Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 25

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 25

A few months later*

Man, nearly half a year since I've come into Fairy Tail world. Many things have happened over the few months; there are some upsides and downsides, but they are not too bad that it would be a permanent problem. Thanks to having the Failure Manipulation making those worst outcomes to be 100% nonexistent. Otherwise, I may have turned into a moody, cliche character that makes things more complicated than it already is.

"Renato-sama!" Juvia calls my attention, "I think we should do this job." She hands me a flyer with Erza and Bari talking to each other on the side of the table.

Machio was doing push-ups nearby and having a nerve Wendy and frustrated Carla sitting on his back.

"Galuna Island?" I carefully read the job description, noticing it's an S-class job at that, and just like that. I remember one of the important events of Fairy Tail related to Galuna Island. Moreover, the reward of 7,000,000 jewels includes a Gold Key for Celestial Spirits. To be precise, it should be the Gate of the Archery Key to summon Sagittarius.

The job is asking for anyone who would be able to lift the curse placed on the islanders, which wasn't the true objective of the job if things go like in the canon.

"You sure you want us to do an S-class job? We have just recently done one before." I remind Juvia.

"Yes, Renato-sama. Plus, we haven't done anything lately for the past week now." Juvia replied. "Also, the guild master was the one that helped me pick it out."

"Did he now?"

I was not expecting this, even after a few months in this guild. The guild master has yet to reveal his secret to everyone that isn't an illusion and keeps quiet to himself, not bothering anyone unless he needs to. Then again, I should expect this with many butterfly effects due to my existence and actions.

"Yeah, even said that no one else has taken the job, including other guilds." Juvia takes the flyer out of my hand to reread it. "The Celestial Gold Key alone would be worth it since there are only 12 in existence."

"But none of us use Celestial Spirit Magic, though." I point this out, even though I could temporarily become one through Magic Card. I don't need the Celestial Spirit Gate Keys and create a Magic Card to act as one instead.

"Bari said you could, though." Juvia blinks at me, causing me to blink back.

"Bari?" I look at Bari in question, who pauses in talking with Erza about something I ignored.

"Yes, Master Renato?" Bari gave me her undivided attention as she placed a soundless barrier to prevent anyone from listening to our conversation. Mainly the guild master than anyone else, but this includes Machio, Wendy, and Carla.

"Why did you tell Juvia that I could use Celestial Spirit Magic?" I don't recall telling her about me being one, nor did I create a Magic Card for me to use said magic.

"That's because of being our contractor. You can use one of the Phanton Maidens to gain access to the Celestial Spirit World by using one of the Celestial Spirit Keys as a medium." Bari informs me. "In fact, in the past, many of us Phantom Maidens have become curious about the magic in this world. So we converted some people with magic into Phantom soldiers to access their magic, studying it until we gained enough knowledge to be proficient in it by adapting it into our style. So in a way, we replace your need to learn how to use Holder Magic, in the beginning, to be able to use said Holder Magic straight away, but you still have to practice using said magic."

"Isn't that great, Renatos-sama?" Juvia looks at me in awe; even Erza looks at me in amazement.

"That's good if I didn't have access to Magic Card." I said dryly, pulling out my deck of Magic Cards I've created up to this point. Some are new, and some are old.

"Oh yeah, you have that." Erza looked at my deck of Magic Cards with wariness, no doubt remembering the time we sparred in the past, and she asked to face me using Magic Card. It didn't end well for her with how versatile the Magic Card can be, especially with me accessing knowledge outside of Fairy Tail. "How are you so good at your magic?"

I shrug my shoulders as I put away my deck of Magic Cards.

No way will I reveal my cheat: Failure Manipulation, unlike those main characters in most fanfictions. I'm keeping my cheat a secret to my grave; if I die, that is. Plus, there is a 0% chance of me revealing my cheat, including any unexpected visitors like a parallel version of myself to inform all my possible secrets.

I'm not going to say there is no chance of an alternate version of myself existing in Fairy Tail because there is a high chance there is, with Fairy Tail showing proof of parallel realities as canon. And so, I used my cheat to make said the alternative reality of myself never appear before me, nor could they affect me in any way with their cheat.

"Right, Juvia forgot that Renato-sama hasn't shown much other magic besides Bullet Magic throughout our time doing jobs for the guild." Juvia slowly nods her head. "Juvia keeps forgetting Renato-sama has access to the four other magic, and one of them can replicate other magic too."

I forgot that I hid that my cheat is made-up magic called Breakdown Magic and is used to prevent Juvia's ability to conjure rain unless she has an emotional breakdown.

