F*ck! I wish I could have every woman in the world

Chapter 1 prologue

( every one this is my first time writing a novel so if therea any mistakes do comment and suggest ways to improve the story ). 

My name is James and I am a typical below average 22 year old with almost no redeeming quality, no job, and wandering aimlessly. My life has been one misfortune (bad luck) after another. 

But don't know why my mood was specially cheerful today, why you ask? Is it the weather, or did i finally get a girlfriend {how could I get a girlfriend with my luck and face and I'm a VIRGIN, and A PERVERT.  did i not i not mention that sorry} 

Of course not i finally hit the jackpot. I won the lottery worth 50 million dollar. " FUCKK, IS MY LUCK FINALLY TURNING  AROUND, I'M going to live like a  rich tycoon"  


As i was going to the centre for cashing my lottery ticket I saw a child running across the road after a ball and a tuck was racing towards the kid the kids mother cried out from the other side trying to warn the kid I ran forward to save the kid.


Suddenly I felt my feet lose balance as i accidentally step foot on a banana peel and fell forward towards the hurtling truck.


I felt an immense force sent me flying through the air as i landed my ribs broke apart, and skull fractured as i tried to gasp for air which was forced out of my lungs a searing pain assault my mind. I tried to open my eyes but waves of dizziness hit me like a tsunami and I fell unconscious and my final thought was "fuck, which motherf**ker threw a banana peel on the middle of the road.

" ahhh Fuck, why does my head hurt so bad" James eyes opened as he woke up with a splitting headache as he saw a unfamiliar ceiling above his head trying to regain his consciousness and collect his thoughts he tried to remember what had happened to him.

"That's right I was hit by truck, i guess i survived the accident" wondered James as he gazed up at the ceiling thinking that he should be in some hospital after the accident but what baffled him was that the seemed odd as it was made out of wood not concrete and the room was dimly lit, there was no light bulb in the room instead the room was lit by a gentle yellow light which seemed to be coming from an object sitting atop a table in the corner of the room it didn't seem like a lamp but it also didn't seem like a bulb ignoring the oddity he began to survey his surroundings the more he saw the more confused he became the room was shabby and poorly equipped.

It did not seem like a hospital from any angle.

Just then 'click'  the wooden door opened and two womens walked in. Both of them scantily dressed exposing all the curves. They seemed too be dressed in some kind of mediaeval tribal tunic. The clothing barely covering their breast and Crouch area. 

One women had yellow hair while the other women had light green colour hair. 

the women with yellow hair  ran up to him and hugged him tightly burying his head in her deep cleavage as she cried out with tears streaming down her face. 

"Alex, I was so  worried about you. Are you alright, don't ever worry mom like that ever again".

I gasped for breath as a sweet smell assaulted my nose trying to comprehend the situation.

'wait, mom? did I get transported into another world!!'.

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