Extraordinary David (Transcendent David)

Chapter 1317 - Of God

The gods of “Gods Twilight”, including the “God of Flame”, all suffered huge losses because of the plan of opening the dragon summoning circle proposed by the “God of Death”, and the five major temples of the Great World and the Supreme Council jointly attacked Cthulhu believers, so that the gods have lost their living soil.

When the ‘God of Flame’ agreed to meet David in the small world, he had already decided to become David’s god.

This is also his only way to survive. If he doesn’t want to find a backer, he will probably fall asleep forever.

For the “God of Flame” who has lived for countless tens of thousands of years, he is not reconciled to remain silent like this.

After seeing the combat body clone that David brought, the “God of Flame” completely made up his mind. David is a powerful **** and worthy of refuge.

Perhaps David is only a demigod now, but it is because of this that David may appreciate the strength of the “God of Flame”.

This “God of Flame” has been considered. After David reaches the God level, he probably won’t be able to appreciate the strength of the “God of Flame”.

“God of Flame, you prepare the contract, and we can sign the’Divine Deity Contract’ now!” After observing the small world, David understood the situation of the’God of Flame’ and nodded and said.

The ‘God of Flame’ looked helpless and even asked him to prepare a ‘Divine Deity Contract’, but this is also a good thing. He can guarantee that there will be no special content in the ‘Divine Deity Contract’.

Of course, it is impossible for him to add something beyond the power of God, but he knew that David had taken over the power of God, so he did not dare to take risks at all.

In case David turns his face, even if he is in a small world, the “God of Fire” cannot bear the anger from David.

The “God of Flame” flew into his collection of ancient materials. He is different from the “Mother of the Forest”. The “Mother of the Forest” has the intention to become a god, and has long been consciously prepared for the “God of God Contract” ‘, he needs to be produced on site.

A ‘divine and deity contract’ doesn’t require much trouble. In a small world, the abilities of the ‘flame god’ can reach the level of creation.

After a while, the ‘divine text belongs to God’s contract’ was successfully made, and the imprint of his divine consciousness was added to David’s hands.

David now no longer needs to help the black dragon Alexis to check it out. He himself has a deep understanding of the divine contract by reading a large number of god-level and spiritual books.

After seeing the ‘Divine Deity Contract’, there was no problem, David used his own spirit to leave a mark on the position of the Lord God.

The ‘divine text belongs to God’s contract’ disappeared in a ray of light, and the breath of will from the great world descended.

“I have seen adults!” The’God of Flame’ saluted respectfully.

The ‘God of God’s contract’ was fulfilled and the ‘God of Flame’ became David’s God, and he immediately changed his name.

“God of Flame, since you have become my god, then you will no longer allow believers to engage in sacrifices in the gods world. I will regularly assign you the power of faith for you to use!” David accepted ‘God of Flame’ said after a salute.

“Please rest assured, in fact, I have never asked believers to hold an evil sacrificial ceremony!” The’God of Flame’ quickly agreed.

For David’s request, the “God of Flame” fully supported him, and he himself could not understand the evil sacrifices of the gods and spirits of the “Gods Twilight”.

In addition, the number of followers of the ‘God of Flame’ is already very small, and even the number of temples has been reduced by two. He is truly desperate in the world.

“By the way, I give you the authority to open the small world!” The’God of Flame’ thought of an important thing, and then continued.

The ‘God of Flame’ is naturally anxious to give the power of the small world, because only when he is given the power of the small world, can David be able to use means to introduce the power of faith from the outside into the small world.

Besides, giving the main **** the authority to his own small world is something that the **** should do.

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David took the fire from the “God of Flame”. This is the control of the small world. When his spirit comes in contact with the flame, he has a connection with the small world.

With a wave of David’s hand, he received a channel of power of faith from the small world of the “God of Shadows”, and the power of faith poured into the small world of the “God of Fire” along the channel.

Feeling the increase in the power of faith in the small world, the “God of Flame” has a feeling of tears in his eyes. In order to survive, he used many methods to gain the power of faith, but in the end he became a god, and then he really Achieved the goal.

