Fierce Than The Hulk, You Say He's A Policeman?

Chapter 67 Humanoid Bulldozer! Lovely People's Soldier!

Zhao Hao found that this guy was quite clever, and he ran out of the shanty as soon as they launched the storm, and was moving in the direction of the mountain...

If you let him run to the mountain, and if he is fast enough and familiar with the surrounding terrain, there is a real possibility of being lost.


Zhao Hao didn't dare to hesitate. Except for the criminals who stood in front of him, he would slap them away one by one, and Zhao Hao didn't care at all.

The primary target, the culprit of the carrion case!


Can you run away?

Zhao Hao broke out at twice the speed of ordinary people, with a mighty figure like the Hulk, plus the protection of the golden bell.

Suddenly, he was like a humanoid bulldozer, ramming along the way!

No detours at all!

Those who stand in front of him, even if they are lucky not to be slapped by him, they will be hit by him and hurt their bones!

To be more serious, it would just become dying.

However, Zhao Hao's figure did not slow down at all, including the shanty's pillars, which were broken by him several times.

For a time, the whole shanty became crumbling!

The scene was a mess, and the chaos turned into a pot of porridge!

Finally, Zhao Hao passed through the shanty, and his vision became wider!

Fifty meters!

The culprit is still on the run!

Forty meters!

Thirty meters!


[Name: Gao Xiuqi, 32 years old, one of the members of the counterfeit banknote organization, murderer, no criminal record...]

When Zhao Hao was 17 meters away from the real murderer of the carrion case, the other party was immediately included in the scope of his identification skills.

Then the murderer's personal information is hidden here in Zhao Hao!

One of the members of the counterfeit banknote organization!


According to the information that Zhao Hao scanned from him, this man named Gao Xiuqi was the real murderer of the carrion case in the apartment building on Shuitou Street!

The combination of odor recognition and identity recognition is 100% sure!

"Police! Stop and don't run!"

Zhao Hao roared, but his stature was not affected at all, and he continued to chase quickly.

Of course, he didn't expect this voice to stop the other party.

But Zhao Hao has reason to believe that his identity as a police officer can at least affect the other's psychology, thereby shortening the distance between the two.

Front 19 sides.

Gao Xiuqi, who was running for his life, suddenly heard a loud roar from behind. He, who thought he could escape by chance, stumbled on the spot and almost fell to the ground.

However, his mental quality is still strong.

Maybe it has something to do with the case he committed, so Gao Xiuqi just paused, and then he ran faster!

Having said that, Gao Xiuqi is quite tall, about 1.83 meters, and his physique is also very strong, and his running speed is very fast.

But he met Zhao Hao!!!

No matter his size, strength and speed, Zhao Hao can crush him!

Therefore, before running for twenty seconds, Gao Xiuqi felt a strong wind coming from behind.

What the hell, just a policeman?

Although Gao Xiuqi didn't look back, he heard Zhao Hao roar from the beginning to the end, and then he heard no footsteps except him.

Therefore, Gao Xiuqi judged from this that there was only one policeman chasing him!

Thinking about it, it's just catching gambling. The police certainly didn't expect us to be able to warn us in advance.

Therefore, if we want to arrest all of us with limited police force, it is impossible for two or three people to chase one!

But besides gambling, I also had a murder case on my back!

Is the policeman behind him so hard-headed?

Gao Xiuqi gritted his teeth and looked at the surrounding environment. At this time, he had entered the mountain. The surrounding trees were lush and the weeds were taller than people...

"Chasing to the end? Then why don't you just die! 99

Gao Xiuqi suddenly took out a dagger from his body, then turned back with a ferocious face, ready to fight Zhao Hao desperately.

But, this one looks back.

My mother~!~!


Gao Xiuqi immediately turned his head back, as if nothing had happened just now, and then continued to run desperately, one point faster than before!

Grass a DJ!

How can there be giants in the world?

And this giant is a cop?!

Is he still chasing me?!!!

Gao Xiuqi felt as aggrieved in his heart as a husky!

Can't fight, can't fight!

Gao Xiuqi even doubted whether this dagger could cause damage to the opponent?

He is afraid!

Running is the only option!

But he runs fast, Zhao Hao is faster!

Originally, Gao Xiuqi was frightened by his identity as a police officer, but when he turned around again, he wasted another time.

But don't underestimate this lost time.

At this moment, Zhao Hao's speed can achieve the effect of one and the other, so the distance between the two at this time is only five meters apart.




