Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 8

An hour later*

Damn, I forgot that the Phantom Lord Guild is filled with pricks.

"Haaah?! Do you think you are tough enough to join us?! The Phantom Lord Guild?! We don't accept weakling here!" A random grunt member of the Phantom Lord Guild sneers at me, then look at Juvia with lust. "But, you lovely lady can join!"

Juvia wasn't cheerful like before. Instead, Juvia has a blank face and is silent.

Completely different from what I know her up to now.

So with that said, I wasn't surprised to see Juvia bitch slap the guy so hard the grunt was sent flying for a few seconds before crashing through one of the windows, but it shouldn't be enough to outright kill the guy.

"No one disrespect Renato-sama." Juvia said coldly, even causing the temperature to lower that it's getting chilly around here. "Renato-sama, this guild isn't right for us. We should leave."

Oops. I ruined canon, or whatever left it was before my existence came into this world. As Juvia has no interest in Phantom Lord Guild whatsoever.

"And who said you're allowed to leave after what you've done?" Someone demanded in a near growling tone.

I look in the direction of who just said that and see Gajeel Redfox, the Iron Dragon Slayer, who should be S-Class Mage of Phantom Lord Guild by now or soon.

He looks exactly like his first appearance, which makes the chance of Gajeel being an S-Class Mage higher.

"Are you going to stop us?" Juvia asks coldly. Her body is highlighted in blue, where she is releasing the pressure of her own Magic Power.

Gajeel let out a chuckle, "Who else?" He grins widely while releasing off his own Magic Power's pressure as well.

100% of failing to be affected by the pressure of Magic Power.

I secretly let a sigh of relief, for I was not expecting this. Like damn, give a guy a warning!

Yet, I can see that Gajeel is strong, but for some odd reason. I feel like Juvia could beat Gajeel without much problem. And if Juvia goes for the kill, I can see her easily pour a massive amount of water into Gajeel's body until he explodes, or even manipulate his blood to come out.

Holy shit, Juvia has the potential to be a very dangerous person with her Water Magic if she could do that. Especially if she follows the footsteps of Blood Bender from the Avatar: The Last Airbender and the sequel: The Legend of Korra.

Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure Juvia has no experience in facing a caster of Dragon Slayer Magic yet, even if Gajeel's Dragon Slayer Magic's element is iron. He is not weakling that for sure, especially what was shown in the canon.

But, I rather not fight Gajeel if I can help it since I am by no mean trained in hand-to-hand combats, especially with magic merged into it to make it more deadly than normal. Although, with my cheat, I can make him a helpless person at my mercy in more than one way. Similar to how I dealt with Machio.

Quite honestly, I have a way to deal with Gajeel easily by taking advantage of the natural weaknesses shown in the canon related to people using Dragon Slayer Magic. Therefore, I can be the natural enemy against Dragon Slayer Magic users.

Now, to make this work.

100% of Gajeel failing to be unaffected by my Spinning Magic.

100% of Gajeel failing to be able to resist my Spinning Magic.

I snap my fingers, creating a small green Magic Circle above Gajeel, who has already prepared to move away but failed to as my cheat has already worked its effects on Gajeel.

Then begin to twirl my right index finger, causing Gajeel to spin against his will. Making everyone nearby that are watching this is in disbelief, especially some even having their eyes pop out.

My god, these people look so crazy looking and I wonder how in the world their eyes didn't outright stay outside of their sockets or have a harder time getting their eyes back inside.

"SPPPPPOOOOOOTTTT YOOOOU-UUUUUGGGGH!" Gajeel scream at me, but I could barely hear him due to him spinning too fast.

"Let's get out of here. No need to cause any more problem." I said to Juvia, as I drag her out of the building. Not because I'm scared of these Mages, but their Guild Leader, who could easily defeat Juvia and me single-handed. Unless I use Failure Manipulation, which is what I'm already using right now to make it so Jose Porla doesn't show up to beat down our ass. As we make our escape.

Much to my relief, Juvia didn't argue to stick around and follow me out of here while I continue to use Spinning Magic to keep Gajeel spinning and trigger his natural weakness of motion sickness.

Splitting my focus into two, which is a bit hard but not impossible thanks to doing it in the past and barely creating a new Binding Card. Where I use it on the building itself, to prevent others from leaving, giving Juvia and me some time to get away from here and return back to Oak Town to restock on stuff, because we may not stick around for too long. Since the Binding Card isn't backed by the Failure Manipulation and will collapse sooner or later, I rather not deal with the aftermath of what would happen if I did.

