Failure IS An Option

Arc 3 – Choices We’ve Made: Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 3 - Choices We've Made: Chapter 1

The next day*

"You know, I think we might have still underestimated Renato." Uzume said to everyone, staring at the scene in disbelief.

"If I wasn't in love with him already. I am more than ever." Karasuba is breathing heavily.

Everyone is watching the MBI falling apart, both figuratively and literally.

"You know, I honestly forgot that money is a thing on this planet." Matsu gives everyone a wry smile.

"Money makes life easy and harder for others." Juvia said to Matsu and the other Sekirei.

"Are you rich, Juvia?" Kazehana looks at Juvia with more interest than ever.

"Kind of." Juvia shrugs, which would make many envy her if they were to find out exactly how much she have in her bank back in Fairy Tail.

I stop eavesdropping on their conversation and focus on ruining the MBI. Talk about easy with Failure Manipulation. Honestly, I would have left it alone somewhat, but they were trying to use other Sekirei to deal with us and among other things. Quick to say, I didn't like it one bit. Not when I didn't get to fuck any of my girls last night while we were relocating to prepare to head back to Fairy Tail.

Sure, I have made it so I can't get cuckblock by any means, but that doesn't mean I can just outright have sex right in the middle of something important. Or in this case, the situation isn't the right time for sex.

Anyway, among the way to deal with MBI wasn't to destroy it by killing all the grunts and so on. But instead, remove their resources to make it so they cannot continue to function normally, which is even worse for the many employees working in the MBI, mainly for the high pay rate salary. Remove that, and they wouldn't stick around to perform free labor. Not when they are still people that need to pay the bills and daily needs that require money to obtain unless they are willing to become a criminal to get whatever they need through illegal means.

So yeah, this method sounds simple, but that is if nothing is bound to stop the process. Otherwise, it is a stupid plan that will never work unless going through a series of steps to make it work, having insiders and powerful hackers mess with the system and other things to make the company lose all of its money in a very short time. Not to mention, factoring in the intelligent people in the company might prevent this from happening.

"Hey, is that Minaka?" Hikari points to the east, where everyone can see Minaka, aka the chairman and founder of MBI and the one behind the Sekirei Plan—running towards us with a dozen bodyguards following him. Sadly, none of the said bodyguards are Sekrei. "And wow, he is mad."

True to Hikari's words. Minaka's face is crimson, and his eyes are bloodshot. In addition, he is glaring at me with absolute hatred. Pretty sure it's because he knows I'm the Ashikabi that winged all these beautiful yet powerful and deadly Sekirei. As well as ruining his company and making it so he no longer has any control over the other Sekirei. Furthermore, making it so it is literally impossible for him to make a comeback thanks to my cheat, not that he knows that one.

Overall, if I was in Minaka's position and this happened to me. I would be hopping mad too. Especially when I took what was his rule enforcers to make his little game stay as the game he desired. Making everyone follow his rules as his being the gamemaster. Too bad this is no longer the case. I would feel bad, but I don't.

Now, it's time to end this. Sure, I ruin everything for nearly everyone in this world, including the potential main character, that may or may not continue to be the main character of this world based on the Sekirei series. Well, it's a low chance since the Sekirei I've winged wasn't wandering around in public to find an Ashikabi. Especially with Tsukiumi and Musubi were supposed to be winged by Minato.

Sure, Minato has other Sekirei to be wing, but most of his heavy fighters of Sekirei won't be available. So, any leftover canon or not, Minato won't be able to do much. And it wouldn't matter either way, as MBI is pretty much destroyed at this point, and the Sekirei Plan is ruined before it could even make it to the second stage, let alone finish the first stage. Therefore, will be no big battle royale of Sekirei like in the series.

Unless one considers the battle royale inside the MBI to gain leftover resources. Said resources were obtained from the Sekirei's spaceship that came to this planet. Making a crazy man like Minaka very wealthy; well, he is very smart, crazy smart to make it work. But, still. Even with nearly no money, the leftover resources are still worth something. In the right hands, of course.

"Well, I've done everything that is needed. Suppose any of you want to deal with Minaka. It's your time to do so before we leave this world." I said to the Sekirei. "The chance of us returning to this world would be a long time, and I can make it so we can return to precisely the moment we leave. So you don't have to be in a hurry to attack him or whatever. I'm just reminding you now since you might forget about it later. By then, you wouldn't care about this much."

