Fang yuan if he was Swordsman

Final fight

He caressed his sword, its sharpness reflecting and shining in the rays of the setting sun

He looked fondly at this peerless sword, his eyes filled with reverence yet he unexpectedly emotionally sighed at it

Fang yuan stood in front of his nemesis and spoke :

"I always struggle at using this sword in battle or even training, a part of me loves the sword, its beauty and majesty, rather than fighting, I would rather just observe it forever, just be in its presence and see it, the sword is my weapon as well my best friend, most importantly, it is my life."

He sighed and continued.

"but another part of myself makes my blood boil each time I think of wielding it, just having it my hand is enough for me to feel a rush of excitment, a fire burning in my heart and an unshakeable resolve to experience it!"

instantly! a rush of sharp bloody killing intent emanated from his body, akin to a raging ocean.

yet it appeared only to disappear in an instant.

he sighed "but there is also fear, what if I couldn't bring out its full potential? wouldn't that be a shame? wouldn't that make me unworthy of it?"

Thats why I wield it, thats why I train with it, I do not see my sword as a tool but as a part of myself, no! thats wrong, I am the tool of the sword, the less I shine, the more it shines and brings out its glory,

I am merely the instrument of the sword, it is only then that I and the sword become one, when I fully yield to the sword, it fully yields to me and thus I can use my skills to bring out its true majesty"

"But at the same time, what a shame!"

He caressed the sword with two fingers and made the sword face the sun rays again as well as leak out its Emperor's aura, its reflection made the sharpness and aura look all the more heaven-defying and chilling!

Fang yuan remained silent for what seemed like a long time yet in reality was just a few breaths

"I love not using swords yet I despise not using them, do you know why?"

his nemesis listened and had light shining in his eyes : "why?"

"because it shows me the truth of reality, a sword is sharp and penetrating, a tool to kill, it is meant to be used, a sword that isnt used no matter how terrifying it is, is inert, but at the same time, the more a sword is used, the weaker it becomes, the more it blunts and ultimately at its end breaks.

just the amount of refinement, of blood, sweat and tears it took to forge it, the constant forging of the steel in hellish temperatures, with the strike of the hammer constantly hitting it, all of these harsh processes to refine raw heavenly steel into a sword, yet if this masterpiece despite being a masterpiece is not used any longer it loses its true purpose no matter how heaven-defying it may be.

aren't we all like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"We all are born like raw steel, different types, aptitudes and talents, we all then embark on the path of cultivation, the journey of being forged constantly under the hammer of Heaven and earth, of trials and tribulations until we are forged into a sword with its all its majesty, we build our foundation and rise in ranks to become a true sword,

but even at that moment, you can never stop, if you stop fighting what was the point of cultivating to begin with?

You have to keep moving forward no matter what forever, even if you become a blunt blade, even if parts of you break apart even if in the end you perish.

In this world, there is no absolute immortality, all blades will break, all of us will vanish, but we have to keep moving forward nonetheless!

for the glory of the sword is not in its existence but in its majesty in battle, it is in battle that it comes into its glory, it is under the threat of destruction that it truly shines!

It is in movements, immortal techniques and the dao heart's connection to the sword that the sword can finally come into its glory

It is life and death battles that refine and challenge a cultivator that he may come into his glory.

Life is temporary, what is the point of fear, hesitation or regret?

It is battle, the expression of one's self and one's sword that matters, life and death in front of pure pursuit is lowly

My love for the sword burns hotter than the fear of desolation, failure or even death.

my love for the sword burns hotter than the sun, its presence more chilling than icy glaciers, my resolve firmer than mountains,

I stand here not because I want to fight you but because I must bring this sword into its full glory, only with your desolate dragon frost blade can I see my primordial chaos sword shine its brightest and shine with it, even if I and my sword blunt, even if we are broken to pieces even if we vanish right here right now, so be it.

Oh my nemesis, let us have this final fight!

