Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 124: The Prophetic Land (X)

Ethan didn’t expect to encounter Typhoeus aboard the Apocalypse.

He hardly needed to sleep now. While everyone in the spaceship slept, he would walk alone in the corridor where the light and shadow overlapped and smell the unique scents from every human body in the air.

Human beings don’t know that when they feel different emotions, they have different tastes. However, in this spaceship, it seemed that their smell would infect each other, and the difference between each person was much smaller than that in the previous Seventh Space Station. It was a unique mixture of intensity, dependence, power, happiness, hatred, and helplessness and fear that dominated all of the above. This was probably the taste of the so-called human faith?

If one described the reverence the Eves had for the gods of Disorder as the true form of lunatic belief, then one could describe the belief people had here as paralyzing themselves in the face of fear and despair of the unknown.

However, the taste of this impermeable belief was not unchangeable. Occasionally, he would smell suspicion. That was how he found Typhoeus.

The most important place on the Apocalypse was probably the chapel in the middle of the spacecraft. In front of the Lord Grace’s Association Cross stood the crucifixion of Jesus. However, behind the crucifixion stood a black, octopus-like figure, which was probably the image of the Great Evil God in their imaginations. Looking at the tentacles and the human body in the center, Ethan doubted whether the image was based on him.

There were no chairs in the chapel. Everyone was kneeling on a square mat. The chapel was usually empty at this time, but Ethan smelled a familiar scent inside.

The unique scent of an Omega.

At this time, Typhoeus stood motionless in front of the statue, as if in a daze. Ethan walked slowly behind him.

“I didn’t expect you to join the Lord Grace’s Association.” Ethan’s voice was a little cold.

Typhoeus turned around slowly, and his beautiful face was calm. He seemed to have expected to see him. “Now, people who want to live can only join them, and I just want to live.”

“What about the others in the Forbidden City?”

Typhoeus lowered his eyes. “Since you had an accident underground, the plague broke out in the Forbidden City first. The government decided to isolate the Forbidden City, and Vasilev began to slaughter people who might be infected in the city. People were afraid that they would be infected, and even people with a simple cold would be reported. Only the people from the Lord Grace’s Association would receive preferential treatment and be given a period of time for observation. Therefore, most of them converted to the religion of the Lord Grace’s Association. Later, the plague spread all over Earth. In order to control the epidemic, the Earth Union placed the entire planet into an isolated area, and the Forbidden City was left almost unattended. Now, it’s become the headquarters of the Lord Grace’s Association.”

“All the guards are gone?”

“No, there are still many guards in the Forbidden City, but most of them are believers of the Lord Grace’s Association. Even Vasiliev has sided with Chen Zeng.”

Recalling the chaotic and dirty Forbidden City, Ethan had mixed feelings. Before approaching the altar, he picked up the silver goblet dedicated to their god and filled it with blood-like red wine. He swirled the liquor and asked, “Were you tortured before betraying Samuel and the chief security officer?”

Typhoeus finally showed some sadness and shame. He lowered his head and said, “Vasilev had already gotten the DNA of the chief security officer at that time, and even if I didn’t reveal the fact, he was already finished…… They said that as long as I was willing to testify, they could give me 50 moral value points……”

Typhoeus didn’t look at him with fear, but instead, he looked more tired. He looked older and thinner than he did previously, and Ethan could no longer see the proud light in his eyes from when he was in the Energy Bureau.

He said, “I’m not that naive. I heard about what you did, and I know you’re different now. I just want to say……I’m sorry.”

Ethan gazed at him with an unshakable look in his eyes.

If Typhoeus hadn’t snitched, the identities of Schneider and Samuel would not have been exposed, and they would not have been arrested or lynched by the people from the Lord Grace’s Association. Things would not have turned out this way. There would have been no plague, nothing would have happened on the Eves’ planet, he would not have entered adulthood, he would not have lost Tanisiel, his father would not have been infected or been shot……

But on the other hand, if Vasiliev really had Schneider’s DNA long ago, his snitching would just have been the icing on the cake, and his snitching would not change the outcome.

But even so, such a betrayal couldn’t be forgiven.

The huge shadow behind Ethan rose, and the strong tentacles wrapped around Typhoeus’s waist. The Omega’s heart was beating so fast. His body trembled in fear of death, but he didn’t struggle.

“I’m sorry……” he said in a low voice, slowly closing his eyes, “I’m tired of running… If I knew I couldn’t get out of the Forbidden City, I wouldn’t have done that… I’m willing to pay with my life…”

“Loyalty without free will is not loyalty at all.” Ethan looked at him with a kind of pity. “If I give you another chance, you would still betray us.”

