Fantasy System

Chapter 288: Eyes and Giants

Chapter 288: Eyes and Giants

Ed woke up after three hours on top of Entei's head. The battle hadn't finished yet, but Ed could only feel a couple of hundred creatures in the black wasteland. He didn't waste any more time and activated his Space and Wind Magic. In a matter of seconds, it was over. The creatures of the darkness were all destroyed.

"Entei, we're not done yet," Ed warned as he felt the Dragon fly lower. His eyes focused on the sky; the darkness still unchanged. As the dragon noticed Ed's behavior, it looked up as well and was met with a crimson eye. The eye opened up and sent a shockwave through the entirety of the wasteland. The millions of monster carcasses that Entei killed in three hours were decimated. Trees burst into flames, and the ground split into a dozen pieces.

The wailing of the wind was accompanied by dark bloody tears drooping down from the dark crimson eye.

Ed threw a hand in front of him before any damage could happen to him. His Ki created a force field that surrounded him and Entei in their entirety. The two fixated their gaze on the tears spilling down from the eye. They could see monsters.

If the monsters from the wasteland were disgusting, then the ones forming the tears were something much worse. Mutated monsters and chimeras that no words could describe kept flowing out of the eye. Their howls soon spread inside the darkness. Any normal humans would've gone mad from the sounds alone, yet, coupled with the sight of these monsters, Ed simply stared at them.

The monsters capable of flight turned towards Ed and Entei mid-air, while the ones that hit the ground broke into a run and started to jump, aiming at the dragon's belly.

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Ed's index and thumb grasped nine cards and snapped them in half. Right by his side, his trusted monsters appeared and leaped into action; no words were needed to convey what they needed to do. There were enemies in front of them, and they were going to slaughter them.

Merry flew into the sky with a divine white glow surrounding her. Her four wings killed a dozen monsters each with every flutter. A yellow light focused inside her hand was transformed into a spear in the blink of an eye. And, with an equally short period, the flying monsters fell prey to the spear after she threw it. The monsters continued to pop in the sky, leaving behind nothing as the spear absorbed their flesh and blood, growing into an eerie dark crimson color.

The spear continued to grow, larger in size and darker in color, as it continued to tear into the monsters flowing from the eye. Once the spear was close enough, Merry snapped her fingers and said, "Destroy." The spear cracked into a hundred pieces and scattered, leaving behind it an explosion bigger than the eye itself. The stream of monsters was devoured by the crimson light and the dimension shook to the sound of carcasses sizzling in the intense heat.

However, once the light subsided, everyone could see that the eye remains unchanged. It took the monster a second to form another stream and kept falling.

Siegfried, adorned with golden rings and necklaces strutted forward as different sorts of monsters were running towards him. He points his right index finger towards them and said, "Divine Lightning."

The blue ring transformed into a blue glow and flew towards the sky. In a matter of milliseconds, a dark cloud formed overhead and blue streaks of lightning continued to flow down. Hundreds, thousands, and soon millions. The lightning bolts fell faster than the monsters; the thunder was deafening.

Once the attack stopped, everyone checked to see that the eye was not affected; the monster kept coming.

The blue light returned from the clouds and surrounded Sieg's finger, turning into the ring once again.

Goburou took this chance to step forward. He no longer looked like a youth; instead, he wore the dignified appearance of a man. His eyes were darker and his fangs were short, yet still visible. He wore a cape that was black on the outside and red on the inside. Just above his head, a tiny sphere of blood rested. Every step forward he took made the sphere swell up in size; it was gathering the blood of the dead monsters.

He took no more than two steps before he traversed the whole battlefield. The sphere was now behind him; it looked like a blood moon. Suddenly, it started to rotate on itself rapidly. The sphere now looked like an arrow, which shot right in the middle of the eye.

The eye cracked with the attack and wailed. It could handle the previous two attacks, but it was worn down; all the QI inside of it was used up to produce the monsters.

However, in its place, a dozen more eyes appeared. The monsters were now pouring from everywhere.

Gobuta smiled, his canines flashed in a purple color; the same color that surrounded his body in tattoos. In his hands was a dark-violet great sword with jagged edges and horns near the handle. He swung the first time and killed thousands of monsters. He swung a second time, but now his tattoos were shining and cracked the eye. He swung a third time and broke the eye. Another dozen eyes took its place.

