Extraordinary David (Transcendent David)

Chapter 1250 - chat

The meeting of the Supreme Council was over, and Speaker David and Gould sat in the Speaker’s office.

“Arthur, thank you for the spiritual fruit you provided. This time it helped me a lot!” Speaker Gould said with a rare grin.

Speaker Gould also knew that he took too many spiritual fruits this time, but when he found the legend of Annabella to take some of the spiritual fruits, the legend of Annabella took out a space ring, which was full of The spiritual fruit consumed as ordinary fruit in the daily castle.

At that time, David didn’t say how much to ask Speaker Gould to take, and Speaker Gould took away the spiritual fruit full of a space ring along with the space ring.

The main reason is that such precious resources are consumed as ordinary fruits in Garmistar, which makes Speaker Gould feel heartbroken.

The entire Garmistar is also three of David, Legend of Annabella, and Legend of Anton, and those spiritual fruits are enough to make hundreds of Templar knights appear among the noble knights.

“Spiritual fruits are released as rewards, and I won’t ask you to come back, but my twelve new lords need you to find someone to help them manage their territory!” David waved.

There is no way for David. The twelve legendary lords doppelganger fighting is not a problem, but when it comes to managing lords, there is absolutely no such ability.

“This is a small matter, it’s on my body!” Speaker Gould said with a big smile.

Although there are not many butlers who can manage planetary territories, the Maine family cannot find twelve butlers with this kind of experience, but there are still 14 legendary lords in the “League of Dawn”, let them each have one. Butler, leading a group of stewards is not a problem.

With so many benefits from David, he always has to do something.

“This is the Perception Orb I made. It contains the’Rule of Wind’, and it is also what I promised to the legendary lords of the’Dawn Alliance’. The energy contained in it is enough to comprehend twenty times, and you control the use! “David took out something and handed it to Speaker Gould.

This kind of perception ball is David’s remote connection to the demigod “Golden Winged Beetle King” clone through his soul, and the knowledge of the “Rule of Wind” copied from the demigod “Golden Winged Beetle King” clone.

The technology of the perception ball was obtained from the’Space Destruction Temple’, which was originally used by the temple to sacrifice the perception of the magic.

The energy inside the perception ball is the power of faith. After the perception ball is full of the power of faith, David removes the charging function. Therefore, in order to charge the perception ball, no one except the gods can replenish energy, even if it is a temple. Can’t do it.

A sense of rules is an extremely important inheritance for any force.

Although it is easy for David to get the ‘rules of the wind’, this is definitely not the reason why he can send it freely without any restrictions.

Only the rarer? The more precious it can be.

In the ‘League of Dawn’ now even Speaker Gould, there are a total of fifteen legendary lords, plus the addition of members later? Twenty sentimental **** made by David is enough.

Putting the perception ball in the hands of Speaker Gould? It will also allow him to better control the’Dawn League’.

“I heard about them begging you? In fact, they overstepped it. You have given enough. Let’s put away this important rule inheritance!” Speaker Gould retorted.

Speaker Gould didn’t want David to take out his own rules? He knew that the rules of the legendary rank were the foundation of the demigods, and the rules David took out should be the rules that David now masters.

Speaker Gould didn’t know that David had multiple rules? He thought that the ‘rules of the wind’ was the only rule of David.

Want to know? It is extremely difficult to realize one rule? Not to mention multiple rules.

“Gould? This’rule of wind’ is just a rule I got by accident? My main rule is not the’rule of wind’!” David understood what Speaker Gould meant, and said with a smile.

From the attitude of Speaker Gould, it can be seen that although he is greedy for some petty bargains from David, but he really encounters principled things? He still thinks about David.

This is also a manifestation of mutual trust after friendship reaches a certain level.

“It really doesn’t affect you? Then I can put it away?” Speaker Gould confirmed again and again.

“Let’s put it away? But you’d better not feel it? Once you understand this’rule of wind’, you will never be a demigod!” David waved his hand to remind.

