Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 2-3 (Descension)

Teressa has not been feeling great lately. The bags under her eyes became more apparent for a while. She didn’t speak as much and would often blank out during conversation. Something was clearly bothering her mind, and this didn’t escape Coll’s notice.

“What is it, Tee? Is something bothering your mind?”

“No… not really.”

Both of them were lying on the bed, Teressa’s facing away from her husband.


She didn’t continue her sentence, hugging her hug pillow that she made herself even tighter. Coll frowned from her unwillingness to speak. He was sure something was up. But what could it be?

“What are you thinking, Tee? Is it related to Gin?”

“H-huh!? G-Gin!? Why would you say that!?”

Coll started to have an inkling seeing her reaction.

Could it be…?

“Teressa. Don’t tell me, you…”

“W-what? What is it?”

Teressa felt cold sweat start to pour on her back. Her heartbeat became faster. A familiar reaction that came from a place of unease. Did Coll figure it out? Did Coll see how she looked at Gin? How red her face became every time she looked at his face, and the fact that she had an explosive orgasm from a mere massage?

“Look, Coll—“

“Teressa, are you bothered by Gin living together with us?”

“It’s not what you— huh?”

The adrenaline pumping in her blood dissipated almost instantly. Coll hasn’t figured it out yet. She felt the tension in her muscles vanished and heaved a sigh of relief.

“Well, no. Not really Coll. I don’t really mind Gin staying with us.”

“Tee, it is true he’s an unknown stranger who came from an unknown place. I didn’t plan on taking him in either at first, but he proved himself useful. He’s been a great help to us.”

“I-I know that. I’ve seen what he did for us, Coll. I have eyes, too.”

Had Gin seen this exchange of conversation, he would’ve assumed Coll didn’t suspect him because of his high Trust. Perhaps, cheating in a relationship was not even a thing in their community. It was a small village filled with ordinary villagers. Everybody knows everybody. If their reputation here became tarnished, they would have no other choice but to leave the village.

Teressa was grateful for Coll’s misunderstanding, yet there more than that, she felt annoyed.

‘What do you mean by that? Do you think I hate Gin being here? No, it is the opposite— No! I need to stop thinking about him! Why can’t I get rid of these thoughts!?’

That’s right. Teressa has been feeling conflicted for the past week. It all began after their little therapy session. Every time she saw his face, a ticklish and sweet emotion began to spread starting from her chest to all over her body. Not only that, but also his gaze, his voice, even his touch—

Everything about Gin stimulated all her senses. Her body became hot and more sensitive, especially her private areas.

‘Oh no, I’m feeling it again—!!’

The sensation has returned once more to bother her. She felt her nipples getting hard, rubbing against the sleeping dress from inside.

‘No, please don’t. Not with Coll lying next to me—!!’

Tears welled up in her eyes. She moved her middle and ring fingers to her nether region and gave a light touch on her panties.

‘Oh god… It’s really happening…’

She felt pleasure, but also guilt. A heavy one at that.

Teressa could not believe the feeling she had for Gin was real. She rejected it. She refused to acknowledge its existence. She did not even dare to utter the word ‘love’ in her own mind.

Her wish was to forget this feeling, believing it to be none other than a short episode of her life. One day, sooner or later, Gin would leave their household, and she would forget everything about him. She wouldn’t even remember his name or face.

But why would her chest tightened in pain each time she imagined Gin leaving them? To never see his face again, hear his voice— never to feel his gentle touch on her skin— it made her feel nervous. She felt restless imagining a life without Gin’s presence.

‘Why would I feel this way for him? I don’t understand—‘

Teressa began to recall her memories of Gin. Back to their first encounter with each other. That was already over a month ago.

‘Back then, Coll found him passed out in the woods, naked. I remember seeing his… his… Urgh—!’

She closed her eyes and shooed the inappropriate thoughts away.

‘At the time I thought he was pitiful. He lost his memories and has no way to go. He didn’t even have common knowledge about animals, food, plants— He was helpless like a baby. We had to teach him everything from the ground up. Even now, he’s still like a growing boy.’

Seeing Teressa become silent once again, Coll guessed that she was in a bad mood. This wasn’t the first time they had moments like this nor would it be the last. He didn’t pursue the topic and decided to sleep it off for now. He was tired and decided to figure it out tomorrow.

Coll rolled over the bed, showing Teressa his back and closed his eyes. While he was busy drifting off to the land of dreams, his wife was thinking of someone else. Another man that made her heart pound harder than it ever had.