A fourth swing snapped the space in half and destroyed four eyes. Gobuta's speed did not care about such things and continued to swing, faster and stronger. His aura continued to grow stronger the more eyes he destroyed until he looked like a small violet meteor that illuminated the whole world on his own.

However, the eyes kept popping up, faster than they were being destroyed.

Gabu joined the assault and created ice spears. He looked no different than a middle-aged man, yet once he transformed into his monster form, with silver fur and a long snout, his ice spears froze the eyes they touched and broke them immediately. His attacks were simple, yet effective.

Agumon waddled around on Entei's head until the latter threw him off. Ed knew it was coming and latched on.

Agumon didn't mind, and laughed on his way down; he was surrounded by monsters. The monster looked at his like a snack and rushed at him. On their way, a cocoon surrounded Agumon and protected him against the thrashing monsters.

They couldn't break into it no matter how hard they attacked; so they waited. Not for long, however, as Agumon's cocoon dissipated on its own, and out of it came Omegamon.

Omegamon was a white warrior, on his left hand was Wargreymon's head, and on his right, Metalgarurumon's blue head. Omegamon used the Garuru Cannon to first destroy the monsters in front of him and then targeted the eyes with his Grey Sword.

"Everyone is breaking the eyes left and right," said Sieg as he flew next to Merry. "It's making us look bad."

Merry nodded in agreement and exclaimed, "Then we should do something about it!" with a wide grin on her face.

Merry conjured a small orb of white light on her hand. Sieg did the same but it was a black one.

The two orbs flew into the sky, surrounded by the eyes, and detonated. There wasn't a sound after the explosion. Not even light. The only change was the total disappearance of all the eyes.

"You overdid it, you idiots!" Everyone shouted at the same. Sieg and Merry had robbed them of their fun. Not even ten minutes had passed since they were summoned, and they no longer had anything fun to do.

"Quiet down," Sieg said trying to divert the attention on him to the sky. "Something is happening again."

The eyes were no longer spawning, instead, it was three giants. The eyes of the giants looked crimson and bloody, the same as the eyes that spawned the monsters. Each giant was as strong as a Transcendent Establishment level 1.

"You all had your fun," Mehen slithered around his companions. "It's time for my meal."

The small-sized Mehen continued to move towards the Giants. The first one was a Frost Giant and could freeze entire oceans by a simple touch. Its size meant that it couldn't even see Mehen. However, it could still feel him and swung its sword towards him. The serpent suddenly transformed, and in an instant, the Frost Giant was no longer. In a single gulp, it was swallowed by Mehen, which was now towering above the Giants.

The second Giant was a Flame Giant. It was undeterred by the death of his breather and swung towards Mehen, unafraid of being swallowed. Yet, the great serpent turned its back to it. Its pride was damaged and swung his sword again and again with much more force.

The attacks seemed to disappear midway. No matter how much it swung, its attacks couldn't reach Mehen. It had failed to notice the black wolf, standing between it and the serpent. But, nor for long. Its instincts kicked in and fear took over it. It turned tails and tried to run away, from the thing it couldn't even see. The Giant started to fall. It couldn't understand why, but it soon felt that it was missing something; its legs.

Raikou had bit the space surrounding the Giant and disintegrated its legs, and soon the whole Giant was gone.

The last Giant, couldn't comprehend how its brethren were destroyed so easily.

"But, how?! We are Legendary monsters, we're supposed to be unrivaled by those from your world." It shouted into the world, afraid and confused.

"It's simple," Ed said as Entei took his eye to eye with the Giant. "Everyone here is Mythical Grade Monsters. To them, you're nothing but a child's play."

The Giant tried to attack, but couldn't; it was frozen from fear. It stared at Ed's eyes which had changed to purple eyes filled with ripple patterns. Ed patted the head of the Giant, and out came its soul. The empty shell fell into a thud.

"Did that heal me?" Ed asked.

"Not even a little," the system answered coldly.

The darkness surrounding the world was suddenly lifted while Ed and the System talked. In the sky, a golden portal had appeared.

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