Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 3

2 hours later*

Okay, so Juvia manages to find out about the place we're staying by overhearing people talking about it. Talk about having a good sense of hearing, for her to pick this up out of every other conversation that is going on at the same time.

Either way, a place to stay and I've found four magic to learn from the library literally next to the Inn Juvia and I are staying.

The four magic are Spinning Magic, Bullet Magic, Magic Card, and Teleportation Magic. All four are surprisingly available for the public to learn from, but after reading all four books, there weren't many pages so it didn't take me that long to finish all four books, and discovered out of the four magic require one to have a large amount of Magic Power to use any of these magic, excluding Magic Card. As in, just for one of these magic, not all three together.

Especially both Spinning Magic and Teleportation Magic, where the former require one to have more Magic Power over the target to force them to spin. While the latter is the same but spread out their Magic Power outward around them to form somewhat a stabilized space field for them to use to teleport around in that space field.

Of course, this is for beginners and later on, these limitations would slowly disappear. As these mages gain more experience and grow to make this happen.

As for why I grab Bullet Magic; well, including Spinning Magic to it and using Teleportation Magic as support. I can become a deadly force, even without having to use Failure Manipulation. Okay, that's a lie. I still need to use Failure Manipulation. But, these three magic would form my own deadly fighting style to go with Failure Manipulation.

As for Magic Card is to make me more versatile and I have many ideas to use this magic to my advantage outside of combat. Especially if what is explained in the book about this magic is true, that the Magic Cards themselves are created by the Mages and their quality depends on the Mages' creative mind and Magic Power.

In other words, I have the ability to craft my own spells or recreate powers from different series into Magic Cards. Making this magic's potential limitless and making it extremely overpowered with the support of my cheat.

Anyway, I've used Failure Manipulation to make it so I have 100% failure of using any other magic of this world but these four, for I have a godlike talent for them in exchange. Honestly, I could have learned more magic, but I found out that if one doesn't have enough Magic Power, then it's caused their magic to either not work or become very weak that there's no point in using them outside of daily things and impossible in battles. Not that it would apply to me, but picking four magic to learn is already too much and including the Failure Manipulation is going to keep me busy for years.

Plus, there is this thing called bonding with magic, where if their own Magic Power converted into the magic they're learning. Then, it would be nearly impossible to change to a different type of magic to learn. Unless it is similar to the one they have learned.

In addition, it's determined by inborn of how many times one could bond with a magic they're learning. One could only learn a single magic while others could learn more than ten. Because I know many canon characters have learned more than one magic throughout the series.

Again, this is no problem for me. I can even learn all the magic in this world if I wanted to, but if I did, then who knows when I have any time to do anything else besides researching and training magic. Hell, Magic Card alone will never have an end for me compared to the other three magic.

Nonetheless, I'm still surprised to find these four magic in a public library for anyone to learn. Or maybe it's because there's only basic knowledge about these magic to learn from while advanced spells are in books that aren't for public use, maybe requires someone that has years of experience in those magic to teach other of those advanced spells. Who knows honestly.

Just the basics alone are plenty enough for me really. So, today has been a great day. I've transmigrated into Fairy Tail, given a powerful cheat, meet Juvia, and even learn four magic and cheating my way into becoming amazing good of using those four magic.

Looking out the window from my rented room, which is paid for by Juvia. Man, I seriously need to pay her back for all the money she spent on me.

I let out a yawn, then head to bed. As the bonding with three magic is so exhausting.

The next day*

"How about this, Renato-sama?" Juvia points out a job request for subduing a monster for 70,000 jewels.

The monster in mind happens to be a pack of goblins.

Huh, I did not expect to find goblins in Fairy Tail. Then again, most of the fights in the canon are among mages themselves, with the later arcs with different races and among others.

"If you want, we could." I replied, eager to test out my magic against simple monsters. Mainly the Spinning Magic, because I have something I want to try out and my cheat will make sure it will make it happen. Then the other magic if there are any goblins remains.

"Then, Juvia will go register for this job." Juvia grab the job from the board and headed over to someone over the counter.

While waiting for Juvia to come back. I look at the rest of the jobs with various rewards. Some of these jobs I didn't think would be available for wandering Mages and not placed in guilds. Or maybe they are but at a lower rank? I have no idea honestly and would have to check a legal guild's job board to see the difference from the public ones.