"People have already begun calling you the Sharpshooter due to how fast you shot down your enemy and never missed." Erza adds in her comment.

"Huh." I was somewhat speechless, but Erza wasn't wrong. Most of the time, I can take down anything with Invisible Bullet as no one could block it, or those that could last for a few seconds after a barrage of Invisible Bullets in all angels. Even then, I have already made it so my Invisible Bullet will never miss and can make it possible that it's unblockable too.

"Honestly, Master Renato. You could let me fight your battle." Bari sighed, looking at me with a hint of frustration. "Besides being a maid, I'm also a fighter too."

"Are you mad that I don't let you fight at all, or you're mad because I'm not letting you fight my battle in my place?" I ask this because there are many different cases of people's desire of wanting to fight in one's stand while there are others who are battle manic, especially against those that are strong.

"The second one." Bari replied instantly. "As a Phantom Maiden, it's my pride to fight in your stance and make it so only you will face a worthy foe instead of dealing with all the grunts that would be a waste of time for someone important as you, Master Renato. Furthermore, you rarely call on the other Phantom Maidens and use the Phantom Soldiers. The other Phantom Maidens are complaining to me that you haven't used them often. Be it for combat or not."

"I see." I'm starting to feel like I'm ignoring my harem of ghost girls, and in a way, they are kind of my harem since they would gladly have sex with me. Even Bari has often joined to make it a foursome with Juvia and Erza. "Well, I'll have you fight more in my battles along with other Phantom Maidens."

Bari stares at me quietly, causing both Juvia and Erza to stay quiet. Then, out of nowhere, Bari places a hand on my crotch.

"Oh!" I got the hint straightaway. "That too."

"Juvia will do her best to keep up with everyone." Juvia suddenly promised something I wasn't expecting her to make.

"It will be a great test of endurance, something I'd gladly take on." Erza nods to herself. As if she was talking about something else for endurance, not something sex-related.

"We can do that later when we're not in public." I spoke up before the girls could get into this whole thing further than needed outside our home. "Bari, you can lower the barrier. Juvia, go ahead and get Machio to accept the job for the team."

"Do we have to bring him with us?" Juvia pout, showing she wasn't all up for the idea of having Machio with us for the job.

"He is technically our team's leader, and he is also an S-class Mage. Not to mention, it's better to be safe in numbers." I pause to see Juvia frowning more by the second. "We could just put him in another room on the train with Wendy and Carla, and those three get along."

And just like that, Juvia is smiling again. Damn, it's so easy to please Juvia, which isn't bad, but still.

"I'll make sure to get a bigger room." Bari said to Juvia, who nodded in happiness. "It should fit more than four of us and some more if we are careful of our surroundings."

"Let's get to it." Erza got up. "I'll go pack for us." She quickly heads home to pack our travel kits.

2 hours later*

Living the life.

Juvia is on my left, and Erza is on my right. My hands are on their breasts. Bari is resting her head between my legs, nearly having her face against my dick that would have gotten hard if it wasn't for the fact we already had sex.

Of course, we're dressed. Even if technically, with my cheat making it, so no one comes to disturb before, during, and after sex until we put our clothes back on. I have discovered that my cheat made it so the train would have obstacles to deal with before resuming moving on. Therefore, we extended our train ride until we put our clothes back on.

Funny how the girls were first confused by this, suspicious too before I used my cheat again to make it, so they continue on that topic. Although, that made the girls bolder too.

Seriously, it somehow became my job to make these girls train and continue improving in their magic, or else they would keep on wanting to have sex and dates. A roleplay here and there too.

"How do you think the others are doing?" Erza asks about Machio, Wendy, and Carla, where their room is next to ours.

"Knowing Machio. He is working out as we speak." I replied, then pitched Erza's hard nipple, which made her moan and her body shudder.

"I'm still sensitive, Renato..." Erza leans more onto me. "And I still can't feel my legs."

"If Renato-sama is still in the mood. I can suck you off again." Juvia said with lust in her eyes.

"Master Renato's dick is still soft, but I can feel it's getting harder again." Bari reported from below, causing Juvia to let out a quiet squeal of excitement.

"We just put our clothes back on." I said dryly, blaming myself for causing the girls to get horny again.

"You shouldn't have pitched my nipple, then." Erza grinned at me, completely forgetting about her question from before. "Just be happy to have many beautiful girls wanting to have sex with you, Renato." She leans in, kissing me on the lip.

"Master Renato, you should summon one of the Phandom Maidens again." Bari spoke up, with her already pulling out my dick to rub.

It looks like the train ride is going to be a long one.

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