F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 129:

Chapter 129

Beneath Shin Sooah's feet, a fallen clown writhed in agony. However, she showed no interest in that direction. As their comrade fell, the remaining clowns clenched their teeth and shouted.

"Damn it, catch her!"

"She only got one arm. She's nothing special!"

Shouting thus, they charged towards Shin Sooah. Despite enemies closing in from all sides, Shin Sooah, with a calm expression, merely glared at them.

[Ability 'Spirit of the White Tiger' has been activated!]

[In this realm, abilities related to the Twelve Zodiacs are strengthened!]


The White Tiger is called differently than a regular tiger. As the energy emanated from her body, the surroundings twisted mercilessly.

Confronted with the aura of a wild beast, everyone involuntarily kneeled.

Behind her, the shape of a tiger seemed to flicker.

"Oh, shit. I thought this was...!"

One clown rushed forward towards Shin Sooah, but he was too slow.


As Shin Sooah manipulated tree roots to impale the clown, blood erupted from his mouth. He gurgled and tried to breathe.

Shin Sooah grabbed the clown's hair and lifted his head, locking eyes with him.


"Cough, cough..."

"Tell me where Seo Gangrim has been taken, right now."

With a cold expression, Shin Sooah stared them down. Her gaze seemed as sharp as a weapon. Blood dripped from the clown's chin.

"Seo Gangrim? I-I don't know. Even if I knew, I wouldn't...!"

"Fine, then."


Shin Sooah slammed the clown's head into the ground. Another clown, hiding nearby and watching the scene unfold, swallowed hard.

'I heard stories about Seo Gangrim's group being strong... but now they are exhausted!'

Due to the race, Shin Sooah was also on the verge of exhaustion. What she exhibited now was just a mere glimpse of her former self.

As a clown leaped out from behind a wall, intending to attack Shin Sooah using his abilities, something unexpected happened.


His ability did not activate. No matter how many times he tried to trigger it again, nothing happened as if the ability had vanished.

At that moment, a small girl nearby revealed herself in front of the clowns.

"How cowardly. Ganging up to attack like a pack."

Yu Harang's eyes were also shining with magic. The clowns, who were swinging their abilities around, soon found their powers canceled.

[Ability 'Forced Dispel' has been activated!]

"What, what's going on? I still have magic, so why are the abilities canceled?"

"There seems to be an ability that nullifies other abilities... Ugh!"

While the clowns were bewildered by the sudden cancellation of their abilities, Shin Sooah's vines swept them away like a tidal wave.

The clowns' power was reduced exponentially. A clown desperately contacted his comrades.

"We're currently in combat at the front. Send more reinforcements!"

[We're in a tough situation too... Aah!]

Screams echoed through the communication device. The clown lifted his head and looked at the monitor drone, and he could see why they were screaming.

There was a fierce battle going on all around them, but it was the Clowns that were being overpowered.


The scenes of Yoon Bom and Yoon Geoul firing arrows and bullets, causing clowns to fall, were captured.

[Ability 'Formless Spear' has been activated!]

[Ability 'Healing Hands' has been activated!]

On the other side, Jang Taeheon fought in a battered state, supported by Father Yohan, who continuously provided healing whenever Jang Taeheon was about to fall.

[The Participants are stronger than expected...!]

Seo Gangrim's group and the agent of the bureau quickly subdued the clown troupe.

At that moment, Shin Sooah rushed toward the clowns communicating. Just when a sword was about to sever the clown's neck:


The blade stopped right in front of his neck.

"Huk, heok...!"

"Where did you take my comrade?"

While the clown gasped for breath in terror, Shin Sooah pointed her sword at him and asked in a low but intense tone.

Though her voice was low, the energy emanating from her was unmistakable.

As the clown continued trembling, Shin Sooah spoke again.

"I'll ask again. Where did you take my comrade, Seo Gangrim?"

She looked like she was going to cut him down if he blinked.

Nearby, Dokgo Jun, who was subduing a clown, approached quietly. Dokgo Jun smiled as if he had no worries.

"Shin Sooah, calm down. Seo Gangrim will come on his own."

"How do you know that?"

"Well, because it's Seo Gangrim. He'll come on his own."

"Is that supposed to be an answer?"

Shin Sooah and Dokgo Jun began a heated argument.

Watching the situation, the clown, sensing an opportunity, attempted to escape.

At that moment, Dokgo Jun's voice reached them.

"Huh? I didn't tell you to run away."

Suddenly, Dokgo Jun grabbed his arm.

While the clown stared in confusion, Dokgo Jun smiled slyly and activated his ability.

[Ability 'Corrosion' has been activated!]

"Let's make sure you can't run away."


As the ability 'Corrosion' took effect on the clown's hand, he screamed and collapsed to the ground.

