Face Reveal

Episode 10 ▶ Turning Myself Into a Calico Cat (Morph Mod Showcase) | Mandel and Screw’s Adventure S3E27

@_Farrow07 2 hours ago
M&S solo episode? 🥺

▴ 5 replies
@_Farrow07 2 hours ago
Why Mandel no here? 🥺🥺

@_Farrow07 2 hours ago
Mandel funny. Why no Mandel? 🥺🥺🥺

@_Farrow07 2 hours ago
I’m mister sad now. I need Mandel 🥺🥺 sad 🥺 me 🥺

@_Farrow07 1 hour ago
You look so forlorn

@_Farrow07 1 hour ago
sorry account got hacked





If I had a penny for each time I’d met a Minecraft YouTuber IRL, I’d have four. 

Snip, snip.

I was not gonna pretend I knew how much it would be in euros, I had no idea. But my guess was on: not much.

Snip, snip.

All things considered, I suppose Marie and Zee had probably known each other in meatspace to start with? That, I could accept; they seemed rather close. But Zee, Mandel, and me meeting entirely by chance like that? Bit much.

Snip, snip.

I’d never met them before YouTube. And then, bam! Here we are. I shook my head and giggled. It had been a silly month, but I wouldn't complain. I’d learned a lot.

Snip, snip.

That made me think: I had to tell him. Even though I suspected he already knew, nothing had been formally announced. I still had to come out, and I wanted him to hear it directly from me…

Snip, snip.

That I was a girl now.

As a test? I didn’t know how things could evolve. I feared I might make a mistake — whatever that mistake might be, I couldn’t tell you, but it was still a possibility. I was afraid of committing fully to the idea. But I couldn't just not try. I had to give it a go, being a girl for an undetermined amount of time. I was just still a tad unsure as to whether or not these feelings would persist in the long run.

I put down the scissors, combed my hair with my fingers twice, then shook my head to make them fall properly. Mid-length, not too long, not too short, definitely feminine. A smile claimed my face. For the moment at least, those feelings were strong and showed no sign of faltering. I quite liked being a girl.

Yes, that sounded nice. A girl. A wave of comfort flooded my cheeks.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. It was a friend request from NESammy on Discord. At first, it struck me as a bit strange to receive that out of the blue. But I put that on the fact that I’d just joined CovenCraft officially, and since I didn’t talk much on the server discord (that was to say, not at all), it made sense that some members wanted to find other ways to establish contact with me. 

Wanting to cut short the tension rising in my chest, I exhaled the breath I was holding, and I tapped the button to accept the request.

Maybe he wanted to plan a sort of storyline with me for the season to come? Perhaps he wanted to propose to team up with me for the start of the season? It was an idea I’d seen floating around in the CC server discussions. Or simply, maybe it was something to do with the Battle Royale we’d played together?

Whatever the reason, I figured it probably wouldn’t hurt to accept. 

With my phone back in my pocket, I sighed and thought back to the events that had transpired in the last twenty-four hours.

Yesterday, when the time to leave the Gayette had come for me, I hadn’t been able to find Marie or Gwenn to thank them. But Zee had informed me I could just pop in during the week whenever I wanted to see them again: “They spend all their afternoon here anyway; the wi-fi is that good. And Gwenn has lost a bet, so now she has to empty the dry toilets— Did you know they have dry toilets here?! Oh, it’s wild. Let’s take a look! They’re just around the corner there.” After insisting between two laughs that “No, I don’t want to see their toilets, Zee. I’m good, thank you very much,” I finally broke free from her and left for my flat.

On the way back, I’d opened the first link Zee had sent me. Apparently, the Gayette had a website with plenty of well-written trans leaflets, all signed by Marie. I’d downloaded the first one, discussing LGBTI+ vocabulary and definitions with a bit of the movement’s history sprinkled in. 

The read had been riveting. My eyes couldn’t leave the screen, and I even had to remind myself to blink, lest my cornea run dry. I had reached page seven when I noticed I was standing at my front door.

