Fierce Than The Hulk, You Say He's A Policeman?

Chapter 76 Won the first-class merit, and was promoted to the first-level superintendent!

Huxi Police Station, inside the conference room.

Today is a special day.

“As the carrion case in Jiangbei City was solved, and many criminals were brought to justice, Huxi Police Station also made great contributions.99

"So after half a month.

"Finally, the provincial department and committee decided to award and reward all and some individuals of the Huxi Police Station after the meeting."

In the conference room at this time.

In addition to the police on duty, others, including director Fu Xuelin and instructor Yu Yuanzhong, have all been present.

on stage.

It was Wu Pengyi, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, who accompanied a comrade with the same police rank as him, who came down from the provincial bureau, and was giving a speech on the stage.

In the front row, in addition to the director Fu Xuelin, there are also many leaders of the city's public security bureau, such as the deputy director Huang Chengxing.

"The purpose of our visit today is roughly like this. 33

The comrade from the provincial office finished speaking, and then put away the serious expression on his face.

Then he continued: "The Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Criminal Police Brigade, and several other police stations, we have all been there."

"Because your Huxi Police Station's performance was too outstanding in the last operation, and the heroism of some comrades was outstanding, we put it last."

"By the way, is that little comrade Zhao Hao here yet?"

Look around.

The provincial comrade said with a smile: "This comrade, but our big leader has mainly explained that I must give him honors and other awards in front of him... 19

Don't wait for the people below to answer.

Wu Mingyi, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, responded: "Senior brother, Zhao Hao is in hospital because he was wounded by a gun in the last operation."

"But now that his current injury has recovered, I notified Director Fu early in the morning and asked him to call Zhao Hao back. "Five Seven Zero"

"So if you count the time, it should be almost the same! 35

Fu Xuelin in the audience also nodded and said: "Ten minutes ago, Comrade He Chengfu had called me and said that Zhao Hao had been discharged from the hospital. 55

"However, Zhao Hao is so huge that he can't take a normal taxi. According to my estimation, he should take a bus back, so it will take some time!


The comrades who came down from the provincial office were not angry.

Instead, he said with a smile: "The more you talk, the more I want to meet this little comrade, let's walk around, let's not sit here and wait, just go to the door to meet him!"

Ah this?!

Fu Xuelin and other policemen from Huxi Police Station were a little uneasy, and asked the comrades from the provincial office and the leaders of the city bureau to greet him?

Will it be too grand?!

Zhao Hao, a small police officer, can he afford this enthusiasm?

But Wu Pengyi said: "It should be the case. Comrade Zhao Hao has made great achievements since he joined the post. In just over a month, nearly 300 criminals have been arrested. 39

"Among them, there are dozens of repeat offenders, and one of them was shot on duty, so let's go meet him together!

"We can't be partial in other aspects, but mentally, we can't let our comrades chill.

The comrades of the provincial department and the city bureau chief spoke out, which was equivalent to setting the tone for the matter.

Others expressed no opinion on the spot.

So soon.

A group of people walked out of the conference room in a hurry, and then came to the gate of the Huxi Police Station, forming a rather spectacular line, ready to welcome Comrade Zhao Hao back to the team!


The group of them had just arrived at the entrance of the Huxi Police Station, but a bus arrived as scheduled, and just stopped in front of everyone.

This bus is naturally the one that Zhao Hao took.

Originally, he caught two thieves, and the passengers in the car understood the cause and effect and learned that he was a police officer from the Huxi Police Station.

Everyone is not so afraid of him anymore, because Long Guo has been a family since ancient times!

So along the way, everyone praised Zhao Hao.

As for the time delayed by the bus diversion, it is not a problem for everyone. Instead, everyone can watch the excitement, and everyone is quite happy.

It turned out good.

The bus just pulled into the gate of Huxi Police Station.

Ding Ding Ding!

A large group of policemen flocked, and the leading ones were full of majesty at first glance. The temperament of the superiors was difficult to conceal, bringing unparalleled pressure to everyone on the spot.

So the bus suddenly quieted down.

Shi Hetong and Li Yongfu, the two arrested thieves, cried and urinated in fear on the spot!

Just steal the handcuffs!

Just took a few pictures~!~

Useful...for such a big battle?

Where is this catching thieves? It's obviously a battle against the gangsters of the century!

my mom~!

The two shivered, and in the end, their legs felt as if they were filled with lead, and they couldn't walk at all.

The other passengers were also scared, but they thought more, suspecting that the police were not targeting the two thieves at all, but directed at Zhao Hao.

