Fierce Than The Hulk, You Say He's A Policeman?

Chapter 69 The case of 500 million counterfeit banknotes, and the sound of gunfire outside the shed!

The leaders of the city bureau were dumbfounded when they saw Zhao Hao.

But then, they also responded!

Isn't this the hero who single-handedly took down a den of human traffickers and rescued the children of municipal leaders in the special campaign against human traffickers?

The leaders of the municipal bureau who were present at the time had all read the report.

So I also know that the person who accomplished this feat was a police officer from the Huxi Police Station who was more than two meters tall and looked full of evil.

At that time, when they saw the report, the leaders of the city bureau joked, saying that even if the lower-level comrades wanted to shape the people's heroes, they didn't need to be so exaggerated.

Take a look now...

We are superficial!

And when they contacted the police officer from the Huxi Police Station, it was not difficult to come to the conclusion that this person was the same person they remembered.

In today's action, is he the biggest hero?

Seemingly aware of the leaders' doubts, Liu Liqun quickly explained it to them.

turn out to be.

It was the carrion case he first discovered, and then with his unique smell, he followed the smell to find the first casino.

After many twists and turns, the suspect was finally arrested and brought to justice here!

And in this process, he took the team and captured 164 criminals, and then there is the current result!


There are also a lot of talents in the grassroots film police!

"Small... comrade!

Director Wu Pengyi habitually opened his mouth and wanted to call "good boy", but seeing that Zhao Hao's big size was not suitable, he changed it into a comrade abruptly!


"These muscle lines are just as drawn!"

"Really strong!

"The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves!

"Pride of the police force!"


The leaders of the city council were amazed.

And Zhao Hao was just about to respond modestly.

But right now.

The policemen, who were still searching for stolen casino goods and criminal evidence in the shantytown, suddenly exclaimed.

"Quick, mother~!~!

The exclamations came and went, and the tone was trembling, containing both excitement and disbelief, but also a kind of hallucinatory fear.

Everyone was stunned.

Only Zhao Hao was the first to react, and then he ran over there in a rush!

Because, he heard that the voice belonged to senior brother Fei Gan.

For fear of his brother's accident, Zhao Hao also ignored the leaders of the listing bureau!

But after a few steps, Zhao Hao realized that something was wrong.

Because within the range of his scent recognition, there is no one else in 557 close to the senior brother Fei Gan, only Fei Gan's smell of adrenaline surges, which is a bit strange!


Excessive tension?

Or is it something else?

Zhao Hao didn't know, and he didn't have time to think more. With the courage of an artist, he broke in at the first time.

The shack is a mess.

Scattered chips, gambling equipment, and occasionally some cash, and messy tables and chairs that were overturned and placed.

Zhao Hao knocked away the obstacles blocking the road one after another and kicked them away!

After a while, he arrived at the location where Fei Gan was.

This is a small room.

Zhao Hao rushed in with a vigilant expression on his face, but the moment he entered the room, his figure quickly stopped.

I see.

The room was empty except for Fei Gan, and the furnishings were quite simple, with a desk, a coffee table and a few sofas.

Then there is the ground, a Tang knife that should be an ornament, and a pile of scattered wallpaper scraps!

All the sights are clear at a glance.

But the first thing that caught my eye was not Feigan, nor anything else in the room, but a wall!

Yes, a wall!

A wall made of banknotes!!!

At this moment, Fei Gan stood blankly in front of the wall, like a primary school student who had made a mistake and was facing the wall.

Even Zhao Hao, the moment he saw this wall of banknotes, his brain couldn't help but buzz!

Growing up so big, let alone in reality, he has rarely seen scenes of so many banknotes in film and television!

As far as this wall is concerned.

It is about five meters long and three meters high, depending on its thickness, at least thirty centimeters up!

"How much is this!

Feigan swallowed subconsciously.

After a brief shock, Zhao Hao came back to his senses, because he doesn't value wealth, and thinks that money is enough.

Anything more is a number.

He said solemnly: "Senior brother, what's going on?"

Don't wait for Feigan to answer.

Ding Deng Deng.

At this moment, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, as well as Liu Liqun and others, also flocked to the sound!

The moment you enter the room.


Goo-dong! Goo-dong! Goo-dong~!~

The voices of drooling came one after another, and everyone who saw this wall was dumbfounded, and some people even rubbed their eyes exaggeratedly.


