Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 122: The Prophetic Land (VIII)

Just when Ethan lifted the injection in his hand and planned to inject it into his arm, Adrian, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly roared terrifyingly like a raging lion and rushed forward. There was no prior sign that he was going to have an outburst. His strength was frightening, and it happened at the moment when everyone’s attention was on Ethan. This caught one of the soldiers who was holding onto the chain off guard, and it slipped out of the soldier’s hand, while the other soldier was overturned due to the chain.

Adrian pounced on Ms. Aguda, biting her neck on the seams between the protective clothing and helmet until he suddenly pulled them apart. The council member, who had been calm and mentally stable, issued a piercing scream. She couldn’t get rid of the mad dog-like man. It all happened so fast that the tentacles behind Ethan flashed through the throats of five soldiers trying to shoot Adrian.

But at the same time, several snipers in the distance also fired.

Adrian’s body trembled, and a few bullets consecutively hit him. He collapsed and was shoved aside by the council member, and black blood spread from under his body. However, it was as if Ethan was the one who was shot. He screamed in fear and jumped on Adrian, blocking several bullets for Adrian with his body. It was only when the shooting finally stopped that Ethan dared to move slightly. He flipped over and gently shook Adrian’s shoulder.

The council member was like a frightened little girl, cowering as she shiveringly climbed up to the side, covering the gap in her protective clothing as she stood up and ran away. Ethan had no time to care about her.

His father lay motionless on the ground, and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead. Ethan didn’t know that his hand was shaking. He picked up his father, carefully placing his head on his leg and gently stroking his father’s cheek tenderly, and called out to his father with a tremor in his voice just like his hand, “Wake up……don’t die…….don’t die……wake up!”

He did not dare to look at the bleeding bullet wounds on his father, but his father’s blood was spreading onto his legs and infiltrating his clothes. His tears fell on Adrian’s swollen face, forming black marks. Like a miracle, Adrian slowly opened his eyes. In the depths of his dull gaze, there was still a trace of human familiarity. Adrian looked at the child he had brought up with black tears on his face. Even though Adrian knew what terrifying things he had done, at this time, he was crying like a child.

His tongue was swollen and clumsy, and he could barely speak clearly. A coldness that could erode bones spread along his skin, as if it would freeze him into ice. He raised his hand to grab Ethan’s hand and said, “Run……”

This was the last word he spoke in his life.

He took a few hurried breaths, frowning as if he was in pain. It was as if his hand was spasming as he clawed around, and finally, he heaved a sigh before he stopped breathing.

Ethan noticed that something in the other’s pupils had stilled. His father’s body suddenly lost its support and collapsed, and he held onto Ethan’s hand tightly as he fell down. Ethan couldn’t believe it for a moment. His father, Adrian Eldridge, was dead. It felt like the memory of his father taking him to the aquarium on his tenth birthday was still so vivid. But in the twinkle of an eye, his father began to rot long before he died, and his deformed body was now lying in his arms.

Ethan hugged Adrian’s body tightly, his body shaking slightly as he let out a depressed and helpless cry. He didn’t have time to ask anything, and there were so many things he didn’t tell his father clearly. He didn’t have time to apologize or ask where his mother was buried.

He didn’t even have a chance to call the man in his arms “Dad.”

In a mere few seconds, he lost his last family member in the world.

He raised his head and let out a pitiful howl. Black tears blurred his face, making him look terrifying and pitiful.

But at this time, a light blue injection shot out from the opposite house and pierced Ethan’s neck, and a burning pain quickly spread throughout his entire body. Ethan had to let go of his father and quickly pulled the needle out from his neck. Lying in the palm of his hand was something similar to an anesthetic injection, but it contained the light blue solution of the God of Order’s egg.

In the midst of experiencing the pain of burning all over his body, he hissed angrily and fell to the ground reluctantly. After about ten minutes, a team of special forces soldiers approached him carefully while holding a familiar blue net. The leader reported to the man at the other end of the headset, “He seems to have fainted.”

“Very good. Give him a full injection right away and bring him back.”

The soldiers quickly retreated in horror and fired at Ethan at the same time. Ethan slowly stood up from the ground, his face covered with black lines, his slender pupils stared at them with a kind of crazy anger. Behind him, many terrible thorns and python-like tentacles were waving. He slowly raised a finger, and his black curved claw-like nails pointed at them. “Who fired just now?”