It has to be said that what they thought was right.

It's just that the result was a little different from what they thought, because they came to greet Zhao Hao, not because of Zhao Hao's appearance, the police station was all on alert...

"Hey, Director, and all the leaders, Director, what... are you all here?

Zhao Hao saw that the two thieves couldn't walk, so he didn't talk nonsense, and directly lifted them out of the car like chickens.

Say hello to everyone while getting out of the car.

Then he explained: "On the way back, I caught two thieves. One was caught secretly filming the scene. This grandson is awesome. He stole my handcuffs.

"You don't know, this grandson actually said that he has studied psychology and is well versed in the truth of darkness under the light."

"So others are afraid of me like a tiger, but he does the opposite, thinking that stealing my things will not attract everyone's attention..."

Under pressure from Zhao Hao in the car, Shi Hetong, the amateur thief, finally told the truth, which is what Zhao Hao stated.

This makes Zhao Hao laugh and cry!

The brain circuit is really weird enough, but breaking the law is breaking the law, Zhao Hao won't open the net just because of his weirdness, so he still got him back.

And this time.

The leaders, who were speechless because of Zhao Hao's appearance, were stunned when they saw the picture of Zhao Hao carrying two thieves.

I asked you to go to the hospital for treatment, but you arrested the doctor!

Let you return to the team, but you caught two more thieves along the way?!

Lying in a big slot!

Where did you go to catch it?!

Do those thieves all have a pair of eyes, why are they all leaning on you?!

"Cough cough.""

Wu Pengyi, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, was the first to recover.

This is not a place to talk, after all, there are still many onlookers!

So he said: "Zhao Hao, leave these two thieves to your brothers and sisters to deal with. This is a comrade from our provincial department, my brother Chen Gaoyuan."5

"My senior brother came down this time to..."

Wu Pengyi roughly explained Chen Gaoyuan's purpose and the reason why the leaders of the city bureau came to the Huxi Police Station.

at the same time.

After hearing Wu Mingyi's words, the others also came to their senses, and then a police officer stepped forward to take over the two thieves.

As for the passengers on the bus, except for the young lady who was secretly photographed to make a simple record, everyone else was persuaded to leave.


Zhao Hao was greeted by everyone and came to the conference room of the Huxi Police Station.

I haven't been back in the office for half a month, Zhao Hao feels that the air here seems to be fresher and more comfortable than the outside!

"Zhao Hao, you are really capable of doing things!"

Liu Liqun forced Zhao Hao to sit in the front row, then lowered his voice and scolded with a laugh, "We're all waiting for you, but it's better for you to catch the thief along the way."

"Do you know what day it is? Do you know why we are waiting for you to come back?

Zhao Hao said in confusion: "Didn't it mean that the carrion case was solved, and then my hospitalization date was full, so let me return to the team as soon as possible?

Liu Liqun shook his head, but he didn't give him an explanation.

Fortunately, Zhao Hao was not very curious, because he knew that even if Liu Liqun didn't say it, he would know what was going on in a while.

At this point, everyone was already seated.

on stage.

Chen Gaoyuan, who came down on behalf of the will of the provincial department, and Wu Pengyi, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, sat together.

Then Chen Gaoyuan said: "Since Comrade Zhao Hao has returned, our award ceremony will officially begin!

Looking at Zhao Hao, Chen Gaoyuan couldn't help but be speechless.

Heard it before coming.

He is two meters three tall, weighs nearly four hundred, and has a ferocious temperament like a gangster of the century.

Then you are very good at catching thieves!

Sure enough, he led the team to welcome this kid, only to see him come back with two thieves.

So awesome!!!

Fortunately, Chen Gaoyuan was already mentally prepared for all this, so the shock must have been there, but it was not a gaffe.

And as his voice fell.

There was thunderous applause at the scene.

Only then did Zhao Hao know that the award ceremony was going on in the station, and the leaders from the provincial and municipal bureaus came to show their merit to the Huxi Police Station as a whole and individually.

First of all, a collective second-class merit was awarded to the Huxi Police Station!

Fu Xuelin, the director, is responsible for the leadership.

There was applause from the audience.

Then comes the personal recognition!

Or third-class merit, or notification rewards, or some cash rewards and so on.

It cannot be said that everyone has a share.

But in that operation, because Zhao Hao took the lead, the entire Huxi Police Station was basically at the forefront, and the criminals who took over were the most spectacular.

Repeated offenses and serious offenses are basically caught by Zhao Hao and handed over to other brothers in the institute for custody.

