Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 13

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 13

The next day*

Suppressing the urge to yawn, as I just finished crafting my new Magic Card to deal specifically with ghosts. Well, more on the line of dealing with anything all evil or negatively from any object or person.

Evil Cleansing Card is something I wasn't expecting to create at all. Especially when I am a man with the moral in the gray area, knowing the whole concept of good vs evil wasn't always fixed to a specific group. Then again, I did use my cheat to create this card in mind of having it randomized the name itself to match the effects I have desired.

Now, to make an imprint into my mindscape that holds the blueprints of the other Magic Cards I've created up to now. Something I didn't think was mentioned in the canon, where Magic Card users would have to unlock their mindscape to imprint their blueprints of all Magic Cards created. Allowing them to have an easier time recreating their Magic Cards with just a thought and plenty of Magic Power available. Instead of outright recreating them from scratch. Shortening the timeframe in the Magic Card's creation.

Of course, this doesn't mean instant creation for all Magic Cards. Some cost too much Magic Power in the creation process, let alone using it straight away. While others that are really weak are close to instant creation and be used on the spot.

And what is funny about this mindscape is that it's also become my own training space to use whenever I need to experiment with all my magic fully instead of limiting myself due to people around me and/or restricted to being in a small space that prevent me from doing any dangerous experiments and that require large space to work with.

Of course, this is something I've recently discovered was among the benefits Magic Card users gain through years of practice developing their mindscape to save themselves of future problems developing their new Magic Cards without affecting the area around the outside of their own mindscape. Including hiding their research of new Magic Cards without giving others the chance to copy their works.

I, on the other hand, cheated with Failure Manipulation to give myself this without realizing it could be gained naturally with a couple of years of using Magic Card.

Though, I still feel a bit frustrated and guilty that Juvia is the one that bought me many new books on my magic, especially for Magic Card as there's a lot of information on it compared to my other magic. Nevertheless, it doesn't change my feeling for Juvia nor do I hate being spoiled by her. It just means I need to satisfy her more in return, be it in sex or outside of sex.

Putting the newest Magic Card into my right pocket along with the other Magic Cards I haven't used yet.

Now, to deal with something that kind of made me almost stop having sex with Juvia yesterday. As of right now, Juvia has left to take a shower and will be a while before she returns.

Getting up from my seat and sliding the door open, then closed it right behind me after I walk out of the private room for Juvia and me.

Then, begin heading towards one of the other private rooms nearby as I use my cheat to make sure I have a 100% failure rate of NOT finding the right room upon picking the first random room. As well as making the person inside said room is there and hasn't left to somewhere else at the moment.

Knocking on the door a couple of times before stopping and waiting for the person to open the door.

I didn't have to wait long when the door slid open and to my disbelief to see Erza Scarlet herself standing before me in her icon armor with matching gauntlets, a blue skirt, long black boots, and diamond-shaped silver earrings.

Suppressing the urge to run away, for I know the type of person Erza is like and that's exactly why I'm willing to risk my life for this.

Just on the safe side, I use my cheat that Erza has no intention of harming in any way in what I'm about to do.

"So, I couldn't help but notice you were nearby yesterday and stay by my room's door for quite some time. During a certain timeframe." I said to Erza, who begin to blush and prove that she was the one that I sensed during that one hour of sex. "And I just came by to say, I'm sorry for the noise we made."

Quite honestly, I completely forgot that the walls weren't soundproof; therefore, there would be bound for someone to come by and hear all the noise. Some noise, for Juvia and I, wasn't that vocal during our sex, but that didn't mean it was complete silence between us. Be it vocal or just sound we make during sex.

"Th-There's no need to tro-ouble yourself...!" Erza stuttered while looking at me with panicked eyes, even going far as to wave her hands in front of me like in those anime with female characters that are embarrassed and would sometime wave their hands towards the person that made them feel embarrassed.

Yet, this is being done by Erza aka the woman that put the fear in many powerful Mages of Fairy Tail. As well as being one of the well-known S-Class Mages. So, seeing her stuttering like this makes me question if this Erza is different from her canon version. Personality-wise I mean.

