Fierce Than The Hulk, You Say He's A Policeman?

Chapter 385 As A Policeman, The Consequences Of Throwing A Gun Are Very Serious!

In fact, regardless of the standpoint, the way Wang Bao appeared on the stage is really a bit domineering.

And unlike the one in the movie, this Wang Bao really rose from the bottom, rushed all the way, and became the current boss of the Wanbao Gang.

At present, most of the industry has been whitewashed, and it has changed suddenly, and has become the chairman of Sino-Ocean Group.

The properties under his name are blooming everywhere, and there are a lot of luxurious houses and cars!

There are so many horse boys under his hands.

So he didn't need to imitate his appearance, he just acted in his true colors, releasing the temperament of a generation of heroes.

When Wang Bao came in front of Du Chengwen, Du Chengwen felt even more pressure.

Almost unprecedented!

Obviously Du Chengwen wanted to touch the gun tightly in his hand, and even wanted to point the gun at Wang Bao.

But in the face of Wang Bao, who is not afraid of his words and guns, Du Chengwen does not know why, but actually loses this "two two three" | courage.

In fact, he can think of it too.

My own bullets are fast, and the action of moving the muzzle can also be very fast.

However, Huizi are not useless.

It's good that Wang Bao is not here, they may have some scruples.

Now that Wang Bao is on the stage in person, if he dares to move the muzzle of the gun, there is no doubt that at the moment he makes a slight move, there will be countless horses stepping forward to block the gun for Wang Bao

Three bullets, the deterrent effect is extremely limited!

Especially in the presence of Wang Bao, those horsemen were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and they would not give Du Chengwen room to display.


Until Wang Bao came in front of Du Chengwen, he didn't dare to make any other moves. The black muzzle of the gun was still pointing at Hongmao's forehead.

Relatively speaking, the red-haired pony boy, who had been happy and fearless before, was now at war with each other, and began to panic.

Because he felt that if the boss was upset, he would probably become a victim, and he would become the first dead soul under Du Chengwen's gun.

It's not that he scares himself.

It was a judgment based on the situation at the scene, and an intuition. He thought that if Du Chengwen refused to admit his cowardice, then Wang Bao would be fighting to the death with a big wave of his hand.

If Du Chengwen loses hope, he will definitely choose to exchange one for another!

At such a close distance, the red-haired pony didn't believe that Du Chengwen would miss, even with Du Chengwen's eyes closed, he might be able to get him to see the King of Hades!


He didn't dare to move, and he didn't dare to speak.

Because with Wang Bao's arrival, the bodyguards around him also entered the arena, as well as many high-level members of the Wanbao Gang.

He doesn't have the right to talk to a red-haired pony at all!

"Are you a police officer transferred from another place?"

Wang Bao spoke with a low tone: "What's your name, who is your boss? Can you show me the gun in your hand?"

Although his tone was low, he spoke slowly.

However, every question he asked was full of a kind of coldness that cannot be doubted!

Unfortunately, it is impossible to refuse!

Du Chengwen just couldn't refuse.

He said in a deep voice: "I am Du Chengwen, a senior police officer, in charge of patrolling Longquan Avenue!"

"This person gathered a crowd to fight, and I suspect that there is something wrong with his cigarette. Now your behavior has been suspected of illegal assembly, and

The words are not finished yet.

Wang Bao interrupted him lightly and said, "Du Chengwen, right? What do I ask, what do you answer!"

"I'm not very satisfied with your answer just now, I hope there will be no second time!"

"Believe it, I rarely give people a second chance!"

Unlawful assembly?

My subordinates gather to fight?

Smoke problem?

So what!!!

Wang Bao didn't show any emotion on his face, but every word he said brought Du Chengwen a mountain of pressure.

"My name is Du Chengwen, and I'm from the Xigong District Police Department. Because of three vile robbery and murder cases in Lidao District, I was transferred to help.

Du Chengwen said subconsciously: "My boss, Yang Heping, is the superintendent of the Xigong District Police Department..."

It's halfway through.

Du Chengwen realized something was wrong!

I was actually influenced by Wang Bao's words, and everything acted according to the other party's thinking.

Why? You, a thief, let me, a policeman, listen to you?

Du Chengwen instantly became tense, and his spirit was extremely tense!

The gun in his hand could go off at any moment.

"Look, you answered very well this time!"

Wang Bao laughed and said, "It seems that Officer Du still has self-knowledge, but why don't you continue talking?"

Because, the gun in your hand is under a lot of pressure?"

"That's okay, you trust me, give me the gun, I won't let you throw the gun!"

While speaking, Wang Bao stretched out his hand to Du Chengwen.

Want a gun!!!

It was a simple movement, but it carried the momentum of a thunderbolt, which made him almost breathless......

Hang Chi Hang Chi.

Du Chengwen was panting heavily, but Wang Bao was not in a hurry, his hand was still slowly reaching for his pistol.

At this moment, Du Chengwen's yellow hair exploded!

He had a bold idea in his heart, and wanted to point the gun directly at Wang Bao.

But for some reason, his brain can't control his limbs at all, and his whole body is as strange as Lu Li, as if someone has cast a hold technique on him.

As soon as this thought flashed, Tian Bao's eyes were already on Du Chengwen's gun barrel.

His movements were very light, and he didn't look like he was about to grab.

But because of this, Du Chengwen felt even more pressure like iron tongs.

Another thought flashed by, and the gun was in Wang Bao's hands in a daze.

The red-haired pony let out a sigh of relief.

A big stone fell to the ground!

Survival after disaster!!!


Just when his thoughts just fell.


bang bang~!!!

Three shots were fired.

The first gunshot rang out, and the red-haired pony got shot in the thigh, and immediately knelt down on one knee in conditioned reflex.

Before he could feel the pain, two gunshots followed, one shot in his heart and the other between his eyebrows.

It was Wang Bao who fired the gun!

Everyone's hearts trembled, and Du Chengwen's legs went limp, and he sat down on the ground with a thud, his gaze became dull.

But as the party involved in 5.4, Wang Bao didn't change his face.

Someone in the back was very interesting, and immediately gave Wang Bao a clean handkerchief, and then Wang Bao slowly cleaned up his fingerprints on the gun.

Not long after, after the fingerprints were wiped clean, Wang Bao took the barrel of the gun, pointed the grip end at Du Chengwen, and then slowly squatted down.

"It's over, Officer Du, your gun is really good!"

Wang Bao said with a smile: "Now that the gun is returned to you, you must take care of it. As a policeman, the consequences of throwing a gun are very serious!"

"The point is, the bullet of your gun has killed someone, so you can't let it go, you must keep it safe!"


No matter how shocked and complicated Du Chengwen's heart is, no matter how dull and lifeless his eyes are.

A cold light flashed in Wang Bao's eyes [immediately he stuffed the gun into Du Chengwen's hand...

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