Faith, Lust, and Hypnosis

Chapter 6-2 (Conditioning)

It wasn’t long before Sera found a secluded place in the village’s outskirts. The village was small in the first place. There were roughly just under 150 people living in this place, including the children and the elderly. There weren’t that many houses, the land was mostly filled by farms spanning a few miles away.

Potatoes, wheat and dairy farms to name a few. The farms were naturally small since there was barely enough manpower to take care of them in the first place, but it was good enough for the villagers. Especially with hunters like Treo and Coll and some others helping around the village, they were able to stockpile enough ration to last through the winter.

The residents of this village relied on themselves and their own community to survive more than receiving help from outsiders such as merchants and traders. They were self-sustaining in that regard. They thrived and lived in peace.

Sera checked her left and right, making sure there was nobody around and took off her short pants. Thanks to the dark color, the wet patch on her groins were barely visible. Unlike yesterday, today was way worse. She couldn’t stop leaking love juice all day long. Her libido didn’t subside at all, and she realized it was impossible to swing her sword with this extreme discomfort and nausea haunting her mind.


She squatted down and let out a deep sigh, feeling the tension in her stomach begin to ease. Gradually, a warm, golden stream began to flow from her urethra, splashing softly onto the ground below. As she continued to release her bladder, the soft patter of her urine soon turned into a gentle drizzle, the droplets creating a small, shallow pool on the ground beneath her.

For a moment, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to simply be, feeling a sense of relief and release wash over her. It was brief but welcomed nonetheless.


She let out a sigh and closed her eyes.

‘I’ve calmed down, but the heat still won’t go away… wait—!’

Sera realized she forgot to bring a wipe to clean herself up after. Covering her face with both hands, she shook her head.

‘Do I really have to use leaves and grass…?’

Just as she was thinking of tearing a small piece of her clothes to make a wipe, she heard footsteps coming her way—

“W-who’s there—!?”

Don’t move. It’s me.


It was him—

‘G-Gin!? Why is he here—!?’

Sera was stuck in a mid squatting position with her hands holding her pants.

Step— step—

‘I-I can’t pull up my pants—! I can’t even move—!’

She attempted to move her hands and legs, but her body refused to respond. Panic began to rise within her, and she felt the cold sweat seeping through her clothes—

Relax, I’m here to help you.

“Ah…” It was an instinctive response, her muscles relaxed almost immediately following his words despite the loud alarm ringing in her mind.


Gin towered over her, his hand gripping a waterskin made of hardtail deer leather. He unscrewed the lid and brought it closer to her face, the scent coming from inside it struck her nostrils—

“T-this is—!”

“That’s right. It’s for you.”

The odor was strong and sharp, just a simple whiff was enough for Sera to know what was contained in it.

‘It’s… it’s urine… his urine…’

Gin opened his mouth, “There’s also my seeds mixed in it.”

“W-what the hell is wrong with you!? I don’t want it—!!”

“Really? Are you planning on puking out your lunch again?”


Everybody in the village knew what happened in the restaurant yesterday. There was no doubt about it, news spread fast. It wasn’t weird for Gin to know about the incident and so she didn’t dwell on it for too long.

“You must have understood your condition by now. You can’t eat food like a normal person anymore. You will unconditionally puke out anything that’s not contaminated with my seeds or urine.”

“W-what did you do to me!? Why!? How!?”

Sera screamed her lungs out in frustration, her voice echoing through the forest. Still trapped in her embarrassing position, her face flushed with shame as she realized that anyone could stumble upon her like this.

Gin slowly pushed the rim of the waterskin towards her mouth. She tried to avoid it by turning the other way, but he grabbed her chin and forced her to face him. Instead, she tightened her lips, trying her best to resist the urge to drink the contaminated fluid. Her pride was the only thing keeping her from succumbing to his will.

‘It smelled so putrid! So why is it so hard to resist—!?’

Gin cooed, “Come now, open your mouth and be a good girl.


Sera’s jaw hung slack, once again she was powerless to resist. Her body quivered as she let out a low groan, tears trickling down her eyes. Her tongue was plain to see, moving around in her own saliva as she surrendered.