Zhao Hao accelerated suddenly, stretched out his arm like a fan, and grabbed one of Gao Xiuqi's legs.

Then Gao Xiuqi fell on the spot and ate feces, knocked out two front teeth, and scratched his face several times.

In a few seconds, the bright red blood from his forehead flowed down his forehead, smearing his eyes, unable to even open them.

In the end, he was picked up like a chicken by Zhao Hao!

"Run? Do you like to run? I just let you run! 99

Zhao Hao just carried him and trot back all the way, while Gao Xiuqi, whose eyes had been covered with blood, was like a headless fly, paddling with both hands and feet together!

"Forgive your life! Comrade police, spare your life!"

Gao Xiuqi screamed: "I admit it, can't I admit it? It's just gambling, it won't kill me, really, just take it easy..."

Zhao Hao didn't stop, and while continuing to trot, he said with a half-smile: "Gambling? You grandson, dare to admit that you gamble, dare not admit to murder?""


Gao Xiuqi, who was still arguing and pretending to be a coward, suddenly shrank his pupils in his blinded eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he could see the outside world through a slit.

Murder revealed!

This big cop came for my murder case!

Several thoughts collided, and while Gao Xiuqi was horrified, he also became surprisingly calm.

The identity of the murderer is exposed, which shows that the other party has sufficient evidence!

And as a murderer, coupled with the purpose of his murder, once these are made public, there is no chance for a commutation of the sentence, and there is a high probability that the end of a peanut!

If that's the case, then there really is no choice!

As his thoughts turned, Gao Xiuqi squinted and squinted at Zhao Hao, seeing that he didn't care about his appearance when he saw him running all the way.

You are so crazy, die!!!

It's too late, it's too soon.

Gao Xiu quickly took out his dagger again, pointed it at Zhao Hao's head, and was about to stab the dagger hard!


But in just the next moment, the dagger flew out, and his hand holding the dagger turned into a twist on the spot!


Gao Xiuqi suddenly let out a scream like a wolf howl.

"You still want to resist after being picked up by me? I suspect that you are thinking about shit! 35

Zhao Hao scolded, then picked up Gao Xiuqi's weapon for assaulting the police, and then trotted at an unhurried pace no matter how he howled.

It didn't take long.

Zhao Hao joins others!

At this time, the casino in the shanty was a mess, and it was noisy.

The voices of the police and criminals are one after another.

However, as far as the scene is concerned, Zhao Hao saw that the police had the absolute upper hand.

Moreover, with the support of Liu Mingyuan and others, the police swept through the entire casino.

"Mad, it's a draw!"

When Zhao Hao passed by Fei Gan, he also greeted him.

As a result, Fei Gan was scolding and scolding, but at the same time, he showed a smile like a 300-pound child!

Zhao Hao took a closer look, and it turned out that the cheap senior brother had been scratched on one of his hands. The wound was not very deep, but the blood flowed continuously.

But Fegan didn't care at all, because he subdued the perpetrator!

Zhao Hao glanced at the man, it turned out to be a Class B wanted criminal on the run...

And the scene.

Police officers like Fegan, and several more.

They also caught some fish, and met fierce resistance, including a few police officers.

Fortunately, the injuries were not serious, they didn't take it to heart, and they even showed off to others, saying that this was a feat on their resume!

Zhao Hao was speechless.

But he knew it was the police!

It is a group of lovely people's warriors who choose to carry their weight and move forward in order to make the people feel that the years are quiet!!!

Zhao Hao came to the empty shanty and looked at the crumbling shanty in front of him.

He lifted Gao Xiuqi, the murderer of the carrion case, who was slipping away, and shouted: "Everyone, gather!!!"


Suddenly, everyone looked at him.

Seeing Gao Xiuqi, Liu Liqun, Sun Zeyu, Fu Xuelin, Liu Mingyuan, and others, they seemed to realize something in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, everyone held the criminals in their hands and immediately moved towards Zhao Hao.

After a while, everyone gathered together.

The criminals were also divided into different categories, all of them were handcuffed, and then either squatted or lay on their stomachs, lined up in a whole row, which was not spectacular.

Looking at the number of people, it was about sixty people.

Through identification skills, Zhao Hao knew even more that there was another A-level wanted criminal, and then three B-level wanted criminals.

Others are at large and some small fish and shrimp...

Liu Liqun, the captain of the criminal police team, was in a turbulent mood at this time. Although he tried his best to hide it, it was difficult to hide his inner excitement!

