Fantasy Evolution

Chapter 24: contract 150,000 chaos points

Chapter 24: contract 150,000 chaos points


At the same time in the evening he made most of the things mixed with chocolate so that he can cheer her up a little.


Chocolate is one of the materials that can automatically cheer any person if it is eaten at the right moment with right quantity.


The evening is over quickly and Vikram got a message from lord Trelawney mansion to come and visit him in the evening.


After serving the chocolate milk and some other things to Katherine, Vikram received the message of lord Trelawney through butler John.


So after getting the directions Vikram made his way to lord Trelawney.


It has been 4 hours since lord Trelawney took the medicine.


Vikram was sure that lord Trelawney should be very exhausted and happy after playing with his wife for a few hours straight after a long time.


When Vikram arrived he was taken into the house by another butler that looked happy to see Vikram.


Vikram was sure that his plan succeeded perfectly and he can make the next move soon.


With those thoughts he came to the guest hall where lord Trelawney was sitting on a sofa with a pale face.


Vikram has already expected this and right now lord Trelawney needed some food that can make him strong so as to let him last for a few more days.


The addictive effect of the medicine will not kick in so quickly.


It will only happen after over few months of taking the medicine continuously.


But at that time the addiction will reach the point that he would do anything for the medicine.


Right now it will only be some attraction.


But the happiness that caused by the effects after taking the medicine will make people want to have more of that medicine.




Vikram arrived and saluted to lord Trelawney like a proper subject.


“Vicky, it is so happy to see you.


The medicine works wonders.


Make me another cup of medicine for the night quickly……”


Vikram smiled and broke the words of lord Trelawney.


“Lord, you should know that even if it is a medicine taking it in higher quantities will turn it into poison.


This medicine is special and can only take one dose per day.


Any more than that will cause adverse effects.


So I make you another cup of medicine tomorrow night…..”


Lord Trelawney thought for a few moments and finally nodded his head understanding Vikram's words.


But the smile on his face has never left as he was very happy.


Right at that moment Vikram took out a parchment that he bought in the morning and wrote a contract in the names of will of the world and will of fate.


The details are quite simply lord Trelawney promises to award Vikram 150,000 chaos points for his services.


Lord Trelawney looked at the contract agreement with receding smile and frowning face.


Vikram immediately spoke mixing lies and truth.


“Sir you don’t have to worry about that.


We wandering talents have a society where these chaos points are received for our services based on the person we provide services to.


The higher the chaos points we have the higher the rewards that we receive from our society.


This document is the proof that we really served you and you awarded those chaos points to us.


So if you like the food I cooked that is my cooking talent can you please sign at the bottom and also put a stamp as proof.


You don’t have to worry I will show another document that I got as proof of my talent.”


Vikram then took out another similar document with the similar details where it was signed by a king of some country with his imperial seal.


This was a forged document that Vikram made on a paper which is different from the parchment that was used for the current document.


The sign and stamp are using ink and has fine craftsmanship with finished edges.


Also the amount there is 100,000 chaos points.


After comparing both the documents the frown on the face of lord Trelawney slowly receded and the smile came back.


Then he asked.


“Is it like a competition between the people to get points and get final rewards?”


Vikram nodded his head and said.


“There are many other uses for these points my lord.


They can increase my prestige and credibility.”


Lord Trelawney was in a happy mood so he immediately signed the document and even put his seal on the sign.


Vikram collected those documents and stored them carefully.


When he wanted to leave lord Trelawney ordered him to cook for them here too.


Vikram nodded his head and went to cook the food.




The reason for Vikram making this contract is to test out something.


The current place he is in is famous for copper mines.


In the market he previously looked at the copper ingots that showed him that it is worth 10 chaos points.


The things that can be mined are valuable and can be exchanged with the fantasy system since it is the testing world.


Since it is like that he has a thought of stealing the metal ingots of these materials from lord Trelawney’s share that was mined.


Other than that he also wants to steal from the locker of lord Trelawney.


Vikram found the details from butler John when he chatted with him about many things in the morning.


But stealing things will reduce the benefits.


He wanted full benefits.


He made a conservative estimate and decided to put on that amount that he can steal from lord Trelawney using various means before the departure from here.


Vikram don’t know if this thing will work or not with such a big amount.


So he has decided to give it a way to test some loop holes.


If it worked then he will have much amount of money to do other things.


If it did not work then he can simply steal them and exchange them for reduced prices with the fantasy system………..

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