“Good girl.”

Gin carefully positioned the rim of the waterskin inside Sera's mouth, feeling the softness of her lips against his fingertips. As he raised the bottom of the pouch, a rush of his divine essence flowed freely into her open mouth. The sweet, refreshing taste of his urine mixed with a hint semen flooded her senses, leaving her gasping for breath and feeling a surge of pleasure shoot through her body.

“Oghk—! Gulp—!”

Sera's eyes widened with shock as the sensation intensified, her tongue tingling with each swallow. She let out an involuntary scream, unable to contain the intense pleasure that radiated through her body, reaching even the deepest crevices of her being. The heavenly taste of the ‘holy water’ stimulated her tongue and caused her groins to ache with desire, leaving her feeling both exhilarated and powerless at the same time.

“Alright, let’s not drink it all in one go.”

“N-no—!! Stop—!! Please—!!”

Gin pulled the rim away from her mouth and closed the lid, leaving Sera in a state of desperation. She yelled and begged at him to give her more, as if she were a wild animal starved of sustenance. In that instant, she lost her sanity and acted like an addict looking for her fix, unable to resist the irresistible urge for another taste of the heavenly nectar.

The fire in her loins burned brighter than ever before, consuming her with an insatiable hunger for more. Her pride and self-worth meant nothing to her as long as she could taste it again, even for just another gulp. At that moment, she was willing to prostrate on the ground and do anything to get another drop of that divine elixir.

Gin’s fingers traced the contours of Sera’s cheeks, the touch of his cool skin contrasting with the warmth of her own. She was still in a frenzy, barking and yelping like a trapped animal. But Gin seemed unfazed, lost in his own thoughts as he spoke aloud.

“Your parents, Sera,” he said, his voice calm and measured. “They took me in when I had nowhere else to go. They fed me and gave me a place to stay, despite the fact that I was a complete stranger. And for that, I am eternally grateful.”

Sera’s eyes widened in confusion, her lips frozen in mid-yell. Gin continued as if he hadn’t noticed.

“I made a promise to myself, you see,” he said, his gaze flickering briefly to her desperate face. “To repay their kindness.”

As he spoke, Sera became even more confused, the fog of panic and desperation grew thicker. She struggled to make sense of Gin’s words, to understand what he was trying to say.

“Re-repay…?” she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Gin smiled gently, his fingers still tracing her cheeks. “Yes, repay,” he said. “In whatever way I can.”

He continued, “Your mother is one of the most gentlest and kindest women I’ve ever met. I’m grateful to her. So much so, I kept thinking to myself. What sort of a gift would be suitable for such a person?”

He paused for a moment, staring into her eyes filled with confusion and anxiety.


Gin smiled plainly.

Stand up straight and spread your thighs.


Sera had no choice but to ‘comply’.

‘My body… he’s controlling my body…! I can’t disobey his words!’

And just like that, she did as she was told.

It was as if her body had a mind of its own as Sera found herself following his command without hesitation. She stood up straight, her heart racing with dread as she spread apart her thighs without any resistance. Her short pants sagged down to her ankles, making her feel even more exposed and vulnerable.

“W-why you—!”

Put your hands behind your head.


Her body obeyed his command with futile resistance. Her palms were sweaty as she slowly placed her hands behind her head, feeling the heat in her cheeks grew stronger like a blazing flame. Sera glared at him with a mixture of anger and humiliation, the tightness of her shorts around her ankles only adding to her discomfort.

“You perverted bastard!!”

Gin brushed off her insult as if it were a gentle breeze passing through. Her words sounded cute to him, treating them as nothing more than harmless barkings of a toothless dog.

He looked down at Sera and a smile spread across his face, "You're so cute when you're being obedient," he said, his voice gentle and soft, "Why can't you behave like this all the time?"

“W-what—!?” Her face turned a shade redder.

