Fallout Wastelander

Chapter 29: Complete Control Established

About a minute into my hack, I managed to bypass the terminal's security, gaining access to the mainframe and whatever it had control of.

Well, that wasn't all that difficult. Let's see what I'm working with here.

From that point on, I spent the next several minutes going over what the mainframe had access to and control over. And after going through a decent portion of the terminal, I found out that the mainframe basically ran the whole facility, top to bottom, from the Protectrons spread out all across the facility, doing their patrols to the turrets mounted right outside of this room.

Hmm, things don't appear to be in too bad of a state so far, but I need to go through everything in its entirety to have a comprehensive idea of what needs to get worked on first.

Continuing to navigate and explore the terminal, I made another discovery in the next few minutes.

Oh, there are even a couple of sentry bots too, nice. I will definitely put those to good use, but before doing so I'll need to give them a bit of an upgrade first because they're the stock models. At least that is what the terminal is telling me.

The manufacturing machines, on the other hand, seemed to be in a much better state than I thought they would be. And the sole reason for that was that they were being actively maintained by the maintenance robots here. That said, they're not in pristine condition, thus the manufacturing machines still require some repairs to bring them fully online.

I don't believe it'll take me all that long to get them up and running, seeing how I already have a bunch of fabricated parts in my possession that I made years ago for this exact situation. And in the event I encounter an issue that needs parts I don't have on hand, I'll just have my automated manufacturing machines I brought along with me churn the necessary parts out. Which shouldn't take more than a few hours' time to get them assembled.

Besides all that, I made another find while I was browsing the mainframe. That find was a log for the current amount of resources the facility had and from what I was reading on the terminal screen, there seemed to be a ton of stuff left, especially in the underground level. So I should be good on resources for the moment if the resource log has the correct amounts listed.

Unfortunately, even if this place is well-stocked, I will still need to spend a good amount of time heading back and forth from Vault 101 to gather the rest of my things. And before I can do even that, I'll need to wait until I have a decent amount of defenses built and set up, since I'm not exactly comfortable with the current defenses and security measures.


That should be everything. Time to set myself as the owner/administrator and get this place fixed up to become my new home for the foreseeable future.

Beginning the process of setting myself as the new owner, I began clearing out all the people off the system. It took a couple of minutes to finish that task, but once I did, I set myself as the sole controller of this place and all its systems and robots. With that completed, I went over a few other things in the system, such as the number of robots and turrets I had at my disposal. Which amounted to about 30 Assaultrons, 8 Mister Handy Maintenance Models, 459 Protectrons, and 10 Sentry Bots, half of which were the gatling laser variants and the other half were the minigun variants.

As for the number of turrets, they only amounted to a mere 20 laser turrets spread out across the different areas of the facility that needed to be a bit more secure than others. So that will definitely be one of the first things that will need to be massively expanded and upgraded in the near future to make this place safe and secure.

Ohh, and now that I'm thinking about it, I should also issue a new order to have all the robots gather towards the loading area of the facility so I can use Mechu-deru on them. It would be easier going about it that way instead of wasting my time hunting each individual robot down across this massive robot plant.

After issuing that new directive, I got up from the 200-plus-year-old chair and used Mechu-deru on the mainframe, gaining full control of the mainframe. From that point, I headed out of the room that held the core of this place, nearing the 4 laser turrets that I snuck past originally.

The second I was close enough to them, I used Mechu-deru on the 4 of them and proceeded in the direction of the stairwell. Reaching the door for the stairwell quickly, I opened it up and walked down the many steps to the ground floor, where I then followed the group of Protectrons that were originally roaming around the warehouse area. But were now heading towards the loading area due to the new order I issued up above.

Several minutes of following the group of Protectrons at a decently fast pace later, I arrived at the loading area and man was the size and scale of it just absolutely enormous. It was so large that I estimated that it could probably accommodate over several thousand sentry bots standing side by side, along with a dozen Liberty Primes sprinkled throughout.

Not seeing all the robots here just yet, I waited patiently and watched them stream into the wide space, one robot after the next. It took half an hour of waiting, but the rest of the robots eventually streamed into the loading area. Fortunately, the time I spent waiting wasn't all that boring since I got to listen to the impressive number of noises they made as they walked, rolled, and hovered in.

It will be quite the sight to behold when I get this plant into shape and have a constant stream of robots coming off the production line. 

