Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 34

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 34

20 minutes later*

So... I used the Scanner Card on everyone and I'm somewhat confused yet not confused since I'd expected something like this to happen due to canon knowledge.

Since there is no Ichiya part of this whole thing, nor were there just two of us here alone. Therefore, Jura wouldn't be taken down so early in the game by Gemini, the Celestial Spirits of Angel, one of the members of the Oracion Seis as Gemini takes on the form of Ichiya after beating him up badly, allowing them to infiltrate the meeting. This would allow Angel to know about the alliance's planned ambush.

Now, the confusing part is that there is no Gemini among us, which means that Gemini must have picked someone else among those who left already. Or that would be the case if I didn't use my cheat to make such a thing not happen. So, things are being more different from the canon now.

"Well, since more than half of us left already. I guess we should too. Karen and Leo, you two team up for many reasons and go ahead and follow after everyone else; help them if they need it; otherwise, just figure out a way to stop them from using this Nirvana if it's an actual thing." I said to Karen and Leo, and both nodded and rushed off without looking in Erza and Jura's direction. "I have no right to order you two, but that also means the same you can't order us around. You do your side of the job; we will do the same."

I ignore everything Erza and Jura say as I teleport Juvia and myself near the base of operation of Oracion Seis, somewhere with a height advantage to see everything clearly. The area where the Oracion Seis is located is also included in the place I have been to mark down for my Teleportation Magic. But, I won't bring Juvia and myself in the middle of their base with just the two of us. Best we take them down from a distance instead.

"Alright, Juvia. Prepare for a better battlefield to our advantage." I told my girlfriend, and she did as she was told and created a massive Magic Circle in the sky that covered a good portion of the surrounding, including the Oracion Seis I see in the distance.

Soon, the temperature starts lowering as dark clouds form in seconds. It begins to rain heavily and fast to the point many areas are forming into pools of water. Their size increasing rapidly, and everything is starting to be flooded, making it's harder for those to run with the water level nearly above their ankles.

Unlike how Juvia subconsciously conjures her rain normally, which is impossible thanks to my cheat still in effect since day one here and meeting Juvia, she has created a field spell to replicate her default conjuring of rain into a field changer and make the raindrops affect those under her rain, making their movements stiff. Furthermore, with an idea or two from me, she made this field spell similar to the effects of Rainmaker Jutsu from Naruto.

Allowing her to manipulate the rain freely and the falling raindrops are closely linked to Juvia's senses. And unlike the Rainmaker Jutsu, Nagato can't tell exactly everyone's location and just know someone outside came in. Juvia knows exactly who is where at all times, giving her something on the line of being able to 'see' everyone in her rain.

Of course, this water field spell isn't with its downsides. Mainly Juvia has to focus and can't protect herself while using this water field spell. Also, it takes a lot of Magic Power to cast, but she has plenty to keep up for an hour or two and more than enough to finish multiple battles.

I place down multiple Magical Barrier Cards—creating mythical defensive measures. The barriers can absorb, deflect, and even halt attacks aimed at those inside the barriers.

Including the usage of my cheat to make it so all means other than by me can't destroy the barriers. This would cover us from any sneak attacks, but again, sneak attacks are impossible with my previous usage of Failure Manipulation. So it mostly protects us from frontal attacks once someone finds us. If they can reach us, that is.

Next, I use the Supernatural Eyesight Card on myself to see a thousand miles away, see in all directions at once, see in the dark, see the faintest distinctions, and track things too fast for the normal eye. This way, I won't be limited like the others that barely could see anything under the heavy rain.

So as we watch the Oracion Seis and the other Mages from the alliance struggling to swim to safety. Most of them are, while those who use Ice Magic would create platforms to help others get a stable foothold.

To my surprise, somewhat, to see Racer of the Oracion Seis running across the water as if they are solid. All thanks to his Slow Magic—A caster magic and type of Time Magic that slows down time in the area around the Mage, which is what he used to make it, so the water turns into a semi-solid state for him to run on. Also, if I were to guess, Racer's Slow Magic make it easier for him to see better than the other, going by how he runs towards the other Dark Mages to bring them to safety or somewhere that block the rain.

Overall, it hasn't even been an hour yet, and Juvia and I alone have caused more problems to the Oracion Seis than the others. Although, this is by no mean the end since I'm in a good position to snipe every one of them. I did exactly that, using Invisible Bullets to take down all the Oracion Seis Mages before they could do anything. Let alone getting themselves back in a better position to fight.

