Failure IS An Option

Arc 2 – Vacation Time: Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2 - Vacation Time: Chapter 4

The next day*

It's a new day. Juvia and I enjoy resting on the rooftop of our home for sunbathing. Of course, neither of us would get a tan. Juvia's body can't get a tan at all, no matter how long she stays outside with the sun out extra bright and hot. I bet it's because of her innate magic involved, while I don't like getting a tan, period. So I made sure I didn't with Failure Manipulation.

"Think C.C. would be fine without us?" Juvia asks me.

"Yeah, I've already made it happen." I replied calmly, finding it funny even after helping C.C. with two of her problems. She continues to seek out Lelouch because he is her nearest available contractor to grant her wish. "As well as making it, so we aren't disturbed during our stay in this world before leaving for another."

"That's nice. We enjoy more fun stuff made in this world without dealing with unwanted visitors." Juvia smiled at me. Then she reached to the side to grab her drink off the table to take a sip before putting it back down. "This is nice."

"It is." I agreed with Juvia, especially how much I miss some of the modern technology and more high-tech devices that are too advanced back on my Earth. "Too bad, we will leave this world soon."

"Are we going to bring C.C. with us?" Juvia looks at me as she lowers her sunglasses.

"Does she even want to tag along with us in the first place? Other than granting her two wishes in exchange for our geass. She has no other reasons to stick around with us other than our money and place to stay." I point out that since I recall how in the beginning, C.C. wanted to die after realizing how another can never love her until Lelouch shows her the affection she deeply desires that has been buried in her heart for who knows how long. "Unless she does want to tag along and ask you to ask me?"

"From what Juvia could tell by her past through the Beyond Card. Juvia would say it's a meager chance of C.C. tagging along." Juvia frowns a little before letting out a deep sigh.

"Why are you so eager for C.C. to come with us?" I look at Juvia in curiosity.

"As much as it's embarrassing to say, Juvia can't handle Renato-sama's sexual drive." Juvia becomes quiet near the end, with her face red.

I blank out for a moment, then find it funny that this is the reason why Juvia wanted C.C. to tag along. It's so I have another girl to satisfy my sexual urge, which would have been true if it wasn't for the fact I used my cheat to make it so I will always have infinite stamina in sex whenever Juvia is involved. Furthermore, as long as Juvia hasn't fainted, I can keep going with any girls forever until she is unconscious and/or can no longer move on her own.

In a way, I can see why Juvia would think I have a strong sexual drive that she couldn't handle alone. I was not expecting this.

"I see." I have no words to use to comfort Juvia other than I can't tell her why I felt embarrassed in the beginning about not lasting long enough to satisfy her, which is why I give myself temporary infinite stamina in sex. "Well, you don't have to worry about that. I can hold back."

"Are you sure, Renato-sama?" Juvia looked at me with concerned eyes, causing the corner of my lip to twitch.

I can't really tell her that my limbo will always be normal if she isn't involved in sex or if I make sure she is satisfied first before moving on with the other girls. By then, I would be exhausted before I could even satisfy the other girls.

"Yeah, I'm sure, Juvia. Thanks for thinking about this for me." I smile at Juvia to reassure her. "Anyway, we should just relax more and enjoy the nice weather."

"Renato-sama is right." Juvia pushes her sunglasses back up.

Hours later*

Well, it's a good thing I made it so other geass users can't be used on Juvia and me. Otherwise, Lelouch here would have obtained control over us with his geass. Honestly, I should expect this when C.C. brought this guy here to see her other contractors who could easily fulfill her wishes as her reason.

Now, because of this little episode. C.C. is on Juvia's blacklist of people she does not like, and this also includes Lelouch, who is knocked out cold by a brutal backhand from Juvia.

Of course, Juvia held back not to kill Lelouch by accident. Even without magic and she didn't look physically strong, Juvia is one powerful woman. Then again, this is Lelouch I'm talking about. I bet even C.C. could bind him to the ground without much effort.

Anyway, with C.C. is now being looked in a negative point of view by Juvia. She is sitting next to the unconscious Lelouch on the ground, avoiding making eye contact with either Juvia or me.

So yeah, forget about taking C.C. with us. I'm pretty sure Juvia is willing to kill Lelouch and kick C.C. out of our temporary home, even when she knows about C.C.'s past.

The only reason she didn't kill Lelouch is not due to anything being merciful but because she also knows about his little sister and rather not leave a blind girl alone without her older brother. Well, that's what I'm guessing about why Juvia hasn't killed Lelouch yet.

