Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 5-3 (Rapture)

It wasn’t long before Sera returned back home, Gin received a notification from the system.


-Sera has fully absorbed the divinity contained in your seed!

-Your divinity has created a sacred bond between you and Sera!

-Your influence over her psyche has grown significantly!

-Minor Hypnosis has evolved into Medium Hypnosis!

‘I had a hunch this would happen.’

It was expected, there’s a reason why Gin had decided to make Sera become addicted to consuming his bodily fluids. Teressa’s Major Hypnosis evolved to Absolute Hypnosis the moment she absorbed his divinity.

It was done after she already gave her body and soul to him, maximizing his authority over her very being. But what about Sera? What if somebody who doesn’t like him ingested his divinity either way? This was the result.

‘The more she consumes, the stronger my authority over her psyche becomes. Even if her Trust is still at 1 (Untrustworthy), her odds of having a rebound will decrease.’

Just like yesterday, Gin used his Hypnotic Voice to make Sera come to the training in the village, but she didn’t obey him immediately. It was proof of her will to resist and how little the hypnosis affected her. He had forcefully put Sera into a Trance state to make her obey his order.

The unfortunate effect of making someone do his bidding while under a trance state is that they cannot remember carrying out the given order, or they may have a very hazy recollection of it.

Gin acknowledged the strength and the potential of using the Trance state, but he needed Sera to know and remember the time they spent together. This was why evolving the Hypnosis state was critical. Unlike Trance state, Gin could make her listen to his orders whether she likes it or not while still being conscious.

‘With Medium Hypnosis, she’s going to have an even more difficult time resisting. This should be interesting.’

Teressa got off the table and took a seat, Gin pulled a chair and called out to Sera.

Have a seat, Sera.

Her lips trembled, Sera wanted to speak, but not a single word escaped from her mouth.


Come now. Don’t be shy. The food is getting cold.


Unknowingly, Sera found herself lifting her feet and taking a step forward, her heart racing with fear and dread. Her breathing was rough and shaky, her pupils constricting as she struggled to control her emotions. Every instinct in her body was telling her to turn around and run away, but something kept pulling her forward, drawing her inexorably towards the chair that Gin had prepared for her.

She felt her legs moving of their own accord, as if controlled by some external force that she could not resist. Finally, she stood before the chair and sank down into it, pulling it closer to the table as she watched her food letting out clouds of white steam, covered in thick and viscous ‘gravy’ with bated breath. It was as if she had entered some kind of trance, where her body was no longer under her control and she was simply an observer, watching as events unfolded before her.

"Why not take a whiff? See if it’s to your liking. After all, your mom prepared it with so much love and care," Gin coaxed, his hands massaging her shoulders as he spoke. Her skin was slick with sweat and dust, but he didn't seem to mind. "Take your time, savor every moment.

As the warmth from his hands spread through her body, Sera felt goosebumps crawling up her spine. Her shoulders tensed even more, her heart beating faster with every breath. She leaned forward, taking a light sniff of the meal in front of her - it smelled just like an average grilled boar meat, the kind she usually ate. And yet, despite the familiar aroma, she couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation creeping over her.

Her eyes were fixed on the sauce that covered the meat, and with each passing moment, her fear grew stronger. It was as if the sauce held some kind of dark power over her, a power that she could not resist or control.

Despite the sense of dread that overwhelmed her, Sera knew the taste of that sauce all too well. It was a flavor that could transport her to a state of pure bliss, like tasting a piece of heaven itself. The mere thought of it sent shivers of excitement down her spine and groins, but why—?

Go on, now. Give it a bite. You must be hungry after all the training you did in the village, right?

It was as if the devil himself was whispering into her ears, urging her to take a bite. Her body tensed up, and her mouth opened and closed involuntarily, as if trying to resist the temptation. Her stomach churned with a mix of fear and desire, and her mind felt like it was in a haze. Sera knew that she shouldn't eat it, that it was dangerous, but the allure of that forbidden flavor was too strong to resist.

As she stared down at the plate, she felt a fierce battle raging within her, between the desire to taste that heavenly flavor once more and the fear of what it might do to her. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come.

