Fierce Than The Hulk, You Say He's A Policeman?

Chapter 413 The Police Are Here, Why Didn't There Be Any Warning In Advance?

The white coat walked towards the child with indifference in his eyes.

The child was dying, but now his mouth was gagged and his limbs were fixed on the operating table.

So no matter how he struggles, it will be useless!

If there is no accident, he will be brutally dissected and the kidney source will be taken away just like the previous "cargo" in the plastic surgery hospital.

This process is horrific, and ordinary people can hardly imagine it.

That picture is bound to make one's scalp tingle, and it's appalling and creepy.

But for Ji Yangbo and other frenzied members of human organ trafficking organizations, Sikong has long been used to it.

They have lost their humanity, and their hearts have long been blackened!


Facing the scene in front of them, not only were they indifferent, without the slightest sympathy and pity, on the contrary, they were vaguely expecting it.

Their extremely distorted psychology drives them to look forward to the next scene!

They enjoy that feeling!

With one thought, someone will die because of them, and with one thought, someone will live because of them!

They enjoy the feeling of being in control of life like that!

There is no doubt about the abnormality of the heart!

The white coat 453 let out a grin, and raised the scalpel.

"Don't worry, I'm going to be very steady, but this process is a bit long, you have to be mentally prepared!"

The corners of the mouth in the white coat raised, "Look, your child is so frightened that he is incontinent, that's not very polite!"

"Otherwise, I'll cut it for you first, so as not to dirty my operating table...

The child looked terrified to the extreme.

When the others saw this, they laughed grimly.

Luo Guangyao had already been given general anesthesia, and now he was unconscious, but before he was fully anesthetized, he still heard the words in the white coat.

I don't know why, but I shuddered subconsciously.

Although he is the ultimate beneficiary, thinking about that scene still makes him a little creepy.

However, it may be because he thought that only in this way can he stand up again, so the guilt in his heart quickly disappeared without a trace.

He doesn't sympathize or pity what happened to the child, because he made a lot of excuses for himself, he just wants to survive, what's wrong?

The reason why I can't bear it is because my scalp feels numb to the methods of these people in the plastic surgery hospital!

Fortunately, I was completely numb!

There will be no pain, and there may be some pain after the operation is completed, but that is irrelevant!

Because compared to the current pain, the pain after the operation is not worth mentioning at all!

Thinking of these, Luo Guang's consciousness gradually fell into chaos.

After a while, he completely lost consciousness, and could not perceive everything in the outside world.

At this time, the white coat glanced at him.

Count the time.

It's almost done, now take out the kidney source, and then perform an operation on Luo Guangyao, a quick fix, simple and rude!

It's not the first time he's done this, and he doesn't think it's the last time he's done it, so it's all in the palm of his hand!

The scalpel is raised.

No need to compare, he glanced at the position of the child's left kidney, even omitting the marker pen.

Anyway, for him, the "goods" in front of him are ultimately a corpse, as long as the client on the operating table next to him survives.

How can there be pity for "goods"?


The scalpel in the white coat swished, just refracting the light on the operating table, and reflected it in the eyes of the white coat.

So bright, this must be a good knife!

But...why is it on for so long?

Is there something wrong with my eyes?


But then the white coat felt something was wrong, because apart from his white eyes, he couldn't see anything, and his ears seemed to be deaf.

Can't hear anything... No, I can still hear something, like footsteps?

Is it Ji Yangbo and the others? Or is it a new client?

What's the situation? Why can't I see or hear anything?


(dbfi) At this time, it wasn't just him, even Ji Yangbo and the others also fell into a state of weight loss and deafness.

But they are more informed than the white coats, because they are not refracted by the reflection of the scalpel, so it is very clear that this is not their own problem.


"It's a flashbang!"

"Damn, who?"

"Is it a note? Copy guys, fight with them!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can we have the police here?

"I must be dreaming, it's impossible, no no no, I don't want to be arrested!"

"Quick, grab the hostage, grab that kid!"

Ji Yangbo and the others reacted quickly, realizing immediately that the basement of their plastic surgery hospital was invaded!

The ones who invaded here were most likely the police.

Flash bombs are things that most people can't see, but if it's black and white, then there is no need for flash bombs, people just come in with a gun!

Another one, this is Xiangjiang, and the control of guns and ammunition is also very strict.

Especially on Lijing Avenue, as the most prosperous street in Lidao District, the public security is outstanding.

Not to mention ordinary criminals, even Ji Yangbo and the others don't have guns and ammunition for self-defense!

So there is no need to doubt, there is a high probability that the police found it, and it is a lore!

The flash bomb suddenly exploded, and a group of people were blinded and deaf. They could neither see nor hear anything.

The mental quality is almost poor, and he has already started talking to himself and yelling.

Ji Yangbo, the behind-the-scenes owner of the plastic surgery hospital, didn't yell, but his head also crashed.



Why did the police come here? And it was precisely locked, and there was no disturbance at all beforehand.

Are the people above all wine bags and rice bags?

Wouldn't it be good to warn in advance? Anyway, there are still many hostages in the basement. If we catch them, maybe we will have a chance!

The only hostages that can be taken now are the children on the operating table, but we can’t see or hear anything now, how do we take hostages?

Ji Yangbo pretended to be calm, carefully recalling the position where the child was fixed on the operating table, and he had to use his intuition to catch the child.

But relying on memory, he only took one step, but was tripped by someone!


Ji Yangbo broke into a cold sweat on the spot, but following the fall, he gradually found that his eyesight seemed to be gradually recovering.

See clearly!

Thumb up!

But as soon as he saw it clearly, the sound of footsteps also reached his ears. What Ji Yangbo saw were a dozen black muzzles, all aimed at him.

His assistants, as well as white coats, etc., were all pointed at the muzzle of the black hole!

It's over!

it's all over!!!

"Police, don't move, everyone don't move, be honest, put your head in your hands..."

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