Feng Jue of Ancient and Modern

Chapter 97

Chapter 96: Early Sunny After Rain

From the window, it was raining a lot, and a lot of water had accumulated on the deck. The loud noise of the waves filled the entire yacht, making it necessary to speak loudly in the cabin.

After Qi Xuning and Yu Lingxi entered the cockpit, they saw Captain Li at the helm while Xiaoguan was monitoring various data. The chef was also in there, but apparently not of much help.

“President Yu, Miss Qi.” The chef saw them first and greeted them first. He is in a daze now, all kinds of bad situations are flying in his mind, and he looks a little nervous, but when he sees the boss coming, he has a little more backbone.

“How’s the situation?” Yu Lingxi asked directly.

The chef didn’t know how to answer, so he looked at Captain Li and Xiaoguan.

Captain Li saw Yu Lingxi and Qi Xuning, and while paying attention to the direction of the yacht to avoid the dark tide as much as possible, he replied: “It’s all within the controllable range. At most one hour , we can reach Gart Harbor.”

“Is there any damage to the hull?” Yu Lingxi asked again.

“The wave is too big, there will be some on the deck. The main body of the ship has not suffered any damage at present, and all the values are normal.” Captain Li did not keep looking at Yu Lingxi and replied , but keep an eye on the radar. Avoidance of low tides is the main thing, but more importantly, avoidance of reefs.

After Qi Xuning entered the cockpit, he kept holding the fixture with one hand and Yu Lingxi with the other, standing quietly aside. She doesn’t understand these things, and she can’t help them. At this time, it’s important not to cause trouble.

After hearing Captain Li’s words, Yu Lingxi said, “It’s been hard work, Captain Li.” After speaking, he pulled Qi Xuning to sit on the sofa beside him, and put on his seat belt by the way. tied up.

It seemed to be a very long hour, and it slowly passed in the process that the yacht was almost overturned several times. There was no sky or sea to be seen in the darkness, only the loud noise of the surfing waves could be heard. It was no longer known whether it was sea water or rain that hit the cockpit glass.

Xiao Guan is also busy reporting various data from time to time, while contacting the port.

Qi Xuning quietly held Yu Lingxi’s hand, and Yu Lingxi was resting against her.

“Hurry up!” In addition to Xiao Guan’s voice reporting the situation from time to time, Captain Li’s shout suddenly sounded in the quiet cockpit.

Qi Xuning and Yu Lingxi heard the words, they both grabbed the handle close to them with one hand and hugged each other tightly with the other.

The chef was startled by the sudden sound, and then looked at other people’s movements, and also came to his senses, and hurriedly hugged the fixture he could get.

Just after everyone fixed themselves as much as possible, the hull suddenly tilted, and Captain Li controlled the rudder with the greatest strength. The others in the cabin watched helplessly from the glass as a huge wave rushed towards them.

The chef shouted “Ah”, closed his eyes tightly, and did not relax his hands at all. He held the fixture even tighter, and the blue veins on his arms had already appeared.

When Qi Xuning saw the huge wave, his first reaction was to loosen the hand holding Yu Lingxi, then hug her head and bury her head in his neck between. Yu Lingxi knew that Qi Xuning was worried that she was afraid, so she didn’t move, but her hands hugged her waist harder.

Captain Li and Xiaoguan were fastened to the seats by the seat belts. Although their bodies also fell to one side as the yacht leaned, their eyes and hands never left the console.

After a huge wave, the yacht was pushed out so far, it took them a long time to see the outside through the glass. But except for a little bit of light that the yacht’s lights can reach, everything else is pitch black.

The hull soon came over, although it was still drifting in the wind and rain, but everyone breathed a sigh of relief. However, the heart quickly picked up again, and a huge wave was passed, but there was still some distance to reach the shore, and I didn’t know how many more were waiting for them.

Qi Xuning saw that Yu Lingxi’s hand turned red because she was clenching the handle, so she took her hand off, put it to her mouth and blew it, kissed it again, and put it When he reached his waist, let her hold him completely.

The other chef, who can’t help anything, is also waiting for the time to pass quickly and arrive at the port quickly, which is a bit pitiful. Captain Li and Xiaoguan are busy, the boss and his wife are leaning against each other, and now they are still resting in peace.

As for himself, he was afraid and nervous, so he could only hold a dead fixture tightly, and now both arms have begun to soften. Once again, he is afraid that he will become a ball.

God knows, he is a cook, to experience such a terrible thing! And at such a terrible time, he was forced to eat dog food. Was this the last thing he could see?

After an unknown amount of time, when the chef was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Captain Li shouting: “It’s almost the port!”

At the same time, the port that Xiaoguan has been in contact with also echoed back and sent the specific stop position to let them get ready to enter the port.

Hearing Captain Li shouting again, the chef was almost scared to pee, and when he wanted to close his eyes, he suddenly realized what he was shouting, so he jumped first He got up and looked outside the ship excitedly, but it was still pitch black, and he couldn’t see anything. He reached his head to look at the radar screen again, but couldn’t understand anything.

Yu Lingxi sat up straight, Qi Xuning patted her hand, the two looked at each other and clasped each other’s hands.