Honestly, just knowing what kind of person C.C. is. I'm not surprised she brought Lelouch here.

"So, what should we do with these two, Renato-sama?" Juvia asks me, glaring at C.C., which causes the latter to continue to avoid making eye contact with the former.

"I will leave that decision to you, Juvia." I let out a yawn. "It's getting pretty late."

"Huh?" Juvia looks at me in shock, then at the clock on the wall to see it's almost midnight. "Oh, it is. Then, what should Juvia do with these two?" She frowns at C.C. and the unconscious Lelouch.

"That's up to you, Juvia." I yawn again, then head to the bedroom while using my cheat to make sure Lelouch and C.C. won't end up causing problems for Juvia and me from this point on. We're on vacation for a reason.

Juvia stares at C.C. with a blank face is the last thing I see before entering the bedroom.

The next day*

"So you let them go?" I raise an eyebrow at Juvia before taking a bite of the bacon sandwich for breakfast.

"Juvia see no point in keeping them as prisoners." Juvia took a sip of her earl green tea.

"I guess that means you won't allow C.C. to tag along with us, then?" I wipe my mouth with a napkin, then drink the whole glass of water to wash it down.

"No. Even if she wasn't really trying to get Lelouch to use his geass on us." Juvia frowns a little, shaking her head in disappointment. "Anyway, Juvia wonders how long will we stay in this world?"

"We can leave anything. I've already made copies of all this world's important technology and other things." I answered.

Man, I love Magic Card and Failure Manipulation. Using both makes many things easy and without problems, especially in a world like Code Geass. I got all the data for knightmare frames, including future generations that have yet to be started—stored inside a single Magic Card that would cause many to do unthinkable things to get their hands on the information.

"Did Renato-sama includes the recipes for all the foods made in this world?" Juvia looks at me in excitement.

"Yup." I toss Juvia a Magic Card that contains this world's all best food recipes from the past to the present. Not including the future since I rather not eat something that makes me ask unwanted questions that no doubt cause me mental problems.

"Let's leave this world for another then, Renato-sama. Juvia doesn't feel like seeing C.C. anytime soon." Juvia quickly rushes off to get packing, not waiting for a response. Showing how much she wants to leave this world.

I slowly shook my head, but I couldn't say I wasn't getting bored in this world. Like, we've already piloted a couple of knightmares; however, after the excitement of using a giant war machine. It became boring and too restricted due to the early generations of knightmares not being that great compared to the future generations.

Besides, things go downhill after killing the important villains of this world. Therefore, making Lelouch and other characters' development becomes something other than canon. Not that it's bad, but it isn't good, either.

Well, no matter. Even with all the stupid decisions I've made in Code Geass, including kidnapping C.C., it isn't so bad. Juvia and I got our own geass. As for the Magic Card that contains the knowledge of knightmare technology. Maybe I can trade it off to someone in another world for something. They might have an idea what to do it with because I only got it because I could. That's the only reason.

An hour later*

Same as how we got to Code Geass. We're now in another world, and I already know what kind of world this is. It isn't that hard when I can see familiar icons.

I don't know if it's Juvia's desire that influenced the chance of the next world, we are to enter. I have many questions if I want to stick around in Sekirei for too long or if I should compare to Code Geass. But, one way or another, I can just tell Juvia is going to 'help' me find sexy alien girls to bond with. No chance of betrayal, unlike with the Phantom Maidens.

And to be on the safe side. I have already blocked Minaka Hiroto and his company MBI from locating us through any means.

Okay, on the bright side, I know how Sekirei are, and I recall how much love they have for their Ashikabi once they bond with them via a kiss.

I glance at Juvia, who is still absorbing the basic knowledge of this world via Beyond Card.

Yup, it seems like I'm going to get another harem soon. Well, depending on how far I'm into the canon by now, or maybe we've arrived at the beginning or before things have started.

Nonetheless, I just continued driving to find the nearest hotel for the night before deciding to follow one of the classic examples in Sekirei fanfiction. As in staying at the Izumo Inn because that's where most important characters would stay throughout the series.

"Renato-sama, Juvia has picked out the best alien girls to join us." Juvia looks at me with determination.

Ah, great... I just hope my dick won't break off after fucking a couple of Sekirei or so. Okay, I better make sure that won't happen at all. So, quick use of Failure Manipulation to make it so. Although, I might not because I had fucked so many Phantom Maidens that I now realize how much sex I had in the past. Including Juvia too, which makes me question if Juvia wasn't present. I might have broken something.

Now, I'm dreading which Sekirei got Juvia's attention.

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