I can see one big difference. For one thing, there are very rare few jobs related to subduing monsters as being the highest rewards among the jobs. With the highest being monster hunting for 200,000 jewels and the lowest being pet care for 20,000 jewels.

If I remember correctly, for comparison purposes, 100 jewels are approximately $1.

Wow, $2,000 for hunting monster. Not gonna lie, but I can see why so many people would rather become Mages than work as a civilian in this world. Unless the people that work as civilians make a lot of money?

Maybe not, since I remember one small fact that Mages are more in low normal overall worldwide. Fairy Fail's canon events mainly focused on Mages than others.

"Renato-sama, I got the information of the goblins' whereabouts." Juvia came back with another piece of paper, which should be a map. Hopefully. "And we got our tickets for the train ride." Juvia hand me a train ticket.

Okay, what? Are the goblins that far away that it requires a train to get there?

"Alright, do we need anything else before we depart?" I ask Juvia while thinking how in the world these places still continue to exist for these jobs to stay available for anyone to accept. Like hell, there are those 10 Years Jobs that are missions that have been available for over 10 years and have yet to be completed. They are incredibly dangerous in nature.

Like hello? 10 years of not being completed? Dangerous in nature? How the hell do these people still remain alive to this day?

Ugh, so many questions and so many things I'm baffled by the logic of this world.

"Nope. We can go right now, Renato-sama." Juvia said to me, right after I finish doing a brief inner monologue. "Unless Renato-sama needs something else before we go?"

"No, we can go." I shake my head, then walk along with Juvia to the train station. I glance over to Juvia, to see her smiling and feeling cheerful. Also, glancing at the blue sky more often during the walk and trying to secretly glance at me from the corner of her eyes, which leads to her blushing when she saw me staring at her the moment she look in my direction.

An hour later*

"I'm sorry, but how long?" I ask Juvia, as we've finished getting comfortable in our assigned room on the train, and just asked how long the train ride will be.

"It should take us 3 days if nothing goes wrong during the trip." Juvia replied.

"Oh... huh." I blink at Juvia, then glance around the private room that reminds me of 1st class or something close back on Earth. "Do this train have a shower or something, for us to clean ourselves?" I seriously hope there is one. I have experienced what it feels like not taking a bath/shower for almost a week due to a school camping trip as a child and discovered the nearby bathhouse was temporarily closed due to something requiring repairs. Leading a group of children and adults feeling dirty mostly the entire camping experience.

"Yup, there is one, Renato-sama." Juvia's answer puts a relief in me. "Also, Juvia notice how Renato-sama didn't carry around cleaning products, and so, Juvia made sure to pack a couple for us to use together." Juvia reaches inside of her jacket and takes a whole damn bag that shouldn't be possible to hide in such a small space.

"Do you happen to know Spatial Magic?" I ask Juvia, since now that I think about it. I've only seen Erza bring along many things, including her armors and weapons that she wouldn't store into her own pocket dimension created with Requip Magic due to how limited of space inside the pocket dimension.

"Oh, Juvia just have someone at the clothing store engraving a patch inside Juvia's coat of Magic Runes to create a small pocket dimension, similar to Mages of Requip Magic, to store Juvia's things." Juvia happily answers my question.

I really wanted to ask how much it cost her to get this, but kept my mouth shut as I'm a bit afraid of finding out. All I know is it must cost a lot, even though Juvia explains it casually.

Yup, it's a good thing I picked Magic Cards. Since I can replicate these Magic Runes later. Too bad, the library didn't have any books on Letter Magic. Would have been great to learn instead. Nevertheless, Magic Cards is still great and can replicate Letter Magic later on.

Still haven't quite got into them just yet. I've only created a single Magic Card that is among the basics of Magic Cards in the book to create for beginners. Just three basic Magic Cards, which happen to be Cool Breeze Card, Warming Up Card, and Local Time Card.

It does exactly as the names go by. Honestly, I would complain if it wasn't for being so useful outside of combat and I've ideas on how to upgrade these three Magic Cards to become so much.

"Oh! Juvia even got us some food too." Juvia places the bag on the ground, then reaches into her coat once more to take out another big bag like nothing, but this one is filled with some food for us to eat. "Juvia doesn't know what Renato-sama likes to eat most of the time, so Juvia got Renato-sama a couple of different kinds of food to eat."

I'm speechless at how prepared Juvia is. Also, I wonder if she got another bag with some clothes for us to change. I kind of hope not, honestly.

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