Raising his hands, Gin ran his fingers through her hair, and trailed them down to her chin, rubbing it gently. Sera, trapped in her humiliating pose, couldn't help but to accept his touch meekly, feeling a familiar sensation that she was too afraid to admit.

‘This is too much—!!’

Sera forced her mouth to speak, “S-stop!!” But her voice was weak and quivering, unable to match the intensity of her desire and the overwhelming pull of his pace.

She couldn't believe the audacity of this man, petting her on the head and scratching her chin as if she was the village’s dog. But to make matters worse, he did it while she was in such an embarrassing, and vulnerable position.

“It’s not a bad feeling right? When was the last time somebody did this much for you?”

“D-don’t touch me!! Stop it!!”

Gin ignored her barks and crouched down, meeting her pussy on eye level. He commented, “Look at this, your pussy lips are puffed up. Are you excited?”

“Ex-excited!? Y-you wish!!”

The more she fought against the invisible restraints, the tighter they seemed to bind her. Sera was trapped, helpless and at the mercy of his will. It was a terrifying realization that made her feel small and insignificant in his eyes.

Gin had become the master of her fate, dictating every move and thought she had.

“You have a beautiful color, you know that? It’s on the darker side, just like your mother.”

“Shut up!! I don’t wanna hear any of it!!”

“Your pubic hair is also curly and dense, exactly the same—“

“Shut up!! Shut up!! Shutup-shutup—!!”

Gin kept on talking against her will as tears trickled down her cheeks. She continued to scream, trying to drown his voice with her own.

But it was useless.

“Have you ever masturbated before? Let me teach you.”


Gin caressed her mons pubis, following the contour of her mound with his hand, scratching his fingers against her bush—

“This part is called the mons pubis. It is a round area of fatty tissue that serves to protect and cushion the pubic bone during sex.”


The rhythmic movements of his hand just inches away from her vulva caused Sera's hips to quiver uncontrollably. She clenched her teeth, desperately trying to stifle the moans that threatened to escape her lips.

“Sera, we barely just started.” Gin sighed.


Gin gave her mound a soft pinch and light caress, “It’s nice to touch and play around.”


“Next, is the labia. There are two parts, labia minora and labia majora, the two sets of skin folds that protect your vaginal opening and urethra.”

Gin rubbed his fingers in between her pussy lips and spread them open. Sera’s legs shook— she wanted to clamp her thighs right then and there, but her body was stiff as a statue.


“Starting with labia majora, the outer lips of your pussy. They are the outermost folds that extends from your mons pubis down to the area between your vulva and anus, called the perineum. When aroused, it becomes engorged and more sensitive to touch, like this.”

“Aah—!! S-STOHhhpP—!!”

“The labia minora are the smaller, inner lips of your vulva. They are enclosed by the outer lips and surround the clitoris, urethra and your vaginal opening. They have more nerve endings and more sensitive compared to the labia majora. Do you feel this?”


At this point, Sera had completely lost her mind. None of his words entered her ears whatsoever. Her legs lost all strength and Sera fell on her butt, onto the pool of her own piss. Gin didn’t mind and also kneeled before her groins, spreading her thighs wide open.

“NOOooo… Forgive me…. please… I’m so sorry—“

“—Let’s continue.”


Gin went on his ‘education’ of her private parts.

“Just like the outer lips, labia minora also get swollen and become more sensitive when aroused, making it a feel-good spot for many.”

“AH—! AH—!”

“Just like your mother, your inner lips are darker, thicker, and fleshy. The shape is not even, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. It looks pretty regardless. Here, do you feel it?”

“I-I’m—!! Something—!! Something is coming—!!”

Gin quickened his rubbing, Sera’s body trembled intensely as if she had a seizure. Her mouth opened wide and eyes crossed, she finally reached her first orgasm of the day. She almost broke her posture as she came.



She squirted. Her love juice sprayed wide and strong, splashing his face and drenching his hair. Yet, Gin didn’t stop and continued still.

“Next, is the clitoris.”


“I’m sure your mother must’ve taught you about this. It is the most sensitive organ of the female body, even more so than the glans of penis. It is covered by the clitoral hood, and just like the labia, it becomes engorged when aroused.”