In the blink of an eye, it was past midnight. 

I’d forgotten to eat, and I was half-way through the second document discussing hormones and their effects. Marie was right, estrogen seemed rather magical. It was actually possible to change one’s body, and I hadn’t been able to stop wondering how I’d look with a few tweaks to my endocrine system. I nearly gasped when I saw she had even linked a map of trans-friendly doctors in the country. My first appointment to start hormone replacement therapy was at my fingertips.

The only reason I’d come to realise I was starving was a little comment on the margin of a page that said, ‘hormones won’t do much if you don’t eat!’ (I should thank her for that one day. Maybe I could erect a statue in her name on CovenCraft?) And so I ate, begrudgingly and at a very slow pace, but I ate. That didn’t mean I had been able to look away from the document. In fact, I stayed transfixed (ha!) by Marie’s writing all dinner and then all night.

When I’d finally fallen asleep, I was still far from having read the whole catalogue, but I felt like I had gained a good grasp on the subject nonetheless. Finished were the days of dumb and dense Screw, now I was smart and knowledgeable about at least one more topic other than making cubes look cool.

And even though my sleep time had barely been above two hours, I’d woken up full of energy the next morning. 

Since then, I’d perused the internet in search of some tutorials on how to do my hair by myself. It felt like a simple change to start, one easily actionable. And I wasn’t in luck with my mostly straight hair — a little mistake and the whole look could be ruined — and the tutorials often emphasised that difficulty. But since the pandemic had forced a lot of people inside — people still in need of haircuts — the market for homemade hairstyle advice had high demand and high supply, and I’d been able to find just the perfect video for my needs. I played it safe, no bangs, nothing fancy, just a cute cut. And overall, I think I did a pretty good job!

There was a fresh sense of excitement running in circles in my stomach that I had never felt before. I stared at the girl in the mirror one last time. She was happy. And I was her.

I could’ve watched my hair and the way it framed my face in such an elegant but simple manner all day, but that came to a stop when I looked down the sink and saw the mess I’d made. Apparently haunted by the same whirring, invisible force that had kept me up so late the day before, I took a sponge and collected all the hair strands to throw them away. The trash bin was full, so I took it out too, for good measure. When I came back, I saw that my newfound agitation had lifted up a lot of dust in the air of my flat. I swung open my curtains, left my door ajar, and cleaned every part of my room to a shine. And I wondered how I’d forgotten that my desk lamp was actually a bright blue underneath the dusty grey.

One by one, many of the tasks that needed doing in my flat were dealt with. In less than an hour. I felt giddy and unstoppable.

Finally, I slumped on my bed with a contented sigh, satisfied with this burst of energy, and took out my phone again.

My brain was still in turmoil, the sides of my head were abuzz, and instinctively I tried to find another task to do. The thought of taking an appointment with an ophthalmologist crossed my mind briefly; I was still in need of glasses. And curiously, calling a stranger like that didn’t feel that much more difficult than vacuuming the underside of my bed. It was far from being an enjoyable prospect — I wasn’t becoming extraverted, God forbid! — but it was doable.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I had gone past my limit of chores for the day. I deserved some rest.

Though, I thought with a smirk, as I rolled into a more comfortable position, belly down and legs up towards the ceiling, if I were to call any professionals, the first would surely be one of the endocrine kind. Or, as the Gayette recommended in their pamphlets, someone who could get my blood tested. I reopened the document and skipped through to the passage in question. There was a small clinic in the city centre where you could get your bloodwork done without an appointment. The Gayette even provided a small document we could hand to the staff there, indicating what substances to test for.

You know what, I found myself thinking, let’s go there right now. New year, new me, or something.

The courage I just mustered was not guaranteed to linger very long, so I took the opportunity by the horns and sprung up from my bed and clothed myself in an instant. I locked the door behind me, went down the stairs in a hurry, then made a beeline towards the city centre, phone in my hand.