Li feng's eyes were focused from beginning to the end and said "to hear such words from you, its truly unbelievable, you used to dominate swords and make them bow to your will, to even seeing them as mere objects to be used in the way of power yet ever since you found that sword, your mentality changed completely, you became different."

Fang yuan smiled "only this sword was worthy, worthy of my reverence, of my respect and of my admiration."

Li feng after hearing all this speech he couldn't help but sigh and look at the setting sun : "Fang yuan, you know I used to lose to you back in the day, it was so fun and I'd admit that without you as my nemesis, I wouldn't have reached this far, but you should be clear now that since I bore the Heaven's will, I am invincible under the heavens, not one in this world can defeat me, but I do understand you, I truly do, most immortal emperors since the dawn of times after bearing the Heaven's will quit fighting as there was no worthy opponent left and because there is no absolute immortality, they end up changing and abandoning their previous selves but I won't, I swore to myself that this time, I would change this ruthless foresaken world,

I thought you would have given up yet you still dare to fight me, there is no way and no time in history anyone was able to defeat an immortal emperor who bore the Heaven's will, especially since my sword was personally refined and merged with the Heaven's will, but such a speech, I'm afraid even I got riled up by such a speech

Come at me! I won't be holding back!"


instantly! shiny dao runes from the Heavens high above came descending down like lightning striking! striking li feng and fully envolping his body!

in a second, dao runes entered his body and surfaced on top of his skin!

he breathed heavily and even he himself became shocked!

why would he not? Immortal emperor's who bore Heaven's will controlled the entire world, all of Heaven and Earth became their ressource and strength.

without even willing it, endless immortal heavenly essence came pouring to his body, the entire immortal world shook! even the Heavens themselves seems to offer their reverence to the Immortal emperor.

it was an impossible battle, an unwinnable fight, with the endless ressource of Heaven and earth, Li feng was immortal and invincible for atleast the next few hundred thousands years.

Fang yuan of course knew that, immortal emperors were invincible but so what?

Fang yuan laughed and instantly unleashed his sword aura, it seemed feeble and weak in comparison to the white dao runes on li feng's body,

the only odd thing were small red chains that were holding to the red bloody dark sword.

Fang yuan was expressionless.

"Rise for me"


instantly! the red chains broke! and Red dao runes burst forth with unimaginable power and pierced to the Heavens!

at the same time, red bloody dao runes emanated from the sword, entered Fang yuan's body and came up on top of his skin and continued piercing to the Heavens! getting more and more powerful as time passed as red bloody runes invaded the skies and Fang yuan's body!

Li feng stood in shock! Fang yuan's power was still not near his immortal emperor's power but this nonetheless made him shocked and fearful, not only for himself but especially for the world!

the demonic power pierced into the Heavens and the bloody dao runes fully enveloped Fang yuan's body, his eyes becoming sharp, dark and bloody while red hair grew on his head looking like a demon sent from hell, the demonic energy did not stop and even started corrupted all the surroundings and even Fang yuan!

Fang yuan's heart was pumping rapidly while it seemed to begin to synchronise with the demonic aura of the sword!

Fang yuan's and the Primordial chaos sword were pulsating.

Fang yuan's gradually felt tired and exhausted while his heart beat faster and faster and his whole body sweat rapidly,

it continued until At Once!!

Both the primordial chaos and Fang yuan's heart pulsated at the exact same time!!!

Fang yuan felt an unimaginable power, a vessel with unending limitless power, even Fang yuan's consciousness being at the Final Enlightenment level, the absolute peak of the cultivation level, still he had to grit his teeth to accept this power!

both Fang yuan's heart and chaos sword pulsation were synchronised and each time Fang yuan's heart beat, the primordial chaos sword would pulsate with chaos energy,

it only lasted for a few seconds before at once! a yin yang symbol appeared with rotating yellow and red symbols rotating on each other symbolising the divine harmony of Heaven and Chaos but the moment it appeared the red symbol seemed to push the yellow part and eat it gradually until at the end, the heaven yang part was completely consumed and only a Red Bloody fully Red Circle remained Shining and Pulsating with Absolute Power!


the moment it did so, demonic runes that looked like blackholes appeared and flashed the word "Primordial Chaos" and shook the World!!!

