Extraordinary David (Transcendent David)

Chapter 1299 - God war

The fifth-level bishop of Jervis came to the safe house, only to get rid of the danger, he needed to go to the ‘Reaper’ temple.

As long as you arrive at the “Reaper” temple, you can contact the rest of the “Reaper” believers to find out who betrayed him.

The fifth-level bishop of Jervis didn’t believe that he had exposed himself. The most likely reason was that a follower of the evil **** was arrested and revealed his situation.

The black dragon Alexis has been following behind the fifth-level bishop of Jervis. With the strength of the gods, it is very easy for him to follow a fifth-level bishop.

David, who is in the’artifact space card’, has found that the fifth-level bishop of Jervis is still very vigilant, but the black dragon Alexis and his strength are too far apart, and his little moves are not at all. use.

David checked the current location through the’Alchemy Map’, which is a planet named Booth Star, which is in the same galaxy as Scythian Star.

Booth Star belongs to a planet with a relatively thin atmosphere, and ordinary humans cannot survive, but there are still plants and some organisms that require less atmosphere on the planet.

If there are no extremely valuable minerals on a planet like this relatively tasteless, few people would be willing to develop it.

Booth Star obviously has no precious minerals, even ordinary minerals are very few.

The fifth-level bishop of Jervis entered a desert area. After going deep into the desert for a certain distance, countless desertified stone pillars appeared in front of him. I don’t know what kind of power it was that caused the group of stone pillars to appear here.

Between the stone pillars, the wind and the yellow sand being blown up danced with weird sounds, which made people feel uneasy.

The fifth-level bishop of Jervis was very familiar with this place, his figure flashed continuously between the stone pillars, and then disappeared into the flying yellow sand.

The black dragon Alexis has been tracking the fifth-level bishop of Jervis. At the moment when the fifth-level bishop of Jervis disappeared, his figure appeared in the position where the fifth-level bishop of Jervis disappeared.

Only after the black dragon Alexis passed through the yellow sand, nothing happened. He was still among the stone pillars.

“My lord, I’ll be able to find that guy by sweeping here!” Black Dragon Alexis said unwillingly.

A god-level bishop got rid of tracking by a fifth-level bishop, which is simply a shame.

But David was not angry, but cheered.

The teleportation method that can make the black dragon Alexis unable to detect, just shows that they have found the right place.

“Wait a minute!” David’s spirit stretched out from the’Artifact Space Card’ and swept over where Jervis’s fifth-level bishop disappeared.

Regardless of the method, as long as it is teleportation, space energy must be used. After learning the innate ability of “Break the Air”, David’s control of space has reached an extremely terrifying level.

The teleportation array arranged here is very special, and the spatial energy fluctuation is also extremely weak, it seems that it will only be stimulated by a certain aura.

That’s why it happened that the black dragon Alexis flew over from the same position and was not teleported.

“Alexis, I found the position!” David activated the ‘Break the Air’ talent and said to the black dragon Alexis.

Alexis took the ‘artifact space card’ through the empty energy channel. When he reappeared, he had already seen a temple. The breath belonging to his mortal enemy’s “Death God” proved that this temple was the “Death God” temple.

After seeing the temple of the ‘Reaper’, David didn’t stay in the ‘artifact space card’ anymore. At this time, there was no need to hide.

He stepped out of the’Artifact Space Card’, and couldn’t help but marvel at the arrangement of the’Reaper’.

This ‘Reaper’ temple has nothing to do with the desert, because it is underwater, and the water is isolated above the head by the isolation circle, forming an underwater world.

The first to discover the black dragon Alexis and David was not the believer in the “Reaper” temple, but the “Reaper” in the small world.

The ‘Reaper’ sensed the warning from the divine mind in the statue of the ‘Reaper’ temple, and he did not hesitate to directly mobilize the power of faith to descend next to the ‘Reaper’ temple.

This is not the headquarters of the “Gods Twilight”. Although it is also a temple, because it is a temple shared by more than a dozen gods, there is not much faith in it.

And this ‘Reaper’ temple, which has gone through tens of thousands of years, is an extremely important source of faith for the ‘Reaper’.