He originally wanted to pat Zhao Hao on the shoulder, but in the end he chose to give him a thumbs up because of his height difference.

Then he said solemnly: "Comrade Zhao Hao, is this person in your hands the suspect in the carrion case?"

Zhao Hao nodded.

Then grinned: "Yes, it's him, the smell is right! This grandson made us toss and turn for a long time, but fortunately, we still caught him in the end!"

After receiving Zhao Hao's affirmative response, Liu Liqun's eyes suddenly lit up.

The other people present were also relieved when they heard the words, because the carrion case was a top priority, and if this case was not solved, it would always keep people in their throats!

Now, although the final decision has not been made, everyone can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Then the atmosphere became warm.

At the end of this operation, Zhao Hao's command was immediately returned to Liu Liqun.

Liu Liqun, the captain of the criminal police team, was not polite to him.

After all, the carrion case is very important, and even if he believes Zhao Hao, he can't listen to all his words.

If Gao Xiuqi's conclusive evidence of the crime cannot be grasped, then even if he is caught, he can only be regarded as a suspect.

Therefore, the next task is still a long way to go!

Without further ado, Liu Liqun didn't care about showing merit for the time being, and immediately summoned Sun Zeyu and another member of the task force.

"Immediately bring the suspect back to the criminal police team for interrogation, and compare the fingerprints, footprints and some hair and skin tissue collected at the murder scene with the suspect!

Liu Liqun said: "Once it is confirmed that he is the real murderer, then our carrion case will be officially solved, and then I will give you two days off...

Sun Zeyu and another colleague were overjoyed and took orders, and then took Gao Xiuqi away first.

And they just left.

At this time, a member of the task force suddenly trotted over.

"Reporting the team leader, in this operation, we have arrested 62 illegal and criminal elements, and the preliminary statistics are 62, plus the previous arrests, a total of 164!

She reported in a very excited tone: "And among the more than 100 people, Gao Xiuqi, the suspect in the carrion case, counts as one!

"Two identifiable A-level wanted criminals! Eight B-level wanted criminals! 35

"The rest are 153 gamblers, Lao Lai, thieves, tea heads, milk tea girls, etc. in total!

The person who reported the statistics was a female criminal police officer.

As she said that, she still looked at Zhao Hao with burning eyes from time to time.

But no one felt unusual.

Because hearing this data-


Including Liu Liqun, everyone was completely quiet, and then they all looked at Zhao Hao.


Liu Liqun, the captain of the criminal police team, took the lead and saluted Zhao Hao.


Immediately afterwards, one of the police officers present, all followed suit, and saluted Zhao Hao one after another.


It has only been less than four hours since the carrion case was discovered.

The first person to discover the crime scene was Zhao Hao!

It was also Zhao Hao who found the first clue!

It was also Zhao Hao who led them to take down the three criminal dens!

In the end, the real culprit in the carrion case still could not escape the legal net, and was brought up in front of everyone by Zhao Hao!

And this series of events, the total time, does not exceed four hours!

This is the result of everyone's victory!

Zhao Hao, take the lead!!!

He is a police officer, but he is the temporary supreme commander in this operation!

But he lived up to expectations.

Not only did he lead everyone to take down the real culprit in the carrion case, but he also destroyed several criminal dens in one fell swoop and captured 164 criminals...

Suddenly, everyone looked at Zhao Hao with respect and admiration!

And Zhao Hao is also proud!

After wandering around a few criminal dens, the carrion case was finally solved!

Therefore, he also immediately returned a gift to everyone!

Li Bi.

Everyone let out a long sigh, and then fell into a huge carnival, and they all worked hard.

At this time, Liu Liqun also took out the walkie-talkie, and was preparing to report the progress of the case to his superiors, and by the way asked for support.

Because, there are too many criminals here, and there are not enough cars!!!

But inadvertently saw Zhao Hao, who was big and three thick, Liu Liqun suddenly smiled, and then handed over the walkie-talkie to the great hero in this operation.

Liu Liqun said: "Zhao Hao, it's up to you to report the situation here to the command center!

Zhao Hao was stunned for a moment, and was about to refuse, but he heard Fu Xuelin, Liu Mingyuan and others also asked Zhao Hao to be responsible for reporting the results.

Zhao Hao saw that everyone was sincere, and he was not a squeamish character.

So, happy to take up the task!

"Command center, command center, I'm Zhao Hao, a police officer at the Huxi Police Station with the police number **. The car can't fit anymore, so I'm asking for support!"

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