‘I didn’t think of anything much about him. He looked like an honest person, clueless and diligent. He learns quickly and soon becomes someone who contributes to our family. Even I started to suspect he was lying about his memories. But why would he do that? He had no reason to lie.’

Teressa had a flashback of their time together in the forest, gathering woods and wild herbs until evening. Thanks to his help, she was able to save a lot of time and get more rest than usual.

Yes, it was all thanks to Gin.

‘Our days together were peaceful.. ish. Sera was having none of it. She really hated his guts but I don’t understand why. The three of us had a conversation together, but her answer wasn’t helpful. She hates Gin for many odd reasons, such as lying about his memories, hiding his abilities, pretending to be a good person to get closer to us.’

‘When I asked her why he would do that, she couldn’t say anything back. Only that he is dangerous and we should kick him out as soon as possible.’

To Coll and Teressa, Sera was being unreasonably difficult. Perhaps if Gin only ate their food and slept all day long, she would be more inclined to have him leave their household, but that was simply not the case.

‘She’s wrong. Gin is not that kind of person. I believe in him. His efforts and diligence did not go unnoticed. Even Coll, a man who seldom trusts a stranger, felt the same way as I do.’

‘That day… that morning when he approached me to explain his concerns for my well being… I remember it vividly. He saw through my deepest worries and anxiety, and lent out his kind hands. What we did together… in this bedroom… I can still recall the feeling that I felt that day…’

Teressa pressed her fingers harder on her panties causing her love juice to leak out onto her fingers. She pulled her hands back and looked at just how sticky and slippery it was.

‘Many times I wanted to ask him about this feeling. Why would I feel this way ever since that time? Why can’t I stop thinking about you? Why is my body reacting like a maiden in love every time I think of you? Why can’t I stop?’

But she just couldn’t do it.

Just by confronting Gin about her own feelings would make things even worse.

Wouldn’t that mean she acknowledged to herself that she fell in love? That she felt lustful for another man beside her own husband? That she, being a 42-years-old woman, a mother of a 19-years-old girl, desired for a young man’s touch?

She would not admit such a thing. She couldn’t.

Teressa had a hunch coming from the darkest corner of her mind, an unbelievably sweet and melting whisper echoing in her ears day and night.

That the moment she acknowledged her sinful desires, her peaceful daily life would cease to an end.


Teressa played with the love juice on her fingers, rubbing it, tapping and pulling it together to make a dirty, squelching sound. It was only for a moment, and thankfully Coll didn’t notice. Perhaps, he already fell asleep.

‘What am I doing…? It’s one thing to do it in the river, but here…?’

Her mind became clouded and filled with dirty thoughts. Her breathing became rough and heavy, she moved her hands back on her vulva and touched the still covered nub.


She let out a breath through her mouth. With her carnal desires for ‘love’ swelling even bigger, stronger, greedier day by day, her acts too became even more daring.

‘I have to be careful… I don’t want Coll to realize what I’m doing…’

Teressa shoved her hand into her panties. The wetness she felt within was way worse than what she imagined. She started to wonder if she could move her fingers inside without her husband noticing. The sound it would make would be too obscene and obvious in the dead silent of the night.

‘Ooh, why… just why won’t this feeling go away…?’

Teressa grimaced in pleasure. Her cheeks became bright red in shame from the guilt. She realized it herself, the changes within her body, the heat and desire only grew even faster day by day—

‘It feels so fucking good—!’

This situation, the possibility of getting caught, of having her indecent and shameful part of her exposed— it drove her mind towards the edge.

Teressa moved her other hands into her panties.

Her left hand began to dig into her pussy covered in sticky love juice. She made a hook with her middle and ring fingers, scraping the inside of her hole while her other hand spread open her labia and rubbed the clit clockwise.

“Oh… oh…”

Unable to hold her own voice, Teressa leaked a subtle and lewd moan. She closed her mouth and grit her teeth, but it only made it difficult to breathe.

From the other side of the bed, one would be able to see her back and hands rocking back and forth repeatedly.

“Hah… hah… hah…!”

The motion grew faster and faster. She felt the pleasure reaching its threshold.



Teressa jolted. Her mind fell into complete chaos and panic. She would like to stop her hands, but—


She already reached the point of no return. Her hands kept on moving, digging upside inside her vaginal wall. Rather than slowing down, Teressa increased her pace and put more strength into it. Her other hand followed suit and pinched the clit as soon as she reached her peak.

Like a lighting strike, her body spasmed in unending rapture. Cross eyed with an open mouth, drool trickled down her cheeks. The bed shook from her movement and made a creaking sound.

