Fierce Than The Hulk, You Say He's A Policeman?

Chapter 85 I haven't even started the investigation, you brought back all the criminals?

Jiangbei City Public Security Bureau entrance.

At this time, it was almost dusk, but the public security bureau was brightly lit, and several headlights illuminated the square as bright as day.

Headed by Gao Xue, the leader of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Provincial Office, followed by the leaders of the Municipal Bureau of Public Security, all the senior officials of the public security system stood at the gate of the square and looked forward to it.

Finally at about half past six in the evening.

With the appearance of a refitted oversized BMW R18 painted with special spray paint for public security, Zhao Hao took the lead in entering people's field of vision.

And behind it.

Two special police cars took the lead, followed by three buses, and on both sides of each bus, there were special armed police vehicles to supervise the whole process.

At the back are eight Santana police cars, which are loaded with some members of the Haicang District Criminal Police Team and Patrol Team.

The lights are flashing and the siren is beeping!

Gao Xueming and the leaders of the city bureau saw this scene and immediately stepped forward.

And Zhao Hao also flicked the motorcycle for the first time, parked on the side, and then started to trot forward.

He is 2.3 meters tall and weighs nearly 400 pounds!


This trot is very moving, just like the Tyrannosaurus rex in the film and television, majestic and shocking!

After coming to the leaders.

"Report to the leaders, the police officer of Huxi Police Station, Huli District, Jiangbei City, Zhao Hao to report to the leaders!"

Zhao Hao stood upright, majestic, and his body stood as straight as a Chengtianzhu!

The leaders of the city bureau are already familiar with him, but every time they see Zhao Hao, they still can't help but whisper.


Gao Xueming, the leader of the provincial department, also swallowed subconsciously.

my mother~!~

This is too big!!!

Although he is familiar with Zhao Hao's deeds, but when he really sees Zhao Hao, he realizes how heroic and extraordinary this Jiangbei City is known as the patrol pioneer of the legendary film police!

Sure enough, the public security system of Jiangbei City has a real tough police officer!

And then.

Li Liangping, the captain of the criminal police team of Haicang District Bureau, and Zhou Kaicheng, the captain of the patrol police, also got out of the car at this time and walked to the front.

These people are more or less holding these things, which are part of the criminal evidence of the criminal group that Zhao Hao and the others collected during their trip.

After salute the leaders respectively.

"Comrade Li Liangping, on the phone just now, your director didn't quite understand!

After a simple greeting, Director Wu Pengyi said: "Now tell me, what did you all do in this operation of your Canghai Branch! 35

Li Liangping smiled bitterly and said: "Director Wu, you are embarrassing me, in fact, I only received a call for reinforcements halfway through.

"Although Zhao Hao and the others also told me about the process later, but the specific details, etc., if you ask me, it is better to let Zhao Hao do this report!

Many leaders were stunned.

Fortunately, they all know Zhao Hao's ability to make troubles. Of course, the so-called troublemaking here is the kind of troublemaking that everyone recognizes and highly praises.

It's a compliment!

So Wu Pengyi didn't hesitate too much, and immediately said with a smile: "Then, Comrade Zhao Hao, it's up to you to tell me, it just so happens that I also like to listen to you!

Like hearing me talk?!

Zhao Hao was speechless, and the other leaders laughed.

Including Gao Xueming, the leader of the provincial department, also smiled and said: "Comrade Zhao Hao, I am Gao Xueming, from the provincial department's criminal investigation team, your name is also very familiar to me!"

"It's said that you are good at catching thieves, and sure enough, it's better to meet you if you're famous. I've only been here for a while, and I heard that you've caught hundreds of criminals!

"Come on, I also want to hear, what criminals have you caught..."

The meeting was going on.

But because Wu Pengyi answered the phone and heard that hundreds of criminals were arrested, Gao Xueming was not in a hurry, and wanted to know what kind of action this was.

Zhao Hao was not nervous when he saw the provincial leaders.

He grinned at the leader.

Zhao Hao said eloquently: "This matter has to start when I went to patrol Zhongzhai Village in Haicang District in the morning, and Brother Zhou Kaicheng gave me five steamed buns..."


Zhao Hao went over the whole case to the leaders present.

Human meat bun shop!

Dirty garage!

Rampant Nightclub!

Three dens, every scene makes people feel numb and shudder!

"After preliminary statistics, we are in this operation.

