, but his parents weren't at fault, and they would be happy to see them. The house he grew up with came into view instantly, and it was the same as always. Maybe he expected something to change, now that he himself had.  'Everything else hasn't.'’

Before knocking on his own door he waited to hear if his parents were home. The sounds of rustling kitchenware and talking  confirmed it, and it only took them a minute to open the door. Behind it appeared his father. 

“John! Why haven't you visited! You don't know how worried we were! If we hadn’t heard from Alice you’ve been visiting her we would have come looking for you. Don't you still have your phone? At least call!” he greeted John scoldingly.

“Sorry, I’ve just been busy with school and all, barely made it to visit Alice…” John felt flustered, guilty even. 

“Make some time then, you can’t have us worry about you if you should be working hard in college,” Benjamin said, his tone still firm, but more positive. He also moved to let John into the house. 

"IS THAT OUR SON AT THE DOOR BENJAMIN?" John heard Brooke from across the house, she was upstairs, but rushed down as she spoke. 

"Yes Brooke, it is, I was just going to ask him if he was going to join us for dinner," he said with a sense of collective anger.

"JOHN! I am furious with you!" she said, then jumped to hug him, holding him for almost a full minute before letting go, "you could have texted, or anything really," she was happy to see him, he knew that. 

“I’m happy to see you too mom…" he sighed. 

“I would hope so young man, now like your father said you are staying for dinner, no arguments!" she walked to the kitchen now instead of upstairs. 

“Fine, but I'm going to my room. Need to grab some things, but I'll come back down for dinner, promise,” he said, preempting a response. He texted Alice an update while running up the stairs and almost fell on the slick wood. It had just been cleaned. His room was much the same, and it smelled a bit of bleach. 

It had been far too long since he’d been back in his room, he had missed it. Everything in it was so normal, t-shirts and jeans and not those strange suits. Plushies and figurines instead of Victorian decorations. And most importantly, his bed.

‘I'm gonna have to bring this all over to make that livable, aren't I?’ he looked over it all and  already picked the figurines and plushies to bring. A Cyndaquill and Hamtaro plushies, a couple of video game figures. Link and Zelda first, then Samus, his Persona collection, and the Doom Slayer and Master Chief. After getting it all sorted in his inventory, he thought about bringing his computer. But since there would definitely be no internet there, he decided to ask Ingrid first, ‘a laptop could be useful though,’ he checked the abyss auction for a second, hoping maybe the computer prices there were cheaper. But before he could even browse the app a popup appeared in front of him. 

50,000$ have been added to your account from COUNCIL_ACCOUNT 

‘Ingrid was serious about that amount? Jesus, what am I even supposed to do with that much money?’ besides video games and computer equipment John had never bought anything with his own money. He never really even had his own money, just an allowance and some from doing chores. 

’I guess a laptop is definitely on the table. Need to check the Abyss Auction again, and talk to Bass about what kind of computers they even use in the Abyss,’ he sighed, it was yet more work. But he felt far more accomplished, he could stand on his own now. He even thought about getting his own apartment, but he wouldn’t be in Springfield enough, ’maybe Strong can suggest some things to use all this money on…’  he wondered. It was then his phone beeped, showing a text from Alice. She was happy to hear he was visiting her parents, and was looking forward to seeing him. John saw that and finally let himself relax, sitting on the bed for a few minutes, and managing to read a dozen or so pages of a book before his parents called him downstairs.

They ate dinner much the same as usual, though there was an odd silence in the room. John knew they were waiting for a further apology, or at least an explanation, but he really wasn’t sure he could provide one. Yet, he also saw them try to speak up, but stop before a word could leave their mouths. Unsure what to say just like he was, he thought. 

“I should have texted, or called, but I have really been great. Even met some friends and they’re nice to me and we’ve already done quite a bit of school work together,” he started cheerily, “can’t say it’s easy, but maybe that’s good. Needed something to challenge me a little,” John said, hoping that might ease their worries.

“You know we’re happy to hear you doing well, but don’t forget us, or Alice! Don’t make us worry, John, please,” Brooke asked of him. It was a reasonable request, he knew that. 

“Sorry Mom, you’re right, obviously. I’ve just been so busy I got swept up in it,” he wasn’t sure if that was really the reason, “anyways, thank you for dinner, and I’m glad I got see you guys,” he ate quickly between words, “but I promised Alice I’d be over in a bit.”

“Fine, have fun over there, but call us back tomorrow from school! And don’t eat with your mouth full!” John’s mom scolded him gently.

“Ok, I’ll call!” John swallowed first then said in response, a smile on his face. 

John had gotten to Alice’s house only a short while later, and Alice opened the door for him only a bit after he knocked. She was wearing a gray two piece pajama with a colorful print he didn’t recognize. It looked cute on her.  

“Took you long enough!” Alice said before rushing to kiss him, just as she did every time they met. For a few long seconds John let himself focus on that kiss, on the feeling of their lips touching and the soft heat that emanated from his girlfriend. She stopped it first, and led him inside. They rushed up to her bedroom, passing only briefly by Hanna, who’s gaze was as piercing as ever.

“So, you said you guys were going on an expedition?” Alice asked as she slid onto the bed.

“To sum it up, yeah. We’re going to some unexplored part of the desert. Gonna do some biological and chemical field tests. It’s pretty cool actually!” he had thought of the lie as he was walking home, hopefully it was good enough, “should be three days but I’ll still be able to call you and everything,” John tried to seem confident and cheery. The XR2 expedition would be fun, he told himself. 

"John, I can tell when you’re lying. We’re not even to unexplored deserts. But if you’re going to have fun I guess it’s ok, though there are so many questions I want to ask you. Just this once I’ll let it go, because all this is clearly what you want to do. Nothing I say will change that," Alice responded, her voice stable but more somber than he expected. Her gaze was locked into John’s eyes, "that doesn't mean I'm ok with not knowing anything, and you lying to me. If I have to figure this all out on my own, I swear I will. You can’t stop me doing that," she continued more confidently. 

"I know, but hopefully I can tell you everything soon," silence settled over the room for a while, as they just held each other gently. 

"No use dwelling on it, you came so we could hang out, so let’s do that!" she spoke up again.

"How about we keep watching that show then? I need something a little mundane to connect to,"

"Mundane, huh? Not really sure that’s what I would call that," Alice seemed a bit dumbfounded, "but sure, let's do that."

“Did they really call sending messages back to the past Delorean-Mail?” John laughed. The show itself was fun, but spending normal time with Alice was the best part. And so was laughing at the good and stupid parts of it. 

Alice chuckled in response, “yeah, they did. It gives it exactly the right sense of levity, don’t you think?” she looked at him, waiting for a response.

“Absolutely. I’m glad you introduced me to this show.”

“I’m happy as well then, I figure you’d like it,” both of them looked at each other in silence for a second, before Alice continued, “so what do you think is gonna happen next?”

“Probably some time travel experiment shenanigans, since it seems like they understand the mechanics-”

“I meant… with us,” Alice cut him off, “where do we go from here, together? Do we just keep hanging out here when you can?”

John gave it a long thought, ’do I want more than that? Alice has always been the person I felt safest with. Is it just the peace I want with her? No, I want her to stand with me, always That much was obvious, I guess,’ he chuckled for a second.

“There’s something I need to tell you Alice,” he spoke seriously as she gave him a strange look for his sudden shift, “your dad, I think he was involved in what I am. I need to know why, because maybe then I can tell you what it is. And your mom seems to know something, though I have no idea what,” Alice was more than surprised, yet her composure returned instantly.

“Whatever you’re suggesting we do to find out, I’m in.”

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