Extraordinary David (Transcendent David)

Chapter 1307 - Entrust

“I hope the black dragon Alexis will not intervene, otherwise he will be killed with him this time!” said the **** of war in a deep voice.

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In the past two years, under the continuous grace of the God of War, the War Temple has slowly recovered its strength.

The price paid is that the **** of war has lost a lot of power of faith.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Temple of War has found many believers with the qualifications of the gods in the world of the gods. Under the deliberate cultivation of the gods of war, the strength of the gods has reached the fifth level.

This method of using the power of faith to increase strength by a large margin seems to be very fast, but in fact it has a lot of flaws. It is difficult for the gods to reach the semi-divine level in this life.

It’s just that in the great world of gods, reaching the fifth level of the gods is enough in most cases, and the **** of war will not train the gods to the semi-divine rank.

“The black dragon Alexis dares to intervene in the dragon clan. That is to break the agreement. If we kill him, we will not violate the agreement. I hope the black dragon Alexis will find his own death!” The’God of Wealth’ laughed. Said.

When the five great gods communicate through phantoms in their respective small worlds, the five space temples will approach the position of the dragon clan.

At this time, the three dragon gods and the five god-level dragons have learned about the current situation of the god-general world from the black dragon Alexis, and they also know that the five gods have arranged the spirit of the gods in the god-general world to explore system.

“Alexis, is it true that as long as we are in the great world of the gods, no matter where we are, we can’t escape the chase of the five great gods?” the black dragon Nettinger asked in a deep voice.

“Yes, the five great gods have ruled the great world of the gods for tens of thousands of years. During these tens of thousands of years, as long as there are gods, they will be destroyed by the five great gods. The reason why the dragon family can return this time is because more than ten gods. The oppressed can’t help but want to use the dragon clan to make the gods chaos in the great world.” Black dragon Alexis replied affirmatively.

“Then fight, I can feel the breath of my hometown again, even if it falls, it doesn’t matter. In the dark world, I regret that I didn’t die in the divine world, but chose the road of escape!” Green Dragon Austin said in a deep voice.

“War!” the five god-level dragons responded loudly.

After tens of thousands of years of surviving in the Great Dark World, the god-level dragons have long been determined in their hearts that even if they fall, they will never leave their hometown.

“Then prepare to fight, I can sense the breath of five temples in the distance approaching!” Golden Dragon Alfred looked into the distance and said.

Since knowing that the five great temples can track the breath of the gods at any time and locate the location of the gods, the god-level dragons of the dragon clan have no intention to escape.

In their view, instead of running around like a bereaved dog, it is better to fight with dignity.

The black dragon Nightingale and the green dragon Austin also sensed the fast approaching aura in the distance, and they mobilized the little energy in their bodies to prepare for battle.

“Alexis, do you recognize the identity of the dragon?” The black dragon Nettinger asked aloud what he thought of.

“Master Nightingale, I have always been proud of being a dragon!” Black Dragon Alexis gave an affirmative answer.

“Then I want to give you a task. These are the seven dragon eggs. I hope you can keep them. If possible, you can rebuild the dragon clan and don’t let the dragon clan be wiped out!” The black dragon Nettinger waved. He took out the seven dragon eggs and said.

The black dragon Nettinger knew very well that with their state at this time, the battle was fierce.

Rather than bringing the seven dragon eggs to destruction together, it is better to hand the seven dragon eggs to the black dragon Alexis. As for the black dragon Alexis, he is still a dragon.

Besides, the black dragon Nettinger also has selfish intentions. He does not want all the black dragons to fall here. The black dragon Alexis has a very good life. By allowing the black dragon Alexis to protect the dragon egg from leaving, let the black dragon Alexis didn’t have to choose whether to stay.

“Master Nightingale, please rest assured, I will hatch the seven dragon eggs and let them grow up!” The black dragon Alexis assured him in a deep voice.

It’s not just seven dragon eggs. Although a lot of resources are needed to incubate a dragon egg, to the black dragon Alexis, this resource is really nothing.