Sera sliced off a small piece of the grilled meat using her knife, and dipped it into the viscous sauce on the top with her fork. She parted her trembling lips—


The moment the meat covered in the white sauce touched her tongue, her consciousness blipped out for a split second. It wasn't just a matter of it tasting "good," but rather as if the very essence of the liquid had been infused with some kind of mystical power that sent shivers down her spine. The pleasure was overwhelming, a flood of sensations that left her breathless and dizzy with pleasure.

The wet patch in her groins became more and more apparent, as if betraying her body's reaction to the intense euphoria she had just experienced. Her face flushed deep red, and she took deep breaths to recover, trying her best to ignore the pleasurable tingling sensation that still lingered in her body. She failed.

Gin's skilled hands continued to massage her shoulders, causing all the tense muscles in her body to relax almost instantly. Sera felt like she was melting into a puddle of jelly, her mind blank and her body limp, lost in the blissful aftermath of the overwhelming pleasure. She dropped her fork on the table as she felt her pussy and nipples throbbed—


Gin opened his mouth and called out to Teressa who was busy rubbing her own vagina and clitoris, watching as her daughter climaxed from eating food covered in her master’s semen.

“Teressa, it seems like Sera needs a little bit of help. Why don’t you help her?”

“Hah… y-yes, of course, master.”

In her scattered mind, Sera thought she heard wrong. She couldn’t believe her mother calling Gin ‘master’—

“Open your mouth, sweetie. Here comes the food~”

Before she realized it, her mother's hand was already holding up the meal on one hand and the fork she had dropped on the other. She squatted atop the table with her legs forming an M shape, displaying her genitals shamelessly, glistened with love juice.

Teressa smiled as she pushed the piece of semen-covered meat forward to her mouth. However, the intense pleasure she just experienced turned her body completely powerless and limp—

“I guess it can’t be helped.”

With a sudden movement, Gin withdrew his hands from Sera’s shoulders and shoved his fingers into her mouth, prying her lips apart with an iron grip. Sera felt her jaw go slack, the sensation of his fingers forcing themselves into her mouth sent a shiver down her spine.

Drool immediately leaked out of her lips as she let out a helpless moan that echoed in the room. Sera was overwhelmed by their domineering attitude, breaking her will to struggle. She surrendered herself to them, resigning her body and mind to their twisted desires.


Teressa shoved the meat into her mouth, and Sera groaned in ecstasy as she savored every bite. She chewed on the meat relentlessly, and its juiciness sent her senses into overdrive. Her eyes rolled backward in intense pleasure, her legs shook uncontrollably, and her breathing became erratic. Her moans added to the already charged atmosphere of the room, imbuing it with a sense of immorality and depravity.

Sera’s mouth was a mess as drool stained her lips and chin. Teressa leaned in closer to her face, and with a seductive grin, she used her tongue as napkins, wiping away the stains with slow and deliberate strokes. As she licked and sucked on her lips and chin, Sera couldn't help but to gasp and moan even louder, feeling a mix of shame and arousal wash over her.

‘T-the sauce—! It was the saucee—!!’

Once again, Sera was hammered down by reality. The fact that none of this was a dream— the addictive taste of Gin’s semen and urine— how normal food won’t ever satisfy her needs again— her mother succumbing to perversion— none of this made any sense to her. She fell into denial and rejected the world that she was living in, however there was one that she couldn’t deny—


An electrifying surge of pleasure pulsed through her body, centered in the most intimate parts of her being—

‘What happened to me…? To everyone…?’

Sera closed her eyes as her body twitched. This time, her body went completely limp, ignoring Gin and Teressa’s touch.

“Ah, she passed out again.”

Gin slowly withdrew his hands from Sera's mouth, his fingertips glistening with a thin layer of saliva. With a quick flick of his wrist, he snagged a lock of her hair— a vibrant shade of blue, tied neatly back in a ponytail— and used it to delicately wipe away the moisture from his skin.

“Well, it’s not a bad start…”

“Hah… what now, master?”

Teressa asked him what to do next. Gin told her to wait for him in the master bedroom and gave her asscheeks another rough grope. She seemed to like it— no, he specifically made her like having her ass groped and slapped. It was purely for pleasure and amusement purposes.