Plus, Erza is also hot and a beautiful woman. Sadly, I have my heart for Juvia and she is borderline a yandere. I rather not find myself stab one day because I can't keep my dick in check. Unless I truly want a harem, which I kinda do, and use my cheat to make it so Juvia doesn't have any problem with sharing me with other girls; however, I recall many troublesome things dealing with a harem thanks to my knowledge of anime, manga, etc. with a harem in it.

Yet, if I just have Juvia and Erza only. Not adding any further girls into the group, then technically it might not be a true harem relationship. Of course, I could always make Erza my sex friend only while giving Juvia all my love and whatnot. Including the use of my cheat, then this whole relationship will have zero percent of being destroyed by all means.

"Anyway, just wanted to say sorry and be sure to make keep the noise level down to not disturb you." I said to Erza, seeing how our rooms are not that too far apart. Making me wonder if these other rooms are empty or not, then think about it for a few seconds and I can guess they are mostly. Since I'm sure the price for these private rooms, especially on a train made with the influence of something related to magic could be expensive for many people to use. Let alone those with low in money to support themselves daily.

"Wait!" Erza shouted as I was about to leave, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her. Making her cough in her right hand to hide how embarrassed, again, for shouting like that. "I meant, please wait. Do you want to come in and have a small talk?" Erza moves to the side, giving me permission to walk in right now.

I am dumbfounded at what I'm hearing right now and going by the hint Erza is making, including her red face and eyes filled with lust that just happens to glance at my lower half briefly.

Seriously, what happened to the strict Erza, but sometimes a fun person?! She wasn't this open with her sexual interest!

I think...?

"What this?" Juvia asks in a falsely cheerful tone, as she appears out of thin air right beside me and nearly gave me a damn heart attack!

"Juvia!" I look at her with wide eyes.

"Yes, Renato-sama?" Juvia looks at me with dull eyes, that just send a chill down my spine.

Quickly, I use my cheat to make it so my relationship with Juvia doesn't suffer from this whole ordeal nor does she go absolutely batshit crazy.

"You forgot to put clothes on." I said to Juvia, where she just has a towel wrapped around her body. Barely covering all her important parts, but this leads to showing off enough skin in a way that makes many want to push her down to the ground and have their way with her body.

"Juvia forgot." Juvia smiled at me, but I can tell straight away she is lying. Especially when I can see her hair is still wet; therefore, she must have come here rushing and barely manage to grab a towel to wear. Otherwise, she is running naked on the way here. "Who this?"

Erza stand her ground and didn't even flinch under Juvia's cold eyes.

"Erza." Erza gave Juvia a polite smile, but her eyes said something different. "Your lover here just came to apology for the loud noise you guys were making yesterday and-"

"Since Renato-sama already apologized, then there's no need for us to disturb you any longer." Juvia cut Erza off and grab my left hand with her right while making sure to keep her towel up with her left hand. As she drags me away from Erza and back into our room. Not after giving Erza a glare before leaving.

Once Juvia and I are in our room. She pushes me against the door, letting her towel fall. Allowing me to see her naked body that is still wet and lean in to give me a deep kiss for a few seconds before using her tongue.

Well, this is a surprise yet at the same time not.

I wrap my arms around Juvia's waist for a second before moving my hands down to grab her butt, which I begin to knead, causing Juvia to stop kissing me in order to moan and she looks into my eyes with an unfocused gaze.

"So, I'm guessing you were jealous, hm?" I smile down at Juvia, who is breathing heavy and moaning until I stop kneading her butt. I didn't remove my hands though, as Juvia's butt has a nice feeling just like with her breasts. "You don't have to worry about anyone stealing me from you. I'll always have you in my heart."

That brought a smile to Juvia's face but is replaced with a sad one. As she tears begin to appear a the corner of her eyes.

"Juvia is just worried that Renato-sama no longer loves Juvia and leave for another girl." Juvia said softly, as she press herself onto me.

"Don't worry, Juvia. I'll never leave you." I lean in to kiss Juvia, then begin to show her how much I want her through sex. And like before, I use my cheat again, but this time, to make it so no one could overhear us having sex. After all, it was one thing with Erza. It's another thing if it's someone else who has bad intentions towards us.

Speaking of which. I made use of my cheat once more, to make it so Erza doesn't have any bad intentions toward Juvia and me. Mostly towards Juvia than me.

Afterward, I begin having sex with Juvia and fuck her until she loses consciousness like before.

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