As in, the high chance of countless deaths due to lack of food and water inside the building, where everyone is trapped and can't leave until I take down the Binding Card personally. Well, unless I input another conditional before the Binding Card deactivates itself. But, not enough time for me to think about it thoroughly.

In hindsight, this should've been a given that it's nearly impossible to join Phantom Lord Guild with the type of people part of that guild. But, I got to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Either way, I honestly don't care this is make me a coward in many people's eyes. Better to live another day than die a glorious death. Hell, it might not even be a glory death at all. Plus, I am no mean a battle manic nor that stupid to know that if we beat Gajeel, then others would come after him and after those people are even more people. Until at that point, crazy powerful Mages would appear to attack us in the name of seeing how strong we are.

That's a big nope.

I glance over at Juvia, who didn't look down at me for this, if anything, I'm guessing she is too busy enjoying me holding her hand instead.

Good to know.

Then again, this should be the case of being blinded by love and going by how Juvia acts in this life and in the canon. I shouldn't be surprised at some point, she would still see me in good light if I caused the death of countless people because of whatever reasons she could think up or a lie I come up which she would believe no matter how silly it sounds.

Good thing I won't do that nor take advantage of Juvia's love for me since I've already begun developing a feeling for her, other than lusting for her body.

Glancing back at the Phantom Lord Guild. Just to be on the safe side.

100% of everyone in the Phantom Lord Guild fails to remember the appearance of Juvia Lockser and Renato Sinclair until they no longer have any thoughts about either for a month.

100% of everyone in the Phantom Lord Guild fails to record the appearance of Juvia Lockser and Renato Sinclair.

That should do the trick.

The next day*

This is not what I was expecting when leaving Oak Town.

I glance over at Machio, who is talking with Juvia in a joyful manner while letting a laugh every few minutes. Juvia laughing along with him, but I can see her glancing in my direction more than often enough that even Machio could pick up.

Although Machio is not in his muscular form at the moment, his somewhat normal form matches his face.

Still doesn't change the fact, that he is tagging along with Juvia and me on our trip to a nearby town to do some research to locate another Magic Guild to test their luck with.

Then again, what would one expect from a rich guy who would train his body to the extreme and discover the next stage of equipment to resume breaking the next limit was recently found. Only to find out the source of said next stage of equipment is being cut off from access due to the maker has to move out of town, unable to finish making the equipment to be used.

So Machio's answer to this problem? He decided to tag along with Juvia and me, even providing money and other resources in exchange for being supplied with Binding Card.

Am I going to gain many companions that are rich or something?

Nevertheless, thanks to the encounter with Gajeel yesterday, who nearly caught us leaving town via train if I haven't used Failure Manipulation to make it so it's impossible for the Iron Dragon Slayer to catch us. No matter how hard he tries.

I've decided to resume recreating the other two magic bullets, one used for large-scale destruction and another for close combats. As well as working on future spells for my other magic. Mainly the Teleportation Magic to replace the need for transportations to travel a long distance. Even if I no longer have motion sickness.

"So, Machio, other than training consistently to reach the limit possibilities for the human's body. What else are you planning to do? Juvia and I are just searching for a Magic Guild to join together and just enjoy ourselves doing jobs while spending time together." I look at Machio after he and Juvia finished talking for a brief moment.

"Oh, I haven't thought about that." Machio put a thinking face. "I guess I'll have to figure it out when I am no longer able to break the next limit."

"Then are you going to join the same Magic Guild as Juvia and me, or just purchase a house nearby instead?" I ask Machio. "I mean you could find new training methods by doing jobs and sparring with other Mages."

Not that he needs it, since the guy literally trained himself to be fire resistant and among who what else he trained to be resistant against. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to learn he somehow developed the ability to be immune to certain elements like people with Slayer Magic of this world. Whether they be Dragon Slayer, God Slayer, Devil Slayer, and even fan-made ones depending on how AU this world is.

"I've done that before, but maybe the Magic Guild you guys are searching for might be a guild filled with dangerous jobs for me to test my limit." Machio said calmly, but one could see his eyes are on fire.

Oh, fuck! His eyes are on fire!

Just as I was about to find something to put the fire out when I blink once, to see the fire is gone.

I secretly sigh in relief, forgetting that this is an anime thing. Although, it's still weird for me and I'll need more time to get used to many common things related to the logic of anime.

"Yeah, let's see how it goes." I said to Machio, trying my best not to show how I nearly tried to find a way to get water to pour over Machio's eyes.

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