After sighing my stress away, I messaged Mandel. I needed something to occupy my mind while walking, and I still had to come out to him about an important thing.

sonicScrew Today at 10:09
I hope you’re doing well
Since yesterday, I did a lot of self-reflection. I turned the question in every way possible, upside down and even sideways
And even if I’m still terribly anxious about it, I think I’ve sort of made a decision
For now, at least
I have to try
I think you already know what i’m talking about

Mandel Today at 10:12
I think I do yeah
And as I said yesterday, don’t worry about it. I’m not mad at all. Whatever you choose to do, I accept it

sonicScrew Today at 10:12
Thank you so much
So here’s the big reveal: 40 came to me to formally invite me to CC and…I accepted!!

Mandel Today at 10:15
That’s great but

sonicScrew Today at 10:15
And also i think i’m a girl, okay yes

Mandel Today at 10:16
Well you’re a funny girl then


Mandel Today at 10:17
I’m so proud of you
For that, and for accepting the invitation, Convencraft will be so much fun!

He took a lot of time before continuing.

Mandel Today at 10:21
You don’t even need my help anymore haha

sonicScrew Today at 10:21
Oh don’t you start
none of this would’ve been possible without yuo

Mandel Today at 10:25
I guess yeah

The three dancing dots seemed to indicate he was typing a response, but he never sent it.

With a pout, I exhaled a whiff of air and looked up, wondering how best to answer him. I was arriving in the busier part of the city. That meant there were fewer cars because most of downtown was pedestrian-only. I’d traded the sound of engines for the sound of people.

I scrolled back through our conversation history. Something fundamental seemed to have gone wrong between us. He felt distant and uncharacteristically unsteady. Even though he repeatedly assured me it had nothing to do with me being potentially trans — scratch the ‘potentially’, I was literally on my way to have my bloodwork done — it was a great effort not to conclude he still had some kind of hang-up with my recent girl ideas.

I entered a less-frequented street shyly stuck between two major arteries, continuing my musing. If there was something troubling him — anything — if he was indeed feeling that down, then he needed all the help he could muster. An idea sprung into life in the fancier part of my head: I should concoct him a gift of some sort, an activity to soothe his mind, or a simple present he couldn’t dislike.

While brainstorming that idea, I found myself in front of the clinic at last. It came as a surprise to me that such an old building still existed. The city had made great strides in reimagining its centre for the developing campus of a large university. Almost every construction dating back to more than forty years had been renovated or replaced. But the clinic wasn’t. It was small and blocky, compared to its taller and curvier surroundings, and it lacked the white paint most of its neighbours adorned.

I rested upon a bench under a plane tree, just beside the clinic, catching my breath, finishing my conversation with Mandel, and preparing for the social interactions to come.

sonicScrew Today at 10:32
Don’t you worry your pretty head about it~
wanna do something this evening?
We could watch the sequel to the show we binged last week! I heard it’s gayer!!!

Mandel Today at 10:35
Oh no I’m busy, sorry.
Don’t worry about me.
And you can watch it without me anyway, go ahead.

Ah, so no binge date, then.

Mandel Today at 10:37
I’m working on a little theme song for CC actually!
I guess that's why Skelegal was looking for me yesterday! And seems like CC has a good budget for this kind of thing, so I had no reason to refuse
I think I really have a good idea of how it’ll go. I’m so glad to put these skills to use aaaaa

Cute! I had to stifle a giggle. It warmed my cheeks that he had such a sweet project he was looking forward to. It suited him.

Mandel Today at 10:40
plus, it helps me take my mind off things haha

I sighed, switched apps, readied the document needed for the sampling, and got inside with tiny steps.

There was a sign that asked anyone who needed a blood test to go to a special waiting area upstairs, so I followed the arrows and landed in a small room. As I nervously settled on a chair in the corner, I looked at a table next to me. On top of it, there were magazines, flyers, and a jar of biscuits. 