This is the advantage of following David. There is no need to worry about resources. Even if David does not have the resources to hatch the dragon eggs, Alexis, the black dragon, usually saves a little, and he can save a bite.

The golden dragon Alfred and the green dragon Austin’s eyes flickered. They thought of the top resources exuded from the body of the black dragon Alexis. It is conceivable that the black dragon Alexis does not lack resources. of.

“Alexis, I also have seven dragon eggs here, please help keep them!” Golden Dragon Alfred and Green Dragon Austin said simultaneously.

The black dragon Alexis was taken aback, at this time the two dragon gods had already sent fourteen dragon eggs to him.

The black dragon Alexis understood at this time that these are the three dragon gods preparing to fight to the death, and before the death fight, the hope of the dragon clan was put in his own hands.

“Master Nightingale, Master Alfred, Master Austin, if you want, I can take you to my master and ask him to take you in!” Black dragon Alexis doesn’t want the dragon clan The last dragons all fell, he said in a deep voice.

“Alexis, even if I die in battle, I won’t seek refuge from a foreigner!” Golden Dragon Alfred shook his head and refused.

The black dragon Nettinger, the green dragon Austin, and even the five god-level dragons did not speak, but the meaning of rejection was obvious.

After surrendering twenty-one dragon eggs, these god-level giant dragons have delegated their most important tasks.

Having suffered so much in the Great Dark World, they need to vent at this time. The best vent is a battle of life and death. It doesn’t matter if they fall.

“Three adults, my master is actually a clan of dragons!” Black Dragon Alexis continued to persuade.

Hearing the words of the black dragon Alexis, the three dragon gods hesitated. If there are really giant dragons alive and can provide them with shelter, it would be acceptable.

“Three adults, please act decisively, once the five space temples arrive, the five great spirits will come!” Black dragon Alexis perceives the approaching space temple and said anxiously.

“Alfred, should we meet the master of Alexis?” The black dragon Nightingale trusted the black dragon Alexis very much, and he suggested.

Among the three dragon gods, Golden Dragon Alfred is headed. This is a matter of life and death, and Golden Dragon Alfred’s opinion is the most important.

“Alexis, what kind of conditions does your master need to protect the dragon clan?” Golden Dragon Alfred asked the black dragon Alexis.

Golden Dragon Alfred knew that it was not the black dragon Alexis who could really call the shots, but the master of the black dragon Alexis, the mysterious dragon.

Especially this time when the dragon summoning circle was opened, the mysterious dragon did not appear, which made Golden Dragon Alfred unable to judge the mysterious dragon’s thoughts.

Normally, as long as the dragon summoning magic circle is activated, the dragon anywhere should respond, even if it is just coming to see the situation, it should come over.

The behavior of the black dragon Alexis master shows that he has no feelings for the dragon clan, and it is not realistic for him to unconditionally accept the dragon clan.

The golden dragon Alfred wanted to know what price the dragon clan needed to obtain the protection of the black dragon Alexis master.

“Master Alfred, wait a minute, I will contact the master!” Black Dragon Alexis said immediately.

The black dragon Alexis contacted David through contact with David’s soul.

“My lord, there are only three dragon gods and five god-level dragons left in the dragon clan. They are all extremely weak. Can you take them in?” Black dragon Alexis told the situation and asked. .

Alexis, the black dragon, was nervous. David’s combat power would never be seen by these god-level combat powers of the giant dragon clan. As long as David was given more time, he could completely remove all the legendary levels. The clones of the Zerg clan and the demigod are all cultivated to the gods.

Just looking at the composition of David’s combat power, we can know that David does not like uncontrollable combat power.

Among all the god-level combat power, only the black dragon Alexis is not a clone of David, and all the other god-level clones are actually David’s god-level clones.

“Alexis, how does the dragon family accept my refuge?” David also asked through soul contact.

Hearing David’s question, Alexis the black dragon couldn’t help but sigh. His previous thought was that David had a huge territory in the world of the Zerg. As long as he gave the dragon a planet, the dragon could survive. .

