Failure IS An Option

Arc 3 – Choices We’ve Made: Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 3 - Choices We've Made: Chapter 6

The next day*

I sighed in frustration and relief.

Picking up the paper that is listed of magic for the Sekirei to learn, or more like giving them a Magic Card based on that magic. Like I did with Matsu, who doesn't need another magic to learn since she already focuses on Archive Card.

Luckily, some Sekirei has thought about this for a while and given me their list of magic they want to use.

Miya: Floating Magic - This magic allows its user to raise their target off the ground and make them lighter.

Kazehana: Alcohol-Make Magic - Not a canon magic, which is similar to Water-Make Magic, involves the creation of objects using water, but in this case, alcohol.

Karasuba: Slow Magic - A type of Time Magic that slows down time in the area around the caster.

Akitsu: Chain Magic - A Caster Magic involving the use of chains.

Yume: Concealment Magic - A magic that conceals people or objects.

Tsukiumi: Aqua Aera Magic - A type of Spatial Magic and variation of Water Magic that utilizes water as a medium to move between dimensions.

Uzume: Dancer Magic - This magic allows the user, through the power of dance, to increase the fighting capacity of allies within a ten-meter radius around themselves, or they can also decrease the power of enemies.

Hikari: Telekinesis Magic - A type of magic that allows its user to move and take control of things with their mind and use them for whatever purpose they wish.

Hibiki: Telepathy Magic - This magic allows the user to talk with other people through their thoughts, converse over long distances, and hear thoughts. Also, while connected with others, everyone can talk with each other.

Musubi: High Speed Magic - A type of magic allows the user to move at extremely high speeds.

Some of these magic would be harder to get the books to learn from or teachers that are willing to teach for the right price. Lucky for the Sekriei, they won't have to go through that, thanks to Failure Manipulation and Magic Card.

But still, I didn't expect the twin Sekirei to go for the mental type of magic. Both have limitless potential and could reach the top due to the sheer versatility these two magic can do if trained right using references from other worlds that use telekinesis and Telepathy as their core.

Hm. I guess Karasuba decided she wanted something similar to my geass after personally experiencing it.

"Renato-sama." Juvia called out after she knocked on the door, then opened it without waiting for me to respond. She entered the room with a plate of appetizers—shrimp cocktails, calamari, salad, potato skins, mussels, cheese, and crackers. "Juvia brought food for Renato-sama to snack on while the main course is being prepared."

"Thank you, Juvia." I place down the list, allowing Juvia to glimpse it. "How is everyone doing?"

"They're enjoying themselves at the hot spring and most are getting excited to get their own Magic Card." Juvia replied.

"Well, I should be done by tomorrow." I grab a shrimp cocktail.

Even though I can finish it on the spot instead of waiting until tomorrow to make them, I don't think it's best to give them now, not with how excited they are to use them immediately when they get their hands on the Magic Card. Well, mostly Karasuba will use it on Miya, no doubt.

"So, who asked for your advice in picking magic and who picked their own magic?" Juvia asks me while reading the list.

"Only Yume and Tsukiumi had asked me to help them find a magic for them to use." I answered. "Everyone else already knew what they wanted."

"Really?" Juvia looks surprised. "Miya picked Floating Magic? Did she not read about this magic?"

"Oh, she did, and that was why she chose Floating Magic." I chuckle. "Funny enough, I asked the same question. She explained to me how she was already fast enough on the ground. So she plans to be fast too in the air and change her fighting style to include air combat."

Now that's a scary thought. Miya can already sink several ships with just the shockwave from her sword. Adding in air combat just made it worst for many future foes that wanted to fight her.

"Hm. Maybe I should learn another magic?" Juvia put on a severe look, even going far as to stop talking in a third-person view to show how serious she is being.

"It depends on you, Juvia. Also. how many magic do you know right now?" I ask Juvia, curious if she got any other magic she knows of that wasn't shown in canon or her canon counterpart that didn't learn.

"Juvia knows Water Magic, Water-Make Magic, Water Healing Magic, and Water Transmutation Magic." Juvia answered.

"Water Transmutation Magic?" I am now confused if this magic is precisely what it does going by having the word: Transmutation in it.

"Mhm! With Water Transmutation Magic, Juvia can transform many things into water. It helps Juvia whenever Juvia is low in Magic Power and in a state of not being able to recover Magic Power in time." Juvia explained joyfully. She is happy to share what magic she knows.

"Interesting and amazing, Juvia." I praise her while also realizing that there is other magic in this AU Fairy Tail. So, I need to prepare myself more in case I face other Mages that use magic outside the ones shown in canon Fairy Tail. Also, maybe it's time for me to learn other magic outside of Fairy Tail due to my previous usage of Failure Manipulation to gain godlike talents in the four magic I've chosen.