Gin spread open her labia and pulled up the clitoral hood, “There it is. Yours is smaller than your mothers. It’s cute. Fyuuh~”


Gin's warm breath teased Sera's exposed clitoris, causing her to tremble and writhe uncontrollably. Every nerve ending in her body was on fire, and her senses were overwhelmed with the intense sensations. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she let out a guttural moan of pleasure, the sound echoing through the empty forest around them.

The combination of the pleasure and the shame of being exposed while covered in dirt and urine only added to her heightened state of arousal. It was as if every taboo desire she had ever repressed had been unleashed in that moment, and she couldn't help but surrender to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her body.

“You have a lot in common with your mother, Sera. Your weak points are exactly the same. It’s amazing, really.”

Gin thought Sera might reach another climax if he push things just a little bit further, he jutted his tongue out and touched just the very, very tip of her clit—


Drizzle—! Drizzle—!

She squirted right at his face again. The water didn't spurt out as strongly as before. He guessed it was because her bladder was nearly empty.

‘Final one—‘

Gin parted his lips and enveloped her clit with his warm, moist mouth. He sucked it greedily, running his tongue up and down, exploring every crevice and fold, as if he were searching for some secret treasure hidden within her.

His tongue circled around her clit, alternately tracing wide circles and tight spirals, while his teeth gently grazed her flesh, adding a hint of pressure to the already dizzying sensation. Sera's body trembled as he continued to tease her with his mouth, each movement sending shockwaves of pleasure through her entire being.


As Gin continued to work his tongue expertly over Sera's clitoris, she found herself unable to contain the intense pleasure that was building inside her. Her moans grew louder and louder until they turned into a full-throated howl of ecstasy that reverberated through the forest, shattering the peaceful silence with a primal and lustful energy.

‘Another one—‘

Her body shook with the intensity of the orgasm, every nerve ending in her body was on fire with pleasure. For a moment, her world reduced to nothing but the overwhelming pleasure that Gin was expertly coaxing out of her.

‘I can’t get enough of this.’

Gin cleaned themselves using his Faith points and propped her to stand up. Sera, with a hazy eyes and red blush on her cheeks, tried to shove him away.

“G-get off me—!”

“You can’t even stand on your two legs, want me to leave you in the forest alone?”

“Yes—! Just leave me alone and go away!”

Gin reached out and slung Sera's arm over his shoulder, gently supporting her weight as they began their slow walk towards the village. Sera was forced to lean into him, her breaths coming in short gasps as she tried to regain her composure.

“Urgh—! Why… why won’t you leave me alone!?”

“Didn’t I already tell this to you before? I plan on repaying your parents' kindness, and that extends to you too.”

“What sort of repayment is this!? Y-you practically violated me!”

Gin, looking calm and collected, continued as a matter of fact.

“You can see it that way, but for me, I was simply giving you a taste of heaven.”

“Heaven!? You force fed me your c-cum and urine! I-it’s so—“

“Yes, but it did taste like heaven, right? Your headache and nausea is gone too.”


“What I did to your mother, I will also do the same to you.”

“W-what did you do to mom!? I don’t understand!!”

Sera couldn’t take it anymore and pushed Gin away. She fell on her butt as tears trickled down her face.

“I don’t understand what’s going on!!”


Gin crouched down in front of her with a soft gaze.


With a deliberate motion, he reached out and pressed his index finger against her parted lips, signaling for her to be silent. Sera felth the warmth emanating from his hand. She found herself unable to look away from his eyes—



Gin's voice was soft and gentle as he spoke, "Your mother is a kind and generous woman," he began, "and for that kindness, I gave her a taste of pleasure that surpassed anything she has ever known. Have you not seen her face, Sera? The look of pure contentment and satisfaction etched on her face? She experienced a joy that was beyond this world, beyond heaven itself."

He paused, averting his gaze for a moment before going back to her. "And I want to give you that same experience, Sera. I want to help you let go of all the burdens weighing you down. I want to give you a sense of satisfaction and pleasure that will make you feel truly happy. You deserve that kind of happiness, and I want to give it to you."