No one spoke. It was obvious that the captain was going to cover the other soldiers to allow them to escape, so he shot at Ethan without stopping. The bullets went through his body, and black blood spurted out. The blood dyed his clothes completely black and gathered under his feet, but he approached the soldiers step by step as if he felt nothing.

“I said, who shot my father just now!” Although Ethan’s voice didn’t contain much anger, the powerful special forces Alpha captain didn’t know why, but he felt a chill surface from the depths of his heart.

The tall and brave man shot at him with a huge heavy power laser gun while he yelled angrily, “Go to hell! You disgusting monster!”

Ethan lifted him up with his tentacles and cut him in half. Then, his tentacles quickly and accurately picked up the escaping special force soldiers one by one. Some of them were directly engulfed by the huge mouths at the end of the tentacles, some had their heads twisted off, and some of their bodies were pierced from the bottom up. Blood and screams were scattered all around.

In fact, Ethan was in great pain. The forces of Order and Disorder in his body were fighting fiercely. He felt that he was on fire from the inside out, and the more he used the black-colored power running in his body, the more painful it was for him. However, anger and sadness caused him to ignore everything. He needed blood. He wanted these people to regret what they had done to his father and what they had done to him.

He wanted these bastards buried alongside his father.

Hatred made his whole body emanate a layer of black smoke, which seemed to be some substance emitted from his body. All the flowers and plants he stepped on quickly withered, and all the land he walked on could no longer grow plants. All the bricks and stones he came into contact with were broken down into dust, while steel turned to rust.

Within a few minutes, a team of more than a dozen special forces soldiers was almost all slaughtered by him.

When his tentacles wrapped around the neck of the last Beta special forces soldier who might not even have been 20 years old, his mind suddenly shrunk when he heard the poor, big boy crying “Mommy” in his last moments. He thought of his mother’s rotten face and the beautiful appearance his mother used to have when she played the piano in the sunshine. All of a sudden, the pain, which he had neglected, came pouring over him like a mountain. He relaxed his tentacles and let the soldier lay paralyzed on the ground. The soldier had even peed his pants. And he himself knelt down on the floor, the world in front of him spinning, and a sense of exhaustion and depression gradually covered his eyes.

Ethan didn’t want to give up, and he didn’t want to be knocked down by that terrifying pain. But in the end, he was badly injured. The solution of the God of Order’s eggs made him unable to heal quickly, and the black blood flowed into a long trail behind him.

He lost consciousness.


When he woke up, the sun was shining through the window, a snow-white curtain was dancing under the pale golden light, and the sunlight warmed his eyelids. The air was filled with the comfortable scent of fish or kelp, and the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore again and again was like eternal background music. He stretched out on the bed and sat up, feeling around for his glasses on the bedside table and putting them on. Everything in front of him became clear.

It was a clean and warm bedroom with a large double bed and soft white bedding. There were unread books and a cup of cool black tea on the bedside table. Next to the wardrobe were wicker laundry baskets piled with dirty clothes. The pillow behind him was soft and familiar, and beside it, there was a bedsheet with subtle creases. A person’s body temperature still remained on it, and two strands of golden hair were left on the pillow.

He leaned down and sniffed the pillow. The light smell of sandalwood made him feel so comfortable that he wanted to sigh. A warm palpitation filled his heart and spread throughout his body, causing him to smile unconsciously.

All of a sudden, a white cat with black spots jumped onto the bed, meowing twice before it stepped on his thigh a few times, as if looking for a comfortable spot. Finally, it collapsed gracefully and lazily and began to lick its paws and clean its face. Ethan looked at the white cat with some surprise, as if he had never seen it before. He tried to touch its head, but it let out a grunt as if it was familiar with him and narrowed its eyes under Ethan’s touch.

Outside of the window, the beautiful blue sea was lapping slowly at the end of the golden beach. The sky was crystal clear, and the seagulls were flying in a flock. It was a beautiful scene, much like a dream. But to him, it was normal. After all, this was his daily life.

He was suddenly a little upset because he had just had a long, evil, and terrifying dream. He hoped that he could hold the person sleeping beside him to find some comfort.

But at this time, a man came in through the open bedroom door. He was wearing a comfortable white robe and pajamas, revealing a strong and snow-white chest. He was holding a plate containing freshly baked slices of bread, ham, cheese, and fried eggs, as well as two cups of hot coffee. The misty smoke submerged his delicate porcelain doll-like face. His blond hair seemed to have just been washed and was a little wet at its tips, sticking to his forehead. His gray eyes curved slightly, and his smile was bright and simple.