But why did David help the dragon clan? Is it just because of the blood of the black dragon flowing inside David?

“If the dragon clan promises to serve me as the master, I will promise to protect the dragon clan!” David waited for a while without getting a response from the black dragon Alexis, he directly stated the conditions.

“Master Alfred, the master said that it is necessary to sign a master-servant contract to protect the dragon clan!” Black dragon Alexis said helplessly to the golden dragon Alfred.

The black dragon Alexis saw the anger in the eyes of the golden dragon Alfred, the black dragon Nightingale, and the green dragon Austin, and understood that the three dragon gods would not accept this condition.

“Then needless to say, Alexis, I hope you can treat the 21 dragon eggs well and rebuild the dragon clan!” Golden Dragon Alfred said in a deep voice.

The black dragon Alexis knew very well that since the golden dragon Alfred had decided, he would never change.

“These are some resources, I hope you can restore some strength!” Black Dragon Alexis took out a hundred spiritual objects from his own space and sent them to Golden Dragon Alfred.

“This is the cultivation resource your master gave you?” The black dragon Nettinger asked in disbelief.

In the age of dragons, there were not many spiritual things, and the growth of spiritual things was extremely accidental and rare. Therefore, during the reign of dragons, the number of spiritual things harvested by dragons was extremely limited.

One hundred spiritual fruits are generally the output of the entire world in one year.

And so many spiritual resources were taken out by the black dragon Alexis, how could he not surprise the black dragon Nettinger.

“Yes, this is the cultivation resource given by the master, it came out in a hurry, I didn’t bring many spiritual things!” Black Dragon Alexis explained.

In the past year, Alexis, the black dragon, has been practicing in retreat with David, consuming a lot of spiritual things every once in a while.

His previous practice consumed most of the spiritual things, and because of the rush of coming, he didn’t receive more spiritual things from David, so he left these hundred spiritual things and fruits.

To be honest, after listening to the explanation of the black dragon Alexis, the black dragon Nightingale hesitated for a moment whether he should also take refuge in the black dragon Alexis master.

It’s just that the pride in his heart does not allow him to do this, even if he is killed in battle, he cannot become a servant.

“Alexis, thank you for your support, you leave soon!” Golden Dragon Alfred felt the breath of the space temple and said in a deep voice.

Golden Dragon Alfred distributed one hundred spiritual fruits to the dragons of the gods, and the dragons of the gods took the fruits of the spirits one after another, allowing the energy in the fruits to nourish their dry dragons.

Even the Golden Dragon Alfred moaned involuntarily after taking the spiritual fruit. This is the first time absorbing energy in tens of thousands of years.

And it is still such a top-level cultivation resource energy, all the god-level dragons did not stingy with the spiritual fruit, and all the one hundred spiritual fruit was consumed without remaining.

The god-level dragons are very clear that the next battle is likely to be their last battle, and there is no need to leave the spiritual fruit.

The black dragon Alexis hesitated, he did not leave immediately, but wanted to see the situation.

If there are no two black dragons in this group of dragons, especially the black dragon Nettinger, maybe the black dragon Alexis will immediately leave with 21 dragon eggs.

But the black dragon Nettinger is the dragon **** of the black dragon. Back then, the black dragon Alexis also received the teachings of the black dragon Nettinger.

Just before the black dragon Alexis hesitated, the five space temples surrounded the dragon family and the black dragon Alexis.

The descent bodies of the five great gods also descended in front of the five space temples, and they stared at the dragon in the encirclement.

In the next battle, the threat of the dragon clan could be resolved, which made the five great gods serious, and did not relax due to the decline in the strength of the dragon clan.

The spirit of the golden dragon Alfred moved, and the other god-level dragons all centered on him, forming a weird fighting form.

The battle form formed by the eight god-level dragons is a bit like a battle formation, but they are different. Each of the eight god-level dragons uses the strongest defensive position on their backs. At the same time, the weaker part of their abdomen is covered by the other god-level giants. The dragon blocked it.

This kind of battle form is a battle form summed up in the dark world, tens of thousands of years in the battle with the Daredevil.

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