The “God of Flame” also sensed that this power channel of faith was connected from another small world. His strength was stronger than that of the “Mother Forest God”, and he could perceive more things.

Although he does not know which **** belongs to the small world on the other side of the power of faith channel, he can be sure that this is not the small world of the ‘Mother Forest God’.

This made the ‘God of Flame’ inevitably have some speculations in his heart, I don’t know which other **** God belongs to in the great world has taken refuge in David.

God belongs to the gods of the great world, as long as he is not a **** of the past tens of thousands of years, he is known.

“The God of Flame, it happened to be called the Mother Forest God today. He has never been to my territory, so let’s go with him this time!” David said to the “God of Flame”.

“My lord, did the body pass by?” the’God of Flame’ asked hesitantly.

Having been a **** for so long, the “God of Flame” has long been accustomed to hiding himself in the small world. After his body became a god, he never came out of the small world.

Having rashly accepted the invitation of the Lord God, he was a little at a loss.

The ‘God of Flame’ didn’t think that the Lord God would frame him. If he really wanted to harm him, he could easily kill him by relying on the combat body clone alone.

“Don’t worry, taking you there this time is just to give you peace of mind!” David couldn’t help but laugh.

David has the authority of the two small worlds of the “Mother of the Forest” and the “God of Flame”. With a thought in his mind, a space door opened between the two small worlds.

The’Mother Forest God’ was ordered by David and entered the small world of the’God of Flame’ through the space door.

The’Mother of the Forest’ looked at this small world curiously. Although he and the’God of Flame’ were in the’Twilight of the Gods’, this was the first time to really meet, let alone see the’God of Flame’. Little world.

“Wrong with you, first enter my space, I will take you through the barriers of the great world!” David said to the two gods.

The ‘Mother of the Forest’ and the ‘God of Flame’ accepted David’s lead and entered the ‘Artifact Space Card’.

David also left the small world of the ‘God of Flame’ and opened a wormhole in the space leading to the ‘safety point of the Zerg World’ and walked into it.

The “Zerg World Security Point” is now open in the underground base of the Zerg World Home Star. David emerges from the underground base and once again uses the “Break the Air” talent to come to the surface of the Home Star.

He released the ‘Mother God of the Forest’ and the ‘God of Flame’. Today’s Homeland Star is no longer desolate. Although it has not been completely transformed, most areas have the embryonic form of a green planet.

The ‘God of Flame’ and the ‘Mother Forest God’ are standing in the main world, and they clearly feel the suppression from the main world. This is not the **** of the big world.

They are not surprised at this point. God’s big world has no room for God to live, otherwise they would not have to hide in the small world and dare not show up.

The ‘God of Flame’ and the ‘Mother of the Forest’ are not used to the feeling of standing in the main world, which makes them extremely insecure.

Coupled with the suppression of the main world, their strength was greatly affected.

Just as the ‘Fire God’ and the ‘Mother Forest God’ were observing the situation of the Homeland Star while flying behind David, they heard a dragon chant, followed by multiple dragon chants.

“My lord, there is a dragon!” The’God of Flame’ changed his expression and hurriedly called.

The’God of Fire’ had fought with giant dragons back then. He knew the horror of giant dragons, especially the gods who used the natural ability of fire. He naturally possessed great defensive powers against giant dragons like the god-level life limits.

“I have seen Lord Dragon Emperor!” The golden dragon Alfred was extremely fast, and when the “God of Flame” screamed, he had already appeared in front of David.

Like the two gods, the golden dragon Alfred has also become smaller in order to cater to David.

It’s just that even if there is only a four-meter dragon body, it still puts strong pressure on the ‘God of Flame’. If it weren’t for David to be here, he would have to turn his head and flee.

However, after hearing the greeting from the golden dragon Alfred, the “God of Flame” was stunned, and the “Mother Forest God” was also stunned.

The ‘God of Flame’ shook his head in disbelief. Hasn’t it been a long time since the small world appeared, and his ears have a problem?

