Farming Story of the Primitive Tribe in the Beast World

Chapter 11 Tinder

Chapter 11 Tinder
Mu Zhao heaved a sigh of relief, but his face was still full of shock.

"Scared me to death, sister, don't try again next time, what if it is really poisonous?"

Mu Kui explained: "I forgot to tell you brother, I also awakened the purification ability last time, but the purification ability can only be used by myself, and its function is to detoxify."

She pointed to herself.

"Look, my illness is almost cured, this is the effect of the purification ability."

Hearing this, Mu Zhao noticed that Sister's complexion had indeed improved a lot, neither flushed nor pale.

Moreover, sister just went down to carry the meat by herself.

Although it can't compare with my sister's usual strength.

But those things are definitely not something a female who has just recovered from a fever can move.

Generally, after a female is sick, even if the fever subsides, she will have to lie down for at least a day or two before she recovers.

Mu Zhao remembered that Yinling fell ill once, and she could only go to the ground two days after the fever subsided.

This is because there are many orcs in Yinling's family, there is no shortage of food, and they take good care of Ling, which is why Ling recovered so quickly.

The purification ability can only be used by Auntie herself, and Mu Zhao has no way of confirming the authenticity for the time being.

However, it is also true that sister's illness is almost cured.

"Then sister, you should also pay attention in the future, don't try everything, what if it is too poisonous, and your purification ability can't purify it?"

Feeling skeptical in his heart, Mu Zhao felt awkward when he said this.

It's a good thing that sister has awakened one more ability, but he still feels that this ability is not very good.

What if my sister accidentally ate something poisonous by relying on this ability?Too dangerous.

"Well, I will be careful. I will only try a little bit in the future, and I will not touch anything beyond the first level for the time being."

Mu Kui solemnly promised.

Things in the Beastman Continent are graded. For some common things, many orcs can tell their grades.

Mu Kui obtained a total of three inheritance memories.

One copy was left by Mu Fu Mu Mu.

One is obtained by awakening the healing ability.

The last one was obtained from the awakening purification ability.In this inheritance, there is a method of how to distinguish the order of items.

After all, everyone who awakens and purifies the ability can temporarily act as a Shennong and carry out the activity of tasting hundreds of herbs.

If one day is unlucky and comes into contact with something that exceeds the level of its own ability, and it happens to be highly poisonous, it is really possible to be directly poisoned to death.

Needless to say, the harshness of the environment in the Beastman Continent.

If you don't pay attention, a good tribe will be wiped out in the tide of natural disasters.

In order to preserve the fire of civilization, the orcs have come up with various inheritance methods.

For example, powerful animal-print warriors usually use the bloodline inheritance method.

As long as the blood concentration of the descendants reaches a certain critical point, they can awaken and inherit the memory.

The priests will use the sacrificial method.

Sacrifice method, as the name suggests, is that priests use their ability to communicate with heaven and earth to preserve what they want to pass on through the ritual of sacrifice.

Afterwards, as long as the newcomer sacrifices to a certain level, or completes a specific sacrifice ceremony, the corresponding inheritance memory can be obtained.

Ability fighters and witch doctors will use the ability awakening method, that is, after awakening a certain ability, they can obtain the corresponding inheritance memory.

The supernatural warrior is the beast pattern warrior who has awakened the attack department supernatural power.

In fact, most of the animal pattern warriors are just physical strengthening, not everyone has supernatural powers.

Of course, the Kuga tribe is an exception.

Because of God's gift, as long as the royal family among the tiger clan becomes a beast pattern warrior, they will awaken the wind ability.

The winged tiger tribe is said to be a branch of the tiger royal family.

There should be other god-given races like this, but Mukui only knows two.

One is the royal family of the tiger clan, and the other is the snow wolf of the wolf clan. The snow wolf's god-given ability is the ice ability.

After trying non-toxic, Mu Kui filled a bowl of broth with confidence and handed it to Mu Zhao.

"Yeah! It's delicious!"

Mu Zhao took the bowl and couldn't wait to take a sip.

The broth was slightly sour and slightly salty, but to Mu Zhao who had never tasted it, it was still extremely delicious.

The meat was stewed so soft that it could be swallowed directly after chewing a few times, and it was a novel experience to mix the fruit pulp in it, and Mu Zhao couldn't stop eating it at all.

"There is more here, you eat slowly, and blow on it before drinking, so as not to burn your mouth."

Mu Kui reminded.


Mu Zhao answered vaguely, and did as sister said, blow on the drink before drinking, and it really improved a lot.

Male orcs have rough skin and thick flesh, even the mouth is extraordinarily strong, and the degree of heat and cold resistance is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

However, this is only to make their mouths less prone to injury.

That doesn't mean they won't feel their mouths burn when they drink boiling hot broth.

With the tasteless grass, there is no need to be afraid of the smell of bone soup. Mu Kui naturally wants to stew a pot of bone soup.

Moreover, Great China has always had a tradition of making up for what is lacking.

Brother's left arm bone has just been spliced, and he urgently needs a pot of bone soup to make up for it.

If you want bone broth to taste good, it is best to blanch it in water first.

The hard ones were kept as weapons, subject to what she and Mu Zhao could break into pieces, Mu Kui chose a few clean animal bones, smashed them into stone pots, and added water.

She filled herself a bowl of broth and drank it while watching the fire.

After Mu Kui finished drinking a bowl of soup, the water in the stone pot boiled for a while.

After blanching, Mu Kui scooped up the bones, put them in another stone jar filled with water, and started cooking again.

This time it will take a long time to heal, Mu Kui put salt, crushed a few ripe fruits with sweet taste and threw them in, and then she didn't care about it.

"This will take a long time to cook, let's eat first." Mu Kui said.

"It looks delicious too."

Mu Zhao looked forward to it.

He smelled it when it was blanching, and it was another novel scent, but it didn't seem to smell as good as the broth.

"Well, this is bone soup. The longer you cook it, the better it tastes. You can drink more later, brother, so that your bones can grow faster."

Mu Kui explained.

"Really!" Mu Zhao was pleasantly surprised, looking forward to the bone soup even more.

The two brothers and sisters shared the broth.

The meat had been roasted long before Mukui came back from gathering the tasteless grass.

Mu Kui cut up half a catty, and left the rest to Mu Zhao.

In the end, Mizuki Kui, who had blanched the bone broth, was not willing to throw it away, and shared it with Mu Zhao.

At any rate, there is still some nutrition, so don't waste it!
Before going to bed, the siblings drank bone soup and barely got enough water.

"Bone soup is so delicious, I'll have it again tomorrow."

Mu Zhao put down his rhetoric, and fell into a deep sleep with longing for the taste of bone soup.

Before going to sleep, Mukui passed the purification ability in her body again, and then she fell asleep peacefully.


The next day, at dawn, Mu Zhao woke up, salivating at the bone soup that had been simmering since last night.

Mu Kui opened his eyes from the mist, and what he saw was this scene.

"Woke up so early! Little greedy cat?"

"No, I am a Maverick, a powerful Maga, not a cat."

Mu Zhao said angrily, the whole person looked full of vitality, completely different from the seriously injured and dying look yesterday.

"Okay, okay! Sister knows that you are Maverick, but who made cats and us close relatives?"

Mu Kui shrugged indifferently.

"It just looks a little bit like that."

Mu Zhao muttered in a low voice, the cat is so small, how could it be close relatives to them!
(End of this chapter)

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