Failure IS An Option

Arc 3 – Choices We’ve Made: Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 3 - Choices We've Made: Chapter 4

The next day*

"So, is it just me or everyone trying to avoid being you at all costs?" Matsu asks me, noticing all the frightened stares from everyone in the lounge and from the bar.

"It's because they are too scared of being targeted by our Ashikabi here." Karasuba grinned in glee. "I'm willing to bet it's because of what happened yesterday, where everyone learned how Renato trains others."

"I would be too if I was in their position." Uzume looked at me, then faked a shiver, which I could tell with that smirk on her face.

"I'm curious why you torment our fellow guild members?" Miya takes a sip from her drink. "I understand the need to make sure no one would mess with you by flexing your strength at everyone; however, isn't it better for you to get along with everyone?"

That got many to quiet down, no doubt wanting to learn about anything related to me. I can't blame them for this since I don't share that much with anyone here other than a few times with the guild master, Karen, and Lucy. Well, more with Karen due to her being a fan of Juvia.

"Honestly?" I lean back in my seat. "It's because if I become a buddy with everyone, then there's a high chance of having me tag along with their jobs as a bonding experience, leading to them seeing how much of a difference between them and me, which would cause many to have lower self-esteem. More than some already, I mean." I stop for a moment to grab my drink to take a sip. "By now, the other guild members are feeling pressure because you and the rest of the Sekirei are doing jobs that most would have trouble facing. It's similar to my case in the past, but I only now take on harder jobs that no one else can take, leaving the rest for everyone else to do. That way, I can do my own jobs without affecting the other guild members."

"But, can't you take this chance to help others by teaching them things that could help them in the long run? I feel like you could have trained the team preparing for the Grand Magic Games better, but you sabotage yourself to make it look like you can't teach others." Tsukiumi squint her eyes at me. "Do you not like helping others outside of Juvia and us? If so, why would you accept Guild Master Bob's request to train the team if you weren't planning on doing a good job at it?"

I take a deep breath before exhaling slowly.

I can tell Guild Master Bob is upset, but he waited for me to explain myself.

"I won't lie, but you're right. I didn't do my absolute best; in fact, I made it so I won't bring the best result, but a result nonetheless. Yes, I trauma those ladies in the team, but not to the point they won't be able to recover. Knowing that Guild Master Bob wanted me to train them in mind of hoping to win the Grand Magic Games. But, the thing is... Would the team truly win at their efforts or under my teaching? In addition, if it gets out that I've trained them and words get out to the wrong people. Who says their life wouldn't become even more dangerous afterward? In order to learn more about me, these people in the shadow would do anything for this team to gain any information. Anything at all, it wouldn't matter if it's useful to them or not. As long it's something related to me. It's a success in their eyes." I let out a deep sigh. "So knowing this. I just show that I'm a failure in teaching as a way to protect them, not to mention at this point. Anyone I dare help out at this point would be put in the spotlight, which is dangerous. I can handle it because I'm powerful. However, that can't be the same for others."

Of course, I didn't tell the entire truth, but it's close enough. And just like before, using my cheat to prevent what I said wouldn't get to the wrong people. I'm done with that crap.

"If I wanted to. I can easily make all of them beyond S-Class Mages." I pull out a golden Magic Card. "This alone would give them a temporary ability to cast their magic without caring about how much Magic Power they have available. This Magic Card gave them infinite Magic Power for a solid minute, and they can even use it to enhance anything else, like their physical aspects. Making them be able to fight with raw physical strength alone."

Almost all Mages suddenly stare at the golden Magic Card in my hand with greed and desire. But mostly greed more than anything else. However, none dare come over to take it from my hand. Knowing full well that the moment they do is the moment they will be in the world of pain for a few seconds before dying by my hands. Suppose things get to that point. Otherwise, they would be severely injured due to trying to steal from me.

"And that's just one of the options I can make the team unbeatable compared to the teams from the other guilds." I point out that I have other methods to make anyone beyond powerful. "Either way, I've made it so the Karen, Lucy, Jenny, Misa, and Seras would at least have the experience of being more aware of their surroundings without having to suffer being ambushed by others and put into a bad situation."

"Couldn't you simply refuse Guild Master Bob's request to train them?" Uzume furrows her eyebrows to show how confused she is still.

