Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 6

Before my eyes is NOT a mansion. Something I kinda expected upon seeing the weirdness of the job. Especially with the number of jewels listed as payment in the job. But, no. It's just a regular two-story house and a decent size frontyard. No idea about the backyard, but I can guess it should at least be bigger than the frontyard. If the people here are planning to learn about magic. As there are many types of magic that could be destructive and would cause collateral damage.

"Is it just me, or is there something wrong with this place?" I whisper to Juvia, where we're just waiting in front of the house for the owner of the place to come greet them after I knock on the door.

"Juvia see nothing wrong with this place?" Juvia stare at me with a confused look.

"Nevermind then." I replied.

Okay, clearly it must be the common sense Juvia developed or this world is where only royalty has mansions... Then again, royalty is still a thing. King and all that. So, maybe it isn't too far-fetched that the people living here are not allowed to build and own a mansion due to lacking status or whatever, and still be rich.

Or... the people here just don't like living in a mansion and live in this house for comfort than showing off their status of being rich in the neighborhood.

I better prepare for a fight just in case.

Soon, the front door opens and reveals a tall man of fair complexion and slender frame. He has messy short black hair, blue eyes, and a very handsome profile, along with a baby face. He is wearing a blue and white tracksuit.


I look at the guy in shock, who looks exactly the same as the character from Dumbbell Nan-Kilo Moteru?.

"Hello, are you the client that's hiring someone to teach about magic in general and being tutoring in how to feel one's Magic Power?" Juvia asks the Machio-look alike.

"Ah, you must be the Mages that accepted my job. Yes, I'm the client, and my name's Machio. Come inside." Machio moves to the side, to allow Juvia and me to enter. "Please take a seat for us to discuss before going any further."

Juvia and I carefully found seats to sit in and position ourselves near the front door in case we need to escape. Of course, I've already prepared beforehand by creating a Binding Card, which is to be used to bind, imprison, or otherwise stop targets into a fixed spot.

This Binding Card is something I've managed to create during the train ride on the way back to Oak Town. Barely finished it on time before reaching our destination, even with the whole motion sickness I had to go through.

Anyway, this Binding Card should be enough to prevent the client from doing anything harmful to us and give us enough time to counter, or just escape this place. However, I have no idea if Machio could break through the Binding Card. And that thought alone scares me deeply.

"So before we begin the lesson of magic. I just want to let you know, that I'm trying to improve my own personal magic called Muscle Speak. A type of supporting magic by chanting some incantations, allowing one to increase the muscle mass of their surrounding allies. However, to increase the efficiency of the magic. The Mage's body must also be well-toned. Thus, it's important to not miss even one day of exercise. Don't worry, I've done my quota for the day." Machio begins flexing, causing a shockwave to generate and literally rip apart his tracksuit. Revealing a deceptively large, bulky, and well-defined physique, which is in complete contrast to his baby face, and only wearing a speedo. "And right now, I just need more insights of others about what they know of magic itself and how they feel whenever they use their magic. I'm close to developing my Muscle Speak beyond its normal capability!"

I stare at Machio in disbelief, where my hair is blown backward and Juvia lost her hat in the middle of Machio's flexing.

Holy shit! Those muscles are massive! By all that is holy, this dude didn't even use Muscle Speak at all! ...Unless he can use Muscle Speak without using incantations? That would somewhat answer why the guy has gone from a slender body figure to that!

"I see." I take this in wariness. For I knew that anything is possible in an anime world. Especially when I thought I was going to teach a kid about magic, not a grown adult with lots of hard muscles that make me somewhat envious of. Just a bit. "So, do you want just to talk about magic in our opinion or show you at the same time while talking about it?"

"The latter." Machio get up from his seat and made a gesture for us to follow to the back.

Okay, I'm questioning the guy's brain. Why have us sit down and tell us this when he could have done so in the backyard? I am so confused right now. Also, when is he going to put some clothes back on? Maybe going back to his previous body figure? The dude's body alone is scaring me enough to debate on attacking him or outright grabbing Juvia and running away.

Nevertheless, Juvia and I follow the guy out and into the backyard, which I guessed right. The backyard is huge and I see many weights lying around the place. All in various sizes and weights.

"So, who wants to start off first?" Machio asks Juvia and me.

"Juvia will go first." Juvia spoke up before I could and began explaining her Water Magic to Machio, who has his eyes light up stars in awe.


No seriously, how does one do that? I know this is an anime world, but making your eyes light stars like that shouldn't be possible at all. Not to mention, not possessing any sort of magic that should make those stars appear in one's eyes! What the hell?!

