Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 174: The 'Helping' Hand

Village Hidden in Waterfall— Takigakure, is in a position similar to Amegakure.

They both are situated on a piece of land surrounded by larger nations that have greater shinobi villages. They both guard the borders of a region inhabited by civilians without any form of concrete government as one may see in the other elemental Lands led by their Shoguns. The leaders of the two villages are greatly distinguished. And the two villages have named their surrounding lands similar to their villages— Land of Rain and Land of Waterfall.

Again, these two 'nations' aren't considered actual states. At most, these lands are barely civilized. Trade routes rarely flourish around here due to the suppression from the other four nations on the continent and both these nations lack the 'specialty' large and commercial enough to become an example similar to Land of Whirlpools established by Uzushiogakure.

But there are a few reasons why these villages exist.

First, their Kages are greatly skilled Shinobi. While they may lose to other Kage, their strength makes sure that the victory of the enemy will by phyrric. Second, these two villages have their special scenarios. The constant rain in Ame has created a landscape very different from other lands and any visiting shinobi will lack the same tactics and experience as a shinobi from Ame. Not only that, Amegakure produces a good number of skilled shinobi at a steady pace due to its extremely competitive environment that borders on life and death at times. Meanwhile, Takigakure produces a special product that provides a great boost to strength temporarily and this makes their lower-ranking shinobi a threat. Of course, this item is reserved for extremely dire situations.

The kind of situation they are facing now.

Third, Ame and Taki both have raw strength in form of special summons and a tailed beast.

Of course, this reason is also the major cause of why Taki is a such hot mess at this moment.

Team Hiruzen takes a few hours to reach and settle near the border of the Land of Waterfall after finding a good spot to rest and discuss their objective and plan. Due to their inner mechanism, the trio knew they needed to state their intentions clearly, or else they will have trouble working together. Not fighting other shinobi but working together to assist each other in their goals.

Of course, since Tsunade has nothing to do with this, Orochimaru begins clearly.

"To be absolutely clear, only a part of this mission is S-ranked. The other part, as you two may have experienced before, is not recorded in any manner," Orochimaru perches on a somewhat flat rock and crosses her arms, "Team Hiruzen is the next group of backup for Takigakure as they are being besieged by Iwa and Kumo. As for why only a small and specialized team is being issued for this task, like before, is also expected."

"To have mobility in escape and not lose a major chunk of chunins and regular jonins before the war has begun... huh," Jiraiya sighs and leans back.

"Exactly," Orochimaru smiles, "Unlike Iwa that always seems to have the ability to afford fodder, and Kumogakure that is on steroids when it comes to their recent increase in weaponry and fortification of defenses, Konoha is more... 'average' when it comes to low-tier strength. The mission objective is simple. In the next week, we are expected to make it to Takigakure, make either Iwa or Kumo retreat by any means necessary, and leave alive."

"Just a week?" Tsunade frowns.

"Of course, officially, we have a month," Orochimaru's unnecessarily pillowy and un-transformed lips stretch wider, "But as I said, we do have a few unrecorded objectives to be achieved in this frame of time.

First, we have to assess who the next jinchuriki of Nanabi is going to be. Not a precise shinobi but a predicted list of it. Second, if possible, we need to cause the current jinchuriki of Nanabi a fatal injury so that the village disposes of the current jinchuriki and shifts Nanabi into another Jinchuriki. Third, if possible, we assassinate A's son if he is still around. Fourth, we have to investigate the matter of Sakumo Hatake's disappearance. If we find a trail, we follow it after this mission and either bring back the White Fang... or spread his ashes to the wind. And fifth... we have to bring back a sample of Hero's Water to the village. And no, if we fail this mission, we are not exiled... but I would rather not have any more stains on my record after our successful failure that is the 'negotiations' with Hanzo."

Jiraiya and Tsunade quietly digest information about the objectives and their implications.

"Explain the second objective," Jiraiya speaks up. He, personally, is here for the fourth objective and that is why they had this meeting beforehand.

Jiraiya wasn't about to get his hands dirty unless it was war or it was for a truly damn good reason. Just because it was an unrecorded mission did not mean he would follow through with all the demands of the village. Of course, Jiraiya frowns further as he has already taken notice of Orochimaru's prominent lips.

'First the female perfume... and now fake lips... don't tell me he's trying to bed me. Hey, I'm flattered and all... but the great Hermit Sage of Mount Myoboku either taps chicks or travels the continent to find untapped chicks!'

Unaware of Jiraiya's thoughts, Orochimaru explains with ease, "It's quite simple, actually. The current tension and skirmish building up are due to Iwa's need to obtain another living Tailed Beast. Kumo would not stand for it, at least, on paper. Suna cannot really do anything about it at the moment and staying silent is the best action for them. Similarly, Kiri is too far away. The only one who has too much to lose with either Kumo or Iwa having their way is us.

If, suppose, Nanabi's experienced Jinchuriki happens to perish away, Nanabi will also cease to exist temporarily. But it shall appear around Takigakure randomly and can be caught by anyone with enough preparations. The chances of Iwa and Kumo obtaining this bijuu are greater in this manner.

If the current jinchuriki is fatally injured, not only Nanabi lose its value for a while after being transferred but it will force Takigakure to depend on Hero Water more. This increases the village's strength in short term. This, and the fact that Nanabi cannot easily be weaponized for a while will deter Iwa and Kumo to press Taki any further. And, Nanabi also stays in Takigakure, ensuring short-term stability without any 'cause' of another skirmish.