Therefore, when Zhao Hao eats meat, everyone can also drink soup!

Like senior brother Fei Gan, because he was injured and captured a B-level wanted criminal in the shanty casino on Fengbian Street, plus some other credits.

Therefore, he was awarded a third-class medal of merit, with several bonuses!

There is also He Chengfu, who was not present, because he was on the wall and "assisted" to kill a Class A wanted criminal. In addition to some other credits, he was once again awarded a third-class merit!

Other brothers and sisters, there are also a few outstanding.

Therefore, the applause in the conference room almost never stopped.

But this time.

The place was quiet.

Swish swish.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Zhao Hao, because he was the last person who had not been awarded.

But everyone knows that today's Zhao Hao is the protagonist!

"Comrade Zhao Hao!

Sure enough, Zhao Hao, who was in focus, was soon called by Chen Gaoyuan's name.


Zhao Hao got up immediately, his two-meter-three-high body stood up straight like Cheng Tianzhu, and cooperated with the police uniform he changed into when he returned to the station.

Temperament bonus, suddenly reached the peak!

Fierce and majestic!

Everyone couldn't help but smacked their tongues secretly, but also affirmed Zhao Hao's temperament, this is definitely the light of their police force!


Zhao Hao unhurriedly walked to the front desk step by step.


Chen Gaoyuan and Wu Pengyi also paid their respects one after another.

Everyone looked solemn and solemn.

After the ceremony.

Chen Gaoyuan said solemnly: "In view of Comrade Zhao Hao's outstanding performance and outstanding military exploits in the process of detecting the carrion case."

"He also served as the temporary commander, leading the team to arrest Gao Xiuqi, the murderer of the carrion case, and brought down four criminal dens during the period.

"A total of 182 criminals were arrested.

"Among them, the carrion murderer counts as one!"

"Four A-level wanted criminals!"

"Twelve Class B Most Wanted!""

"Four criminals were killed at the scene!


Chen Gaoyuan was very careful and counted Zhao Hao's credit.

It never occurred to him that reading a person's credit would make him thirsty!

It's just outrageous fucking open the door to outrageous.

Outrageous home!!!

And after finally finished reading, Chen Gaoyuan couldn't help but gasped for a few breaths. While the people below kept quiet, his scalp was numb.

After a few seconds.

Chen Gaoyuan then continued: "After the above-mentioned merits were reported by the provincial department and committee, the superiors uniformly approved and awarded Comrade Zhao Hao first-class merits as an example, and encouraged them with them...

First class work!


Although everyone wants to be serious.

But when they heard the first-class merit, the people present couldn't bear it any longer, all of them gasping for breath, and their eyes looking at Zhao Hao became unprecedentedly hot!

Even Zhao 3.2 Hao himself did not expect that the sum of his credits would be able to obtain first-class credits!

But just when Zhao Hao was about to receive the reward.

Chen Gaoyuan shook his head slightly towards him and said: "Also, after the vote of the provincial committee meeting, in addition to the above rewards.

"Superintendent Zhao Hao, the third-level superintendent, has made great contributions and devoted himself to his post during his tenure. Comrade Zhao Hao is specially allowed to be promoted to the superintendent of the first-level superintendent!"

First Sergeant!

numb numb!!!

The leaders of the city bureau and the senior officers of the criminal police team were fine, but all the members of the Huxi police station could not help but feel their scalps tingling.

Because Zhao Hao was promoted to first-level superintendent, it was equivalent to the police rank of the director Fu Xuelin!

This is a first class police officer!!!

Since Zhao Hao joined the post, it took less than ten days to go from a trainee police officer to a third-level superintendent, and a month to go from a third-level superintendent to a first-level superintendent!

And these things, others follow the normal process, the qualifications, etc., at least ten or twenty years.

Now that's it, Zhao Hao has only been hired for more than a month, and he is already on the same level as the director!

Dare you say, this is the rank of a police officer?

For a while, everyone didn't know how to get along with Zhao Hao in the future.

That is to say, the cheap master He Chengfu was not present, otherwise he would definitely cry and faint in the toilet~!~


"Comrade Zhao Hao!"

Chen Gaoyuan looked at Zhao Hao meaningfully again, "In addition to these, consider your personal physical, ability and other circumstances."

"After the study and decision of our provincial committee meeting, some of your bonus awards will be cancelled, and then we will make up for you in the form of materials..."

Everyone is amazed!

Still... not over yet?!

"Comrade Zhao Hao, because the materials rewarded by your superiors are somewhat special, so please come with me..."

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