Far From Vanilla: Modded Game Reincarnation

The Journal

Yes! Yes!

The sentient book cheered from its pedestal. The firework of bones sparkling as it collided with steel was bright, all created by an axe being hurled from across the room.

The weapon’s loud sound attracted the attention of all the archers within view and while they were momentarily distracted, the intruder dashed to the third bookcase, the boundary in which its sight and sense met.

The book’s pleasure couldn’t have been any greater.

Yes! That’s it! Use every method imaginable! Use every ounce of your intellect to save youself!

Show me the tenacity of a being that wants to survive!

Cling unto life, as it is your last!

The demon tackled a skeleton and promptly tore its head from the spine, using the elbow of his armored arm to crush it in two. The skeletons turned back to him, even those in the second library, and began to indiscriminately fire upon him.

But the book just watched, without comment, but will the same expectation. The intruder lunged for cover, narrowly escaping a barrage of arrows. 


It was a narrow escape, a risky move, but a worthwhile one.


The book watches as arrows began to fly from his position, landing near or on target.

To think that it would throw away its own weapon, all to procure another one more suited for his current needs. How delightful!

A full quiver and a durable bow handled by a stable, intelligent mind, surely outclassed the mindless undead. Even with the sentient book’s intervention, the monsters could only be controlled so much.

Even then, even if the human was destined to win in the end, why would a hunter give mercy to its prey? The demon was to be swallowed in the end, so why not let it be chewed, softened before consumption?

It was entertaining that way. The book would smile, if it had the mouth to do so, even chuckle and laugh as arrows pierced the demon’s skin.

Aghh!” The adventurer wailed, an arrow lodged deeply into his shoulder, in the muscle just above the collarbone. At the angle it struck him, it no doubt caused pain, but that was just the extent. “Fuck you– meatless cunts!”

It screamed curses and profanity, completely disregarding stealth and only focused on retaliation fire.

And to the book’s surprise, the demon learned how to use the bow and displayed skill akin to that of a trained marksman. With each pull of the string, the demon accurately hit the heads of the skeletons across from him, and one last arrow was all it took to fell the last foe.

I am satisfied. I have seen all that there is to see from this demon.

The book hummed to itself, content, and at its whims, the skeletons above on the second floor ceased to exist. Almost climatically, each of the twelve skeletons disappeared into puffs of smoke.


“Is that all? Now way….” The Demon looked bewildered, utterly confused at the outcome. Its brows furrowed in annoyance, maybe a tinge of anger, but it did not voice out its complaint. It just groaned. “Menu…”

[ Profile: Hyun / Race: Demon / Profession: Adventurer, Scholar, Civilian / Level: 6 ]

[ Strength: 11 (+3) / Speed: 11 / Constitution: 18 (+2) / Intelligence: 20 (+2) / Wisdom: 20 (+4) ] [Unique Racial Skill: Precognition ]

The Demon looked bewildered, utterly confused at the outcome. Its brows furrowed in annoyance, maybe a tinge of anger, but it did not voice out its complaint. It just groaned.

“All that, and not even a level up? No skill points, no nothing? Fuck that!” It grumbled. 

A statement of confusing words, jumbled together into a useless statement. 

Come to me, demon, see my body…

Come to me….

Come to me…

I won’t lie, I was greatly disappointed. I looked at my person, my right arm was turned into a pincushion for arrows. 

“All for nothing…” But I wasn’t going to die. 

It sure feels like it but I’m not bleeding, and it's nothing a small torch can’t fix up.  I grit my teeth at the burning sensation, but I wasn’t screaming or crying. 

Somehow, I felt alive at this moment, despite being so close to death.

Perhaps I was just too tired to yell.

 Unlike my near death experience back at the south gate, I could comfortably fall asleep in the center of this library.

 I didn’t have someone like Eric handing me a recovery potion right now, so it was fair to say that this battle was my first unassisted victory.

It was my victory because I knew that if I closed my eyes, I would awaken tomorrow.  

“Goodnight cruel world… I’ll see you… in the morning.”

At the celebration, the book could only watch in silence.

Impudence! How dare you sleep in my presence! Look at me!

Come to me!

Come! to! Me!


Come to me!

Come to me!

Come to me!

I heard something. It was a faint very soft noise that continuously rang in my ear. It was nagging at me, constantly trying to get my attention, like an annoying child or relentless advertisements. 

Come to me!

My eyes opened with great reluctance. I was tired. 

Come to me!

I don’t know how long I had been sleeping, but my body was so weak. I was hungry, I was cold, and I was continuously being annoyed.

[ Due to improper rest and recovery, Constitution has decreased by two. ]

To make matters even worse, I incurred a penalty. I stared at the message with annoyance but I couldn’t say anything.

Instead of being rewarded, I was being punished instead. I found it unfair, but in the end, it made sense. My ignorance was what put me in this state. Still, losing two-fifths of a reward that cost me the skill points from five level-ups hurts me. 

It is fair to say that in light of my near death, I lost the equivalent of two levels. 

[ Profile: Hyun / Race: Demon / Profession: Adventurer, Scholar, Civilian / Level: 6]

[ Strength: 11 (+3) / Speed: 11 / Constitution: 16 (+2) / Intelligence: 20 (+2) / Wisdom: 20 (+4) ] [Unique Racial Skill: Precognition ]

“It seems we can also lose levels and stat points.”

Come to me!

It was a check and balance system. Something all games needed, but this world isn't a game, this simply was its own logic.

Come to me!

Success and Reward, Failures and Consequences– as simple as that. I succeeded so I was rewarded, then I failed thus I was punished.

Come to me!

I pushed myself up from the ground and groaned as I got up. My right arm was in poor shape. Well, it was better than being dead.

Come to me!

I turn my head to the direction of the nagging voice. “Alright! Alright! Dammnit, I heard you, you annoying prick!”

At my acknowledgement, the whispers stopped.

I took my time, but I eventually limped my way over to the pedestal. I straightened myself as I looked at the book in front of me.

I was no genius, or Fantasy expert, but this book looks cursed.

It was about the size of a large encyclopedia, with the thickness to match. It was black as pitch, the cover of the book, a leather of some kind of dark creature.

I didn’t dare to touch the cursed object, but by sight alone, the surface was rough, coarse, but hard like scales of a creature. There was some sort of item in the center of the cover, an oval shaped ornament covered by the covering.

I blinked. “That’s a fancy cursed book, if I do say so myself.”

It was adorned by all sorts of silver corner pieces, all engraved with an unknown language, and the text on the spine and corners began to shine with a pale blue hue.

“Wow…” I was awed and the book responded, as if on cue.


The second the words left my mouth, the centerpiece hidden by the covering opened.

It was a large blue diamond, cut in the shape of an eye. There was minimal light in the room, but as the little rays met the jewel in the center, it shimmered and reflected in an entrancing fashion. 

It was beautiful, yes, but the light was engulfed by a pitch black iris In the center. It was a slit-eye. “Ack!”


I jumped back in surprise. It definitely was a cursed book. A sentient cursed book. 

You are worthy…

An eye looked at me. Perhaps through instinct, I guessed what this book was made from. Only one mythical creature had an eye like this.

“A-a draggon–” I gulped. I was dehydrated, so there wasn’t much to swallow. Still, my throat was drier than ever. What the fuck did I just stumble into?

What the hell is this place!?

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