With that, another strange and tube-like tentacle stretched out from behind him and forced itself into Typhoeus’s throat. The Omega’s body twitched uncontrollably in its restraints, and a thick black liquid was poured into the other’s slim throat.

He heard the sound of Typhoeus choking and saw the fear rising in the other’s eyes.

He was not going to kill Typhoeus.

Since the Omega wanted to live, he’d fulfill his wishes.

A minute later, he finally let go of Typhoeus, who immediately fell to the ground like a pool of mud, covered his throat, and retched on the ground. However, nothing came out.

“No one will be able to notice the changes for the first few days. But after a few days, you won’t feel very well.” Ethan looked down at him and said, “You will leave the Forbidden City, and you will never betray me again.” Then, he left the chapel, passing by the poor man who was shivering like a fallen leaf in the wind.


Three days later, they had gotten close to Earth.

Obviously, the Apocalypse had a very strong stealth system. It actually had not been found by the several monitoring satellites scattered around the solar system and thus didn’t attract any pursuit.

Far away, the constantly beautiful but barren blue planet was still in its orbit, tirelessly rotating. Ethan looked at the cradle of civilization in the universe through the thick nano glass and felt a faint impatience in his heart.

If he actually found the secretary-general, if the secretary-general was really Nyarlathotep, if he really accepted the fate the other had arranged for him.

None of this would exist.

Earth, the space stations, the Eves’ planet, the Milky Way……

It would become as dangerous and desolate as the parallel universe, with few and distant stars and endless darkness.

But did it matter? He didn’t care. Was existence better than nonexistence?

“Eldridge.” Chen Zeng walked slowly to him with a polite smile on his face. “Good news. I have the whereabouts of the person you are looking for.”

Ethan’s eyeballs darted around, and he used the look in his eyes to ask him.

“Abel Ross. Previously, because of what happened to you, he was implicated. His position was sealed, but it seems that he was still participating in some important decisions within the Energy Bureau. He disappeared after you disappeared from the Forbidden City. Some people said that he was assassinated by the Earth Union. But just a few days ago, someone saw him outside the isolation zone of the Tenth Space Station. He was riding in a spaceship and seemed to be trying to enter the area infected by the second laws of the parallel universe.”

The Tenth Space Station……

Ethan still remembered when he watched the space twist in front of him, watched as people fell apart in front of him and turned into a pool of flesh and water.

“Where is he now?”

“No one’s seen him since he went to the Tenth Space Station.”

Ethan looked at him with a cold look in his eyes. “You call this finding him?”

“People who enter the isolation zone of the Tenth Space Station have never been able to come out from it,” Chen Zeng said.

Ethan laughed. “The problem is, he’s not human.”


When the spaceship landed, no one knew that the infection had begun to spread among the believers.

What Ethan injected into Typhoeus was not as fast-acting or strong as the mutation he fed the blond guard previously. On the contrary, this time, the infection was more patient and pervasive. When Typhoeus coughed, the parasitic spores would float along and follow his breath into the air, quietly drilling into the bodies of every believer nearby.

Ethan didn’t know what they would mutate into. He simply relied on an almost primitive instinct to release the fast-growing things from his body and pour them into Typhoeus.

He hoped these spores would make more people his own, mutating those who called him a monster.

When the spaceship landed in the desert near the Forbidden City, the black outline of the evil city could be seen from a distance. There was a faint putrid smell in the air. It used to be disgusting, but now it smelled kind. It was as if he belonged to it.

The gates of the Forbidden City were wide open, as if welcoming a warrior who had returned triumphantly. There were many nonhumans in the heavily guarded city walls. They watched the people who came back with pairs of frightened or empty eyes, and the sky over the city was horribly quiet.

The atmosphere in the Forbidden City had changed. It was clear that there was no garrison from the Earth Union, but the oppressive air here had solidified. Ethan saw many faces he had seen before on both sides of the road. They were noisy hooligans who had grown up in the streets, but now, they stood respectfully on both sides of the road, appearing humble and cautious.

But obviously, their fear of Ethan could not be concealed. They didn’t dare look up at him, and they even shrunk their shoulders as if they wanted to step back.

This feeling of being feared and respected felt surprisingly good.

No wonder people would always want to step on other people to climb to the heights of power. No wonder even good-natured people would become tyrants once they obtained the power to control life and death.

Ethan looked around and said to Chen Zeng, “Where’s Vasilev?”

Chen Zeng seems to be surprised that he will ask about Gray Fur. “Are you looking for him?”

“Yes. I want you to tie him up and bring him to me. Also, build me an execution platform right here,” Ethan said, with a dark and evil sneer, “Didn’t you say that I am the messenger who brought about doomsday’s judgment? Then, I will not hesitate to take up that title.”

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