As he spoke, his gaze was intense and unwavering.

His words were as smooth as velvet, delivered in a gentle and soothing tone. Her mind went wild with confusion and anger. He touched her mother— had sex with her, and as if that wasn’t enough, he did it with her anus too. Yet, she had vividly seen her own mother's face in his embrace, displaying pure ecstasy and contentment that she had never witnessed before. Far from hating it— she loved it, craved for it. Just what in the world happened to her?

As their gaze met each other, Sera noticed her heart was trembling. Her doubt and scorn against this man started to waver. She felt herself being drawn in by his charisma and his promises of happiness.

‘N-no—! This man…! I can’t—! I can’t trust him—!’

The more she tried to deny it, the stronger the feeling grew. A nagging voice in the back of her mind warned of the dangers of giving in to such temptation. But another part of her wanted to believe in him, to let go of her burdens and experience the same pleasure her mother had felt. The idea of re-experiencing that ecstasy and possibly even something more was too tempting to resist. The bait was irresistible.

Sera was exhausted, physically and mentally. The events of the past few days had pushed her body and mind to their limits. Her psyche was far from stable, and her brain's coping mechanisms had begun to kick in—


Gin called out to her. For a moment, the world remained still—


He closed in on her face without a word. She knew what he was trying to do.

Sera felt the warmth of his breath against her skin. The scent of his sweat filled her nostrils, and she found herself inhaling it deeply. The fragrance of his musk ingrained deep into her subconscious. She couldn't ignore the effect it had on her. Her heart raced faster and faster, the smell of his bodily odor seeming to have a potent impact on her senses.



Sera felt as if her heart would burst as their lips finally met in a tender, delicate kiss. The feeling of his lips on hers was electric, sending waves of desire through her body. She closed her eyes and surrendered to the moment, letting the sensation wash over her. Their breath mingled together, hot and heavy.

Every inch of her body was alive with a new sensation. It felt different— almost new— unlike when he was eating her from below, it tasted a different kind of sweetness. She couldn't help but moan softly, lost in the intensity of the moment.


Then she realized it.


Gin didn’t order her to accept his kiss.

‘It can’t be…’

Gin didn't force himself upon her; he merely whispered her name, leaving the decision to her. Sera was free to resist his advance, to push him away and run. Yet, she remained. Why? She couldn't say, asking herself again and again without any intention to stop her tongue dancing in his mouth.

Her hands roamed over his body, exploring every inch of his skin. She pulled him closer to her chest, feeling the heat of his body against hers. She simply couldn't get enough—

Slurp—! Slurp—!


As their kiss deepened, Sera's hunger grew. She licked and nibbled at his nose and lips, trailing hot kisses down his neck, savoring the salty taste of his skin. She knew she shouldn't be doing this, that it was wrong, but in that moment, nothing else mattered but the dizzying sensation of being with this man, and the ecstasy of their shared passion.



Sera's eyelids fluttered open as she heard a familiar voice calling out to her from the side. Her gaze shifted, and there stood a young man of her age on the side, staring at them both with blue eyes filled with despair. It was Laven with his blond hair covering half of his face.

“L-Laven…!? W-what are you doing here!?” Stammering her words, Sera was flabbergasted. Guilt, shame and embarrassment mixed into one, and her brain short-circuited.

“I… I…”

Laven was at a complete loss for words. He blanked out, his jaw bobbed up and down like a fish. Something snapped in his mind, and he spoke—

“You… were gone… for so long… so-so I came… to check up on you…”

Sera felt the heat rise to her cheeks, her entire face burning with embarrassment. She felt petrified like a statue, frozen in place, unable to move or speak.

‘Why the hell would you even do that for—!?’

She wanted to disappear into thin air, to escape the situation she had found herself in. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest, as if it were trying to break free from her ribcage.

“I-I’m fine! You can go back now!” Sera stammered, her voice shook with obvious panic and shame.