In the long-term, Takigakure's path of becoming a powerhouse is cut due to utilizing too much Hero Water and they will need to latch onto either of the great villages with Konoha having the highest chance of an alliance with them."

"You forgot one thing," Jiraiya points out, "Shifting Nanabi also makes it easier for Iwa to try and capture the new Jinchuriki."

"Thus, our main recorded objective of being the backup for this village," Orochimaru smiles, "We are saving the village with one hand and hoping to ruin it with another."

Jiraiya exhales a deep sigh, "I hate it already..."

"I assumed you would be happy. This is the option with arguably the least amount of casualties," Orochimaru purposely hums a bit more suggestively, making Tsunade roll her eyes but taking no note of this, Jiraiya focuses on his dilemma, "You know well that I won't ever be happy with these missions. All I wanted to complete was the fourth objective."

"Then I welcome you to the world of shinobi once more," Orochimaru chuckles, "Where we all compromise at certain points of our lives."

"Which one is your objective?" Tsunade questions.

"Fifth one," The snake calmly replies.

"So, how do we proceed?" Jiraiya looks at Orochi.

"The plan is obviously to complete all the objectives to have that well-deserved pat on the back by Sensei," She remarks sarcastically, causing the other two 'rebels' to chuckle simultaneously, "We start by investigating the matter of Sakumo. Jiraiya does have a great theory about Danzo being behind all this."

With an ominous glint in her eyes, Orochimaru adds softly, "Let's explore this possibility, shall we?"

Meanwhile, Tsunade recalls a conversation she had with Orochimaru a few hours ago before they left the village.


"Well, I checked. Danzo's still babbling like a fool in my prison so he isn't the one behind this," Tsunade sighs as Orochimaru has explained clearly where Jiraiya's and Hiruzen's thoughts originate from. But Orochimaru cannot help and question.

"Never mind that for a moment. Why is it that you are still keeping Danzo alive? You have the First Hokage's stem cell. You even have the sharingan in Danzo's eyesocket. Those two are the most valuable research material. In fact, my and Kai's recent seal would make good use of both of these only if we have perfected this technique."

Treading past the fact that Kai has already perfected the seal and made 'use' of both Sharingan and her Grandfather's cells for some time to build up affinity with Mokuton, Tsunade clicks her tongue.

"At this point, it's a badge of honor. I want to see how long I can sustain him with his broken mind. His body hasn't given up the desire to live so I just want his body to give up completely cause his mind sure did."

Orochimaru raises an eyebrow and smiles gently while poking verbally, "Ah, yes. I remember now. Our moral role model— Tsunade Senju."

Scoffing, Tsunade crosses her arms, "Whatever. What was the point of making me check up on Danzo?"

"Because he ironically became a weak link."

"Whose?" Tsunade frowns.

"That's what I'd like to find out. If this hidden agent knows what truly happened to Danzo then he has become our weakest link and our 'conspiracy' is waiting to be unveiled. If not, Danzo is this hidden enemy's weak link that may allow us to figure out their identity. After all, to use the member of Root or not, Aburame, like Akimichi clansmen, is too single-minded to be easily persuaded.

And the enemy just did that through unverified means to deal with the White Fang of Konoha no less. It's necessary to assume that we are not above this enemy and the quicker we find out their information on Danzo, the quicker we hold the initiative."

Tsunade thinks it over and sighs, "You're forgetting something. There is another weak link, no?"

Orochimaru raises an eyebrow while Tsunade continues, "Stop acting coy. 'Training' Mitsuki to be a better Shinobi? Enrolling him in an orphanage and muddling his records to eventually adopt him. Being all open about your intentions to Jiraiya so he would talk with Sensei and have Mitsuki's background checked according to your plans. But in all this, did you consider Mitsuki COULD be the one to leak all that information?"

Orochimaru narrows her eyes, "You know me well enough to think better of me, Tsunade. I'm the one who raised the boy. After the stick, the carrot takes its place and Mitsuki—"

"Mitsuki is you. And I know you," Tsunade asserts, "The harder you clench a fistful of sand, the quicker it escapes the narrow gaps of your fist. I'm not about to throw wild accusations but... I do hope that you realize that you are changing without understanding it yourself. That leaves you vulnerable."

"You underestimate me," Orochimaru presents a wicked smirk that doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"How long did it take you to realize the need for adaption to master your sage mode?" Tsunade questions and Orochimaru grows silent.

"Exactly. And again, I know I'm a lazy drunkard and plan my life accordingly. You've got to make sure... that you aren't caught blindsided. And not just by Mitsuki..."

"Oh, please, THIS again?" Orochimaru rolls her eyes, "Just because I'm willing to 'officially' adopt the kid does not mean I have lost my ruthless edge. Remember, you're the moral goody-two-shoes and I'm the one willing to dirty my hands the most."

Orochimaru flickers away from the manor as the Senju raises an eyebrow, "So much for being ruthless. I never remembered her being the first to end a conversation. But even if Mitsuki doesn't have anything to do with it, only a rare few, including Orochi, can use their ability to have access to the documents of former Root members..."

Entering her room once more, Tsunade quietly slumps on the bed, "I should hand over the position to Nawaki by the end of the year. He's already got the raw qualities of a jonin. He can get the skillset soon enough. Talk about not getting a rest in the middle of the night... in an unappreciated manner."


Alternate Title: Lonely Nights; Change is Perennial; Is Mitsuki Sus?; Is Orochimama Sus?; The Hidden Enemy; Do Not Get Caught Lacking!; Orochi is Confused in More than One Way!


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