An idea came to me. Why not bake him something? I was rather good at it. When I still lived with my parents, I used to bake an apple pie every Wednesday, after school. The passion for baking unfortunately dwindled with time and new interests and totally disappeared when I moved. But the muscle memory was still there, and with a quick detour to my parents’, I could gather all the necessary utensils. The question was: what could I bake? A cake seemed a bit basic, so maybe some sort of pastry? But it lacked a little je-ne-sais-quoi; it felt too impersonal.

I held that thought to the side — an idea would probably come up eventually, if I waited long enough — and refocused on the conversation.

sonicScrew Today at 10:45
yeah that was what skelegal told me about
Glad you accepted it!
can’t wait to have a piece of you in each of my videos 😘

Mandel Today at 10:46

sonicScrew Today at 10:47
don’t overwork yourself tho|

“Next person?” a voice startled me, and I immediately put my phone in my pocket. Things advanced very quickly for my brain as an old nurse with a clipboard that had entered the room looked at me and said, “You can come with me.” I looked left and right to see if I was the only one in the room, then I stood up, and as I made my way towards the door, I almost missed another person scurrying past us and towards the exit. They nearly bumped into me, struggling to put a cream sweater back on.

After taking two turns in the labyrinth of faded green corridors, we arrived in a small room with a desk and a standard set of medical equipment. The nurse sat down and asked, “What can I help you with? Standard blood test?”

“Yeah um, that… I have this document,” I stuttered with a small voice, handing him my phone.

He carefully looked at it and scrawled a few lines with a ballpoint pen on a sheet of paper I couldn’t see.

“I— I hope this is enough,” I said.

“Yes,” he answered dryly — he was still dead focused on his task. When he finally finished, he looked back up and smiled. “Yes, don’t worry. You’re not the first coming from the Gayette, you know. It's the third time this week I received someone from there.” He chuckled as he gave my phone back. “I’m sorry, but I will need a name. One of those little stickers from your mutual insurance will do.”

It only took a few seconds to find them inside my wallet and slide them across the table. He continued asking me a few general check-up questions about my health while preparing a few vials, posting one sticker on each.

“Oh, that’s probably not your name, is it?” he asked, inspecting one of the vials. “Not the one you preferred anyway.” A bit taken aback, I nodded timidly. He let out a small chuckle, then crossed out my old name from each sticker and replaced it with ‘miss’. “Better, eh?” A fuzzy feeling bubbled up in my stomach, and I confirmed with a more confident nod and a smile.

Then came the moment of truth: getting vampirized. And, if you put it like that, it sounds cool, but, well…

I don't know if I can live with having told a lie like 'I handled it like a champ!' so I'll just say I did not faint.

The results would be uploaded in a few days, and whatever professionals who would prescribe me hormones could access them.

And that was that.

I rushed outside, then released a substantial sigh. See? That wasn’t so bad. I had done it. I had actually done it. The first step was over. There wasn’t so much between me and a second and well-deserved puberty. I headed home by the less conspicuous equivalent of bunny hopping.

When I stepped into my street, I took my phone out, and the first thing I saw was that a notification had appeared on top of my screen, and Mandel had sent me two messages. 

The gift idea, the fact that I had actually done an advanced kind of social interaction, and all my worries about Mandel’s absence evaporated from my mind and were replaced by a sneaky pang of fear in my breath as I opened the alert to check.

We both had been added to a group with Alexcraft, NESammy and Skelegal named ‘GayvenCraft’.

Mandel Today at 11:12
Better check that out


✦ ▶ ✦


This was good, right?

It was a good thing that Sam and Alex — the other closeted gay couple of CovenCraft, we’d just learned! — had trusted their gaydar and decided to ask if we ‘were on the same boat’, right?

I had settled on a lonely chair at my small table, looking out the window. Occasionally, I would blow on the last droplets of water vapour emanating from my cup of tea, summoning wonderful whirls.

Sure, it had been clumsy: Sam adding us to the group so brusquely without first checking with us in private if we were comfortable speaking about our relationship may have been slightly inappropriate. But they had all apologised profusely for the gesture. Skelegal mentioned she hadn’t been able to stop Sam in time — he had a reputation as an impulsive goblin, she noted — and Alex had acquiesced to Sam’s idea without cerebrating on it for even a second — he was an impulsive goblin too, he’d proudly added. But in the end, the conclusion was the same: we’re not alone on this server.

