Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 131: The End of the World (IV)

As their ten fingers intertwined, it was as if a lifetime had elapsed.

But in the next moment, the sky was torn apart. Their original view of the sky was gone, and it was replaced by a scene of countless colorful lumps. Humans were unable to comprehend what it was or digest the complete picture. It was everywhere, embracing and swallowing everything. It was the beginning and end of life and the beginning and end of the universe. As Azathoth gradually invaded the world, the parallel universe also swallowed their current universe, moving inward from the edge of the solar system hundreds of times faster than before. Many space stations instantly twisted into masses of steel, and the originally hard materials were twisted and deformed like mucus. Human bodies were integrated with inanimate furniture. Before these humans could even experience pain, they were crushed into floating molecules as the laws of the universe suddenly changed.

A short-lived and gorgeous flame was ignited in space, and even the huge planets Saturn and Jupiter were swallowed up. In an instant, they scattered into tens of millions of specks of stardust. They burst into beautiful fireworks, swallowed by the black parallel universe.

The invasion was so rapid that it had quickly approached the command center where Roland and the others were. The members of the State Council were scrambling to evacuate, but the infection of the second universe was rapidly spreading to every corner of the solar system, and they were surrounded.

Azathoth’s invasion was too powerful. Once it started, it was impossible to stop it.

Ethan uttered a cry of pain, and his soul was torn to pieces. His memory blurred. He began to forget his parents’ names and even his own name. Problems started occurring with his cognition, and the colors in front of him scattered into meaningless fragments. He couldn’t tell what was Azathoth’s soul and what was his. Tired and miserable, he could only watch his hands turning into sharp claws and the blackness seeping into the skin on the back of his hands.

He was about to disappear.

It was probably because Tanisiel stayed in the God of Order’s hands for a long time and was stained with the God of Order’s breath, but his skin that was in contact with Ethan’s seemed to be burning and hissed, emitting smoke as it vaporized. He groaned bitterly but did not let go of Ethan.

“It’s too late…… It’s too late……” Ethan whispered, trying to let go of Tanisiel’s hand. “Leave…… Leave……”

But instead of letting go, Tanisiel jerked forward and hugged Ethan.

At this moment, they both experienced extreme pain…… It was a hundred times more painful than the pain he experienced when he was injected with the God of Order’s egg’s fluid, and the forces of Order fought with the forces of Disorder in the body. It was as if every cell in his body became a bomb and exploded, his blood became lava and burned, and his internal organs were melting.

Amid this intense pain, because their souls wanted to escape from the pain, they descended into a temporal dreamscape.

It was a familiar dreamscape, Tanisiel’s dreamscape.

The pond was as flat as a mirror, and some wine red ring-shaped leaves were floating on the bluish blue pond. There were many shrubs around the pond, with translucent blue and purple leaves interwoven and overlapped. The trunk of one of the most prominent giant trees would need ten people to wrap around its circumference. There were rose-red heart-shaped leaves about the size of human hands and appeared as a magnificent sunset fairy cloud, from which a lot of white silk strands were hanging, fluttering with the breeze.

Ethan couldn’t believe he actually appeared here. He blinked blankly and looked down at his body.

His whole life, from him suffering from extreme boredom and loneliness to his life completely flipping around, felt like he was merely shifted from one lonely predicament to another. And with this, everything was about to end.

A pair of hands quietly stretched out from behind him, gently encircling his body. Tanisiel’s presence surrounded him like a warm wind, which made his disintegrating spirit feel a moment of peace.

“You’re really not dead,” Ethan said, slightly choking up.


“What happened? I saw that when you entered warp drive, you were pulled away by something……”

Was it not Nyarlathotep who took Tanisiel but the God of Order?

“I don’t remember clearly…… I do remember being caught by something that came out of the ground……but as for what happened later……I can only remember fragments of it.” There seemed to be some confusion and uncertainty in Tanisiel’s voice. “I just remember that there was a kind of white fog everywhere, and I couldn’t see anything, I could only hear their voice. They said a lot of things, telling me that only I can save the universe, and only I can save you.” As Tanisiel recalled it, he suddenly chuckled. “To tell you the truth, I don’t care much about whether I can save the universe, but I know I can’t ignore you.”

Tanisiel’s voice was so soft and full of consolation. Ethan turned and looked intently into Tanisiel’s eyes. He reached out his hand tentatively, trying to touch Tanisiel, but he found that his sense of touch had disappeared, and he couldn’t feel anything at all, as if he was slowly turning to gas.

His heart was submerged in sadness, and he looked at Tanisiel with love. “It’s too late. You should quickly flee.”