I wonder if that would happen to me without me knowing if I feel in awe. Also, I wonder if it's possible to obtain a body like Machio's if I go through his series of workouts without having to use my cheat.

Anyway, back to reality. I see Juvia has finished her demonstration and explanation to Machio. As she just used her Water Magic to create a floating ball of water and hurl it towards a nearby boulder, shattering it into little pieces.

Now, it's my turn and I've already got an idea of what to say about my magic, to be precise. My Bullet Magic.

"Okay, so I'm going to demonstrate Bullet Magic." I said to Machio, as I mimic the shape of a gun with my right hand and create a different type of 'bullet' out of my Magic Power that is crimson in color this time. "This is a spell I've created myself."

Not really true, but it's something not known in this world. So technically I did but not at the same time. Yet, it's something I wanted to recreate early on. Especially when I picked Bullet Magic, Spinning Magic, and discovering about Magic Circle made my desire to recreate it even more than ever. Of course, I have only recently recreated it on the way back to Oak Town.

"Bullets, Deploy."

A dozen of rapidly-spinning Magic Circles appear around me. Firing numerous bullets at once and causing destruction throughout the backyard.

I quickly stop straight away, not expecting this to be so powerful. Then again, this is what I should expect upon recreating the Magecraft of Aoko Aozaki from the Nasuverse and being the Fifth Magician. Especially, how I've used Failure Manipulation to make it so I have 100% of failing in NOT recreating the peak version of Aoko's Magecraft.

Aoko's magic bullets are simple spells utilizing her rapidly-spinning Magic Circuits as the barrel of a gun to fire Magical Energy. Magic bullets are simply materialized Magical Energy fired as heat. The result is a destructive force equal to the amount of energy she can handle. She has three types of magic bullets that act as her main weapons: Snap, Draw, and Magic Blow. The temperature of her long-range magic bullet used against Flat Snark is approximately 3,000 degrees Celsius.

So using Magic Circle in the replacement of Magic Circuit, then using Spinning Magic on the Magic Circle itself, then using Bullet Magic to create the bullet itself, which I can still use heat if needed, and I've simply recreated Aoko's Magecraft with two Magic and crafting the Magic Circle to act as the barrel of a gun.

"Originally, Bullet Magic is to use one's hands to mimic the shape of a gun and creates magic spheres in the air around them, from which the user can fire magic bullets in rapid succession. Yet, I've decided to change this by crafting a specialized Magic Circle to replace the usage of one's hands as a gun and making it so I can fire more than one bullet at once." I begin explaining half-heartedly about Bullet Magic and barely on the Snap Bullet Spell I just used.

As well as using my cheat to make it so people ignore the noises made just now with my Snap Bullet Spell. Nor would Machio notice how I've avoided going deeper into the topic of my Snap Bullet Spell.

20 minutes later*

"I must say. Your input has given me many thoughts on how to improve my Muscle Speak." Machio said to Juvia and me while flexing a bit at the same time, producing bursts of wind that hit us so often. To the point, Juvia has long by then, put her hat into her pocket not to have it blown away more than once already.

As for me, I'm rocking a new hairstyle that is spiky backward. Hopefully, this won't become a permanent thing. I like my previous hairstyle, thank you very much.

On another good note. This job wasn't a trap after all. Although, I did not expect this world to be a crossover, or just specific characters being in this world. Not that it matters, since my existence alone should have already caused a chain reaction throughout this world. I wouldn't be surprised if I find out that Fairy Tail Guild is the bad guys instead of being the good ones that save the days and whatnot.

"It's no problem." I replied as I push my head back into place. "Do you want us to talk about our intake of using our Magic Power?"

"We can talk about that tomorrow. I have much to think about with the new information I've been given." Machio stops pausing finally. "Just give me a few minutes to think, and don't worry, I'll include the money in the time of you two waiting on me."

"That's fine." I reply for Juvia and me. "Take your time."

I pull Juvia to the side while wondering how rich is Machio and preparing for any traps just in case. That this Machio looks and acts nice, but maybe he is secretly a serial killer or something.

Using my cheat to make it so Machio has 100% of failing to overhear my conversation with Juvia until it's over.

"Okay, is it just me, or it's a bit suspicious about how the client keeps on posing randomly?" I ask Juvia, and somewhat knowing the answer from her, I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"I mean, I've seen some muscular men around the area that doing the same as Machio." Juvia looks at me without any caution towards Machio. "Though, I'm quite surprised by how he causes blasts of air without using any of his magic."

Of course, you would find that surprising, Juvia...

I let out a frustrated sigh, ignoring the confused look on Juvia's face.

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