‘At first it was the frogs, now it’s the minecraft youtubers, the gay is spreading,’ as Alex put it.

But — and this ‘but’ was a big one — we shouldn’t talk about it too publicly, because Justin and MG might get mad.

I sipped the remnants of my tea; the mug was almost cool to the touch. After discarding it in the sink and flopping back to my chair, giving it a twirl with a kick on the ground — chair go spinny — I closed my eyes, frowned, and pressed my lips into a thin and annoyed line. The light of the noon sun was warming me a bit too much for my taste, so I extended an arm and closed the curtain to a half point. Perfect.

When I finally settled, I exhaled the breath I was holding. Sam and Alex had apparently been an item since before YouTube, and they’d always kept it very confidential. They’d tried speaking about it with 40, who’d been very encouraging — even though I suspected it was the case, confirming his friendliness towards queer folks reassured me — but the idea of coming out to the rest of the group had stayed out of the question. 40 had never outright forbidden them to do so, but there had been a heavy edge to his words, and the two lovers took it to heart. The two biggest heads of the server had a well documented history of homophobia, he’d confessed. Who would’ve thought? I mentally scoffed.

I mindlessly adjusted my microphone stand. It was a bit too close to my face for my taste. This whole situation was made even more confusing by the fact that I might have been, perhaps, just a teeny tiny wee bit of a girl. Which I didn’t believe would make things easier in the heads of many people on the server.

“Ah, well,” I muttered, turning on my computer in order to continue the exchange on a more comfortable keyboard size. “One thing at a time.”

sonicScrew Today at 11:53
Well, thank you for the warning, I suppose?

NESammy81 Today at 11:53
yeahhhhh sorry
it was a bit of a rush since the season will start in like two week sform now? gotta go fast!!!
but yeahhh as Skel said , we should’nt have pressured you into coming out. taht wasn’t our intention

AlexCraft Today at 11:54
i promise we’ll be mroe careful next timeeeee

NESammy81 Today at 11:54
not sure there willl be a next time tho lol

Mandel Today at 11:55
You’re fine dw
At least it’s nice to know we aren’t alone.

sonicScrew Today at 11:55
Yeah, and that confirmed the bad vibes I was getting from MG

NESammy81 Today at 11:56
stop acting gay you sick fuck

AlexCraft Today at 11:56

NESammy81 Today at 11:56
yyyeah… one time i just told him i couldn’t record a clip with him cause i was spending time with alex and he straight up said something like:
oops, messages weren’t sent in the right order sorryyy

AlexCraft Today at 11:56

NESammy81 Today at 11:57
bad reception i guess
but anyway yeah, he didn’t say that buuuut the intent was there
tbh i dont get him, he makes a fuss for nothing sometimes
┌── AlexCraft YOURE SO DUMB
NESammy81 Today at 11:57

┌── NESammy81 bad reception...
sonicScrew Today at 11:58

NESammy81 Today at 11:58

┌── NESammy81 tbh i don't get him...
sonicScrew Today at 11:58
Exactly that. But I mean the “nothing” is very often just gay people lmao

NESammy81 Today at 11:58
yeah 😂

Skelegal Today at 12:00
Well, glad we cleared that up lmao
And now, if there’s something lgbt related you want to talk about, you can share it in this group!

Mandel Today at 12:00
That’s very nice of you, thank you!

sonicScrew Today at 12:00
Wait um
Sorry if it’s rude but
Skel, are you lgbt too then?

Skelegal Today at 12:01
Nah, I like men

NESammy81 Today at 12:01
she’s not a fruit smh

Skelegal Today at 12:01
I’m just a big ally to y’all

┌── Skelegal I'm just a big ally to y'all
NESammy81 Today at 12:02

sonicScrew Today at 12:02
Ah, okay. Sorry, I thought there was a vibe haha

Skelegal Today at 12:02
I so take that as a compliment!