Imagining myself amassing the largest force this wasteland has ever seen, the last of the robots had finally arrived and gathered in the loading area of the facility. So, with tons of work needing to be taken care of, I utilized Mechu-deru to gain absolute control over each and every one of the robots. For every new robot I took control of with my ability, the more my calculation speed increased, although only slightly with every new robot taken over.

A while later, as I was nearly finished taking over all the robots, a thought occurred to me. 

I wonder what would happen if I were to use Mechu-deru on a Robobrain... It is a human brain so maybe it will increase my intelligence and give me some other bonuses... or it may just provide the same effects as taking over a regular robot. Hopefully not because that would be a bummer. 

With that idea planting itself into my mind, I came to the conclusion that I'll definitely have to head up north to the vault located underneath Smith Casey's Garage and retrieve some Robobrains to test out whether they can provide me with some benefits. And while I'm there, I can see about maybe making a deal with Doctor Stanislaus Braun.

However, seeing how he's a bit of a nutcase and his personality is on the pretty vile side, at least in the games, it may not be worth investing the time trying to convince him to join me. I honestly might just be better off removing his brain and stuffing it into a Robobrain to get whatever use I can out of him before I send him off on his way into the afterlife if he's too difficult to deal with...

Getting back to what I was doing, let me finish up taking over the rest of these robots with Mechu-deru.


"Phew, I'm finally done." I thought aloud.

Time to head out front to get a bit of fresh air and move my robots inside and have these new recruits occupy optimal defensive positions.

Doing just that, I sent a signal to the many security robots here to head out and take positions at every entry point, which in this case was simply the front entrance and the loading bay area. Hence, a majority of the robots just ended up just taking defensive positions around the area while a few Assaultrons along with two sentry bots headed towards the front entrance.

Following that, I had a Mister Handy open the largest set of doors in the loading area before I turned around and followed after the Assaultrons and Sentry Bots heading towards the front entrance. Upon reaching the front entrance of the facility, I put away Guillotine and re-equipped my gatling gun Mulcher along with its magazine since you can never be too careful or prepared out here in the wasteland.

Once I had it equipped, I headed outside and issued a command to all of my robots outside to follow me around back into the loading area. Whilst we were circling around the building, I scanned the area, occasionally looking out for any potential danger as we moved. Thankfully, I didn't spot anything, so we had a nice uneventful trip around the facility.

When we got to the back of the building, I had all my robots that were currently following go on through. As soon as every one of my robots as well as myself had made it past the massive opening, I had the previous Mister Handy shut the door we just entered through. And right as the Mister Handy pressed the button, the massive blast door began producing a ton of noise as the door began closing.


That's not good. Both the siren and light are busted. I'm going to need to get that fixed as fast as possible since a person or robot could easily get crushed while the doors are closing.

Adding another thing to my ever-expanding to-do list, my thoughts went elsewhere.

Time to get down to business now and to start things off. Let's have the robots begin unloading so we can get this place up and running asap.

"Alright, guys, start getting everything unloaded while I go inspect the manufacturing area of the facility and the basement to see where we're gonna set up my automated manufacturing machines." I told my robots as I stowed away Mulcher again along with its magazine. 

With both items stored away in my item box now, I headed toward the manufacturing area of the facility that was located right next to the loading area. After a short amount of walking, I entered the manufacturing portion of the facility.


"Quite the large space we have here. It shouldn't have any issue accommodating double the amount of manufacturing machines from what I can see, though let me check out the condition of the equipment." I commented aloud to myself before I started inspecting one piece of machinery after another.

Several minutes later, after I physically inspected each machine, I determined that it shouldn't take longer than a week to get everything up and running properly, including getting the Sentry Bots up to spec. Since all I really have to do is add some extra armor, weaponry and replace their current power systems with fusion breeder tech.

Hmm, I should also take a look at the power plants here to see if anything needs to be done immediately. But before that, let's first send an order to the robots to start moving and assembling my automated manufacturing machines in this area so we can get the ball rolling here.

As soon as I sent the new command over with Mechu-deru, I headed down to the underground level immediately via elevator where the power plants were located to see what sort of power plants were installed at this facility and what condition they were in.

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If you're looking for something else to read, that's similar to this, check out my other webnovel Wasteland Conqueror. It has a lot more chapters released.

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