The closer you get to the shore, the less wind and waves, and the yacht no longer shakes as much as before. In less than ten minutes, the light of the port can be seen in the cabin.

Among them, the most excited is naturally the chef. He is not only soft in his legs, but his whole body is soft. But if there was a bridge, he specified that he could run to the shore as fast as he could.

After the catastrophe! I thought it was lucky to be able to enjoy a rich life, but I didn’t expect it! terrible! Never take a boat again!

After the yacht stopped, Captain Li dropped the anchor, and with the assistance of the port staff, tied the boat firmly, and then returned to the boat, but the wind and rain were too heavy and the clothes are all soaked.

“Mr. Yu, Miss Qi, it’s too windy and rainy outside, and it’s hard to find a place to stay temporarily. The people at the port suggested that we stay on the yacht until dawn. They said it wouldn’t rain too much. For a long time, the wind is also gradually weakening.”

“That’s it, Captain Li and Xiaoguan have worked so hard, they all go back to rest first, and then go ashore at dawn before taking a good rest.” Yu Lingxi ordered.

Several people responded and went back to their bedroom one after another.

Captain Li and Xiaoguan are relatively more exhausted. After all, they have been tense for so long. Now that they relax, it is estimated that no matter how much the ship shakes, they will soon fall asleep. . The chef has been nervous all the time, but he is not sleepy. He has been excited since he landed on the shore, and he has a great sense of excitement that he has saved his life. He can now feel that his whole body is full of strength, but he feels hungry as soon as he relaxes. While returning to the room, I was still thinking about the possibility of starting to prepare breakfast at this time.

Qi Xuning and Yu Lingxi returned to the bedroom, then lay back on the bed and continued to sleep. It is indeed much calmer now, and there is still some time before dawn, so they can take a good rest.

The sea breeze calmed down, the sky was bright, and it was a big sunny day.

Qi Xuning stood on the damaged deck and looked at the place where the sun rose. The calm sea was sparkling, and it was even more beautiful than before. Maybe this is the beauty after the storm.

“It’s so beautiful.” Yu Lingxi’s voice came from behind.

Qi Xuning looked back, “Awake? Are you still sleepy?”

“I’m not sleepy anymore, I fell asleep later, and now my spirit is back.” Yu Lingxi walked to Qi Xuning and handed a large plate in front of her, “The chef made breakfast.”

Qi Xuning looked at the sumptuous breakfast and said with a smile: “Isn’t this chef taking this as a celebration of the rest of his life? Such a small scene even scared him into a Like that.”

“It’s hard for him, I used to cook in the kitchen every day, but this time I suddenly encountered such a thing.” Yu Lingxi said, looking at Qi Xuning curiously, “A Ning is not afraid Is it? You haven’t experienced it before, so you’re not afraid that we really won’t be able to come back last night?”

Qi Xuning looked at Yu Lingxi, and then at the sea where the sun had fully risen, and said with a smile, “Don’t be afraid, it’s just a small scene. And there are also rhinos.”

Yu Lingxi’s eyes were full of soft light, but she nodded with satisfaction, and raised the plate a little bit, “Eat, I’ve been tired all night, I’m hungry.”

Yu Lingxi certainly understood what Qi Xuning meant, and so did she. With each other, there is no fear in dying.

Qi Xuning turned around with his back against the fence, smiled very sweetly, looked at Yu Lingxi and said, “I don’t want to move, you feed me.”

Yu Lingxi put the plate on a slightly flat place, held it with one hand, and pinched it on Qi Xuning’s face with the other before picking up the fork and starting to feed her. Feed and eat by yourself. The two of them were so simple, and they began to have a romantic breakfast together against the backdrop of the morning light on the sea.

After everyone rested well and had breakfast, Qi Xuning and Yu Lingxi disembarked and walked around the port. I haven’t been down-to-earth for almost a day and a night. I got off the boat and walked for a walk. I felt that I was tossed by the wind and waves all night, and I came back a lot.

Xiao Guan followed the two of them, planning to go to the nearby shopping malls and supermarkets, and by the way, add some supplies.

Captain Li went directly to the ship repairers to the port, and asked them to renovate the damaged facilities. By the way, they also checked to see if they could continue sailing.

As for the chef, he stayed on the yacht. Although he didn’t really want to stay on the boat, at dawn, after he made breakfast, he began to feel the tiredness he didn’t feel last night. It was probably because the excitement finally passed. Without support, the chef, who had hardly rested all night, began to feel tired and sleepy. Back in his room, he fell asleep.

Qi Xuning and Yu Lingxi did not plan to go far by car. They inquired about the location of the nearest supermarket from the people at the port, and planned to walk there slowly.

This port is a port where containers are placed and goods are directly transported. Therefore, all the giant cargo ships parked on the sea are loading goods. There are no private yachts or cruise ships like them. It is precisely because it is not a crowded place, so there is only a small supermarket, which serves the simple needs of the few people here.

After the three of Qi Xuning arrived at the supermarket, they just picked out a few items that could be used. But what made them most satisfied was the fresh vegetables they bought in the supermarket, although the price was much more expensive than other places. They also brought a lot of vegetables with them before they set off yesterday, but now they have to delay here for a day, and the stock becomes limited.

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