As the discussion settled, rambling about one of Glob’s pranks from last season — she’d apparently managed to trap Alex into orangetech’s ender pearl cannon and shoot him millions of blocks away from spawn, near the world border; it’d been a pain to recover the items, but the idea was hilarious — I lingered on Skel’s comment about being able to share anything LGBT-related here. I started to ask myself whether or not to come out to this group. Not about being gay, mind you, they’d already figured that out without my input, but about being trans.

It would be such a comfort to have more people than Mandel and Glob to rely on in case of emergency or in case of coming out to the rest of the members, and it would be nice to have a space online to speak about trans-related issues.

As I started typing, I grabbed an empty bottle of water and started running my fingers along the ridges of its cap.

┌── Skelegal And now, if there's...
sonicScrew Today at 12:14
Well, I have something

Skelegal Today at 12:14
Don’t feel pressured, it was just a general statement

sonicScrew Today at 12:14
It’s something dear to me
I think it’s important I share it with you

Skelegal Today at 12:15
Okay! Then we’re here for you

NESammy81 Today at 12:15
helll yeah

I didn’t realise I had been clenching my bottle with a firm grip. It had twisted and crumpled under the pressure. Slowly and carefully, I released it, rolling it in my hand, trying to restore it to its original form.

Here we go. That was it.

sonicScrew Today at 12:16
I’m trans

Skelegal Today at 12:16

NESammy81 Today at 12:16

Skelegal Today at 12:16
Wow I never could’ve told
Thank you for sharing this with us

NESammy81 Today at 12:17
yeah thats rad

sonicScrew Today at 12:17
I don’t want it to be public yet, so please don’t tell people outside of this group

Skelegal Today at 12:17
Yeah no yeah, no worries, I won't say a thing, Dad's the word. I'm gonna pretend your the cissest guy alive

NESammy81 Today at 12:18
we’ve hidden being in a rel;ationship for years now, we’re professionals when it comes to fooling justin (thats rockdivine but everyone cal lhim justin)
we managed to make him believe we’re two perfectly normal gaymer gamer bros with a girlfriend each
(if he asks, mine is Alessia and Alex’s is Amy. we have a whole backstory for this)

sonicScrew Today at 12:19
Haha perfect
Thank you all!

Skelegal Today at 12:19

Everyone in the group chat had reacted to my coming out with various emojis. Little hearts to the trans colours, shiny sparkles, and party poppers. And finally, when everything settled down, my lungs emptied faster than a chest of diamonds in the presence of Mandel. He had even added a cute pair of revolving hearts.

I opened Minecraft on the side and connected to our modded server. I wasn’t planning on doing anything in particular, but much to my annoyance, my hands still needed an outlet for all the excess energy they contained. I started slowly climbing one of the buildings of our base — an enormous glass dome — then, with the help of my elytras, I glided from its very top to another dome across the valley, then another one, and then I came back to my original position and repeated the process as much as was required by my nervous system.

Skelegal Today at 12:24
Okay um
I have something to ask
Could we switch to DMs, Screw? I’m not sure if you’re in the mood for some related questions, but I was wondering a few things

sonicScrew Today at 12:24
Sure, hop on!
I’m not sure I’ll be able to answer everything but I’d be happy to obliged

In our DMs, she was already hard at work building a wall of text.

Skelegal Today at 12:25
The thing is, I have um a crush on a trans guy (not you lol)
And I was wondering if you could maybe help me figure some things out, on gender stuff I mean?
Wait, let me file a formal request:
O great zinc-plated steel Screw, thee who pierce right through our mushy fogs of ignorance, filled to the brim with wisdom and sharp threads, forged in the fire of a thousand Nethers, will you bolt my skull shut with knowledge aplenty?

sonicScrew Today at 12:25
Haha yeah no worries
Would that be okay if I linked you to some resources on the subject?

