Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 19

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 19

Hours later*

Okay, so spirit CAN eat physical food. Then again, I shouldn't be surprising since anything is possible with magic.

However, what was unexpected is how the guild leader kept on switching spots and people in order to eat the huge roasted boar.

By the end, everyone is satisfied. Even me and dang I never knew how delicious roasted boar could be.

"So what job are we taking?" I ask Erza. While I watch Juvia being praised by everyone for treating them with the huge roasted boar. Even though it was just one person praising her.

"The previous jobs we picked could be done but someone got to them by now." Erza replied, giving me a look of disappointment, but I can see the lust in her eyes that she didn't care at all.

Damn girl, you're too horny. This isn't really a bad thing in my opinion but still. Even Juvia is a horny girl too.

"Well, we can see what jobs are available and if none is to our liking. We can just go on a date." I said to Erza.

I can see the way Ezra's eyes gain this glint. Literally.

"Just the two of us?" Erza asks me as she got closer to me. "Alone?" I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Something about being alone?" Juvia asks in a happy voice, appearing out of thin air, and her body cloaked with an aura of vengeance. "Because if this has anything related with Renato-sama. I would love to be involved." Juvia looks at Erza and me with a friendly look, but I can say it's anything but friendly.

"I was talking about having a date with all three of us with Erza and we were going to talk to you later to see when is a good time for the date." I said to Juvia without missing a beat. "Also, if we should plan the date or just wing it while enjoying whatever catches our fancy."

"Oh~! I can't wait!" Juvia shoves my face into her breasts in joy.

"Yes, I can't wait either..." Erza said dryly, where one could easily tell she was a little sad that this date wasn't just two instead of three.

Sadly for Erza, I'm a bit too feeling comfortable with my face in Juvia's breasts. Even if I'm having difficulty breathing right now. It's worth it. If needed, I'll use my cheat to make this breathing problem not a problem.

"Hey, guys. Do you mind helping me with something?" Sol asked us from nearby.

I can't tell where since my eyes are kind of being covered by Juvia's breasts. I'm not that eager to move just yet. Still have some oxygen left in me.

"What's that you need?" Erza asks Sol.

"Most of us here are kind of busy or soon to be busy. This leaves you three to be available to help me with something important." Sol explains to us. "You see we have lost contact with one of the members and we need you to check it out, to see why they are not responding back. If possible, I hope you three could back them up. It doesn't matter if the job is complete or not. Our members' lives are more important."

"Well, I guess we have to place our date on hold for the time being." I said to Juvia and Erza, after extracting myself from Juvia's lovely ample bosom. "Who are the members and how many are there? Also, what's the job they took, and how long has it been since they last responded?"

"Wendy Marvell and Carla. It's just these two. As for what job they took. It's hunting down a monster that should take no more than a day or two to complete. Yet, it has been four days now since they left and none of our methods to contact them is reaching them." Sol answers my questions with a grim look on his face.

"I see." I cup my chin with my right hand, "What do you girls think?"

Juvia and Erza share a look with each other before looking back at me.

"Juvia don't mind either way." Juvia said calmly, but I easily caught the annoying look in her eyes when she did a quick glance at Sol. "Juvia would be happy to help a fellow guild member."

"It would be a foolish thing not to help out when we have the power to help." Erza said firmly. Although, I can see the frown on her face. Since technically this will be our first date, where most of the time. We would be at home or at the guild to hang out with the people here.

Illusions or not, the people here are based on the memory of those the guild leader knows in the past. Therefore, possessing knowledge of the past may or may not have been recorded.

"Great. I'll go grab the document of the job and anything else that could help you guys. I hope you three could leave as soon as possible. I'm worried that with each moment wasted, the more likely something bad would happen to Wendy and Carla." Sol didn't even wait for any of us to say anything and rush to the counter to get everything that is needed.

It didn't take long before Sol came back with just three papers. One is the job and the other two are pictures of Wendy and Carla, as well as their basic information that needs to be known. For example, their magic helps anyone from falling under someone's trap by using some methods to pretend as someone else by having the person use their magic to prove themselves.

Of course, this was actually one of the weaker counter methods against pretenders. There are many other ways, but there isn't enough time to prepare for this. As time is limited.