Li feng saw this and spoke in shock with cold sweat on his face : "to think the Primordial Chaos still existed in this world!!!"

before being completely shaken to the core!! he felt fear then despair before bursting into a fit of rage "Fang yuan!! You Dare!!!!"

Way before the beginning of existence itself, before the desolate, desolate expansion and even the legendary era existed a Black Void of primordial chaos, it was theorised that this primordial chaos had collapsed in and on itself giving birth to Heaven and Earth, Heaven and earth were void of life and were filled with death energy but miraculously out of this death energy merging with itself, primeval immortal energy came out.

Immortal emperor's theorised that akin to a Yin and Yang symbol were opposite yet interconnected and each gave birth to the other.

it is theorised that Existence itself had two cycles, the birth of the universes from Primordial chaos symbolised as Yang and the Collapse of existence unto itself returning to becoming Primordial chaos, Yin.

Nonetheless even in Heaven and Earth, small amount of primordial chaos always existed but with the emergence of Heaven's will, the Heavens willed eradicating it to keep the universe existing.

struggling to do so alone, Heaven and Earth allowed all beings to cultivate and hold primeval essence into their bodies and sea of consciousnesss, Heaven's will bestowed its power for immortal emperors with the sole duty to eradicate all Primordial Chaos, it kept its commitment firm no matter what calamity demonic immortal emperor's unnleashed on beings, as long as they commited to eradicate primordial chaos, they would be given the Heaven's will to shoulder.

It worked after billions of years and countless human cultivators, all Primordial chaos was completely eradicated.

but right here right now, tens of billion of years later, Fang yuan had somehow unleashed it!

Li feng screamed in utter rage : "How? How? Fang yuan You BASTARD!! Are you trying to Destroy The World??!!"

Li feng took a bit to calm down, but as the current immortal emperor, despite his mind being in turmoil, his heart wasn't shaken, although fearful he knew the moment the Heavens noticed the chaos fluctuations, it would send its full force to support him no matter the price and his chances of winning were not slim at all! immortal emperors have since the dawn of time eradicated even more primordial chaos.

but Li feng was still angry and a bit shaken "How Could that Sword Unleash the Primordial Chaos!!!! It was wielded by two immortal emperor's before!"

in this moment, the primordial chaos from the primordial chaos sword was eating at the sky and corrupting Heaven and earth.

Fang yuan sneered : "How could the Primordial chaos sword acknowledge such weaklings, to even desire the heaven's will, its nemesis, to their weak dao heart, how could the sword acknowledge them? ever since my birth, my pursuit has been the sword alone! I pour my whole being into each of its strokes, the sword is more than a part of myself, it is my life!"

Li feng furrowed his eyebrows "Fang yuan! We both now that you Cannot win this Fight!! Are you trying to bring everything down with you?!!"

Fang yuan expressionlessly said : "All I desire is to fully experience the Primordial chaos sword's ultimate form, consequences, morality, life, death, victory, defeat, I have no care for none of them."

Both Li feng's Aura and Fang yuan's Aura Soared to the Skies! And caused a Rift in Space-time and the fabric of the world!

Space cracked! Time twisted!

One Aura was Azure blue, purer than pure, supreme and full of infinite virtuous energy that seemed to come from a Heavenly realm able to render all demonic existences into nothingness!

One Aura was Crimson red, redder than blood more perveted than perversion itself, Savage and bloody beyond measure! All-encompassing and full of infinite demonic energy that seemed able to pierce Heaven and earth Itself!

Ever since the dawn of existence itself, the Heavenly Dao faced the Primordial Chaos, these two limitless powers have fought each other relentlessly and caused bloodshed and sacrifices impossible to fathom! Destroying countless universe and existences yet there seemed to be no winner in the end.

This very same scene seemed to be mirrored in the fight between Li feng and Fang yuan!

Perhaps this would be the fight to finally end this eternal conflict.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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