A whole wall of banknotes, the visual impact (bjdc) brought to people is absolutely unparalleled, and one of the people present is counted as one, it is only seen in life!

Although they are not gold, they have the charm of gold, as if they are all emitting light, making people unable to take their eyes off of them and shocking beyond comparison!


Afterwards, everyone looked at Feigan in different ways, because he discovered this place first.

Fegan was startled.

Among several city bureau leaders, he only knew Huang Chengxing.

So after swallowing again, Fei Gan said to Huang Chengxing tremblingly: "Deputy Director Huang, this is none of my business!"

"I just saw a Tang knife hanging on the wall, and I was going to collect it as evidence. I didn't expect to see the banknotes on the wall as soon as I took it down.

Later, Feigan starts to inspect the wall, finds a problem, and finally rips off the wallpaper, thereby fully exposing the wall of bills!

Of course, no one doubted Fei Gan.

After all, he discovered the wall of banknotes, and it shook people immediately, so everyone just wanted to know how he discovered this wall.

"Quick, arrest the owner of this casino and ask what's going on!"

Director Wu Pengyi's face sank.

The discovery of such a wall is not necessarily a good thing for the public security system of Jiangbei City!

Who knows where the money is coming from?

If you think that this is a casino, it is obvious that the money must come from the wrong source, and it is unknown how much dry bones and blood and sweat are mixed in it!

Others reacted and realized that it was not easy!

But someone was about to act when a female police officer from the task force said, "Wait, there's something wrong with these banknotes!"

While talking, the policewoman stepped forward, and then took out a stack of banknotes with gloves on.


The policewoman Liu Mei frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. Instead, she drew a few stacks of banknotes at random in a row, and also flipped through it.

"Fake! The money is all fake!"

The policewoman shook her head, and then looked at Wu Pengyi with a solemn expression, "Director Wu, although these banknotes are fake, they are enough to match the fake to the real.

"My mom is a bank employee, and I've learned about it myself, so I can tell the difference.

"But if these banknotes are left out, I'm sure that the vast majority of people will have a hard time identifying their authenticity, including some ordinary money counters on the market..."

She didn't say anything after that.

But the expressions of everyone present are more solemn than one!

The money for this wall, according to preliminary estimates, is at least more than 500 million!

500 million counterfeit banknotes!!!

And it is quite realistic, and it can have the effect of confusing the fake with the real. It is difficult for ordinary people to recognize it, and even ordinary money counters will be fooled by it!

no doubt.

This is a very large-scale case of counterfeiting banknotes that is of a vile nature, can have a great impact on society, and cause great losses to people's lives and property!

"No one knows if these counterfeit banknotes have ever been circulated. If so, it will be a big deal!"

Director Wu Pengyi made a decisive decision: "Quick, bring back all the criminals in this casino immediately, and conduct interrogation overnight, we must as soon as possible..."


Who knows.

Before he could finish speaking, a gunshot rang out in the shanty town!

This is like a thunderbolt from the blue, making everyone suddenly change color!

Then, the vast majority of people fell down instantly, one by one adrenaline surged, the expressions on their faces were full of vigilance, and at the same time they became unprecedentedly dignified.

Several municipal leaders were protected by the police.

No one knows where the gunshots came from, but everyone knows that in the Dragon Country where guns are strictly controlled, the sound of gunshots means extreme danger!

"Left, three o'clock!

At a critical moment, Liu Liqun, an experienced criminal police team leader, suddenly said: "Xiao Wang, protect the director and the political commissar, and the others follow me!

Ding Ding Ding!

Everyone immediately obeyed the command and acted.

They are all police officers, the incarnation of justice, and wherever there is danger, they are there, so at the critical moment, there is no cowardice!

Even the police comrades at the police station did not have guns in their hands, but the sound of gunfire was the horn of battle, and everyone had no hesitation!

Of course, Zhao Hao also reacted immediately. He didn't have any fear, but rushed faster than the detectives.

"Zhao Hao, why are you courting death?"

Liu Liqun said furiously: "If you have a gun, just rush forward. You are very good when you run fast? Get behind me!


Liu Liqun was even rude for this!

The so-called deep love, hate all!

Seeing that Zhao Hao was more active than the people in the criminal police team, Liu Liqun was so angry that he almost didn't catch his breath!

I know you are fierce, but this may be a shootout. You are a mortal body at the forefront, when you are a meat shield?