After giving our farewells to Sol. We head back to Juvia's house to pack up anything we may need before heading to the train.

An hour later*

"I feel like we spend more time on a train than anywhere else." I spoke out my thoughts. As we wait for the train to arrive.

"Well, there aren't many other ways to travel across the land." Erza replied. Not taking her eyes off the magical sword in her hand she is polishing after finishing doing maintenance. "We could also save up to purchase a magical vehicle. I heard there are some new ones coming out soon. But, I don't think we could afford those and should buy one of the older models."

"Juvia know someone who could sell us one for a good price." Juvia smiled at me, then lean in to kiss me on the lip which only last for a few seconds. "We can go check on it now if you want, Renato-sama. The train won't be arriving anytime soon. It shouldn't take too long for us to go check the magical vehicle and come back here if the magical vehicle isn't to our liking."

"I'm done doing the maintenance for my sword that needs to be taken care of." Erza put away her magical sword into her pocket dimension. Then, got up from the ground and put away the blanket she used to sit on. "If the magical vehicle any good. We should buy it. Save us more money from having to always buy train tickets all the time."

"Alright, let's go." I nod, then follow Juvia's lead to the place that would sell us a magical vehicle. Something I like to have one day.

As magical vehicles are solely available for Mages' use and are powered by a SE-plug (Self-Energy plug), which is a small, special device that powers the magical vehicles. It is a mechanism that wraps around the user's wrist, converting their Magic Power into fuel. Furthermore, if the user requires the vehicle in question to go faster, more Magic Power would be consumed.

Simply, these magical vehicles only need monthly checkups and some maintenance. Other than that, one could use it for nearly forever without barely any cost other than one having to continue to use Magic Power as fuel. Something that would trouble many others, but for me. I can easily make the magical vehicle run forever by making it absorb the Eternano in the atmosphere instead by either my Magic Card or just outright using my cheat to make it possible.

2 hours later*

I really need to have a talk with Juvia at some point about her past, mainly her background.

"I must say you know really important people." Erza said to Juvia in disbelief and absolute surprise.

"I just save his life and he promised to always have a magical vehicle available to sell to me." Juvia smiled with pride.

Juvia looks at me to praise her for she manage to obtain a magical vehicle for close to nothing.

Yeah, just for the same price as a cheap sandwich and to make things interesting. The magical vehicle isn't even the same as the ones shown in the canon. In fact, this magical vehicle shouldn't even exist at all yet here it is, with us driving it and owning it.

The magical vehicle's name is the Regalia. A black, five-seat convertible with an interior made of dark leather. Its crest resembles a chocobo talon and appears on its hubcaps and tires. Resembling Earth's car: Maybach Exelero.

Yup, it's the very same car used by the main characters of Final Fantasy 15. Just that it runs on Magic Power like other magical vehicles and a few differences compared to the Final Fantasy 15's Regalia. For one thing, the tires have Magic Circles to make them adaptable to all environments. As well as having the air in the tires refill itself.

Overall, this is an amazing car to own and I'm driving it too. Something I would never see myself driving such an expensive car back in my previous world.

"Well, thanks to you, Juvia. We own the latest and only existing magical vehicle in the world." I said to Juvia, causing her to cover her blushing cheeks.

"It's nothing~! I was just lucky to know someone that can help us get a magical vehicle...!" Juvia replied, trying to act like what she has done wasn't worth mentioning.

Yeah, Juvia's luck is damn good to somehow find and save the very guy that just happens to own a company that massive product magical vehicles, and do custom works too.

Seriously make me wonder what else Juvia has done in the past.

"How long do you think it will take before we reach the destination?" Erza asks me, where she is currently seated in the back with Juvia taking the front passager seat.

"It shouldn't take us too long." I squint at the distance, then use my cheat to make my words become true. "A few minutes, maybe 2-4 minutes before we get there."

And just like that, 2-4 minutes gone by like nothing. All of us arrived at the destination.

Before our eyes is a worn-down ruined mansion that used to belong to some nobles before being abandoned after being overrun by a wave of monsters at some point in the past.

"What was the monster that Wendy and Carla were to face again?" I look at the ruined mansion with concern.

"Ghosts." Erza answered.

I look at Erza blankly. "Ghosts...?"

Okay, something is wrong with this world more than I thought.

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