Without me having to say anything, Juvia dropped her conjured rain and quickly created multiple layers of water spheres to capture the Oracion Seis. This way, they can't escape and be unable to fight at their peak due to lack of oxygen. Of course, I use my cheat to make it, so they can't use their magic without having enough focus to channel their Magic Power.

"Juvia finds this whole a little disappointing. Juvia thought the Oracion Seis would be harder to take down." Juvia frowned at how easy it was.

"So did I." I tried not to spill out that it's because Juvia is stronger than her own canon version, including having me as support to make things go well for her. Furthermore, my cheat alone makes all battles pointless since I can end the battles before the other side can do anything. Almost like right now, but Juvia is doing most of the work this time.

An hour later*

"Renato, honey." Guild Master Bob starts, not realizing how uncomfortable he is making me by calling me that. "I allowed you and Juvia to go mainly to watch over the others in case things go south. I didn't want you to end the whole thing in less than an hour."

"I wasn't expecting them to be that weak, honest!" I said in my defense. "I didn't even get to use my newly finished deck of Magic Cards." That part annoys me more than it should. But, I didn't particularly appreciate how Gray had been looking at Juvia too often for my comfort. I know Juvia's loyalty; however, Gray, I don't trust him at all. So I may have sped things up a bit and may or may not have fired an Invisible Bullet at him when no one was looking.

Sue me; I'm jealous and possessive of Juvia at this point, and not when I had experience with Erza and Bari. In hindsight, I knew what to expect from bari, but I guess I was still a bit biased toward Erza due to knowing her from the manga/anime. Then learning about her hidden motives was a shocker to me.

Ah crap, getting a bit moody thoughts here. Suppose it wasn't for my paranoia of turning myself into a semi-emotionless machine by getting rid of all these negative emotions with my cheat. I would have done so already.

"Renato, you forget many people, including the Wizard Saints, can't do 100-Year Jobs and complete them at that. I've overheard somewhere that Gildarts Clive from the Fairy Tail Guild is planning to do a 100-Year Job at some point, but that is only preparing. You, Renato, on the other hand, have completed more than a dozen 100-Year Jobs by now, sometimes with Juvia here too. The only reason the public and nearly everyone hasn't found out about this is that the Magic Council makes sure it doesn't be known, and I don't want it to be known for many reasons, mostly for your sake than mine. It's why I made you and Juvia wear disguises whenever you do a 100-Year Job and forbid all the members in the guild from revealing anything too." Guild Master Bob takes a deep breath before continuing, "What I'm trying to say is. Take it easy on any jobs you do with or without Juvia. I'm not expecting you to keep a certain quote of jobs while staying in the guild. Honestly, I wouldn't even care if you stayed idle for years at this point."

"Alright, I'll take a break." I look at Guild Master Bob with a sheepish smile.

"That's all I ask. Also, since you didn't get my hint. Anytime you do a job by yourself or with others. Take it easy, and don't try hard to complete it. If you're by yourself, take your time, but if you're with others. Let them do most of the work and watch over them. As for how to split the reward, depending on the jobs. I don't think you're desperate for money at this point." Guild Master Bob handed me a glass of whiskey.

"Yeah, I'm not." I took a sip from the glass of whiskey, then drank the whole thing in one gulp. "So other than getting my part of the reward from the temporary alliance against the Oracion Seis. Did the Magic Council try anything against me again?"

"Ah, the same thing as before, but just a bit more. The Magic Council are furious once they realize you attended." Guild Master Bob replied.

"Didn't they say send in a powerful Mage to help?" I frown at this.

"Yeah, but their response was, 'We asked for a powerful Mage, not a walking magical bomber. We were hoping for someone like Karen or someone on her level.' And I'm too lazy to tell you the other reasons they keep on spilling at me while I was taking my time cleaning." Guild Master Bob rolls his eyes in the end.

"I'm guessing they're banning me from joining any future alliance jobs?" I ask jokingly.

"Oh, they did, among other things they wanted to ban you from, but you can just ignore them, honestly." Guild Master Bob snort in amusement. "Well, I'll leave you be."

I nod at Guild Master Bob, then grab the new glass of whiskey handed to me and walk over to where Juvia is talking with Karen about fashion again.

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