As the biggest hero in today's action, if something happened to you because of this, how could I explain it to the leaders of the city bureau behind?

How to explain to all the members of your Huxi police station?

I, the captain of the criminal police team, what face will I meet in the future?

If it wasn't on the way to charge at the moment, Liu Liqun must have a good talk with Zhao Hao!

When Zhao Hao, who was originally rushing in the front, heard the words, he couldn't help but stop, and then retreated to the second line.

He almost forgot, now that the command has been returned to Liu Liqun, he is no longer the commander.

And Liu Liqun was right, since there were gunshots, it might have been a shootout.

No matter how strong he Zhao Hao is, he is only a mortal body. Even if there is a golden bell given by the system, there is a high probability that he will not be able to stop the bullet!

There is only one life!

If you have a gun, it's fine, you will definitely rush forward. If you don't have a gun, you should hide behind and act according to the opportunity!

Think of these.

Zhao Hao immediately said sincerely: "I'm sorry Team Liu, I was impulsive, and I promise to follow your instructions later! 35

Liu Liqun hummed, but did not reprimand him.

After all, if he hadn't really cared about and cherished his talents, he wouldn't have gotten so angry!

Since Zhao Hao admits his mistake, he will not say more.

Moreover, it was soon approaching the destination where the gunshots came from. Without further ado, Liu Liqun rushed to the forefront with several policemen with guns.

After a while, everyone came to a room.

And was about to break in.

"Not in the room, outside the shed!"

Zhao Hao turned on the scent recognition skills, but after saying this, his face suddenly changed, "Master? It's my master!!!"

It was already relegated to the second line.

But Zhao Hao suddenly smelled the scent of Master He Chengfu, and beside Master, there were two people he smelled for the first time!

This means that the two people Zhao Hao have not met, and naturally they are not members of today's action group...

"Zhao Hao!

"Zhao Hao, stop!"

"Brother Zhao, don't be impulsive!"


Everyone wanted to hear what Zhao Hao had to say, but in the next second, he would run wild.

By the time the others reacted, Zhao Hao had broken through three walls in a row, and turned into a humanoid bulldozer, ramming all the way!

During this process, everyone saw Zhao Hao pick up a piece of wood as thick as a telephone pole on the ground, and then hold it and continue to dash without much pause at all!

Everyone was amazed!

Many people stopped talking abruptly, and when they came back to their senses, Zhao Hao banged again and smashed through the last wall in the shanty.

After leaving a large human-shaped hole more than two meters high, they could no longer see Zhao Hao.

"Quick, catch up!

Liu Li's eyes were splitting, "Zhao Hao, this bastard, just swore to me that he would obey the command, so I forgot it in a blink of an eye!"

Although he said so, Liu Liqun rushed faster than anyone else!

at the same time.

On Zhao Hao's side, after he ran out holding a huge log that was about two meters long, he soon saw Master He Chengfu.

But this time.

He Chengfu has fallen to the ground, his life and death are unknown!

Not far away, there are two men, one sitting on a mountain bike that has been started, and it seems that they are ready to run at any time.

The other person was holding a Black Star 54 pistol in his hand, and the black muzzle was aimed at He Chengfu's head from afar.

[Name: Liu Mingjie, 42 years old, one of the members of the counterfeit banknote organization...]

[Name: Zhang Yingwu, 36 years old, one of the members of the counterfeit banknote organization...]

Within the scope of identification skills, the identity information of the two was immediately captured by Zhao Hao, and the man with the gun at this time was the man named Liu Mingjie!

According to his identity information.

In addition to being a member of the counterfeit banknote organization, this guy has once carried three lives and is a Class A wanted criminal who has been wanted by the whole country for several years!

But over the years, the police have found no trace of him at all!

At present, this guy is actually hiding and making counterfeit banknotes!

However, Zhao Hao didn't care so much at this time. Seeing him, he wanted to shoot, and it was aimed at Master's head.

So his eyes were flushed, and he shouted angrily, "Stop!

This roar.

Liu Mingjie, who was about to shoot, was shocked, and then he subconsciously looked towards Zhao Hao.

But this sight made him almost scared out of his wits!

I saw a big man who was as strong as the Hulk, and his eyes were the size of copper bells.

The fierce temperament is coming!

Then the huge wood in his hand, about the size of a telephone pole, was waving like a toy in his hand.


The sound of breaking through the air resounded.

The next moment, the wood was thrown out of his hand, and then flew towards him...

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