“No, there’s still time!” Tanisiel held his shoulders with both hands, though Ethan didn’t know if he could really hold him. “Listen to me. No matter what Nyarlathotep said to you, don’t believe it. He was afraid of you, afraid that you would resist, so he didn’t dare to descend to your body! Azathoth is fragile in this universe, because this universe is dominated by the God of Order, and he needs your body to be able to exist here for a long time. Moreover, although Azathoth has an endless supply of mental power, he has no intelligence or self-consciousness. He’s just like an unattended beast, while you are a descendant of Nyarlathotep. Your mental power is far greater than that of human beings. If you were in the God of Disorder’s universe, maybe you wouldn’t be able to do anything, but here you have the ability to tame and suppress him with your consciousness! Because this is your body, your universe!”

Ethan stared at him, but he didn’t believe what he had said. “I can’t……I have absolutely no idea how to resist……”

“Think about your childhood, think about those happy days you had previously.” Tanisiel stretched out his arms and held Ethan in his arms. “You have experienced a lot of misfortune and a lot of unfairness, which makes you hate the world. But isn’t there anything you want to keep in this world? Maybe there are many children like you who want to go to the amusement park, many introverted children like me who haven’t had time to find friends and many people like Samuel who haven’t had time to show their true selves. Don’t you want to fight for those beautiful things again?”

Ethan was silent. He had long since forgotten what these beautiful things looked like.

Since he entered the Forbidden City, he seemed to have grown estranged from the world. What he saw, heard, and felt was hatred and betrayal among people. He really couldn’t imagine that there was anything to be nostalgic about.

Tanisiel gently stroked the back of his head and held him closer. “If you can’t imagine it, then think about us. Remember the first time we met onboard? I saved you from that man, and I helped you and Samuel. Do you remember?”

Ethan’s memory instantly returned to that moment, and he unconsciously smiled. “I remember……but that was not the first time we met……”

“It wasn’t?”

“I saw you as soon as I got on the ship. But you didn’t see me.” Ethan raised his head, and his smile carried a tinge of sadness. “At that time, you probably thought you should be looking for Samuel.”

Tanisiel’s heart ached slightly, because he pitied Ethan. He stroked Ethan’s cheek and said, “Blame my bad eyes. Punish me so that I’ll have to always look at you in the future, okay?”

Ethan leaned his head on the priest’s shoulder. If he could still cry now, his face would have been full of tears, but now, he had nothing left in the world. He could only stay as close to the priest as possible. If he really had to disappear in the end, he hoped that he could disperse slowly in the arms of the priest right here.

Tanisiel’s voice was no longer stable, and it trembled slightly as he spoke, “Do you remember how I helped you get the inhibitor for Samuel on the spaceship, and you owed me one? I said I would ask you to do something for me.”

Ethan thought for a long time before vaguely recalling when this had happened from his dissipating memories. He looked at Tanisiel in confusion and asked, “Now?”

“Mm, right now.” Tanisiel gently lifted his face with both of his hands and looked at him intently. “I want you to live for me.”

Ethan’s eyes widened slightly, and his lips opened and closed a few times, unable to speak. It never occurred to him that this would be Tanisiel’s last request.

“Ethan, you are not the only one who has lost everything. I only have you now. Do you have the heart to leave me?” Tanisiel’s tenderness was permeated with a layer of sadness. This was an emotion which only people who experienced a similar kind of loneliness could relate to.

At this moment, in the real world, amid the vortex of countless terrifying tentacles, two black tears slowly slid down from Ethan’s empty green eyes.

In the dreamscape, under the beautiful red tree, Ethan also raised his head, slightly stood on tiptoe, and kissed Tanisiel’s lips.

“I just want to be with you all the time……” Ethan sighed as both of their lips brushed against each other, and he closed his eyes slowly.

“There’s something that I didn’t realize I should have said to you until the moment I ‘died.’” Tanisiel whispered close to his lips, “I think I may be in love with you.”

Maybe that was what Ethan had been waiting for all his life.

Perhaps this was his final salvation.

Maybe he could try again for the last time. Even if he was facing the origin of madness and chaos that had the power to crush all interstellar civilization, he was no longer afraid.

Hope was renewed within him again.

As a result, even as the crazy Azathoth dyed his originally green eyes red, his black tentacles dripping with the flames of chaos as they tore apart the front end of the huge God of Order in front of him, and vortices from the God of Disorder’s universe rapidly appeared around Earth, a trace of uneasiness suddenly appeared within the eyes of “Azathoth.”

Not far away, Nyarlathotep roared in a language that no interstellar civilization could understand, but his anger was immediately snuffed out by the relatively weak and cylindrical God of Order near him. The earth shook violently, mountains collapsed, earthquakes occurred, and hot lava erupted from volcanoes. Earth’s core was no longer stable, and the blue planet was about to disintegrate.

And this was just the beginning of the forces of Disorder infecting the first universe. Soon, the whole galaxy would fall into eternal darkness.


The author has something to say:

If there is no accident, the next chapter is over. I feel that it’s difficult to define the ending as HE or BE. I personally think the ending isn’t so cruel……

In fact, the most cunning one is the God of Order……who does great things in silence……

T/N: The next chapter (the final chapter) will be split into two to be posted due to its length. If nothing unexpected happens, this novel will end, with its final update on Sat.

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