Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 25 Introduction

In the twilight of the night, the big golden tooth seemed quieter than usual.

At this time, the big golden tooth has already closed the door, but considering that there are guests who come back at night, there is a back door behind the tavern.

Go through the back door and go to your room.

Yunyou also followed behind Kane, circling around the room, scanning everywhere.

Kane's body is already very tired, and the whole day's fighting has exhausted his physical strength and magic power.

But the wound on his shoulder was still painful, and the pain made him unable to sleep even though he was tired.

Lying on the bed, resting his head and neck on the soft pillow, a pleasant sound came out of his mouth.

Kane watched Yoyo turn around and suddenly asked, "Yoyou, what function do you have?"

Hearing the master's call, Yoyo turned off the scan, turned around and slid to the head of Kane's bed.

The big machine stared at Kane with one eye and said, "Master, I was designed to help people's work in various environments."

A small propeller suddenly popped out of his head, and he pointed it with his claw. "Whether it's in the sky"

Then it flew to the sky, and an underwater propeller and tail rudder popped out from behind. "still the sea"

"I can do work assistance, and the metal parts on my body are also resistant to high temperature, low temperature and corrosion"

Then, for a small demonstration, I retracted all the parts, leaving only one propeller to flip up and down in mid-air in the room, and occasionally make difficult maneuvers.

Yoyo's behavior made Kane very excited. Isn't this the robot he wanted in his childhood daydreams? How could he not like it.

"Then what assistance can you provide for work?" Since it is a work assistance robot, assisting work is its main function.

Kane was also very curious about what other abilities Yoyo had.

"My soul connection core can store text, pictures and text "eyes shoot scanning rays" and can store scanned information for easy recall at any time"

"I can also scan the space and generate a three-dimensional map"

After speaking, his eyes projected a three-dimensional map. Judging from the arrangement of the surrounding houses and streets, it was the environment of Kane all the way after he came out of the map.

Three-dimensional map, Kane ecstasy.

In dungeon exploration, the importance of the map is unquestionable.

There is a huge difference in the difficulty of exploration between games with maps and games without maps.

"I can also identify some plants and animals and some minerals, and if similar information is stored in the database, I can also make simple comparisons."

As he spoke, a blue scanning light was emitted, scanning up and down Kane.

After that, Kane's characteristic reaction was projected.

【Human】【Soul Drive】【Magic Reaction】【Minor Injury】

"It can also perform a simple detection of the surrounding environment to distinguish whether there are harmful substances."

"These are all the functions of Yoyo, Master."

After saying that, he raised his head and stared at Kane.

"Yuyou is really amazing, you will help me a lot in the future." Kane tapped his head.

Hearing Kane's compliment, Yoyo turned around on the ground. Antenna - Cardioid

Finally the exhaustion overwhelmed the pain.

A slight snoring sounded in the room.

Seeing that the master fell asleep suddenly, Yoyo flew over his head and stretched out his mechanical claws to help him cover the quilt.

blue sky

The sun shines through the window, hitting the figure on the bed.

The care of the scorching sun made the shadows have to lose sleep.

Seeing Kane getting up, Yunyou rolled over immediately.

"Master, someone knocked on the door looking for you in the morning." His eyes projected a blue light into the air, and a short, strong figure appeared.

The figure projected by Yoyo is the tavern owner Da Jinya Burton.

When I got up, I was so tired last night that I didn't even take off my clothes, and suddenly fell asleep.

Simply wash up and leave the room.

The pain all over his body made Kane seem to have returned to the time when he first crossed.

At that time, in order to collect magic power, I had to practice archery and exercise hard, and I woke up every morning like this now.

It's been a long time.

Come to the tavern lobby.

Before Kane saw Burton, Burton had already discovered Kane.

"Hey, Kane, come here." Burton stood on the bench at the bar and waved at Kane.

Seeing Burton calling for his friend, a tall and thin man next to him got up and left.

When he passed by Kane, he didn't forget to smile and nod to him, and glanced at Yunyou behind him.

Came to sit next to Burton, Burton brought him a glass of juice.

He handed the juice over and said, "You can't drink if you're injured. Come and drink this, honey fruit juice is sweet and delicious."

Kane took it and asked in the direction of the person just now, "Who was that person just now?"

"It's just a nuisance, ignore him"

"By the way, what are you doing here with me?"

"I was just looking at your situation." He looked at Yoyo who was behind Kane, "but now I did tell you something."

"You broke through the first floor of the dungeon alone?"

Burton said as he reached for the pipe in his pocket, but remembered something and put it back.

Kane pointed to his shoulder and said, "I did pass the first floor, but I paid a little price."

"A small team of other explorers might get injured, and you will pass alone. This injury is not a price."

He tapped the bar with his carrot-thick fingers.

"So, are you thinking of finding teammates?"

"Of course," Kane looked over his shoulder. "It's really too risky to be alone. Although the benefits are good, it's not worth it."

Hearing his answer, Burton sighed: "Have you misunderstood something, the difficulty of a dungeon for one person and five people is different.

The difficulty for one person is 1, and the difficulty for five people is 3. But the corresponding income will also increase, and more income will make the quantity and quality of equipment better.

In this way, there are more choices for individuals, and different occupations have different needs in order to maximize the benefits. "

He tapped Kane. "That's why the Mavericks are unnecessary and stupid."

"There are such rules, it seems that I still know too little about explorers"

Kane mused that such a statement really made it seem unnecessary to go through the barrier.

"But that's not the main reason for looking for you." The dwarf pointed to Yoyo behind Kane. "That's the main reason."

Kane looked at Yunyun with a puzzled expression.

The questioning dwarf looked at Kane's face and had to say: "It is a high-intelligence magic construct, or an assistant type."

Kane nods

"Then you should know how important its function is to explorers, although it will be bound as soon as it is dropped.

However, there are still many teams who are willing to let their holders join their team even if they bring a burden. "

Kane learns 'so it's pretty rare right'

"Yes, this highly intelligent magical power structure has its own magical effect.

But it will only explode in dungeons where there are structures and monsters such as puppets. The existing assistant robots are all exploded in red-marked silver or gold dungeons. "

After speaking, he couldn't help showing an envious look to Kane, "And you burst out in this kind of copper dungeon. I have to admire it."

"At that time, there will definitely be newspapers to understand the situation, and they will explode the situation that the [Arena of Crystals] can produce intelligent structures.

This dungeon will be more popular than ever, and my business will benefit. But then all kinds of teams will come to invite you to join, the trouble will continue.”

After listening to it for a long time, Kane almost knew Yoyo's social status.

So to say

He can now lie flat and be supported by Yoyo.

"So there will be a lot of trouble in the future, right?"

"Of course, but it's just a happy annoyance."

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