Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 129: The End of the World (II)

Before entering the conference room in the command center, Roland adjusted his tie using his reflection on the glass wall next to him. He was a little nervous. After all, it was his first time meeting with the top leaders of the Earth Union in such an open and above-board manner as a consultant to the Ophiuchus Alliance.

The secretary told him that the head priest of the nameless Eve temple—who was also a high priest of the God of Order’s faction, had personally brought ten of the God of Order’s eggs. Obviously, the attempt of the God of Disorder’s faction to summon Azathoth had spread throughout the entire country, along with the death of Tanisiel and the series of disturbances raised by Ethan in the Earth Union and the Ophiuchus Alliance. Even their Eve king had secretly become a believer of the God of Disorder, which caused a big stir in the society dominated by the Order faction. More than half of the Eves felt that they were fooled by their king. Now, the Eve king’s nephew, the successor to the throne, had died. The next in line for the throne, Sagalore, used the current public opinion to stir up a lot of anti-king sentiments.

Under such a situation, the Eve king had to agree to the request of the high priest of the God of Order faction to take ten God of Order’s eggs with him to help Earth prevent the first universal invasion planned by Nyarlathotep.

The relationship between the Ophiuchus Alliance and the Eves was weak and even hostile due to the relationship between the Eves and the Earth Union. However, people in the Ophiuchus Alliance had always been very afraid of the Eves, who seemed to be able to use their third eyes to see through the hearts of others, and they were very cautious when dealing with them. Roland was no exception. When the automatic door to the conference hall slowly opened in front of him, he sorted out his emotions and stepped in.

Today’s meeting was attended by several important members of the Earth Union’s State Council, including the respected council member Sean. They sat around the oval conference table, and several people from the military who ranked as high as general were sitting around as well. On the other side sat the Eve priest, who was older but looked much younger than the average Earthling. He sat at the conference table with an elegant yet stern appearance. Although his third eye was closed, his light brown eyes still possessed a sort of sharpness that could penetrate one’s heart.

Two Ophiuchus Alliance generals followed behind Roland, as he was the only one who had direct contact with Ethan Eldridge.

Once they entered the room, an invisible hostility honed in on them from all sides. There was too much conflict between the Earth Union and Ophiuchus Alliance. Even now, when they were forced to share a common enemy, it was difficult to put down their hostility completely.

“It seems that it has begun,” the high priest of the God of Order’s faction said lightly.

All eyes fell on the wise old Eve man, and the latter continued, “According to the information we got from Eve king and the God of Disorder faction, Ethan Elridge was originally the only descendant of the God of Disorder who could freely move in our universe—Nyarlathotep and a Heavenbounder’s descendant. His mental power is so strong that it cannot be underestimated, but it was not until he entered adulthood that this mental power and the forces of Disorder hidden in his body broke out. The God of Disorder faction wanted Azathoth to descend into our universe. Azathoth is the source of chaos in countless universes, but this God has no reason. Although he is powerful enough to influence and rewrite any laws of the universe, he is unintelligent. Nyarlathotep has been playing the role of his emissary, but from a certain point of view, Nyarlathotep even controls the core of the universe.

“Ethan Eldridge, as the son of Nyarlathotep, naturally has a great mental power that we can’t even measure. That’s why only his body can bear the mental power of the core of the universe. When Azathoth descends, Ethan Eldridge’s soul will likely be completely engulfed and will no longer exist. But at the same time, there is another possibility. The core of the universe might be unintelligent and remain unconscious when it descends. That is to say, there is a certain probability that Ethan Eldridge’s soul will eventually merge with the core of the universe and even become the true consciousness of the core of the universe. This is something Nyarlathotep can’t accept.

“In order to ensure a smooth descent of the core of the universe, it is necessary to find a way to make Ethan Eldridge voluntarily give up ownership of his body. It is only when his soul does not struggle that the possession and domination of his body will be unaffected. In recent years, the people of the Disorder faction have been collecting manuscripts from all over the world for the purpose of guiding Ethan Eldridge to abandon himself and accept the core of the universe. Now, it seems that they are already doing it.”