Zhao Hao said: "A total of 107 criminal suspects were arrested!"

"Two of them are Class A wanted criminals!

"Eight B-class wanted criminals!"

"Others without a criminal record include murderers, fan dealers, 'tea' dealers, human traffickers, etc. There are seventeen with conclusive evidence!"

"In addition, there are criminal records, criminals who participated in various illegal and criminal activities of the criminal organization, and some accomplices, etc., a total of 80 ..."

Speaking of which.

Zhao Hao paused for a while, and then continued: "In addition, the stolen money we seized at the scene was more than 20 million in cash, and the amount in the bank card of the frozen criminals exceeded 100 million! 95

"At the same time, we have successfully rescued a total of 47 victims in these three criminal dens, and 63 victims have been confirmed to be persecuted to death!

"and also……"

Zhao Hao has no details.

Tell what he saw and heard in this operation, and how to find the criminals' den and the process of ending the criminals' den, one by one.

And many leaders present still had some smiles on their faces when they didn't know what happened.

But since Zhao Hao started talking, the smiles on their faces have been frozen.

Then it turned into shock!

Shock again!

Until the fist is clenched, I can't wait to replace it on the spot!

When they finally heard the result, everyone became solemn and angry, and some leaders burst into tears.

Obviously no one thought that the hundreds of criminals that Zhao Hao led to arrest would be so vicious!

So frustrating!!!

Forcing the good into tea, if you are slightly disobedient, you will be beaten and scolded, and if you are serious, you will be killed!

Don't let it go even if you die, piles of dead bones!

The meat is used to make stuffing, made into buns and sold!

The incident is so bad that if it spreads out, it may even cause turmoil and panic within a certain range!

So irritating!!!

"I, Jiangbei City, have such a big tumor!"

Wu Peng said indignantly: "It seems that our work is still not in place, which has chilled the people's hearts, made the victims suffer, and made the victims' families aggrieved!"

"We...still need to work on it!

Other leaders followed suit.

The provincial and ministerial leader's high school name is also scalp numb!

Everyone is shaking!

It's not that I'm scared, but I'm so angry that I almost twitch...

And this time.

Zhao Hao exchanged glances with Li Liangping.

Both of them understood the meaning in each other's eyes, so after a while, they made a gesture towards the bottom.

Immediately afterwards, the special police and armed police began to act, and immediately escorted the criminals on the three buses to the square one by one.

The leaders came to their senses.

Looking at the criminals, although many of them are almost unable to stand up, some are still in a state of fainting, some are crying for their parents, some are begging grandpa to tell grandma...

But they have no sympathy at all!

If they could, they even wanted to take out a rifle from the Public Security Bureau and directly give them all to Tutu!

About ten minutes later.

All the criminals were escorted out and lined up in several queues on the square, either squatting with their heads in their hands, or lying on the ground unable to move.

The scene is quite spectacular!

But more than that—

Zhao Hao and Li Liangping, and then let some of the victims in the car get off the car with the help of many senior sisters.

These people will have to see with their own eyes that the criminals are brought to justice to be at ease!


They all followed to the police station!

"Ladies and gentlemen, these victims, after preliminary inquiries, we learned that most of them are from major cities, counties, towns, and rural areas in our province.

Zhao Hao shook his head and said, "Because there are many people who want to be witnesses, some are homeless, and some are psychologically traumatized, they can be called walking dead.

The victims were all women.

Most of the clothes were ragged, and it was the policewomen who draped their clothes and so on over them, which made them look a little less embarrassed.

When the leaders saw this scene, their eyes suddenly became sore.

Many people feel remorse and guilt for this!

I think it's because they didn't do their job well, and that's why these people are so severely persecuted!

Zhao Hao said solemnly: "This is the general process of the entire operation. As for the problem of the criminal leader Zhou Xiuyong, it is estimated that we will not know until the results of the trial come out."

"Then the identities of the dead victims, we have collected some clues here, plus the information provided by the living victims, are all here..."

His voice fell.

Immediately, someone presented some documents and physical evidence, including some confessions and so on.

Gao Xueming, the leader of the provincial department, and the leaders of the city bureau, with serious faces, then circulated them to each other.

But looking at it, everyone's faces changed.

Especially Gao Xueming, after seeing some of the photos, he almost didn't get his eyeballs out!

Gao Xueming was short of breath and said, "These photos are of the victims?"