Juvia sits on my lap and begins feeding me as we enjoy each other presence. No doubt the Sekirei will be jealous and want to do couple stuffs too.

Well, maybe not Karasuba, as she would like us to do something else, like spar again. Wait, she would make sure it was a spar than anything else knowing her. Well, at least I know how to treat her and what to get her compared to the other Sekirei.

The next day*

Yup, it looks like I was correct about the Sekirei going crazy the moment they got their hands on their own Magic Card to use. Funny enough, Miya and Akitsu went somewhere to work on their magic before the rest could say a word after getting their assigned Magic Card.

I stare into the distance, where Karasuba and Musubi are going at it with their magic against each other, seeing how their magic is literally opposite. At the same time, Yume practices her Concealment Magic by making it so no one can detect her as she sneaks up on people.

In another area, Juvia and Tsukiumi train together due to both using water as their mean of combat, but in different styles. Well, more like figuring out the best way to operate outside of combat, honestly. With the way they continued to use their magic in a way I knew straight away it wasn't meant for fighting. In fact, the Sekirei twin is also with them to use their magic for support.

Oddly enough, it's Uzume that isn't really training her Dance Magic but more having fun with it. Since she got me to create a Magic Card to play music in the background for her while she danced around and randomly used Dancer Magic on anyone she felt liked it.

Overall, I got to say everyone is happy.

I rub my chin, debating on leaving everyone alone while doing something alone. After all, it has been a while since I have done anything alone.

Suddenly, I detect something entering my space field from a mile away and teleport somewhere near, where I see it's a stranger. A quick usage of the Beyond Card to find out who this person is and I'm baffled upon seeing it's someone not from Fiore, but from the Alvarez Empire. Literally on the western continent of Earth Land called Alakitasia, while the Kingdom of Fiore is on the eastern part of Earth Land called Ishgar.

This is not good. In the Fairy Tail series, the Alverez Empire wasn't shown too much until the year of x792. That's six years too early right now.

Further into learning more about this person with the Beyond Card, to learn that this person wasn't under anyone's order to seek out my group but more of accidentally coming over due to the noise the Sekirei are making while practicing their magic. Therefore, I would say that it's due to my luck and Sekirei's existence bringing more changes to this world.

Now, I could use Failure Manipulation to make all the people related to the Alverez Empire not come anywhere near my group. Still, knowing the Sekirei, they might do something crazy and stupid out of sheer boredom. So allowing the Alverez Empire getting involves would ensure the Sekirei become extra busy; well, everyone in Fiore would become busy if the Alverez Empire decided to declare war like in the canon.

Decision. Decision. Decision.

For the time being, I better just let this person go and use a few Magic Cards to change the person's memory before sending them off.

I'll just use Failure Manipulation to make it so no one in the Alverez Empire can kill anyone in my group. Primarily, Zeref himself, since his damn magic would kill all those around him whenever he cared about the lives of others.

Quite honestly, I can 'help' Zeref with his curse and make him live a normal life. However, that is if Zeref is like his canon counterpart. Well, one way to find out is the Beyond Card. But I'll do that later.

I teleport back to everyone and see no one has noticed my disappearance.

Note to self: Improve everyone's detection skills or give them a Magic Card that does it for them. Mostly supernatural level of detection because I know they have better senses than ordinary people, even for those that aren't trained in their senses that much. Then again, Sekirei is naturally born powerful and doesn't require serious training.

Nonetheless, I got to help them become even stronger than they already are. After all, the multiverse is no easy place to wander for certain worlds.

The next day*

"You want me to what?" I give Guild Master Bob a confused and stunned look.

"I'm asking; well, more like hoping you can do me this favor." Guild Master Bob has his hand together in prayer, pleading for my help. "So please, can you be Misa's bodyguard while she is doing her modeling?"

"I mean, sure, but she is a Death God Slayer. Does she really need me as a bodyguard?" I know Slayer Magic is powerful, but not so powerful that it could beat everything. It depends on the Mage, but asking someone to be a bodyguard for a Death God Slayer Mage is unexpected. "Also, doesn't she has her friend, Seras, to act as her bodyguard?"

"Seras is busy training still, even when everyone else is resting. As to why Misa needs a bodyguard." Guild Master Bob let out a tired sigh. "Renato, you should know how Misa can be when she isn't focused."

I recall the many times Misa failed to react in time during the early stage of training that one week of her and the others under my teaching. By far, she is a whole worst compared to others. Even Lucy had better reaction time. Although, that was only in the early few days before she overcame everyone near the end of the week.

"Okay, but why me? I'm sure others can do the job. Getting me involved is just asking for a disaster to happen."

I must have missed something here.

"Well, more like you're the bodyguard protecting everyone from Misa. She tends to sometimes accidentally cause harm to those around her without realizing it before it's too late." Guild Master Bob explained.

Misa has become more and more like Juvia in the past as I get to know her.

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