"Oh, I could; however, knowing spies are watching. I might as well make it seems that I can't train others." I answered. "And yes, I can train others normally, but I won't. Not because I can't. I just don't want to deal with the problems of people coming to me to help them become stronger instead of learning it some other ways."

"Honestly, Renato. You could have said no. I wouldn't have held it against you." Guild Master Bob sighs dramatically, but anyone can tell he wasn't bothered by the news of what I've revealed. "Although, I should have thought about it more before asking you to train the lovely flowers. Thankfully, Juvia may be in the spotlight like you, Renato. But, compared to you and her. It's fine for her to train the team, and the results from yesterday are more than I can ask for."

"Yeah, sorry about that. Guild Master Bob. But, I can sense the spies were still around, and I couldn't give up a chance to make a piece of false information to be recorded about me." I smile sheepishly.

Sadly, I couldn't say that I didn't think about using Failure Manipulation to make it so no one could leak any information related to me until recently. Along with other things use my cheat to make my life more manageable than it already is.

"Anyway, I apologize for not trying my best. So, if you need it, Guild Master. I can create a Magic Card to help them train better in their magic and among things. However, I won't be training them personally." I put away the golden Magic Card, causing many sighs of disappointment.

"That's fine. Juvia would have asked for your help without me having to say anything. So, I'll just leave Juvia and you alone. Honestly, I swear the people from the Magic Council should have better things to do than mess with you, Renato." Guild Master Bob shakes his head in dissatisfaction. "Okay, everyone! Move on with your business! Nothing to listen any further!"

I sweatdrop upon hearing this. But that is what I get for my past deeds.

"Hey, Renato. Now that we're here and adapted to the changes in the environment. What's our plan now, other than continues taking on jobs for the experience?" Karasuba lay her head on my lap, grinning at me from below. "it's great to test my skills against all the monsters I've encountered during the many jobs I've taken together with Yume and Musubi. But things are getting boring for me since none of the monsters and Mages I've faced are much of a challenge to me."

"Well, there isn't much to do besides doing jobs and going to resorts to have fun." I tap Karasuba's forehead with my right index finger, causing her to frown. "Right now, I have all the resources I need and have those around me to care about. I don't have anything else I need to do."

I grin at how my life is way better than I could imagine, unlike those main characters that are isekai. They would have some difficult trials ahead of them, but I could skip them immediately if I wanted to. Honestly, the ones I had to deal with were due to lacking ideas and using Failure Manipulation at the time.

"However, that doesn't mean I won't stop going out of my way to do things if it means helping improve our daily life. After all, what would our life be without enjoying it?" I push a strand of Karasuba's hair to the side.

I thought about everything I've experienced since the first day of this second life of mine and obtaining the Failure Manipulation as my plot armor. Sure, I've made many mistakes here and there, even wasting the potential of Failure Manipulation to become godlike among godlike in the multiverse. Being simply just more than enough to overpower everyone I've come encounter. In a way, I'm like Saitama from One Punch Man, but without the whole going bald thing from three years of training, and all fights are boring in my eyes.

Lucky for me, I'm by no means a battle manic. The only battles I would do is with my harem in the bedroom and maybe other places that aren't crowded.

"Too bad our definition of enjoyment is different compared to others." Karasuba rolled her eyes, sat up, snatched a wine glass off the table, gulped the whole drink then placed it back on the table.

"Well, depending on everyone. We can travel around while doing jobs and among other things." I said to Karasuba while raising an eyebrow at Uzume, who took this chance to rest her head on my lap now.

"Make sure to tell me before you leave with your harem, Renato!" Guild Master Bob shouted from the side, causing me to have a wry smile. "I like to know when my Ace is gone for some time, please! Mostly to deal with the crazy Magic Council trying to keep track of whether you're at the guild or not!"

"Will do, Guild Master." I said dryly as I petted Uzume's head, causing her to smile in delight.

"How about we go to a resort after Juvia return from training the others?" Matsu brings out her Archive Magic Card and displays a list of resorts for everyone.

"Sure, why not." I agreed—no point in rejecting Matsu's request as we got all the time to do whatever we wanted. So going to a resort at the last minute wouldn't be much of a difficult thing to do, unlike in my previous life, where I got to plan things out. Including the time to be free, the budget for the trip, and booking a room to stay at the resort are among the many things needed to be done before I go to a resort if I plan on going in the first place.

Besides, I get to see everyone in a bikini if the resort has a water park and if it's near a beach or something. Why should I say no to this?

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