But it was too late. Laven had already seen something he shouldn't have, and his expression was one of shock and disbelief. His eyes were clouded with confusion, hurt, and despair. Sera felt his gaze linger on her, as if he was trying to decipher what he had just witnessed.

“I… You…” Laven started to speak, his voice trailing off before he could finish.

Sera sensed his unusual demeanor and it made her feel even more embarrassed. She didn't know how to explain what had just happened, or why she had let it happen. She wanted to tell Laven that it wasn't what it looked like, but the words wouldn't come out.


Laven turned around and ran away from the both of them. Sera wanted to call out to him, to make him stay and listen, but she couldn't find her voice.




“Haha.” Gin chuckled, breaking the awkward and embarrassing silence. Sera snapped her eyes back at him.

“What’s so funny!? He saw us! Now the whole village will misunderstand!!”

“Misunderstand? About what?”

“About me! That we both—! We both…!!”

“Both… what?”

Gin smiled, still sitting down on the paved road made of dirt. He crossed his legs as Sera backed away from him.

“Grhh—! It’s all your fault!!”

“What did I do now? Shouldn’t you be blaming that guy? He interrupted us just as we were about to get into the best part.”

“Uuh—!! AHHH—!!”

Sera's throat burned as she screamed, unleashing the frustration that had been building up inside her for far too long. She despised this man with every fiber of her being. He was a thorn in her side, an unwelcome presence that had disrupted the peace in her life. He oozed suspicion, cloaked in a shroud of mystery that made her skin crawl. He was perverted, degenerate, and everything in between. Nasty, manipulative, and a liar to boot. There was not a single redeeming quality about him, yet, despite all of that, her heart refused to listen to reason.

She couldn't deny the way her body reacted to him.  Every touch, every stroke, every word whispered in her ear— She was ashamed of herself for feeling this way, for being drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He was like a drug, addictive and dangerous, and she was powerless to his allure.



Her body trembled at the mention of her name coming out of his mouth. Gin stood up from the ground, patted all the dust and dirt off him.


Gin's voice was smooth and gentle, sending an electrifying jolt down her spine. She tried to ignore the sensations coursing through her body, but it was impossible. Each time he said her name, it was like a caress, his voice wrapping around her like a warm embrace. She couldn't deny the pleasure it brought her, the way it made her feel alive and wanted.


As he called out to her for the third time, Sera's body responded instinctively, her breath hitching in her throat. She knew she was falling under his spell, but she couldn't help it. Gin had a power over her that she couldn't resist, and she was helpless to his seduction.

“From here onward, I will grant you pleasure, one that will make you ascend beyond the heavens. You will lose yourself, all your burden, trouble— your sorrow and grief, I will make it all disappear. All I need is for you to do one thing, and one thing only—“

Gin said, his voice low and hypnotic. Sera leaned in, mesmerized by his gaze, her heart racing. What could this man possibly want from her?

"Have faith in me."


She repeated his words in her mind.



What could he possibly mean? Sera asked herself. What does it mean to give her faith to him? How would one even get around to do that? She didn’t understand.

‘Is he asking to put my trust in him?’

Was it even possible to trust someone like him? After everything that happened between her and him— between him and her mother—

‘How could I even trust you?’

She looked at him, speechless.

“…Shall we return? We have been gone for too long.”

However, Gin didn’t wait for her to answer. His hand reaching out towards her in a silent invitation to walk together. As Sera met his gaze, she felt a jumble of emotions welling up inside of her— uncertainty, doubt, but also a strange sense of calm and confidence that she couldn't quite explain.

Slowly, she raised her hand and gently touched his open palm. Their fingers entwined, and she couldn't help but notice how rough and heavy her breathing had become. Her cheeks flushed with heat, and she knew that her face must be bright red.

Seeing how big her reaction was to a simple handholding, Gin decided to close in on her ear, and whispered—

“By the way, your masturbation class is not over yet.”

Gin tightened his hold, and the heat between them intensified. They walked towards the village, and with every step they took, Sera felt a wave of pleasure coursing through her secret garden.

‘This guy… I hate him…’

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