Skelegal Today at 12:25
Absolutely, gimme 👁️👄👁️ brown hand palm down emoji

Since it was still open in my phone’s browser, I copied the link Zee’d sent me yesterday with ease and pasted it into our conversation. But her messages had gently piqued my curiosity, so I followed that by asking her why couldn’t she talk about it with that crush? If he was comfortable with it, surely he would be the best person to discuss gender with her.

Skelegal Today at 12:27
I don't think I can
for very dumb reasons
It’s complicated
We do roleplay together on discord and like, I don’t really know him outside of that
I’d prefer figure this out on my own

sonicScrew Today at 12:27
Makes sense, gotcha

Skelegal Today at 12:27
I’m reading through what you sent me. It’s really well done, the person who wrote it is really good at explaining things
Can I ask you a specific question real quick? There's a fact that troubles me. I’m sure I’ll find an answer if I searched long enough but this is a lot of material to go through

sonicScrew Today at 12:28
Yeah, don’t worry. I’m really happy to help

Skelegal Today at 12:28
How did you deal with the chest area?

sonicScrew Today at 12:28
oh the hormones will take care of it

Skelegal Today at 12:28
The hormones?
I think your guides are wrong?
They say hormones don't do much for the chest…

sonicScrew Today at 12:29
ah I'll have to talk about it with Marie then. But yeah I'm totally sure they have a great impact. A friend of mine told me that people who say otherwise are often fearmongering
But I’ll ask around!

Skelegal Today at 12:29
thank you screw, you're like my mom
oh crap no I shouldn't do that

sonicScrew Today at 12:29
Well if aren't in public, it's okay

Skelegal Today at 12:30
Nonono, I don't want to mess this up

sonicScrew Today at 12:30
Okay 😅


✦ ▶ ✦


AlexCraft Today at 12:49
back from the mall, bought a 5G chip injection for sam
have I missed anything?

NESammy81 Today at 12:49
screw’s trans hehe

AlexCraft Today at 12:50
oh like Skel’s crush?

Skelegal Today at 12:50

AlexCraft Today at 12:50
i have my ways hehe

┌── AlexCraft oh like Skel's crush?
NESammy81 Today at 12:51
exactly like Skel’s crush

AlexCraft Today at 12:51

I hummed, stretching my arms and securing my hands behind my chair in a way that just scratched the right itch inside my brain.

Everything had gone well, they were cracking jokes and accepting me totally. That was the perfect scenario. I should feel content and happy, and still I felt like something was off.

AlexCraft Today at 12:52
so he’s gay and trans? that’s some kind of queer combo

sonicScrew Today at 12:53
Could we not use those pronouns? I don’t think they suit me well sdfglkjnsdfg

AlexCraft Today at 12:53
you’re the chief
so you prefer the they thems and stuff?

sonicScrew Today at 12:53
I mean why not, but I’m not sure about those

Skelegal Today at 12:54
Oh no, I see what’s happening
Listen to me
It’s okay, don’t listen to that little voice in you head
You’re valid
You can be who you are here, don’t worry
You’re a real man

“Ooh, boy,” I muttered.

sonicScrew Today at 12:55
I’m a girl

NESammy81 Today at 12:55
i think what Skel s trying to say is
for us you’re a guy, always has been
You can just be a guy, thats okay

sonicScrew Today at 12:55

┌── NESammy81 You can just be a guy...
AlexCraft Today at 12:55

sonicScrew Today at 12:55
Im trans

Skelegal Today at 12:56

sonicScrew Today at 12:56
I’m a girl, a woman

Skelegal Today at 12:56
Noooo you were so closee

sonicScrew Today at 12:57

The three dots that had been furiously hopping for the past few minutes suddenly vanished. 

Sporadically, they came back and informed me that people were trying to react to what I’d said, but each and every time, they gave up. This little loop went on for an embarrassing amount of time before finally someone admitted the utter idiocy this group chat was cursed with.

Skelegal Today at 13:17

Mandel Today at 13:26




A humongous thanks to Luna_C for the help on this chapter!
And a big thanks to rooibos_chai for suggesting splitting this chapter and the next one in two. Works much better!


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