To my surprise, none of the Sekirei has any thoughts of dealing with Minaka. I guess he wasn't that bad in this world compared to the canon timeline. Maybe it's due to Miya staying with the MBI instead of leaving it after her husband's death. Nonetheless, I teleport everyone to Fairy Tail world.

Of course, I made sure to cause a bright white light to blind everyone and trick Minaka into thinking we were escaping somewhere else instead of watching us vanish in plain sight and to another reality. However, knowing how smart Minaka is. He might connect the dots of the disappearing floating island. So to make sure he didn't, I used my cheat to make it so he would never come to that conclusion.

Overall, the process didn't even take a few seconds before we now stand inside the house's living room Juvia and I have lived in ever since we moved and joined the Blue Pegasus Guild. The place is a little dusty, though.

Creating a Local Time Card to check the date and compare to the time we've left for our vacation. And wow, it has been a year since Juvia and I left the world of Fairy Tail. Talk about a change of time zone, but then again, I didn't specify when teleporting and was just in a hurry to bring the Sekirei to Fairy Tail world.

"Hey, Juvia. We've been gone for a year, going by the Local Time Card." I toss the Magic Card to Juvia to look at, and she gasps in shock a second later. "So while you get everyone else to settle and help pick out the bedrooms, along with anything that needs to be done. I'll check on the Blue Pegasus Guild to see the changes."

"Sure!" Juvia nods with a smile, then take the Sekirei to tour the place.

I teleported to the Blue Pegasus Guild's main headquarters, which I made sure to enter through the front entrance and not inside, as that might trigger some Mages to attack me on sight.

So far, everyone seems the same, with just a slight change here and there. There are some new faces, but for the parts, I can see all those I've met before leaving with Juvia for our vacation.

I still can't wrap my head around how stupid this whole thing turned out just because I didn't focus on the specific time for our return.

As I walk towards the counter, where Guild Master Bob is serving others alcohol. More and more people are noticing my arrival, especially those that know of me, while the older members are informing the newcomers about who I am.

"Guild Master Bob." I give a small smile, causing Guild Master Bob to blink a few times before realizing it's me in person. "Juvia and I just came back today."

"Lover boy!" Guild Master Bob moved in for a hug but was blocked by the counter, much to his annoyance going by the frown on his face before it's back to his cheerful smile. "Where is sweet little Juvia? I don't see her with you, which is something unusual. Since the two of you are nearly inseparable."

"Juvia is at home, helping out with our new roommates." I stop to think about how to introduce the Sekirei to Guild Master Bob, along with the others that will ask lots of questions. "Also, there are eleven of them. They might join the guild once Juvia helps them settle down and bring them here."

"Wow, you and Juvia must have met many people and done something to make them want to tag along with you two coming back home." Guild Master Bob looked at me in shock, yet he easily made a drink for me without looking and placed the drink in front of me. "Here you go, it's on me. A welcome back drink."

"Thanks." I take a sip. "So, anything big happened while Juvia and I were gone? Anything I should be warned about in case the Magic Council get on my case once they realize I'm back?"

"Not much has happened. New people came to join the guild, and old members just relaxed around before taking a job and helping the newcomers on their jobs." Guild Master Bob grabs a dirty glass on the side to clean. "Although, with you and Juvia being always impossible to locate. The Magic Council went stir-crazy for a few months after discovering you were gone. Afterward, they calm down enough to focus on other stuff. However, they are always on the lookout for you and Juvia. Mostly Juvia because she is easier to find than you, Renato."

I hum at this, "Maybe I should have let Juvia come here instead."

Guild Master Bob giggles, "I think that would cause the Magic Council to panic quickly. At least, with you appearing here instead of Juvia. Thanks to your Teleportation Magic, the ones on watch duty wouldn't know you're here unless you let them detect you. Juvia has no such thing and would be found immediately."

I shrug my shoulders, then take another sip from my drink.

"You would think after so many failures to track me down. The Magic Council would have long given up and done something other than trying to hunt me down." I snort at how amusing the Magic Council couldn't do a damn thing to me.

"You know how paranoia the Magic Council is." Guild Master Bob shakes his head slightly. "Anyway, are the people with you good-looking?" He stares at me with eyes of excitement.

I rub my chin with my left hand, thinking very carefully, and compare the Sekirei's appearance to the women of this world.

"Let's just say that once they join the guild. Everyone will be damn focused on our guild with the new very beautiful members in their own personal styles." I tried not to reveal that this is a double meaning because. Yes, the Sekirei are beautiful ladies, but they are also very powerful, which would surely make the Magic Council lose more hair after they learn what the Sekirei could do.

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