“Lazy ass, you’re finally willing to get up?”

Ethan looked at Tanisiel greedily as if he hadn’t seen him for a long time. But they lived together every day, didn’t they? They came to Moania a long time ago and bought this hut. He worked as a secretary for a spaceship manufacturing company, while Tanisiel worked as a professor in the interstellar anthropology department in the university. They adopted the kitten a year ago and were discussing whether to adopt another puppy these past two days.

Tanisiel moved to the other side of the bed and sat down, carefully placing the plate on the quilt. Seeing that Ethan was still looking at him, he couldn’t help but smile. He reached out, gently raised Ethan’s chin, and gave him a quick peck on his lips. “What’s the matter, are you dazzled by me again?”

Ethan pretended to be angry, slapping his hand away and rolling his eyes. “I just dreamed that you were dead.”

Tanisiel laughed. “I heard that there is a saying that dreams are a way to satisfy wishes that are difficult to realize in reality. Do you want me to die to become a rich widower?”

“First of all, you teachers aren’t rich.” Ethan wore an expression as if he was very reasonable and waved his finger at him. “Secondly, I’m not going to be a widower.”

“Oh? Is there anyone else besides me who can satisfy your bedtime hobby of wanting to be abused?”

Ethan picked up the pillow behind him and smashed it against him. Tanisiel was hit so much that he laughed, and the two men nearly overturned the plate. Tanisiel grabbed him by his wrist and pressed him on the bed, looking at him in a very charming manner as he said in a seductive tone, “Do you want to eat in the morning, or do you want to be eaten by me?”

“Why don’t I eat you?” Ethan did not give in as he lifted the corners of his lips.

The atmosphere between the two people gradually became ambiguous and lovey-dovey, but at this time, they heard Little Treasure—their cat, smacking its lips. When they turned their heads, they saw that Little Treasure had already taken the initiative to eat the ham when they were making trouble.

Tanisiel let out a cry of chagrin and roared, “Ta Little Treasure! You’d better stop it!”

Little Treasure revealed airplane ears, then darted out of bed like an arrow and ran out of the bedroom.

“It’s all your fault. Look.” Ethan had a look of pity as he grabbed the ham that Little Treasure had taken a bite of. Tanisiel, however, did not mind that and inched closer. He took a bite of Ethan’s hand. “What’s the matter? You usually hug and kiss it. Could it be that you disdain it?”

“……Are you jealous of it?” Ethan asked with a smile, looking back at the alarm clock on the desk. “Oh, it’s so late now! My parents will be here at two o’clock in the afternoon, and I’ll have to go to the supermarket later. We have run out of oil and washing liquid at home.”

“I’ll drive you there?”

“Don’t you have to grade your students’ papers?”

“I graded all of the papers yesterday, and I almost got angered to death by them. Now, you want me to continue grading them, could it be that you really want to murder your husband?” Tanisiel said, and he even showed an aggrieved posture, pressing his lips together and looking like he was about to weep.

Ethan smiled, shook his head, and took a sip of coffee. The bitter aroma flowed down his throat to his stomach. He turned his head and looked at Tanisiel, who was smearing jam on the bread and suddenly wanted to cry for some reason.

And then, he actually cried.

Tanisiel turned to look at him with a slightly strange look in his eyes.

“Honey, there seems to be something……strange coming out of your eyes?”

Ethan raised his hand to wipe his tears that appeared suddenly. When he raised his hand in front of his eyes, he suddenly froze.

The tears were black.

“Is this what you want?” Suddenly, a terrifying voice that didn’t belong to a human came from the sky, and everything around him froze.

The wind stopped blowing, the curtains stopped moving, the sound of the waves disappeared, and the coffee stopped letting off steam.

Tanisiel was gone.

Ethan couldn’t move. It was like he had fallen into an ice cave. His hand loosened, and the coffee cup fell on the bed, but no coffee spilled.

He hugged his head with his hands and shook his head to escape from this. “Impossible……impossible……I don’t want to go back……I don’t want to go back……”

“I don’t want to go back!”

He woke up as he shouted this sentence.

There was a group of people surrounding him. In their hands were lit candles, and their chests were decorated with the sigil of the Lord Grace’s Association.

In front of him, Chen Zeng was wearing a black robe, and as usual, a kind smile adorned his face.

“Welcome back.”

The author has something to say:

All of a sudden, it seemed that my family’s shou had his family ruined and all family members dead? (:з」∠)_

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