‘I’m curious. How did she fare out there in the village?’

Gin carried Sera in a princess carry to her bedroom. He brought her consciousness back with the system and snapped his fingers. He had her recite everything that happened throughout her day—

‘Hm, she really vomited her lunch? The alteration I did seems to be super effective.’

Another peculiar thing he noticed was the two people she interacted with.

‘Wyca, and… Laven. They seem interesting… Well, I think the time to spread my influence beyond this family of three would arrive sooner than later.’

Gin had been enjoying himself for quite some time, engaging in his perverse and depraved fantasies with Teressa and Sera. He had thought that eventually, he would reach a point of satisfaction and return both women to a ‘normal’ state. But as time went on, he found himself becoming more and more addicted to their submission and willing obedience.

The longer he indulged, the more he realized his desire was a bottomless sinkhole. The more he experimented with Sera, the more possibilities he saw. His imagination was the limit, and this vast world held endless opportunities to explore.

With each new experience, his hunger grew, and he felt as though he was only scratching the surface of what was possible. It wasn’t just in this world— the infinite multiverse offered a never-ending playground for his desires, and he couldn't resist the temptation to dive deeper and deeper into its depths.

“There are a lot of things I want to experiment with… Sera, I think our relationship has just started.”

Gin caressed her damp hair, feeling the soft strands between his fingers. Sera lay on the bed, her body limp and vulnerable, unable to resist his touch. Moving in closer, he felt the heat of her breath on his skin as he parted her lips open with a gentle hand. Such an immoral act sent a shiver of excitement down his spine, and he couldn't help but wonder what other pleasures he could elicit from her sleeping form. But he held himself back—

He opened his mouth and let his drool trickle down into hers, savoring the sensation as it mixed with hers. Once he thought it was enough, he continued to give her lips, chin, and nose a few licks, tasting himself a small sample for what to come in the future.

‘That’s your dessert for the day.’

It wasn’t just Teressa and Sera, Gin also began to think up an experiment for Coll. He couldn’t just kick him out of the household, could he? No, he still had a role to play beyond just being a hunter and a provider for the family.

‘Coll, our relationship didn’t have the best start. It was thanks to my hypnosis that you were even somewhat willing to let me stay in your house, but I don’t blame you for not wanting to take in a random, naked stranger in the middle of nowhere. I probably would do the same, to be honest.’

Gin thought as his hand moved over her chest. He gave the still-covered, firm boobs a gentle caress.

‘But you were the first person ever to give me Faith points, and for that I am thankful. I vividly remember that moment. It was the confident boost that I needed at the time. Because of that, I won’t just take everything from you and throw you out to the wolves… no, I doubt I could even do that if you did me wrong.’

In his past life, Gin lived a mundane existence cloistered in a bubble of peace. While wars raged and countless innocent lives were lost around the globe, he was one of the ‘lucky’ ones who could afford to live with a roof above his head and sleep with a bed under him, and pay his bills without fearing for his life day in and day out.

Because of that, the idea of murder and ‘glory in battle and war’ was such a distant concept that he could not relate whatsoever.

There was a reason why Gin was afraid of being reincarnated into a different world strife with wars. He wasn’t ready nor was he willing to completely abandon the morality and ideology he grew up with.

‘Ever since I died and met the goddess, I knew it was a matter of time before I would abandon my old thinking process and moral codes of my previous world.’

The proof was the fact that he stood where he stood. Turning Teressa into his cocksleeve and force feeding Sera into submission. Such an act was something that he would never do when he was still alive on that earth. He was already half-way to completely casting aside his old principles and ideology.

The innocence of never taking a single human life was the only link that connected him to his previous life, the last tether to a world of law and order that he had once known.

‘In this world where people train themselves in the path of the sword on a daily basis, in a world where magic exists, wars and murders are inevitable. I don’t intend to leave this village anytime soon, but I can’t dwell here forever either. I will have to leave this place one day, to explore the world and get more Faith points from people. I must not remain idle for too long.’

Gin's finger traced a slow and steady circle around Sera's nipple, eliciting a frown on her face. Her breathing grew rougher as a small moan escaped her lips.

‘A day will come where my hand will be stained with blood. For now, I will enjoy this ‘innocent’ daily life for as long as I can.’