Speaker Gould looked at the sentimental ball in his hand with a tangled expression.

Just listen to the ‘rules of the wind’ to know that the level of the rules in the perception ball is very high? Speaker Gould still wants to learn.

But David said this, so he would naturally not consider studying.

Speaker Gould has always had a goal in his mind, and that is to catch up with David, even if he catches up slowly, he wants to try.

Compared with others, he has the best conditions. He is David’s best friend and David has provided him with too many resources.

As long as Speaker Gould is a guest at Garmistar, he will drink ‘Spirit Wine’, and when David gives the ‘Dawn Alliance’ resources, he will also add a separate resource for him.

The weapon he used was a demigod-level longsword, while the rest of the legendary-level lords all used a legendary-level longsword, which was a gap.

Just holding such a treasure in his hand, but not being able to look at it, made Speaker Gould feel extremely uncomfortable.

“Arthur, can you tell me what is going on with you and the temple?” Speaker Gould waved his hand and the isolation circle in the speaker’s office opened, and he asked softly.

Speaker Gould has been unable to figure this out, so he took this private opportunity to inquire.

“It’s not to deal with the war of the Zerg in the big world. I need to rely on my combat power, so I signed a divine agreement with me. Before I become a god, the gods will not be an enemy of me!” David Shen Replied.

“Huh, that’s okay, it takes at least a thousand years to become a god, enough to protect the Supreme Council!” Gould said with a long sigh of relief.

“You’d better not think like this, I found my own path, and now it is accumulation. As long as I have enough accumulation, I will try to be promoted to the **** level!” David said lightly.

To become a god, David is very sure that he can do it, and it will not take long.

David has a clear goal for himself. He does not want to become a **** who believes in becoming a god, but wants to become a god-level **** through cultivation.

Of course, he didn’t have the inheritance of belief into a god. He couldn’t achieve this path even if he wanted to in a short time.

But this is not the main thing. With David’s strength, he really wants to believe in the inheritance of the gods, he can continue to sweep the temple of the evil god, and I believe that after cleaning up one by one, he will always find the inheritance.

Belief in becoming a **** has the biggest flaw, that is, there must be believers. The more believers, the more power of faith and the stronger the strength.

But once the believer is destroyed, the soul believer in the small world will be completely annihilated one day.

The soul believer in the small world can exist for a long time, but if the soul believer is not supplemented by the power of external belief, it will slowly become weak until it is disillusioned in the small world.

David doesn’t like to put his life in the hands of believers, he wants to control his own destiny.

The biggest flaw in the cultivation of a **** is life. The god-level has a lifespan. Depending on the god-level, this lifespan may be one hundred thousand years or a million years, but the life of the god-level will eventually come to an end.

But in front of David, this defect does not exist. Having endless ‘immortal vitality’ is equivalent to having endless life.

“How long do you think it will take to become a god?” Speaker Gould asked, swallowing softly.

“With my cultivation speed, I can reach the peak of the demigod in ten years. As for when I become a god, it depends on luck!” David could not give an accurate time, he replied.

Speaker Gould really doesn’t know what to say, when will it be so easy to reach the peak of the demigod.

According to David, that is any day after ten years, it is possible for David to become a god.

Speaker Gould had the idea at this time that the longer David became a god, the better, and ten years was not enough for the development of the nobility.

However, Speaker Gould immediately dismissed this idea, which is too sorry for my friend.

David returned to Garmisch, and when he left Shining Star, Shining Star was still very lively. Many noble knights stayed in Shining Star and did not leave.

Almost all of the noble knights who obtained the fruit of the spiritual things stayed in the Shining Star.

The main reason is that the fruits of the spiritual things are too precious. The fourth-level sky knights can’t keep the treasures of this level. Only when the Shining Star can guarantee their safety.

In the next period of time, Shining Star will be very prosperous.

These are the things that Speaker Gould should worry about. The first thing David did when he returned to Garmixing was to take out some spiritual fruits and give them to the Annabella Legend.