Looking around, Dokgo Jun activated his ability to disintegrate the surviving clowns.

Seeing the tentacles flailing and the ground and living beings corroding, Yu Harang was astonished.

Dokgo Jun, after dealing with his opponents, turned to Yu Harang.

"Hello, you're quite an interesting character."


"You fought well. I'm looking forward to your future."

Yu Harang looked at Dokgo Jun, seemingly unsure about the conversation.

While the two were talking, with a buzzing noise and the sound of crackling, changes occurred on the monitor screen. Someone's figure appeared on the screen that had been blank just a moment ago.

[Destiny Protection Bureau Team 2 Leader, Gong Joo speaking. We have reestablished communication.]

The noise that filled the screen disappeared, and the image of Gong Joo, wearing a mask, suddenly appeared. He spoke with a calm and composed voice.

[I convey the words of the leader of the Bureau. Your plans have failed. The Clown troupe will be dealt with by the bureau. The rest of the participants, please resume the race. The competition is not over yet.]

The numbers on the billboard floating in the sky were steadily decreasing amidst the chaos. As the clowns hesitated and took steps backward after checking the broadcast, someone who seemed to be their leader shouted.

"Everyone retreat! Take the injured and escape!"

Upon this command, the clowns quickly disappeared, pulling out their movement items. They were faster than the agents trying to catch them. Doko Jun watched the scene with amusement.

"Well, not a bad event... Oh, Shin Sooah?"

As soon as Shin Sooah checked the broadcast, she immediately started running in the opposite direction of the course. Doko Jun, surprised, grabbed her arm.

"Sooah-sii, where are you going?"

"To find Seo Gangrim-ssi."

"I told you the race is still on. You have to win first."

Upon hearing this, Shin Sooah glared at Doko Jun. Her green eyes seemed strangely innocent.

"Gangrim-ssi is more important than the race. Quickly find him..."

Before Shin Sooah could finish her sentence, she staggered and fell to her knees, blood overflowing from her mouth with a clucking sound. Due to excessive use of her abilities, her body was in disarray.

Desperately, Doko Jun supported Shin Sooah.

"Are you going to search with your condition? It's better to finish the race first."

"Yeah, Shin Sooah I agree."

Even Yu Harang, who was next to them, joined in the persuasion, but it seemed to have little effect. As Shin Sooah struggled to get up, at that moment...


The sound of a car approaching with a roar became apparent.

No, it wasn't just one car; there were several. As the battle ended, other participants quickly joined the race. Following them, the remaining members of the Flying Tiger Sect were also in pursuit.

"It seems everyone intends to continue the race," Doko Jun said with a smirk. As the clown troupe retreated, people immediately recalled their original purpose – a golden opportunity to surpass those in the top ranks.

Doko Jun looked around and spoke, "Shin Sooah, we need to catch up quickly. But I can't see the Aldebaran."

Perhaps due to the recent commotion, the Aldebaran was nowhere to be seen. Doko Jun identified a relatively intact vehicle nearby and got on it. Shin Sooah still looked confused.

"But I need to find Gangrim..."

"Why can't you trust Seo Gangrim? Do you think he'll just be out there getting beaten up?"

Doko Jun almost forcibly dragged Shin Sooah and Yu Harang to the vehicle. Looking at the struggling Shin Sooah, Doko Jun sarcastically remarked, "You really can't trust him? Gangrim will come back."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Gangrim is the protagonist, isn't he? He'll be back soon."

It was an absurd logic, but Shin Sooah's eyes wavered slightly. Doko Jun wore an expression as if to say, 'Why can't you understand something so simple?'

In the end, she shook her head and climbed onto the adjacent seat.

"Get comfortable, and hold on tight."

If it was Seo Gangrim, he would surely be unharmed. Regardless of being the protagonist or not, she believed in Seo Gangrim. As if acknowledging her patience, Doko Jun pressed the pedal.


The remaining participants on the chaotic course began the final race. The broadcast was soon restored, and the excited voice of the announcer could be heard.

"We apologize for the temporary communication issues. Despite some problems, the race will resume! Just now, the leading players were pushed back in a large group! How will those who seized the opportunity in this crisis perform!"

While Doko Jun was driving, Shin Sooah squeezed out her last bit of energy and used the Way of the Forest to block the path of their rivals. However, she couldn't reach the leading vehicle that had already surged forward.

As she bit her lip in frustration, trying to activate her abilities even if it meant forcing it, suddenly...


Boulders began to rain down from the sky. As the sudden fireballs blocked the course, the leading vehicle immediately changed direction. The announcer urgently exclaimed,

[Suddenly, fireballs are pouring down from the sky! Is this the doing of the remaining clown troupe? Oh, there...!]

Shin Sooah looked up at the sky. Amidst the shower of fireballs, a black and red dragon appeared.

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