He put more strength into his fingers and pinched her nipple, twisting it left and right as her moan grew even louder. She wasn’t completely unconscious, but in a Trance state. Gin played with her body for a bit before leaving the room. She will fall asleep on her own and wake up the next morning feeling refreshed.

‘As for you Coll, as my thanks, I will give you a gift that won’t pale in comparison to Teressa or Sera. My most sincere payment for taking care of me for the past two months. You just need to wait a little bit longer. Just a little bit more patience—’

Gin strode past the dining table, his footsteps echoing through the silent room, and made his way to the master bedroom. As he pushed open the door, his eyes fell upon Teressa kneeling on the floor, clad in her soft, comfortable nightwear. The sight of her flushed cheeks— a telltale sign of her ever growing lust— sent a pang of excitement through his groins.

“Oh, master, are you going to sleep here tonight?”


Teressa felt her pussy ached just by hearing her master’s word of confirmation. Suddenly, she appeared to realize something amiss, “Master, what about Coll? Where is he going to sleep tonight?”

Gin smiled, “Don’t worry about him, he already ate his dinner. From now on, he’s going to sleep in the shed while I’ll be sleeping with you.”

“Oh, doesn’t that mean I don’t have to sneak around every morning—! Ah, so that means we can always do it anytime we want, then!?” Her eyes sparkled with joy.

Teressa began to peel off her dress, revealing her exquisite form to Gin's eager eyes. Every inch of her was like satin, flawless and supple, exuding a vibrant and youthful glow.

Using his Faith points and the authority he possessed over her, Gin transformed her body to be even sexier and sensitive to his touch. Her bosom had grown in size and perked up with a newfound allure. Meanwhile, her buttocks had transformed into a toned and taut marvel, radiating a sense of vitality and strength.

Even her dark nipples became slightly thicker, surrounded by her large areola. No bra could hide them away anymore— not that she ever wore them anymore since their time together.

Teressa’s blue hair was long, flowing down her back like a glistening waterfall. Her striking blue eyes possessed an ethereal beauty that could entice even the coldest-hearted of men and the most resolutely heterosexual of women.

The sight of her was both mesmerizing and scandalous. This kind and proper wife has been turned into a loyal cocksleeve of his. She crawled on all four towards him, a lecherous and debauched smile played on her lips.

With practiced ease, she undid his pants, revealing a look of intense desire on her flushed face. The contrast between her stunning beauty and her unbridled lust gave Gin an intense exhilaration, making his heart race with anticipation.


Teressa began her foreplay by burying her nose into his pubic hairs, taking deep whiffs and licking his testicles until the precum started to leak out from the glans. Once he felt he was ready, he laid on his back on the bed, Teressa climbed on top of him and started working on her hips. They exchanged fervent kisses, each lost in the moment as they explored each other's lips and tasted the sweetness of one another's saliva.

Gin never grew tired of her expert ministrations, no matter how many times she had pleased him before. Every touch, every lick, and every movement was a symphony of pleasure that sent him soaring to new heights of ecstasy.

She simply knew his body too well. In her arms, he was transported to a paradise of sensual bliss, where there was no limit to the pleasure they could share.

Furthermore, what made the whole experience even more gratifying was the knowledge that Teressa derived an equal or possibly even greater amount of pleasure from servicing her master. It was a mutual exchange of bliss, a sensual indulgence that left them both in a state of pure ecstasy.

She could even reach orgasm by just smelling his body odor. To Gin, it was a testament to her devotion and love for him, and also the proof of her depravity and perversion. A bond that transcended mere physical pleasure.

As the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with warm hues of orange and pink, the world around him gradually grew dimmer. The night grew long, and the both of them welcomed it with open arms.

The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed through the walls of their home, punctuated by the wet squelch of their bodies coming together. The world outside seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in each other, pushing each other to an even greater heights of ecstasy.

As the hours ticked by, they remained locked in their private world surrounded by their own moans and the rhythmic slaps of their bodies colliding. And as the first rays of sunlight crept over the horizon, they collapsed in exhaustion, their bodies entwined in a tangled mess of limbs, sweat and bodily fluids.

‘……There is yet much to be done…...’

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