Zhao Hao was confused and didn't understand how the leaders' reaction could be so strange.

Still, he said truthfully: "Yes, some of the victims we don't know their identities, but some living victims were locked up with them.

"So, they have a few pictures of each other, and some are pictures of victims drawn through memories and in cooperation with the brothers and sisters of our technical department!

........for flowers·

All the leaders were stunned!

Not for anything else.

Just for some of the photos, Gao Xueming had already shown them when they were in the conference room before.

That is to say, among these victims, including several living victims, they are all on the list of missing persons to be investigated by Gao Xueming.

Photos and names are all right!

If you think about what Zhao Hao said before, these people are from major cities, counties, towns and villages in the province.

Plus the attributes, categories, etc. of the crimes committed by the criminal group!

A bold idea quietly poured into the hearts of major leaders!

Everyone couldn't help but look at Gao Xueming.

At this time, Gao Xueming's face was both solemn and complicated!

He obviously knew what the leaders of the city council were thinking, and although he himself couldn't believe it, he also felt that their thoughts were probably true.

To prove this.

Gao Xueming said suddenly: "You wait for me for a while, those criminals and victims are all optimistic to me, I will immediately call the provincial criminal investigation team..."


Gao Xue Ming took out his mobile phone and ran to the side in a hurry.

Seeing this, Zhao Hao was even more puzzled by the second monk.

So he grinned and said, "Leaders, what's the situation? Shouldn't this case be handed over to us next?

"After all, I'm good at catching thieves. I don't know anything about other interrogation, verification and other work. You can't let me handle it, right?"


Are you supposed to be responsible only for catching thieves?!

Why do I catch the thief and send it here, why don't you let me go or what?

I didn't want to stay overnight at the Municipal Public Security Bureau!

Zhao Hao, who didn't know the truth, kept muttering in his heart.

When the city leaders heard the words, they finally came back to their senses at this time.

Wu Pengyi stretched out his hand... he couldn't touch Zhao Hao's shoulder.

In the end, Zhao Hao had a high emotional intelligence, and immediately reached out and shook hands with Wu Pengyi, appearing extremely cautious.

Otherwise, if you accidentally pinch the director's hand and break it, the fun will be great!

Wu Pengyi looked at Zhao Hao with both relief and sigh.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Zhao Hao, the criminal organization you destroyed today may be far more complicated than we imagined.

"If the leaders of the provincial department have verified the truth, then you are really mistaken, and you have made a miracle..."


Wu Mingyi reiterated the meaning of Gao Xueming, the leader of the provincial department.

Zhao Hao was also stunned when he heard it!

I rub it, is it such a coincidence?!

The Criminal Investigation Team of the Provincial Department attaches great importance to a serious case that has been investigated for several years, and finally has a large number of clues and the general location of the criminal group...

As a result, it coincides with the criminal organization that Zhao Hao and the others took down in their actions today?

Most likely it is the same criminal group?

This is so outrageous, isn't it?!

Where is the face of the criminal investigation team? People don't want to be shamed?!

Zhao Hao suddenly felt that if this incident was true, it might not be the Jiangbei city public security system.

As the initiator and commander of this operation, Zhao Hao's name may really be resounding throughout the police circle!

Zhao Hao was speechless.

Li Liangping, Zhou Kaicheng and others were almost happy.

This is a mess~!~

When you go back, the folds on the director's face have to be all smiles, right?

The leaders of the city bureau were also very speechless.

Emotions are especially complex.

This includes hatred for criminals, guilt for victims, and some happiness!

Fortunately, before the matter was up and down, the Jiangbei Public Security System took down such a frenzied criminal organization ahead of time.

Although there is still a lot of work to be done in the follow-up, the other party's nest has been taken away, and the leaders of the Municipal Bureau are not afraid of slipping through the net.

The next thing to do is to catch this criminal group sooner or later!

It also took a while.

Gao Xueming finally finished the phone call.

After returning to the scene.

The first sentence is to say to Zhao Hao: "Good boy, you are really a big guy!

"Do you know how long it took our criminal investigation team to work on this case?"

"More than two years!!!

"Over the past two years, the manpower, material resources and other resources we have spent are beyond your imagination, and it is only now that we have finally found out some details about this criminal group!

"As a result, you told me that before I actually launched an investigation into this criminal group, you have already caught all the criminals?!!!"

"Let me tell you, this is not over, and now the Criminal Investigation Team has exploded..." Go.

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