“Golden Dragon Alfred, what’s the matter?” David saw that Golden Dragon Alfred was very excited and couldn’t help but smile and asked.

“Lord Dragon Sovereign, there is a dragon egg hatched, it is a young golden dragon!” Golden Dragon Alfred has been unable to hide his joy.

“This is a good thing, congratulations!” David was also very happy, he said with a smile.

The golden dragon Alfred is of course excited, not only because this is a young golden dragon of the same clan, but also because this is the first magic dragon in the dragon clan for tens of thousands of years, which has extremely important significance.

This represents the hope of the re-emergence of the giant dragon clan, and the effect of the incubating **** pattern array of the “Temple of Destruction” is indeed beyond imagination.

“Alexis, go and prepare a resource for the little guy. I don’t want the little guy to spend his childhood by sleeping!” David ordered the black dragon Alex on his shoulders.

Generally speaking, the young dragons of the giant dragon clan will spend the shortest one hundred years and the longest possible millennium in their juvenile period. During this period, the young dragons will spend most of their time sleeping. This is also the practice method of the young dragons.

But it’s not because of the problem of resources. By absorbing energy by itself, to pass the juvenile period, of course, you need to sleep and practice. If there are enough resources, then the juvenile period of the young dragons will be much shorter.

“Yes, my lord!” Black Dragon Alexis replied, leaving David’s shoulder.

“Master Xie Longhuang!” Jinlong Alfred said with a happily smile.

He ran over in such a hurry because he wanted to get some resources from David, otherwise they would use their resources to supply the young dragons.

This will affect their service to David, and they need to maintain sufficient combat power to wait for David’s call at any time.

After the golden dragon Alfred and the black dragon Alexis both left, the ‘God of Flame’ and the ‘Mother of the Forest’ were awake.

“My lord, you are the Dragon King?” Even if the ‘God of Flame’ heard Golden Dragon Alfred’s multiple times, he still couldn’t be sure of the truth of this matter.

He didn’t really doubt David, but it was incredible.

That was the dragon family, the rulers of the dragon age. They spent a great price to open the dragon summoning circle. For this reason, the “Gods Twilight” fell apart.

“I can only be regarded as the quasi-long emperor. I have not yet achieved the **** level, so I am not a dragon emperor!” David replied with a smile.

The “God of Flame” guessed that after the dragon summoning magic circle summoned the dragon clan back, something must have happened that would allow the dragon clan to find David.

Thinking of this, the ‘God of Flame’ felt no more uncomfortable for his refuge in becoming David’s god, but he felt a deep pride in his decisiveness.

This is the Dragon Emperor. The former Dragon Emperor just sneezed, and the gods and the great world tremble.

Although the current dragon clan is weakened, it is also a god-level life dragon clan, and the lean camel is bigger than a horse.

“Now there are only nine god-level dragons in the dragon family, including Alexis, but it will be better in the future. A new young dragon is born!” David introduced with a smile.

The ‘Fire God’ nodded and swallowed. The ‘Mother Forest God’ had not spoken. As a god, he looked stupid, and he was startled.

“In the world of Zerg, more than half of the star field belongs to my territory. At present, the home star we are in is still undergoing transformation. I am planning to build the home star into a training base for the god-level people to practice life!” David continued to introduce, he stopped in the air.

It was the first time that the ‘Fire God’ and the ‘Mother Forest God’ knew about this, and the impact on them was even more powerful than when David became the Dragon King.

This means that their main **** actually controls the world of the Zerg race, which is a real big world, a big world that can compete with the gods.

They knew in their hearts that this was definitely not because of the dragon clan, because how long the dragon summoning the magic circle was opened, this should be the accomplishment of David’s previous forces.

The ‘God of Flame’ and the ‘Mother of the Forest’ immediately felt that the suppression of the rules of the Zerg world was not so uncomfortable, and they all felt relaxed.

Becoming gods is the beginning of bondage. They work hard for the power of faith all day long, and they are losers, and they have hardly enjoyed the air of freedom.

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