Annabella’s legendary strength has improved rapidly, almost more than that of the fourteen legendary knight clones of David.

The main reason for this is sufficient resources. The legend of Annabella is in charge of the consumption of the spiritual fruit of Garmistar. She still has some ‘spirit wine’ in her hand.

David had also confessed to the legend of Annabella a long time ago, and Garmistar’s resources are used at will.

Nowadays, the cultivation space of the ‘artifact space card’ alone is enough for David to squander freely. Not to mention the number of spiritual plants in the small world of the soul space is a hundred times that of the cultivation space of the ‘artifact space card’.

David has always deliberately controlled the number of spiritual fruits taken out, just worrying about what trouble the spiritual fruits would cause.

But it’s different now. Why does Speaker Gould dare to reward so many spiritual fruits?

You must know that David has a lot of spiritual fruit. Speaker Gould didn’t know about it recently. Before, Speaker Gould didn’t think about releasing spiritual fruit on a large scale.

The most important reason for this is David’s status. In the past, Speaker Gould only dared to use spiritual fruit and ‘spirit red wine’ in a small area, but didn’t want to cause David trouble.

But now David has the same status as the gods, which makes Speaker Gould no longer hesitate to have such a big hand, and take out a lot of spiritual fruits to reward.

Speaker Gould, an old fox, knew very well how to make the most of the resources in his hands.

“Lord, you don’t blame me?” The Annabella Legend took the space ring filled with spiritual fruit and said embarrassingly.

“Don’t give it again this time, as you have seen, Gould doesn’t pay much attention to the spiritual fruit you sent out, and gave it to others casually!” David said with some teasing.

Annabella’s legendary complexion was reddish, she put away the space ring and bowed slightly before leaving quickly.

“Annabella, I need to retreat for some time recently, and you will take care of everything!” David confessed looking at the back of Annabella’s legend leaving.

David shook his head. He didn’t intend to bother about the relationship between the Annabella Legend and Speaker Gould, and it was better to let the flow go.

His figure flashed, and his ‘Breaking the Sky’ talent was used, and he appeared in the castle.

Sitting in the training room, David put aside his distracting thoughts and began to integrate the generated ‘Rule of Speed’ and ‘Rule of Power’ into the ‘Rules of Destruction’ every day.

The number of’rules of destruction’ produced by each practice is extremely small. He does not have the slightest rest. After that, he practiced at full load every day. The interval between practice is recovery time. During these times, he is also learning to destroy the temple from space. ‘Knowledge gained.

Unlike the knowledge obtained in the knowledge photosphere, the knowledge developed by the cube super intelligent system needs to be mastered by David through learning.

Because David’s spirit is extremely strong, and there are many soul clones that can accelerate the speed of thinking, which makes his learning speed very fast.

David did not intend to go to the Zerg world immediately, even if on the third day, the Shadow Servant had already purified a small part of the soul of the ‘Mother Emperor’ battle body, he still let the Shadow Servant continue to purify a small part of the soul.

It is not the time to go to the Zerg world now. At least after the anger of the “mother emperor” who lost her battle body is eliminated, David will reinvigorate two “Imperial Inheritance Patterns”, allowing two Zerg gods and five clone The demigod clone began to practice again.

The decision of the Supreme Council of the Great World of Gods on the task of the temple was delivered to the five major temples. The five major temples were very dissatisfied with this resolution. The five major temples wanted to use their respective influence to influence the Supreme Council.

Unfortunately, even the lord closest to the temple did not agree to persuade the temple.

The great world of God’s belonging has never been calm, especially in the recent period when the evil gods have awakened one after another, and the followers of the evil **** are constantly making trouble.

It was when the temple needed the help of the noble knights, this resolution appeared, and several tasks in the temple had to be solved by the temple knights.

During this period, many temple knights fell, making the temple urgently need the help of noble knights.

The Great World War had too much influence on the five great temples, and the fall of a large number of Templar knights also reduced the strength of the five great temples drastically.

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