After seeing the black dragon Alexis and the demigod Arthur, the **** “Reaper” looked extremely ugly.

Even if this is the scope of the ‘Reaper’ temple, it is tantamount to an extension of the ‘Reaper’ small world. For him, the combat power will be improved, but it depends on who the enemy is.

Back then, I was able to catch the black dragon Alexis so easily, it was because the black dragon Alexis was hit hard after the war, which gave the ‘Reaper’ a big advantage.

Now the aura of the black dragon Alexis shows that he has recovered from his injury and even improved in strength. The “Reaper” has no confidence in fighting him.

The black dragon Alexis has a lot of spiritual resources to eat every day, and it is difficult to improve his strength.

The ‘Reaper’ was forcibly awakened, and after tens of thousands of years of deep sleep, his strength had fallen sharply.

“Reaper, come and fight me!” The black dragon Alexis swelled, and he let out a roar.

Although it is not facing the body of “Reaper”, this is also a real fight between the black dragon Alexis and the “Reaper” after awakening.

The last battle with the avatar of the “Reaper” was only an automatic battle with the spirit of the “Reaper”. This time it was the real arrival of the main consciousness of the “Reaper”.

“Alexis, I really regret that I didn’t cramp you, so I can have a few more artifacts!” “Reaper” said bitterly at the black dragon Alexis.

The original plan of ‘Reaper’ was very good. Without encountering David, maybe the black dragon Alexis would become a god-level puppet of ‘Reaper’, under the complete control of ‘Reaper’.

It is a pity that the plan did not succeed, and it was destroyed by David.

And with the help of David, the black dragon Alexis was healed in just a few years.

You should know that the black dragon Alexis’s soul damage is not so easy to treat. David’s strength was not strong before, and he relied on the Shadow Servant to absorb a large amount of soul to repair the black dragon Alexis a little bit.

It is not to meet David, even if the black dragon Alexis succeeds in getting out of trouble, it is impossible to restore his strength without ten thousand years.

David didn’t participate in this battle. He could perceive the black dragon Alexis’s thoughts. The black dragon Alexis wanted to find the ‘Reaper’ to vent his feud that he had imprisoned and humiliated for tens of thousands of years.

David stepped back, letting go of the battle.

The ‘Reaper’ saw only the black dragon Alexis, and the demigod Arthur did not carry the five god-level clone clones, so he was slightly relieved.

If the five god-level clone clones were here, this battle would not be necessary.

The ‘Reaper’ is not willing to give up this temple. This is his most important temple, so fighting is inevitable.

The aura of the ‘Reaper’ God descending body increased rapidly, and soon reached the **** level.

David, who was watching the battle from the side, had his eyes condensed, and he could see that the ‘Reaper’ used a special ability, which greatly increased the strength of the body of God’s descending.

He even took a closer look at the temple of the ‘Reaper’ not far away. This temple of the ‘Reaper’ seemed not simple.

You must know that David entered the temple of the “Storm God” before. The strength of the God descending body of the “Storm God” is extremely weak, only the legendary rank.

Although there is a reason for the weakness of the ‘God of Storm’, but the temple is too ordinary.

Even if it is the **** of war, it is impossible to reach the battle power of the god-ranked god, even if the **** descends at the ordinary war temple.

Only special temples such as the main temple of war and the “Space War Temple” can make the body of the **** of war reach the **** level.

The ‘Reaper’ can raise the body of God descending to the **** level, so it is very likely to be related to this ‘Reaper’ temple.

This is the scope of the ‘Reaper’’s temple. Naturally, he did not want to destroy it due to the battle of Gods, so a shield rose from the temple to cover him and the black dragon Alexis together, forming a separate battlefield.

‘Reaper’ and the black dragon Alexis are separated on both sides of the battlefield. The black dragon Alexis’ eyes are full of hatred, but his mind is extremely clear. He wants to torture and kill the **** of death. .

The ‘Reaper’ is calculating the gains and losses of this battle of gods. It is impossible for him to spend more than the cost of this ‘Reaper’ temple to fight, and such a battle is worthless.