‘Oh… it feels so… so… good…’

Her orgasm didn’t just disappear in a few seconds like how a male does, but it went on for much longer. In fact, Teressa only recovered her senses after more than 30 seconds had passed.

‘Coll saw it. He saw me touching myself. Oh, what do I have to say to him…? What if he suspects something? What’s going to happen from here onwards…?’

Yet, no matter how long she waited for him to call out to her, he never spoke a single word.

‘W-what is he doing…?’

Her body was covered in sweat from masturbation. Breathing properly was still difficult. The afterglow after post-orgasm lingered for much longer than usual.

‘This is… the best one so far…’

Then, suddenly—

“…Another bear track… hm…”


Teressa didn’t understand what she just heard. She pulled her slimy and sticky hands out of her panties and looked back at her husband—

“…Good hunting…”


She closed her eyes. Many emotions came one after another.

‘He’s just sleep talking… Thank god…’

Relief, annoyance, shame, guilt, and most important of all— contentment. Like an empty cup filled with water, drinking it to quench her thirst after fasting for the whole day.

‘This… this is—‘

But she knew deep in her heart, this feeling would only last for a moment. The act quenched her desires for now, but for how long? Sooner than later, her thoughts will wander to the dark and immoral corner of her mind once again, seeking for another taste of the forbidden pleasure.

Not only that, Teressa also realized another problem after masturbating multiple times for the past week.

‘This is not enough. I want more. So much more—‘

Like an ever expanding void, her desires only grew stronger the more she fed it. Deeper and wider. Its appetite for more will only escalate even further— something she realized a little bit too late.

‘I can’t go back anymore. I have to live with this desire, to hold it in silence… or… maybe…’

It was an addiction.

Despite knowing it was the wrong thing to do, she couldn’t stop herself from yearning for more. Rather, she started to question herself if the immorality of the situation only enhanced her perverted urge to greater heights.

Teressa didn’t get to finish her thoughts.

Her body and mind was overwhelmed by a sudden fatigue. She closed her eyes and the eventful night came to an end.

With a blink of an eye, morning arrived.

Teressa woke up earlier than her husband and got up from the bed. She couldn’t even look Coll directly in the eyes anymore. With bags still under her eyes, she started to cook and prepare breakfast.

She boiled a mushroom soup with some spice mixed in. The flavor wasn’t strong. It could be called bland, even.

For Gin anyway.

The family and the rest of the people in the village were content with this sort of taste. It seemed procuring basic ingredients such as salt and pepper were difficult here. Maybe only rich people could eat what would be a basic meal in his old world. Gin wouldn’t know, this was one question he never asked Teressa for he was afraid he would offend her cooking.

It wasn’t long before Coll and Gin finished their meal. Sera as always had never eaten breakfast or dinner together ever since he stayed here.

One would assume Coll and Teressa would feel uncomfortable with the situation, however the reality was different. Both of them didn’t mind her behavior. It was as if they didn't even think of their daughter.

‘Do they trust me more than their own daughter? No, that’s kinda extreme… Well, I wouldn’t reject the idea out flat, but maybe they are just used to her tantrums. There’s also the fact Sera’s leaving in a year. Maybe Coll and Teressa are preparing themselves for her absence… No, maybe that’s not it either…’

‘Actually, I have no idea at all but it works out for me. Sparing me the headache of dealing with her antics.’

Then, just like the usual, Coll left as soon as he finished, and Sera did the same once she ate her meal inside her room. She didn’t forget to throw her face of contempt and disgust at Gin. It has been her daily morning routine for the past month.

‘Living rent-free in someone’s head isn’t a bad feeling.’

Gin didn’t mind Sera’s daily nonsense. He ate his breakfast slower than usual, waiting for the rest of them to leave.


Teressa heard something hit the table. Her body stiffened with a jolt. Slowly, she looked towards the source of the sound. There he sat, the man that has been haunting her waking life and dreams.

The black haired man stared at her in silence. A squinting smile plastered on his face, looking innocent and confident. A wooden spoon was dropped next to his empty bowl to catch her attention.

Her instinct began to scream something at her, but she didn’t understand. She can’t even hear what it said. The screams were muffled down by another emotion— another stronger desire. One that she had been suppressed long enough.

The dam began to crack under the pressure. The water leaked through the gaps bit by bit. This feeling, Teressa knew it all too well.



“Would you like another therapy session with me?”

Teressa fell silent. The clouds in her eyes returned and her cheeks blossomed. She grabbed the hem of her sleeping dress and answered with an innocent smile.

“Oh, I can’t wait.”

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