As Roland listened to all this incredulous information, he still couldn’t connect the information he heard to the shy, bespectacled government secretary who smiled at him a few years ago. He had witnessed Ethan’s changes and seen how strong and cold he was, as if he had no feelings. Although he tried to kill that man many times, somewhere in his heart, he still remembered the man who once seriously liked him. At that time, he was even slightly lacking in confidence.

Roland asked, “What will happen if Ethan Eldridge really gives up on himself?”

“It’s very simple. We will witness the coming of the gods and the end of the universe at the same time, unless…” The high priest sighed with regret and said, “Unless we launch these holy objects at the right time.”

“Can the God of Order’s eggs really kill Ethan Eldridge?” council member Sean asked incredulously, then said contemptuously, “The Ophiuchus Alliance couldn’t even kill him with a heavy-weight laser gun.”

“The God of Order’s eggs can weaken him, but now they serve a more important function.” As soon as the high priest raised his hand, a priest in silver placed a treasure box in front of him. He lifted the lid, and a somber and moving blue light poured out in an instant, filling the whole room.

“The God of Order’s eggs are the detectors and protective devices that the God of Order has left in our universe. I’m embarrassed to say this idea was originally put forward by Theonile, a priest of the Disorder faction. However, according to our research in recent years, this conjecture is probably true. When the God of Order’s eggs detect too many forces of Disorder polluting the universe, they can not only explode like bombs, but the huge energy released by them can shake the particular frequency of our universe and open a temporary channel to connect with other universes. In other words, the God of Order may be able to enter our universe briefly when multiple God of Order’s eggs erupt at the same time.”

Roland said, “Do you mean that the gods of Order and Disorder will fight in our universe?”

“From the divine message I received in my dream, this situation must be avoided as much as possible. After all, there are many resources in our universe that can be enjoyed by both of them. If they battle here, they will completely disturb the universe’s laws and destroy our universe. For them, it is tantamount to destroying a treasure, but for us, it is a disaster. There should be other ways for the God of Order to stop Nyarlathotep’s plan, which we don’t know yet.” The high priest sighed and said in a depressed tone, “We can only hope that this war can be avoided.”

One of the generals laughed bitterly. “Is this your plan? Placing your hope on myths and legends? Betting our lives based on your dreams?”

Roland gave the general a deep stare. “If you saw Ethan Eldridge’s ability as clearly as I have, you won’t doubt that something far beyond our cognitive ability exists in the universe. Besides, the infection of the second universe has also extended to the boundary of the Eighth Space Station, right? Have you ever wondered why the laws of our universe are declining in the face of the infection from the second universe, or whether the forces of Disorder in our universe are unconsciously growing more abundant, until our universe is pulled in the direction of the second universe?”

Council Member Sean stared at him coldly. “The infection of the second universe is under our control, so please don’t talk about it casually.”

“If it’s really under control, then why are you evacuating people from the Eighth and Ninth Space Stations? Why do all the spacecraft routes avoid all the regions from the Eighth Space Station to Neptune?” Roland asked, smiling politely. “Even if you don’t want to admit it, you know that the speed of infection is accelerating, especially after Ethan Eldridge entered adulthood. How long will it take before the entire solar system is infected?”

Order will collapse as the worms whine in the empty earth. Shadows will devour the entire galaxy, and God’s expulsion will open the door of chaos.

Eternity is coming to an end, and the sleeping king is about to awaken.

At this time, some observers reported that there was an abnormal situation on Earth, and none of the satellite monitoring systems in Ethan Eldridge’s vicinity could detect what was wrong. Moreover, according to the data sent back by the gravity detection satellite, the force field and magnetic field on Earth were very chaotic, and there was a curve in the spacetime caused by relatively strong gravitational waves.

Everyone was surprised. At the same time, an urgent order was issued by President Appiah: Launch the God of Order’s eggs immediately.

Councilmember Sean still hesitated. He never believed in the words of the Ophiuchus Alliance and the Eves. But obviously, at this moment, he had no other alternatives, so he finally stood up and ordered the generals beside him in a cold voice, “The President’s orders have arrived, so let’s start.”

Outside the quiet meeting room, the command center was in a hurry. The Ophiuchus Alliance’s tracking and positioning device were in place, and the God of Order’s eggs were being loaded into the launcher by a priest.

Facing the solemn eyes of the crowd, the high priest murmured, “It seems that Ethan Eldridge has finally accepted his fate.”

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