He is no longer a **** who can spend it lavishly, and after all kinds of consumption during this period of time, his power of faith has also declined drastically.

The battle began in an instant, and the cursed clouds flying from the hands of the ‘Reaper’ flew towards the black dragon Alexis.

Black Dragon Alexis ignored these curses, even these god-level curses, for the Black Dragon clan, it would be difficult for this kind of curse to break the Black Dragon’s defense, let alone any harm.

The most powerful of the black dragons is defense. The black dragons gave up long-range attacks and gained stronger defenses and more powerful melee attacks.

The black dragon Alexis rushed to the body of the **** of death under the curse, how could the body of the **** of death be close to him, the body of the **** of death called a bone from the void, The bone was transformed into a bone spear under the magical effect of the body of the **** of death.

The quality of this bone is very high. Although it does not reach the **** level, it is also a half **** level bone. Under the condensed power of the **** descendant body of the “Reaper”, the formed bone spear is powerful enough to reach the attack of the middle **** level force.

After firing the bone spear, the body of the ‘Reaper’ descended from the gods moved aside, pulling away from the black dragon Alexis.

The Bone Spear appeared in front of the black dragon Alexis with a strong death spirit in the air as if it had penetrated the space.

The black dragon Alexis does not have a petty bone spear. He uses the dragon claw block to block the flight path of the bone spear.

The bone spear exploded after contacting with the claws of the black dragon Alexis with a bang. After the explosion, the bone spear turned into a cage of countless bones, trapping the black dragon Alexis in it.

The last series of battles all took place within a distance of several kilometers, that is, less than two breaths of time.

In the battle between the two gods, if David’s spirit is weaker, he may not even be qualified to watch the battle, because ordinary demigods can’t even see the movements of the two gods.

This bone cage limited the black dragon Alexis’s half-breath time. In the black dragon Alexis’s dragon roar, the bone cage completely turned into powder.

The ‘Reaper’ summoned a bone from the void, still a half-god bone, this time the bone turned into a bone giant over two hundred meters tall.

The body of the ‘Reaper’ **** descending is very clear. From the battle just now, it is obvious that he cannot break through the defense of the black dragon Alexis.

If the body of the’Reaper’ is here, perhaps relying on many methods, it is possible to break the defense of the black dragon Alexis, but with the body of the gods and unable to use too many combat resources, I want to defeat the black dragon Alexis has no possibility at all.

The bones summoned by “Reaper” did not appear out of thin air. These are the collections of “Reaper” in the small world.

The strong ones he killed would be made into skeleton puppets if the bones were intact. If the bones were incomplete, they would become his magical materials.

But there are not too many materials of this level. The “Reaper” also went through a big battle before going to sleep, and most of the bones had been consumed in the previous battle.

The last bone that was taken out was already the last one that could be taken out in the ‘Reaper’ calculations, and the demi-god-level bones that were taken out, plus the consumption of the deity drop this time, exceeded the value of the guardian temple.

The two-hundred-meter-high bone giant rushed towards the black dragon Alexis, with an indomitable momentum.

The black dragon Alexis did not evade either, and rushed towards the bone giant.

Just when the black dragon Alexis collided with the bone giant, the body of the ‘Reaper’ descended suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it had come to the other side of the battlefield, close to the area where David was.

The ‘Reaper’ **** descending body has long been optimistic. Since it can’t defeat the black dragon Alexis, then he will attack the demigod Arthur.

Whether it is to catch the demigod Arthur to threaten the black dragon Alexis, or kill the demigod Arthur, it is worthwhile. Even if you really catch the demigod Arthur, you may be able to keep the temple and let the black dragon Alexis. Xis serves himself.

The ‘Reaper’ God’s descending body acted decisively and flew towards David. He didn’t put David in his eyes. The demigod may be strong in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of the true gods, it is just a stronger ant.

As the first choice for the “Death God” is to capture David alive, the “Death God” does not use curses or long-range attacks, but carries a terrifying spirit to suppress David while approaching Up David.

It’s just that when the body of “Death God” came close to David, he didn’t see a trace of panic on David’s face, but with a touch of sarcasm.

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